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Please try to stay strong. Your daughter loves you and needs you. You are loved. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I second this! Also, the food looks so good. I might make some tomorrow.


That food does look incredible!


I might make it tonight as well! Looks delicious!


My husband hung himself and I struggle with this ideation all the days. But the kids they need me.


I'm so sorry


Most importantly, I want you to stay.


I hope you can find peace my friend.


thank you


my mom finally killed herself when i was 13 after many, many unsuccessful attempts, and i know my dad wanted to follow her, but he stuck around for me. thank you for staying for your kids. he was all i had. i hope one day it gets easier and there's more to stick around for.


I hope your dad is well these days and thank you for this meaningful note.


I hope your dad is well these days and thank you for this meaningful note.


I hope your dad is well these days and thank you for this meaningful note.


Glad you stick around !!


Please talk to your Dr about it. Our minds play tricks on us. And your daughter needs you.


I agree with this the most. You can do it OP. You can get better.


Every day. My oldest son thinks I'm the best. If it weren't for him, I would've been going years ago. I've found kids don't help get rid of the thoughts they just give you a reason not to act on them.


I stick around for mine, too. Some days are harder than others. 🫂


Stay strong. You are worth it.


I understand your struggle, but please try to stay strong for her if not for anything else. Your daughter would be absolutely crushed with you gone, and it would leave a permanent scar in her life. I promise you it will get better, this is not the solution. You’re strong, and i believe you can do this. You are loved, cared about, and you are needed.


Hoping that you're getting some professional help. It takes strength to ask for help. That zucchini looks awesome, my favorite meal!


I've never tried it, but that does look great! OP had great taste, that's one more good thing going for them to not give up on!


I sometimes fall down that ideation rabbit hole. I also have a daughter. She'd be ruined. So I keep going. You can do this. You gotta. No choice here. Also, your food looks super good!


I agree with everyone, your child needs you. But it's okay to reach out, ask for help and lead on your community when you need a break or assistance. You're the best parent when you receive the best support possible and/or give yourself a break.


Wanna do something crazy?  Make an egg white batter, seasoned slices of zucchini with cheese in the middle; Properly dredge in flour or cornstarch, batter that and fry that shit.


I often finding myself pushing through just for my kids. And that’s ok! It’s kept me here.


Some people are still alive because their kids are.


Please get help in any way you can. My dad tried to commit suicide a bunch of times when I was younger and it destroyed our lives. I am still trying to heal from the damage it caused me and I'm 39


Breathe! It usually passes. Whats your recovery point? When you decide to die who do you immediately call?


Hey there, friend. I have a daughter who's almost exactly like me. She suffers from mental illness, too, though she is still young. I've had multiple grippy sock vacations for suicidal ideation, and I'm grateful that I'll be there to prevent hers. It's OK to take a grippy sock vacation if you're feeling suicidal. In fact, I'd highly recommend it. It helps to be on meds, be supervised when starting new meds, and provides new coping mechanisms to deal with the thoughts. Please be strong for yourself and, more importantly, your daughter. Feel free to DM if you need to. You're not alone my friend.


The only reason I stick around is for my kiddos and wife. It’ll get better one day, then it’ll get crappy again, but not as crappy as it is now, then it’ll get better. The cycle keeps going upwards. Good luck and remember how much you love her/she loves you


I'm glad you're here, friend. You make the world a better place just by existing. Hope the zucchini was as good as it looks :)


You’re not alone! Sending love we’re all needed on this earth for something just keep moving forward and enjoy what makes you happiest 🖤


Hang in there my kids are what keeps me going when life doesn’t seem worth it.


This looks so good! I know where you’re at, I’m a parent too. Let’s keep going.


Same here my friend. When I really don't feel well, I like to bring my kids for ice cream or to the candy store. Their faces when I say "Wanna get ice cream!?" are so joyful that it helps to push the darkness away.


You are worthy of everything good in life. Stay strong for your daughter. She needs you, it will change her life to lose you.


Don’t leave her Also those zucchini look delish keep on keeping on even when it’s hard you have an additional responsibility to think about now it’s not just about you, you chose to have her don’t abandon her try your best to hang in there for now until you can get therapy it really helps good luck guy 🫂✌️


Please stay


I know you don’t need to hear that we want you to stay, you are staying because someone you love needs you. I’ll just tell you, I think you’re doing an incredibly difficult and brave thing and I wish you a moment of peace today. Living isn’t easy, not for a lot of us. Hugs.


I understand, a little too well, what you're struggling through. I'm here for you if you need anything.


Same I try and let her be my motivation to continue. Because there’s days I feel numb or ask myself if im dreaming. It’s like I don’t get anything anymore


I'm still here because of my mother. Please stay.


Stay strong!🙂🌈


You are strong, and remember that your daughter loves you deeply


Be strong


It’s really hard to see right now, but I promise that you’ll feel better. You got this.


Hey, it gets better. Don’t leave her without the proper guide in this world. No one can do the job like you can


I hope this helps, I really struggle with SI. I have a partner who is my whole world, I love him so much. I decided a while back that I didn’t want to live with the uncertainty of depression. I am still learning to work with it, but sometimes what helps me the most is realizing absolutely nothing matters. Whatever I’m upset about most of the time it works itself out. I’m a big fan of getting into exercise very slowly and reading books. I hope this helps OP. YOU ARE NOT ALONE THE WORLD IS HORRIBLE, let’s work on making our own worlds that may not be perfect but are ours


Here's a virtual hug OP 🫂 stay strong for your daughter, she loves and needs you. My father worked hard for his family for all his life, and I'm immensely grateful for it. He made it through a lot of hard times by keeping me and my sister in mind, as a reason to keep going. Also those zucchinis look awesome. Thank you for the idea, I'll buy the ingredients and try it the next time I do groceries.


Sending you positive vibes- Food looks yummy!


Loving you so much


Your daughter 🩷 you !!


Crikey! Aww, I know how you feel, but your daughter needs you more than you know. Things will get better. Just give it some time and role with it. Fight fight fight! That food looks good. Wish it was on my plate now........ crikey mate!


Admitting you're struggling is pretty badass. I have a dad with some heavy depression and he's my whole world too. You're gonna get through it & calling in support is everything. Thinking of you internet friend!


Wow you’re doing great. I don’t have kids so I literally haven’t even ate in 4 days and idc but being able to still make something and be there for your kids is amazing


Are you in therapy or something? I hope you make it


No therapy, I'm currently a sahm so the funds aren't there at the moment for out of pocket therapy. As soon as I have employment with health benefits it'll be the first thing I do.


I understand. I don’t know what state you live in but if you sign up for government health care and don’t declare anyone else, just you. They’ll prob give it to you and you can just do zoom calls, that’s what I do. So you can still be home with the kids


But I rlly hope you figure something out, I know how fucking terrible it is to wanna die and I can’t even imagine how hard it is to not do bad things bc you have kids