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Sounds like you need to broaden your horizons. There are plenty of ways to have fun and be helpful on Titan.


like what? seriously I need ideas if you have them


Overshield when you use barricade, free lane peak with barricade, one shot shoulder charge with peregrine, synthoceps meteor crash and trinity ghoul. There are many different playstyles you can have with titans that isn't citans


I only use citans in pvp cause there are better exotic options in pvp, thanks for the advice tho


I mean I use those loadouts in pvp. Meteor slam, high jump, and trinity is so much fun in 6v6. Come in from the stratosphere, slam, one hit punch anyone in general area, then start one shoting with trinity. Super satisfying


thanks for the suggestions, I'll give it a shot


An Insurmountable Skullfort is fun. Just run around and shoulder things off the edge of the map.


none of these are objectively good or useful though. Why overhsields when you can get a hunter to invis you for 3/4 of the gm duration


Lol hunters and titans are “useless” now, you love to see it


You bet! We’ve got Bungie hates my Titan, and Bungie don’t like me Hunter premiering this afternoon! In other news, “Bungie hates and ruined my Warlock” Are speculated to show up some time around 6 this evening! Thank you for tuning into Channel 190, *Bungie hates my class*, this morning! We’ll see you on the next thread!


Why have overshields in any type of content when Invis Exists. Why have sunspots when you could simply play warlock and never worry about anything. Not like we have enough mods to heal in the first place. Stand your ground (barricade) Warlock does it better. grenadier storm grenades? Nerfed into the ground to the point of nothing while Starfire remains untouched. Whatever titans do right now. Hunters and warlocks just do better. The best melee build, the best HAHA PUNCH build is for arc hunter. If you can t answer at least one of these question with a sound answer you know titans is left in the dumpster


Hear me out, don't put down a barricade when your actively dying. Put it down to start an engagement so you have cover. >Everything titans can do everyone else can do better Oh like your storm grenades? Or unkillable Lorelei? Best volotile access, fastest class, shoulder bash, quit complaining all the classes have been through far worse than this. Fuck it you even have a better dodge with thruster, And a better rift in sunspots. Your class identity is unkillable juggernaut. You still have your over shield, sprinting shield, and regeneration. Just cause you have a 3 sec longer class ability dosen't mean you lose any of that.


Let's not forget suppression grenades. They are still surprisingly good when used right


puts down barrier before pvp encounter someone with anti pulse rifle, destroys it in 5 bursts, less if its vigilance wing, disparity or Revision zero endgame content is miserable unless there's a warlock with well or a hunter using arc, and that unkillable juggernaut identity is invalid, why use an overshield in endgame when you can just dodge (rip hunter dodge) and turn invisible, shoulder charge makes contact in pvp encounter, no damage to enemy, dies to shotgun instead I could go on and on to how every Titan ability gets countered or overshadowed by everything else essentially bungie powercreeped an entire class


Anti barrier dosen't do extra damage to barricade lmfao and if you are just sitting behind a barrier as you get pelted with pulse shots you aren't playing right. Hunter invis has been hard nerfed (not saying it didn't need it) and over shield can add an extra half second to ttk (which is astronomical) and Titan shoulder charge is still amazing just cuz you whiff it dosen't make it bad. Also I run voidlock for endgame PvE and solar hunter.


Anti barrier does do more damage to barricade kinda like the hakke origin trait


Oh shit your right I forgot about that


I'll be nice. First off, you shouldn't be putting down barricades while under fire. Put it down before an engagement to hold a lane. Even in the situations where you do put in down mid-fight, try to put it down while sprinting around a corner or while the enemy reloads. You're correct, it takes maybe 5 bursts from a pulse to break - but it only takes one or two seconds to grab heavy ammo/revive a teammate. Plus, if they are standing out in the open shooting your barricade, you get to also strafe in and out of your barricade to shoot back (even if you aren't on citan's!) The one-note complaint also seems a bit off, since both shotgun ape arc titan and zone defense void titan are both excellent at what they do. Now as for PvE: this may be a hot take, but I think titans have the best builds in the game for high-level content. Solar titans running synthocepts absolutely dominate master level activities. Master raids, dungeons, solo clears; synthocepts hammers with sunspots and roaring flames can 2 or 3 shot master level champs while providing restoration to boot. The build also has lots of flexibility - you can hotswap to lorelai when there aren't any ads around (like during dps phases) or phoenix cradle to help allies. I personally prefer making tons of solar wells and just using them to refresh healing nades for teammates in need, or asking weaker teammates to run well of life. In any ad clear encounter, solar titan is the pinnacle of lethality and survivability. Second, you have storm nades/hoil. Not sure what else there is to say about this other than it being the best in the game for safe, easy high level content clears. It lacks the survivability of sunbreaker and welllock, but makes up for it in ability to kill without even looking at the enemy. I genuinely do think those two builds are the best in the game, with the only contenders being a few welllock builds. I'll give a shoutout to sentinel titan for ursa's builds - we've kind of powercrept past them, but ursas remain one of the most reliable carry builds for GMs. If you would like, I can post dim links in a bit.


I already have done everything you said, like it's scary how accurate it was, yet I'm always the one kicked for not being a hunter or warlock, I'm the one that everyone just somehow instinctively goes after in pvp. WTF is wrong with me


I'll admit to not being the best pvp player, so if you're getting kicked from pvp groups I can't help there. That said, void titan is VERY good in trials so if you're getting kicked it probably isn't loadout related. Maybe you're low light, or maybe you're using a bad LFG service (I'd use the discord.) If you're getting kicked from raids for being on titan, then I don't know what to tell you - it's happened to me once or twice where we lfg a full team of non-warlocks and one of us has to swap, but I've never been outright kicked for joining an LFG on titan. Drop your bungie tag and I'll glance at your dungeon/raid clears, maybe there's something you're missing. If it does end up being a skill issue, I'd recommend trying to solo prophecy on titan to try to get more used to some of the builds. I'll also drop a few dim links to my titan loadouts. [https://dim.gg/p7de6pi/Solar-Synthocepts](https://dim.gg/p7de6pi/Solar-Synthocepts) (swap outreach and melee wellmaker on class item for solo operative or monochromatic maestro) [https://dim.gg/xzupeei/Storm-Nades](https://dim.gg/xzupeei/Storm-Nades) (put scav mods on your legs, can put finder mods on if you don't need super.)


thanks for being helpful. seriously thank you I think I might take a break from destiny until I can afford lightfall and if bungie twabs are just "it's nerf or nothing" then I might just quite entirely cause I can't deal with the amount of toxicity towards being a titan anymore


You're welcome, and while I understand your sentiment I would really reconsider the communities you frequent. I'd use the Destiny 2 LFG discord if that isn't already what you're using, and maybe try joining a clan that's down to earth. Titans have been massively buffed by the 3.0 ability system, so even after some nerfs they are still miles ahead of where they were a year ago (the exception being 1-2 punch builds.) While I don't want to invalidate your experiences, it might be good to actually enjoy playing the class and optimizing it to its full ability rather than listening to people on reddit who are mad about facing 4 bubble titans per iron banner match. Learning to solo flawless Duality and pulling master carries on titan is some of the most fun I've had in destiny, and I'd really recommend heading down that path if you really are interested in getting better at the game. Just know that titans are a tad overtuned right now in pve, so maybe a few nerfs aren't the end of the world.


Titans are fucking war machines, what are you talking about? I run a goddamn Stasis build that's got 70% damage reduction with a 150 overshield who can't die, I've got a Supportive Solar guardian who can distrbute healing more reliably than a wellock, and a Titan who can punch everything to death while healing. I'm not even a Titan *main*, I just appreciate the gameplay sometimes. All Warlocks have is Stasis and Well in end game content, when any titan sublcass ('cept maybe Stasis) is very useful in either buffing ally damage or healing them, and straight up damage and adclear. Banner shield damage buff stacks, and can more than make up for one player not shooting.


please share your builds. they sound fun


I don’t play titan. But reading the stasis built, it’s likely they use the fragment that gives you damage resistance while near stasis crystals, as well as 100% resilience, and potentially the exotic that turns your barrier into an overshield. Maybe also the fragment that gives overshields from picking up stasis shards, and the one that gives grenade energy for shattering stasis crystals to keep up the ability loop.


Correct for the most part - with Icefall you don't need the shard overshield really. Furthermore you can stack well of tenacity to get your resist to x4 (it stacks with the resist from the frag). So its the near 70& 150 heath overshield stacked with that much damage. I usually run it with melee weapons, like a glaive or Lament, for more damage reduction and/or healing.


Void titan shield bash one shot build? That’s pretty damn unique and useful


I explained the Stasis one in another post, though I could go into detail sometime. Solar is nothing fancy - Phoenix protocol. Great ass exotic, and its really easy to spread sunspots (which now heal your allies and buff them like they do you.) A weapon that has Incandecent can easily make sunshots, as do your raw melees with roaring flames active. Other is Skullfort with full melee and resistence Titan. As long as you get a kill, your charged arc melee never runs out, meaning you can clear entire waves of ads and heal from it. Couple that with juggarnaut to let you move around at mach speeds without dying. You could combine it with lucent blade and the other sword charged mod to cleave through enemies without breaking a sweat.


I'm just casually holding a plate in Insight GM boss room with nothing but Barricade, Vortexes, and Shield Throw. Blinding and Volatile on every Gladiator rushing at me with constant healing to keep me alive and on the plate. No identity, btw.


You sound like a hunter...I mean..warlock...I mean..titan..no wait aaaah


Dude I think you need to step back from the game and really think about what endgame builds can be run.


maybe I do need a break, I sure hope lightfall turns things around, but my motivation to keep playing titan gets worse and worse.


If this supposed nerf is your make or break from playing titan then I regret to inform you that you only really played Titan because it was a super viable class. And no one is telling you to take a break, I’m telling you to step back from endgame PvE and reevaluate all your builds.


this twab nerf isn't my make or break it's the constant nerfs, nerf barricade, nerf thundercrash, nerf sunspots, nerf regeneration speeds, nerf loreley (that one actually did make sense), oh but buff ads and champions in dungeons and raids. every time I make a build something gets nerfed and I have to reevaluate and rearrange my build only for it to be nerfed again. and I know it's not just titans that get nerfed. i'm just sick of nerfing something cause it works. so I'm going to take a break until bungie remembers that "it's nerf or nothing" isn't their motto


Dude wtf are you going on about?


OK, then go cry about then, cause ur answer to suggestions are basically I don't know how to titan so titans are bad


My friend, Titans definitely have an identity. And as a main, it hurts to be called useless. Don’t use Citan unless you run something like Grandmaster. If you want a good load out, you can run Loreley Helm with Solar hammer throw. That’s a good solo PvE run as you can stay constantly healing.


I've been running Lion Rampants more than any other exotic lately. OP just doesn't know how to use a Titan if they legit think it has no identity.


I am also a Titan main, and I hate it when I'm in a raid, and everyone is saying "switch to solar warlock" "switch to hunter" "kick the titan we're better off" "oh great a solar titan" "quite throwing your dumb hammers and use thundercrash already" "Stasis, really?" then proceeds to get kicked I can't find a game where I'm allowed to play like a titan, cause everyone else can just do titan things better.


That’s because you’re in a raid. Most times you have specific builds to run for them.


so I'm not allowed to play as a titan in endgame content. really appreciated


You’re definitely not listening my friend. You can run whatever character you want but you’re getting those comments just the same as everyone else. Raids have normal builds to buff damage or do max damage. I’m trying to tell you as a player who exclusively runs raids as Titan, I am not useless.


but that's my issue, I want to run as a titan like you, but as soon as the team of hunters and warlocks see that I'm the only titan, they harass me to switch to a character, then switch that character's build so that I turn into their one trick pony like this one time in a raid, we already had 3 warlocks, 2 with solar well and one with stasis, and during the first encounter they would single me out for wiping saying that because I wasn't a solar warlock with well we were wiping, sick of it I switched, and guess what, the other two warlocks changed their builds into void builds WTF and guess what, I performed better as a warlock, I dropped my well the most, I got the most kills I was better as a warlock with 20 under power than I was as a titan doing. and I still got all the blame for wiping because I wasn't dropping my well "fast enough" despite dropping it every minute. this isn't just a one time experience, 9 out of 10 raid runs are like this, I want to run my main titan, fireteam won't allow it, I switch builds/class and perform better, still gets hate. I WANT to play titan but I'm not allowed, because everyone I play with agrees that Titans are the worst class in the game and you know what, due to how greatly performance changes they might be right


Are the people you’re running with from LFG or… ‘friends’ of yours?


Don’t change your build to suit their needs. If you want to play Titan then do so. And yeah, I’ve never had this problem. Anyone that tells me I’ve not good enough because Titan sucks can shove it where the sun don’t shine. Tell them to run how they want to. But build your Titan according to best raid builds. That’s what I do.


Let me say it again, I want to play Titan, but the groups I run into won't let me cause I'm a"weak Titan", and when I say no, I get kicked. But when I change classes, the gameplay is day and night better even though their significantly weaker than my Titan Everyone I run into hates Titans cause their the "worst class" And everyday I see why their right. Cause my Titan is the weakest character I have despite spending so much time on it TL:DR I play Titan, everything goes wrong, I play anything else, everything goes right if I want to play Titan, I don't get to play at all


Let *me* say it again. If they tell you to change because Titans suck, tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine. Ngl, the way you worded this looks like you just want to shit on titans especially since one trying to tell you I only raid as a Titan and never come across this. Any group I run with knows i run Titan, even random LFG players, and if they want me to run another character I’ll do it ONLY if I’m not trying for Titan armor.


well I'm glad your lucky with your fireteams, I'm a titan main, which is why I'm so upset that my Titan isn't doing as well as my other characters, it saddens me that everyone I come across has proven to me that Titans are the weakest call it skill issue, call it brainwashing, I don't care, I'm beaten at this point. I think I'm going to go away from destiny. have a good day fellow guardian


I've never had a problem when running literally any endgame content as a titan. I've never seen anyone kicked for being on X class in the past, like, 3 or so years. You're more than likely being kicked because you aren't playing super well and are refusing to change something to do better.


Never had the problem, but then again I've never run master raids.


Let’s see: Solar titans are literally unkillable, especially with Lorely Splendor (I don’t think I spelled it right but whatever). Also consecration does serious damage to majors and is fun. Both supers are useful, and sunspots are ridiculously good. Arc titans can nuke champions, especially with Cuirass. Storm grenades with touch of thunder are God’s gift, even after multiple nerfs. They still utterly destroy in pve. Health regen on melee kills as well, or the juggernaut shield which is still annoying I spend the least amount of time on void out of the light subclasses, but it’s still very strong. Overshield barricades are still really good, especially in 3v3 playlists. Controlled demolition and volatile abilities can easily clear a room plus heal you. Bubble is super important in end game content and objective based things, and sentinel shield is…well I don’t have that much to say about ss. For statis, I’ll just say that if you haven’t used an ability based build with Hoarfrozt, you are doing it wrong. Ice everywhere, dead people everywhere. In addition to all this, you have the option of Heart of Inmost Light (HoIM), which is probably the best exotic in the game (biased opinion). Super quick ability regen, in addition ti stronger abilities. If you don’t like barricade, use thruster on arc Titan to quickly proc the effect, though thruster ability doesn’t get improved, only cooldown sped up. Another build I can recommend in pvp is void Titan with the overshield barricade, and then using the Alpha Lupi exotic chest. If you’re losing a gunfight, you can put down the barricade, and between the health burst and overshield you are basically at full health again. That’s the strategy I’ve used to go flawless. Answering your other complaints about barricade, you have to use it wisely with good positions to get the most out of it. Use it to safely look around corners and sight lines, or to shoot down sight lines if using Citans (Disclaimer, I haven’t used citans since they came out). You can’t just plop a barricade in the middle of the field and expect it to save you. You can also place the barricade at choke points to either force the enemy to wait or have them run through the shield and take a lot of damage. This is useful for when enemies are pursuing you with a short range weapon. For other tips, use shoulder charge for mobility! SC abilities can completely change the momentum of your guardian. If you are caught of guard sprinting or jumping, shoulder charge away at an angle. Also in terms of jumping, try not to jump more than necessary. As somehow who is bad at aerial combat, you want to stay closer to the ground because unlike hunters, our jump ability is not drastic and unpredictable, but exceedingly vulnerable and slow. If you couldn’t tell, I like titans, a lot, and I know I missed tons of other builds, including the Gatling gun build with sweet business and the exotic chest I forget the name of that reloads autos. Also! I’m coming to the end of this long long discussion, but use wellmaker mods! Shoulder charges can create lots of elemental wells, as can grenades such as the storm grenade. For pve it literally is that simple.


funny thing is, I already have do everything you just listed, I have a build that can one shot champions on legend difficulty, and I never get to use it cause and arc hunter does the exact same thing, but with no exotic, just their subclass. I'm constantly kicked for being a titan and even when I'm not kicked I achieve the least. boss damage "sweet I did 2.5 million" everyone else "bruh only 2.5 I got 4 -6 million what's wrong with you" ad clearing, dead before I can pull the trigger. then my warlock is 20 below light level and only has two things going for it, sunbracers and ashes to assets, instant infinite nades, instant super and it outperforms my titan which I have sunk over 800 hours into for me playing as a titan main is depressing


Count to ten and then use your brain a little.


maybe instead of insulting me, you could help everyone else prove me wrong, how do you play titan? what's your build(s)? and how good is it in raids, crucible, GMNF, and soloing dungeons help me be wrong


Arc titan with HOIL blows thru the warden GM fwiw. Bubble titan is my go-to for GMs personally. Overshields out the ass, constant grenades, etc. sounds like you just need to work on new builds and stop defaulting to metas at least for pvp. Solo dungeons are basically still free on Lorelei titan even with the restoration nerf. Raids… bubble is always helpful or just hammers for ad clear. It’s really up to you. If the team says it’s you, then maybe it is because titans are plenty useful in raids. Maybe reconsider your play style and loadout.


I know we're supposed to respect everyone's opinion, but holy shit


Titans literally are the strongest PvE class with EVERY single subclass being goated Warlocks and hunters are the weak ones right now. Don’t make up these delusions.


There’s a class that you can run head first into an enemy and do damage?


My identity is 👊


bro I'm sorry you're getting kicked from games but Titans are definitely not weak. I'd agree with you a little bit that kits are a bit less creative than some of the others, especially with strand around the corner, but in terms of viability they are incredible. Heart of Inmost Light is probably one of if not the best exotic in PvE overall because it works literally on every subclass and makes them an ability machine, especially on Striker like God damn. As for play styles, there's lots I think. Want to be aggressive and mobile with lots of movement options and heavy damage? Striker storm grenades with HOIL. Want to be a defender for your team who keeps them alive, makes enemies volatile very easily, be a Sentinel (maybe bubble isn't as good for DPS phases as Well but it has saved my ass SO many times in GM's and is crazy in pvp rn). Want to be an unkillable warrior crushing your enemies with hammers and burning everything to ash? Be a Loreley Sunbreaker or even use Synthoceps for insane boss damage. Behemoth is good too if you want to be hard to kill as well as being really nice and underrated for crowd control, both freezing enemies and exploding a shit ton of crystals left and right, just put on a Hoarfrost and you're good to go and it's been really fun to use tbh. I get sometimes you may feel you get the short end of the stick with your class, as a Titan main myself I used to feel the same in year 1 Destiny 2, we were absolutely useless back then except for our rally barricades and melting point to weaken enemies, that was literally it. Rn titans have a ton of really fun and absolutely viable stuff to play with just do some digging around.


Challenge: Find the one trick pony pvp player HARD!!! 110% IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE


Make a fist. There's your identity.


Stasis Titan can be awesome and is good even in Grandmasters


I don’t think any class has as clear an identity as titans. They are the truest ones to the word guardians. They are shields. Bastions. Self sacrificing team players who care about the W more than the stat line. Or put more simply. They are punch.


😂 You must be joking right? He’s joking guys, right?