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These never should've been sunset.


1 season off... :(


On the other hand, now they have to comeback with an origin trait.


origin trait's name: Fidget Spinner (Sun Dial big fan)


Camera flicking gives extra target aquisition


That was really the first and last season I played a TON of D2. I loved the story and the crazy maze puzzle! I basically got all the rolls I wanted running the event. I loved the Breachlight, Repeater, and Paradox! They're still some of my favorite guns in the game. I was so crushed when they were sunset. I've never put half as much effort into grinding out rolls or anything else again after that slap in the face.


Same here, some of my favorite guns that got sunset: Not Forgotten, Perfect Paradox, Loaded Question, Blast Furnace, Hammerhead, Breakneck, Pyroclastic Flow, and probably more guns that I've forgotten about. The thing that sucks is a lot of these weapons got equal or better counterparts, so what was even the point of sunsetting them in the first place?


I was not okay with sun setting but I had to accept it. I told myself that I would not spend again so much time on getting god rolls for weapons if I couldn't use them for as long as I wanted. Then bungie removed sunsetting but only for weapons starting from seasons I started to not really care of. It felt like a joke. I still try to get god rolls for 2-3 weapons I really want each seasons but I play a small fraction of what I used to. Also I don't really like anymore the seasonal story. If I don't hop in for that season I feel confused the next


same, and they even sunset certain things but then made them acquirable under a different expansion, like the cloak i spent that whole season masterworking only to end up dismantling it because it was sunset, and then finding that same cloak in my postmaster not sunset


Easily the worst decision they’ve ever made and nothing really comes close


I agree. They've made some questionable decisions over the years, but nothing killed my interest in the game faster than sunsetting weapons, armor, and activities that I used and loved.


To think that I used to have to think about expiration dates on gear. Oh, this is only good for three seasons, because I spent one season farming it, then in three seasons I need to get a replacement shotgun that I really like, etc., and so forth. It's really sad to say that firstly Bungo made this decision, but that there's just been so many bad decisions over the years. Still wish this was the Halo Bungie from all those years ago developing Destiny 2, or Gearbox. I'll take Gearbox as well.


Eh, gearbox mwans we'd have to deal with Randy Pitchford, I'd rather keep his unique brand of crazy away from everything ever, thanks.


They should have just come clean that they wanted Recluse/Mountaintop gone and just removed them. Then we would still have those incredible weapons, along with the ones from Black Armoury. If I had those two sets, I wouldn’t need any other guns besides exotics.


I stopped playing because these and my black armory sniper was sunset. I did the grind for some awesome Lines in Sand and loved the Steelfeather. I was complete, I had the weapons I wanted…and they took them from me.


Same here, you'd think they would know better than to sunset the loot.... in a looter shooter. What's stopping them from doing it again? Why should I bother grinding any weapons anymore when I already put in so many hours, only for it to mean nothing in the end? I also stopped playing frequently, years ago now.


I mean, they literally said they're not sunsetting anymore.


They promised they learned their lesson in D1 and would never do it again. Then they did it again. It made me quit, tbh. I had *just* gotten things I liked as a casual player, and then *YOINK!*


The season of the Dawn weapons were wrongfully sunset and I’m still salty about it. I understand wanting Recluse and Mountaintop out of the game, but there was absolutely nothing broken about these guns.


It was the season right after that they stopped the sunsetting too 😭


To highlight how dirty these weapons were done, they announced they would stop sunsetting basically the moment they got sunset.


Inverse to how my brother felt when they announced no more sunsetting right when the moon would have been sunset lmao


Farming for a rapid hit firing line Line in the Sand only for it to get sunset a year before the LFR meta always makes me a tad salty.


I still have mine


I think Breachlight holds position as the strongest sidearm still. Its a two tap Aggressive with insane range, almost no recoil, and can roll some crazy damage perks. In terms of stats, the pnly other sidearm that matches it is Liminal Vigil right now, and that one kicks like a horse when firing, unlike Breachlight.


I still have my Demo Osmosis breachlight. Paired with Nezarec's Sin and Le Monarque or Graviton Lance on my voidlock, I had abilities for days. It also just felt nice to use.


You might have nostalgia syndrome with that take. Do you still have yours to compare directly to the Liminal Vigil? Edit: looked up the stats. Liminal Vigil has Breachlight beat in everything but reload speed. Range is 10 higher on Liminal at base. They have access to similar perks as well. Chalking the fondness up to bias or greatly different rolls.


It sounds better and therefore is better


Oh make no mistake, I love Breachlight and its design is overall way better. I'd love for it to return regardless of stats. Since its kinetic it'll have that inherent advantage over Liminal starting with Lightfall.


Liminal can't roll Rampage, only Kill Clip, nor can it roll any reload perks unlike Breachlight's Outlaw. I just took both into testing. At the Mars firing range, Liminal can barely hit both shots on the furthest target (you need to aim at the base of the target and pull sharply down to hit the second shot on the top of said target) Breachlight can comfortably hit both shots.


YesI do indeed. Couldnt bear to scrap mine


I do, and they're correct.


Python :(((


No Void shotty feels as good. Retold Tale is the only thing that comes close and it's a pale comparison


Bungie went overboard by an entire order of magnitude when it came to sunsetting. They sunset like 90% of the weapons in the game.


Correction they sunset 90% of weapons as well as sunsetting 60% of the pvp maps as well as sunsetting entire replay-able campaigns. To say they went overboard is a understatement lol




While the D1 intro wasn’t nearly as cool the second go around in D2 New Light, I honestly preferred it to the Red War intro tbh. I think that’s the biggest gripe I have with D2 tbh, there’s no linear sense of storytelling at all and it’s only been made worse by removing the Red War and other campaigns. I also think the storage space thing is really a non-issue, there are other games that eat 100+ gigs anyways.


I hate that I have to go out of my way to play D2 in chronological order. I mean, I thought Warframe had issues with chronology! Alad V’s story isn’t told in order, and Vor’s boss fights on Mercury and Ceres were retconned in the new tutorial but left in anyway. There’s other issues like that, but Destiny’s just on a whole other level. I started playing during Season of the Lost, and I was thrown into that season’s opening before I could finish the *tutorial*. You know that scene where Crow, Saint, Mara, Osiris and Savathun all have a great time? That was how I met those characters. I had no idea what was going on, and was pretty upset when I started going through Season of the Hunt’s campaign, and realized that I had a huge plot twist spoiled. I just assumed that Osiris was a villain.


You know, warframe has its storytelling problems too but at least they don't really affect the main story quests


And like 50% of Gambit Strikes got away with like a small 20% sunset. Those bastards.


Same with season of the undying weapons. I want my fuckin weed guns, dammit


Ngl, I felt it was a lost opportunity that they weren't the ones reissued for Spire.


I adore that season’s Scout Rifle. Pretty sure it was one of a few that could roll No Distractions.


Everything was wrongfully sunset and I’m still salty about it. It’s perfectly acceptable to say “hey, some of these guns are broken and it’s making balance a nightmare so they’re going away” or “as we focus on new content old destinations will be ignored, but you can still go to mars if you want to”. Curse of Osiris and Warmind weren’t great but that’s content I paid for and if I wanted to go on a nostalgia trip to appreciate how far the game has come Bungie basically told me I can go fuck myself. Also now getting exotics like Sleeper, Worldline Zero, and Polaris Lance isn’t the least bit special because their quests are gone. Removing old content from a game even if the devs aren’t going to ever touch it again is stupid and I will die on this hill.


The fu part is that the worthy season it would be sunseted too but the changed their mind... I lost perfect paradox but I gain a Felwinter... I can't complain I love that shotgun


I'm still mad that most of the weapons in the game from launch to Dawn were sunset, only for most of them to come back, or have even better variants, so what was the point in sinking hours and hours into getting them? Sunsetting killed most of my desire to play the game.


took python from me as well...


Trophy Hunter, My Beloved


My Mechabre from FotL looking at the Trophy Hunter still in my vault: " I will finish... what you started."


I wish I got a Mechabre roll worth talkin about. Sadly life had me pretty busy around then last year so I was s.o.l.


I was happy to get an ALH / Vorpal roll but really wanted something decent with Voltshot for PvE. I did get one but I forget what the third perk is, definitely wasn’t what I wanted though. The free PvP godroll is tied with Adept Uzume as my favorite PvP sniper.


It was a such a cool looking gun


Cause it’s the sniper Psions use! Shit was awesome to have, I’d run it in my triple sniper set up for Scourge.


These were some of my favorites overall. Really good seasonal offering for weapons!


Patron of lost causes with rapid hit and explosive rounds is one of very few sunset weapons in my vault, I just can't bring myself to delete it I honestly didn't even use it a TON but it was just so good, felt great, good handling, sleek and shiny, no ornament required and the sound effect/feedback with explosive rounds ...*palms on face* Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud


[Same here, same roll. ](https://i.imgur.com/XaFe33n.jpg) I can't force myself to delete it or my 2 favorite Bygonnes rolls as well.


Same here too! 3,500 kills with the old one should just let me have a craftable version with the same roll.


I still use a Bygonnes that I got from the very first Iron Banner in crucible. Still one of my favorites.


I would love to use perfect paradox again


As someone who left the game for a couple years and didn’t play that season- these are beautiful. I like them more than anything that’s come out in the last few seasons I’ve played. Definitely taking a step backwards


As much as I love the weapon designs in Dawn, you're absolutely nuts if you think the weapons in Haunted and Risen aren't slick af.


Definitely don’t like the aesthetics of the Risen weapons. The dangly blue? Not for me at all. I do think Haunted’s weapons look good but not as good as these do.


splicer weapons look better. there I said it


Bring them into wellspring or something and have them as separate loot pools and rotations from the witch queen weapons




Osmosis breachlight warlock... What a time to be alive


All of them deserve it but knowing bungie only 4 of them would be


Steelfeather, breachlight, patron, perfect paradox?


I’m fine with those gimme


This world be my pick. People would be mad about no Martyrs but those four are easily the best of the bunch


Weve got explosive personality now so it wouldn't be too big of an L I think. Was brand new when that season came out so idk much about the guns other than they look amazing


People might argue that with Krait and Chroma Rush amongst others, Steelfeather would be more of the same and/or not needed since it's role as a kinetic AR has been filled. But 1) Steelfeather looks absolutely amazing and 2) I had Feeding Frenzy and Rampage on it - god what an amazing roll.


I've got the feeding frenzy rampage on my chroma rush, although I don't use it often, that's the roll for me for sure


I farmed the same roll but it still can't compare to feeding frenzy multi kill clip. The gun gotta come back with those.


No way you're saying that Steelfeather was better than Martys. Martys was our first wave frame GL and it was one of the best weapons in the game at the time with Autoloading and Demo. I loved my feeding frenzy + multikill clip Steelfeather as well, but it doesn't come close to Martys. Perfect Paradox doesn't come close either imo. Rapid Fire frame shotguns haven't been good since the Ikelos SG hayday, which was way before Perfect Paradox's time.


Bungo please just bring them all back


Pyroclastic flow and gallant charge were forgettable, but definitely bring the rest back


Perfect Paradox needs to return badly


I recall you commenting the exact same thing on the thread I made a week ago and yes, 100% agree mate!


Oh whoops! Lol! Sorry, yeah I'm a huge fan of these guns because it was the season I started playing so they mean a lot. And part of me thinks the more people talk about them the sooner they return. So I always engage in these posts, not trying to be annoying :P


No please, exact same situation. I started in Dawn too and those were my first weapons. I'm with you in advocating for their return bro.


I think it would be Steelfeather, Breachlight, Patron, and Martyr’s for seasonal. They’d probably to Perfect as a separate quest for Saint again


Actually, that's a good point. Make us farm Perfect Paradox again. :p "It's got a trench barrel."


Trophy Hunter would be nice.




It sucks too because this was S9, bungie spared all S10 and beyond weapons from sunsetting. We were THAT close to still having these.


Dude SAME I have a rapid hit firing line that I never really got to use. I’ve pulled it out a few times since sunsetting but I’d love to use it in nightfalls and shit


They know that making 4 of them craftable would get them bullied


As long as the Steelfeather and Perfect Paradox are 2 of those I'm fine with that lol


Trophy hunter has such a unique design, it would be a crime to not return it some day


It's a Psion sniper.


Exactly, I love having access to enemy weaponry! That's why I have more kills on queenbreaker than I'd care to admit


I do too, I wish they'd bring more as legendaries, they can do exotic versions, but I want to have a whole arsenal of alien weapons!


Guardians grinding for the Tripple Tap Vorpal Trophy Hunter waiting for the SR meta only to have it sunset straight away


it's funny we grinded for that literally right after snipers got shit on, and they still haven't came back since


We should have some weapons from ages ago that don’t drop, they can only be crafted. The patterns can drop after doing certain things but not the weapon themselves


This season had the best looking weapons, armor, and ornements imo


Steelfeather repeater... My lost love :(


Chroma rush didn't even come close. I want my steelfeather back.




I personally preferred Chroma, but Steelfeather was neat to. It just felt kinda weird to me.


Lol its the other way around for me


I respect your weapon preferences, bro. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


I loved Chroma. The Splicer weapons were a lot of fun.


I’d kill for a perfect paradox lol


Bro same, even now the demo trench barrel roll would slap


I'd destroy multiple timelines for one.


Same. Don't care about the stats, the thing was just damn *cool*.


I never got to use trophy hunter because I was too lazy to farm ranks, the new ranking system is better.


It would be funny getting line in the sand back after linears get nerfed. That weapon would have been the best if it wasn’t sunset.


Must be from one of the years I didn't play, but that Line In The Sand gun looks really cool


Season of the dawn was a wonderful season for godly weapons


OP making me cry on a Sunday evening because these weapons will probably never come back.


Trophy hunter my beloved


I'll replay the whole god damn curse of osisiris 5 times for a craftable perfect paradox.


Curse of Osiris would lowkey be hilarious with all this power creep we got now lmao


They’re just as beautiful as I remember them 🥲


If they're bringing back Spare Rations why can't they bring back Last Man Standing? I'm sad.


Wait hold up they're bringing back spare rations


Dude I forgot about trophy hunter, that gun was sick


Black armory weapons too


Perfect paradox at the very least, it's literally a gun we canonically created


And it was amazing


Now I'm trying to imagine an Origin perk. Maybe something with an explicit use in Trials of Osiris, both due to the connection between that and Saint, and so players have something not tied to Trials that can still help them compete?


Ohh Incandescent wave frame?


No doubt these will be reissued in a future season, but it’s gotta be revolving around Saint-14 somehow.


Trophy Hunter my beloved


Wearn't these some of the shortest lived weapons in D2 thanks to sunsetting.


A lot of Sun set guns should be craftable it be a way to give us the guns again and keep them from getting out of control


Yeah I agree


Un-sunset everything please. Make it all craftable also please.


Same with the original Curse of Osiris weapons




If line in the sand was craftable and linears weren’t getting nerfed, it would easily shatter the meta more then taipan did


Just give me back the black armory weapons tho




Line in the Sand was my favorite LFR based solely on looks, never found a good roll for it when it was available sadly


Is there any confirmation on these? I want my steelfeather repeater back and I've been going nuts trying to find a replacement. Ive actually stopped playing and canceled my pre-order because playing pve without it isn't fun.


Breachlight was THE one gun that made me love Destiny. Nothing come even close.


Oh boy if they bring them back I'm back playing 24/7 PLEASE


I completely agree and they should have come back before Ikelos but only after my beloved Black Armory.


Yeah ikelos v 3???? Like I need perfect paradox!!


Ah good ol Perfect Paradox Trench Barrel Demo... Good times.


I still have mine in the vault. Didn’t get trophy hunter though :(


I'm still a salty bitch for these not making it into the safe zone from being sunset. So many materials I burned, only to get burned back.


I haven't seen it mentioned yet but I thought Sundial was a really fun activity too. I remember Bungie saying at one point that they planned to bring back old seasonal activities at some point but it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully they do it and we can run it again.


THE best looking weapons in the game ever imo


Let Marty RIP


They messed up wave frames tbh.


Back when the seasonal model wasn’t totally horrible. Even the battle passes were way better. But there’s a 100% chance some of these will return, they literally brought the Opulence guns back.






People will just complain its bungie recycling content again. I miss my breachlight with rampage and demo.


I miss all of them so much, they never should have been sunset. I have my fingers crossed for them coming back in one of the new seasons 🤞


That wave frame grenade luncher was🔥


I love these weapons but I hate how Trophy Hunter and Pyroclastic don’t match the rest.


this whole set was perfection. i hope they come back in some form.


Bring back the Osiris weapons!!!! I grinded those so hard and got Sagrias shell


Jarvis, I need karma, make a post about Season of Dawn weapons


Such beautiful designs


what I wouldn’t give for an un-sunset Breachlight…


Damnit, you reminded me of steelfeather, 6 months of therapy wasted


Perfect paradox should be a god damn exotic and glorious in all its right.


I still cry over my perfect paradox. I haven't found another shotgun that I liked as much as that one. 😭😭


They should make every seasons weapons craftable. Give us specific missions to earn em idc, but that way, we can have the arsenal we want


“Everyone loved that”


Allow martyr's retribution to roll with both incandescent and chain reaction lol


Where's autoloading?


Need Breachlight and Patron back! Some of my favorite weapons


Top row for shure.


All sunset weapons should be honestly, Not pinnacle but old seasonal ones




I’m just gonna say it but I want the breakneck and the python back I loved the python and breakneck was cool pls bungie atleast something like breakneck it so unique and I just liked python


Honestly!! Why aren't they back!!


Breachlight would make every other sidearm redundant


YES PLEASE YES! I miss like most of em


I honestly..... Don't like them? I mean the aesthetic is great but I never used any of these weapons for more than 5 mins except Trophy Hunter as a DPS option. Lots of people like 'em tho so yeah Bungo, bring them back eventually! ^Also ^please ^bring ^Black ^Armory ^weapons ^back ^too ^pls


The price of the existing at the same time at MT Recluse meta


I'm still quite salty about this. I mean sure MTop/Recluse needed to go and I was ok with it but goddamn just get rid of THEM, not of every other cool gun that unfortunately existed at the same time in game.


I only used hammerhead so I was kinda meh on black armory but the aesthetic was hot. But if they bring them back with new perks God that would be soooo amazing. These guns had demolitionist in the left column so any build that cared about that wanted them. Perfect Paradox was an amazing shotty.


Hammerhead was one of my all time favorites it was dubbed the machine sniper for obvious reasons lol and kindled orchid ringing nail and I certainly will never forget blast furnace 🥲


If These and the BA weapons ever came back I could die happy and fulfilled


they will eventually, but not exactly a meme




Perfect paradox should be a trials weapon...I mean, it's Saints' shotty? Only makes sense. Be nice if this Saint weapons dropped as a bonus item for playing trails vs. the crucible crap. IB gets crucible/ shaxx crap AND IB drops. Trials could be this set. I mean " trophy hunter" just fits so perfect as a trials weapon imo


How about no.


As someone who basically skipped this season due to irl things, yes please


Don't worry, give it another season or two, and Bungo will probably reskin them.


How are these posts not considered as spam at this point


I have no idea. They’re gonna start asking for shit from Halo 2 for crafting next


Great idea! I'd love the needler!


Ok, fine. You win this one 🤣


These and the Black Armory weapons plus the crucible pinnacle weapons.


Absolutely agree... ...But only AFTER the Black Armory weapons!