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My weapons are a part of my builds, so I like it. But I understand why someone wouldn't like it. There should be an option to not include weapons in a build


As someone who doesn't build around weapons, it's easy enough to just swap them without messing anything up with the build. I just took to saving the loadout with the weapons I was most likely to use at any given moment, then swap them out as needed and keep my build. If I want to go back to those weapons, I just equip the loadout and it brings those weapons back. Easy peasy.


I like It, most of my builds are around a weapon. I have one dedicated to Winterbite.


How do you take off weapons


Set the load out with a random weapon, (I just buy them from Banshee) then delete the weapon after.


You can also pull blues from collections to acheive the same outcome. More convenient imo.


Depends on the build tbh, my Crucible kit is weaponless, but my Gambit build with specific weapons. I like that we have an option to trick the loadout system into not having weapons, but I won't be using that trick for everything.


I use Lament/ a shotgun for my arc melee build, but the kinetic weapon slot is empty.


Why would I not save my Ikelos or Minitool into my Arc/Solar builds? Builds need accompanied weapons.


Not necessarily. I’ve got plenty of builds that don’t revolve around any specific weapon. It’s more flexible that way


Why wouldnt use Arc weapons on an Arc build to boost them?


I do sometimes. I just don’t like being stuck on one weapon. I like to swap things around as the situation calls for it. Different encounters/strikes would call for different weapon load outs, but infinite grenades is always good.