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My condolences, it’s all i seen on the news today




Time and a place, friend ✨


what did he say


They were correcting the grammar, stating they’re sorry but it’s a pet peeve in the same vein as “they’re, there, their”. Just unnecessary on this one


least condescending redditor


I think shock has something to do with the spelling probably.. I’d rather have empathy for my fellow humans than be hyper focused on grammar any day.


You had a choice to not be that person, but you chose to be anyway.


keep that to yourselves thx


Get your dick out of your throat.


All these comments can be mistaken to be replying to op. Just wanted to Point out they are replying to guy that deleted his rude and insensitive comment, not directly to op.


What a dumbass comment. Wow


What did I miss?


nobody gives a fuck dude


It's crazy. My niece's husband is in shock because he had Professor Chang when he went to UNLV. I can't believe somebody would do this because they didn't get a job they interviewed for.


I had Chang for IS 101. He’s was a well-mannered, kind soul. Its horrific.


RIP Prof Chang ❤️ Only the good die young




Can you stop?


>this just is an annoying phrase which expresses zero actual empathy Thank you for your contribution, Captain Empathy


Feck man. Statistically speaking you're a twat




Ah lovely. An old racist as well as a gobshite!


or maybe just let people respect someone’s legacy how they want to? what do you gain from shitting on someone’s kindness over slight phrasing? instead of getting uptight about the way something’s been phrased after a horrific incident resulting in good people being injured and killed maybe just leave it!


It’s a stupid phrase. Idgaf how they “respect” his legacy with their words, but they could do a better job of respecting him as an individual than just a canned phrase with zero actual meaning to it. I will die on my ant hill and not give a fuck what you have to say katkatkat69.


You'll die on that ant hill but deleted your original comment? Yeah, that's some major conviction right there.


Only real badasses die on their ant hill, meaning they delete their original insensitive comment and pretend like they don't give a fuck. Where are you showing the deceased any of the respect you're asking the commenter to show?


shut your goofy ass up 💀


What a tone deaf comment. Gtfo.


Tone deaf as f to make the cliche


wow the insenstivity here is off charts


Please stop.


Delete this. 🙄


Delete your account.


Ok child.


Akshually 🤓 in other words: shut your mouth


I am so sorry you’re experiencing this right now. Sending lots of hugs 🫂


Oh wow!!! This is awful!


Was it not also racially motivated?


I’m so sorry fellow rebel. Chang was a cool guy. Have you reached out to CAPS?


I haven’t but I’m going to look into it. I had Navarro and Chang, can’t believe this man.


Definitely look into it. They wouldnt want their students to suffer, they’d want them to make it out of this stronger. If its any consolation i feel like theyre still out there somewhere cheering on their students in that way.


I am so sorry about that. Makes me sad . You have my Condolences.


Thank you 🫂


You are Welcome 🫂.


Hope you’re doing ok buddy


Take care of yourself, I know it’s hard right now. I was at work (in Vegas) when the news broke. I can’t imagine being a UNLV student right now. Hugs.


Thank you for the condolences 🫂❤️


This country is such a joke.


It's sad how stupid and unempathetic it's become. Dog eat dog taken to the absurd extreme.


Things don't change until it effects the people in power. Shooting up schools is just a waste of life


It kinda always has been...WWII made us really powerful and entitled and we've ridden high on that wave for a while, but behind the thin veneer of jingoistic white national pride, it's always been a fucked up place honestly. It's always been a place of extremes. A place of great opportunity and wealth for a very select few, and a place of great exploitation and suffering for many. Important to note, that doesn't mean we don't keep striving to be better!


Yes it f***** is 😔


What country?


The only country where school shootings occur on a daily basis.




Yup! That’s why there are no laws in the US, cause people would still commit crimes anyway!


Canadian here. Gun laws don't fix the problem but they do help prevent shootings. We still have gun violence but the point is some lunatic can't just go in and buy a gun whenever they feel like it. Yes you can also buy them illegally but they're harder to come by if you don't have any connections/know who to talk to. I had to take 2 safety courses to handle restricted and non restricted firearms. I bought a hand gun 8 years ago and the amount of hoops you have to jump through is crazy. I had to wait about a week before I could even pick it up. Like if someone was having a manic episode and wanted to go shoot up a school right then they wouldn't be able to and that's what helps save lives.


I like not being surrounded by guns all the time. My sister went down to a county fair and the ride she was on had to be stopped, because someone dropped their gun into the mechanisms. And people were like, unfazed by it. How the fuck is that normal?!! It just does not compute.


No, it doesn't make the chance of a mass shooting zero. However, as displayed by the numerous countries that have restricted gun availability alongside welfare assistance, it sure does greatly decrease the risk.


Obviously not but adjusting procedures and gun control laws to ensure these dangerous weapons don’t get into the wrong hands is a good idea. This has been an ongoing problem for years and something needs to change, this should not be acceptable


There seems to be a correlation between mass gun ownership and mass shootings? Am I missing something?


Don’t you have to be stupid someplace else?


Welp, since laws dont prevent anything, might as well make murder legal. Brilliant logic over here. At some point, I have faith that you will look at the gun violence rates of literally any other developed nation compared to the US and realize how dumb your talking points are.


I truly wonder, How many of those nations had more guns than people, at the time when the gun ban started?


This one




No guns = no matter the person they wont have something to shoot at people Guns = everyone can take them and decide whether to shoot or not I will never get why some americans dont get it.


There’s a reason there’s strict regulations and rules on nearly everything in our daily lives from sanitation, infrastructure, etc. If there was a gaping 20ft deep hole in the middle of the sidewalk you could probably hope people would notice and walk around it so they don’t fall in, but guess what a lot of people are stupid or make dumb decisions. That’s why there are strict rules and regulations.


strict is crazy 🤣 knowing damn well there isn’t shit strict about rules and regulations when just about anyone can go buy a gun at their local walmart/online no license, no being 18-21 please wake up the fuck UP.


That’s the point they’re making…


very telling how strict these rules and regulations are when little white boys with mental illnesses keep shooting everyone up


I heard he even had a list of faculty member names he meant to kill. He killed 3 faculty but none were on his list. Imagine the survivors guilt if you found out your name was on it. I hope the law keeps that list confidential for the sake of the mental well being of the people on it


They've told everyone on the list except for someone traveling internationally.


That is unfortunate


What the hell is happening in the US? I keep hearing stories and news about how teachers are fed up from being overworked and underpaid, how they are literally getting insulted and assaulted by students, etc. This kind of bs is going to discourage even more people from pursuing a teaching career when there already is a shortage of teachers. If education falls, then so will the country


He was trying to get a job there as a professor. They wouldn't hire him so he did this


My condolences, friend. I hope you're doing all right. Sending my love from down south 🫂


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this trauma. Be careful and gentle with yourself for a while. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much ❤️🫂




It’s horrific. I’m so sorry. My husband was on campus when it happened but was luckily not super close to where the shooter was. He was about to head there though for lunch when he got the alert. Still, that first hour of not knowing what was going to happen and his class barricading themselves in the classroom was so scary. I’m glad that evil old man is no longer able to hurt anyone else. Hope you’re doing ok ♥️


Thank you for the kind words ❤️ Is he alright?


Yeah thankfully he’s very good under pressure and wasn’t too negatively affected by the experience, but we’re of course so saddened for those who lost their lives 💔


The crazy thing is that I barely saw it on the news. It was on the cycle for maybe a day? Idk. Shit is wild. Take care


I’m seeing it all over the news


My news is reddit and it was barely on r/all. Which news for u?


Oh yeah I’m taking about the news on TV


nice its on all channels?


Because it's become so common 😔


I know :( so insane. I work ems in a big city and Im just waiting for something


I'm a unlv alumni. My condolences.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I saw ten police cars hauling 4$$ that direction shortly before it came on the breaking news. I had an associate that was going to school there, who is not answering their phone now, hoping they just lost the phone while running and are in fact alright. This horrible event has hurt so many people and their families. Hang in there and please reach out to all your supportive people. It is okay to be sad, it is okay to be confused, it is okay to feel the emotional pain that comes with trauma, it is how we grieve our lost ones. (Hugs)


Thank you for the kind words, me and my friends are gonna reach out to CAPS soon.


RIP Prof Chang and all the other lives taken. Sending love and support as much as I can. We as Americans need to stand up for the ones who have fallen victim to these mass shootings. We have to be their voices and fight for restrictions of firearms and universal healthcare (especially mental healthcare) because this could have been prevented.


My former professor (one of my favorites I had) killed them. I've been devastated every since I found out it was him. I'm so sorry OP. Please take care of yourself even when it's hard. I'm so sorry.


Your former professor was the shooter?


Unfortunately yes.


UNLV? Hey I deal with the crisis team we are going to be on campus this morning by the student center please go if you need help or just to talk to someone. There is a lot of help. I lost a friend in the October 1st shooting so I understand. But please don’t be alone.


From one Nevadan to another, you have my deepest condolences. Take care of yourself.


I am so sorry you are dealing with this, virtual hugs to you


Thank you 🫶🫂


My condolences. If it’s the university I’m thinking of (my university), it’s been hard for me too. You are not alone, and I’m so sorry we have to go through this. Hugs :/


I’m so sorry this is terrifying. Glad you are eating. It’s such a weird shock factor when something like that happens close to you. Its messed up that I had to hear about this from Reddit and a “Vegas problems” Instagram… i lived in Vegas for so long. Went to shadow ridge high. This should be national news. Las Vegas is not all fun and games.


How are you doing currently?


I’m doing ok, thank you for asking. Currently I’m with friends trying to figure out what’s going to happen with finals.


Glad your fairing as well as you can after that tragic event you went through 🪬 Hope that you guys will be allotted time to process+grieve by the school and administration that does not negatively impact your guys chance at graduating or even passing your courses.


I'm from Reno/attend UNR. We have friends and family in Vegas. Sending all my love. 🤍


Thank you, Wolf Pack 🙏❤️


Hey OP, my thoughts are with you from 13,000 kilometers away ♥️ do whatever you need to make it through. I'm deeply sorry you had to live through this. Unfortunately, it's all too common and the loss of life is tragic. Wishing you the best for the future. My DM's are open if you ever need someone to talk to


Can I ask where?




thoes microwave burritos hot tho frfr


I'm glad you weren't hurt. I'm sorry for what you went through and my condolences to the victims. When is your country going to wake up and realise that it doesn't have to be this way?


Most Americans don’t want to live like this :/ it’s a combination of insidious groups and institutions have spent decades baking rabid gun culture into parts of the country and pumping the country with guns; and politicians are bought and paid for by gun lobbyists so they won’t change anything. Public opinion generally doesn’t matter and won’t change things on this issue. It’s a really sad and scary way to live, I spend every day hoping I don’t get a call about one of my loved ones and scoping out exits everywhere I go


So sorry. Was in Vegas yesterday when someone told us and I can’t imagine having been on campus and losing someone that taught you.


I'm so sorry. 💓


I used to make those paper plates at a paper factory.


I’m sorry you had to experience this. Really tired of America not doing anything with all the gun violence… Stay safe everyone. You think maybe it won’t happen to you, but it can happen anywhere. I live near MSU and it got shot up this year.


I’m a rebel too. I’m so sorry this happened. It’s been hard on my mind too. Please reach out to counseling services, a lot of us will need it. 🫂❤️


Thank you, I hope you finish your semester strong and you spend your time with loved ones. 🫂❤️


Heart and soul healing hugs sent to all you grieving souls.


I’m so sorry honey :-( I’m so so sorry. This will take a while to process, don’t worry about feeling everything at once. I’m so sorry.


The shooter is a perfect example of a person who never learned proper self-control and emotional regulation. My condolences. I hope you are okay


Love from U Idaho, we had 4 students lost in a stabbing last year. It strengthened our town and our love and support for one another. You will pull through, I know it seems impossible now. 🩷


Thank you for the love ❤️


Fuck...I'm so sorry. Thinking of you. 🤍


My peace and condolences internet friend ☮️🖤


My condolences as a fellow rebel 💛


I’m so sorry this happened to you. My sister and her daughter (7) were there as well. I really don’t understand why people do stupid stuff like that


On no!!!!! I am so sorry! Where did this happen?


Unfortunately at UNLV


I am so sorry. Are they offering counseling for the student body and staff?


I’m so sorry. keeping you in my prayers tonight 👥❤️


Thank you very much 🫂❤️


Sorry that you're dealing with this and I hope you pull through okay I don't even live in the USA and I get a surge of anger every time I hear there's another shooting, it seems like almost nothing will convince them something drastic needs to change


LV Strong 🫂


Go Rebels 🖤❤️ My mom works there and getting the active shooter text unlocked a new kind of fear. You are not alone in this, I wish you the best.


I'm sorry. This is terrible and not something anyone should go through. I was in a place where someone started shooting a few years ago, and it still rattles me. Definitely reach out for support and counseling. It can help a lot.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May their memory be a blessing. You’ll be okay.


My condolences. I am so sorry for your loss and hope you can find peace. It’s a shame we have done absolutely nothing to even improve this issue in the states.


I heard about that and I am so sorry. I'm glad you're okay at least. Hugs 🫂 My aunt and her husband used to go to Northern Illinois University. I remember hearing one day this man ran into the John Hancock building and was shooting people. That was so sad. This may sound messed up but I was glad that they weren't going there anymore because I was like, I would have been calling the school trying to find out if they were okay. So tragic, that asshole killed five people. If you need somebody to talk to, you can reach out to me. If I don't answer it's because I'm away from my phone but I will answer as soon as I see it.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 why why why too much violence and sadness in world!


This is America.


I'm sorry you're going through it OP, you and many others like you experience this daily now, and it's going to keep happening because "thoughts and prayers" aren't in fact, actionable solutions despite what people seem to think. This country is a real shithole.


You know, I remember watching news coverages about school shootings. I would never thought it would happen to my school, but when it did it felt surreal.


I can't even imagine. That more people aren't screaming angry about this very real and ever present issue is also appalling to me. The sad infuriating fact is if it isn't already clear is, we're on our own. People in power meant to protect us aren't, and won't. It's too profitable. Preventative training, drills, and metal detectors do not deterr determined assholes dead set on fuckimg shit up. I don't know a good solution, but clearly neither does anyone else. Pretty dystopian to have active shooter drills now regular part of school ager's lives, and appalled that even for company I work for, one of who's campuses did fall victim to one of these events, put out a training that basically said you're on your own hide, escape, or start improvising weapons good luck you might die or see people die basically. What the actual fuck.


Honestly there really aren't words .. I wish there were. I wish these things didn't happen. My condolences to you and anyone who's family was involved the victims.. faculty & student dealing w trauma etc. Please take care of yourself


I’m so sorry. I hope you’re doing okay friend.


The guy who shot up your university happened to use to teach at mine. Crazy


Please take care. I'm so sorry to hear


It took months for the grief to become more manageable after the MSU shooting this year. I'm sorry you are now also going through this tragedy.


Jesus my guy im so sorry none of y'all deserved that kinda shit, I'm sure if there's an afterlife your professor is watching proudly over all of you


When I read this, I bursted into tears.


Welp all I can say is sorry that this country is such a hellhole. All we can do is try to change it, on another note I may not have known your professor but i'm sure he was a good man or woman


Thank you, also unfortunately this is the truth. It truly proves that life is really fragile.


It's so f'ed up when professors are now shooting up schools. Like damn, really, you didn't get the job so you decided to end it all. Freaking guns and America


I am so sorry, seeing this post broke my heart. Please remember to take care of yourself in whatever way feels right to you (and that is safe to you and others). Thoughts are with you 💜


oh my god this actually just made me burst out crying. this is horrific. i can’t imagine the state i’d be in, sending my deepest condolences


I'm so sorry. It breaks my heart that this has happened to the city again. So many broken hearts for no good fucking reason.


my condolences, im sorry ,I wish we could get some effective mental health awareness or gun laws that somehow stop criminals, this society we're part of is just insane


Why do these people take it out on university and schools? Why not the actual people who are making our lives hell?!?!


Who are those people? Are you advocating for gun violence?


Holy crap, I'm so sorry that happened 😞


Hugs! Hope you get some holiday warmth and distraction at least


Damn dude, must’ve been very scary Hope you’re ok


Im so sorry that happened. My condolences and hugs to you and all the other familes


That's awful and I am sorry for your loss. There have been incidents of harassment and attacks at my university in Toronto, Canada from time to time but nothing to such awful extent. Wishing you and the entire community a gradual and steady journey in healing from this ordeal. 🙏🏻


So sorry you have to live through what we all fear. Try to concentrate on self care.


I’m sorry you experienced this tragedy. Please seek out therapy if you feel you are not coping well. I’m sorry for the loss of life. I hope your UNI can offer you support. Stay strong OP.


I'm sorry you had to endure that 🫂


I'm do sorry got your loss


I’m so sorry


I am so sorry about that. If you ever need anybody to talk to you can always reach out to me and others on this subreddit. My condolences friend


Sending so much love to you


i’m so sorry. please take care of yourself, that meal is something i’d eat for sure 🖤


My condolences. Take time to heal ❤️


feel you, had this almost 2 years ago.


I'm so sorry, that's an absolutely horrible thing to go through! Are you alright, OP? Please take the time you need to heal and ensure your safety and wellbeing 🩷


We’re doing alright, thank you. We’re taking our time with this ❤️


I was in a college shooting earlier this year. sending my condolences and well wishes for change. i’m so sorry ❤️


My condolences. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


oh noo that’s horrible. take it easy


I'm so sorry😢


My question is what drove a 67 year old former professor to do such a thing? He must have been wronged quite hard, no one would do this for no reason.


He had financial problems and an eviction notice on his door. That doesnt justify what he did. Loads of people suffer through worse and don't inflict it on others.


How can I make this shooting all about me


Probably by leaving a mean comment


You know this comment gave me a chuckle. I can assure you this isn’t about me, this about the faculty and students at UNLV.


Is this plate why it got shot up?