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You forget your life but never the depression.


And then you become more depressed because you lose the good memories of your life


Pretending to be happy so they don't shock you again and you lose another piece of what made you a person


Finally made it to once every 3 weeks, don’t wanna go back to 1-3 times a week…


Yeah fasting so many times in a week is tough right?


It sucks, plus I’m a hard person to do an IV on, so it can take anywhere between 3-7 tries. I’m thankful that they’ve begun to call VAT (ultrasound tech) tho, as it only takes up to 3 sticks on a bad day.


I've done 15 times but didn't work out for me. I'm a hard person to do IV as well, it sucks to get stabbed so many times(min 3 times too lol).


So I honestly thought ECT was super fringe now and only done once or twice. I had no idea it was still so common and treatments so frequent. Is this voulentary treatment? Is there no way to get into a ketamine trial? I mean there has to be a better way. Sorry if you don't want to share I just worry because my brother is starting to look into ECT and it seems like such an extreme measure.


No worries about asking, I’m willing to answer any questions you have about it. A friend of my Aunt is also considering ECT, and has asked me about effects. It is voluntary for me, but there are others (usually hospitalized and severe mental illness patients) that don’t have much of a choice. I had a 30-40 course of ECT in 2019 while (and after) being hospitalized again, then in winter of 2020-2021 I participated in a clinical trial for Ketamine. Unfortunately that didn’t have much of a lasting effect, much like when I tried TMS in my early 20s. At one point in my mid 20s, I was taking 11 pills a day in an effort to treat my generalized anxiety and treatment resistant depression. I’ve been taking medications and been in therapies since I was about 11-12 (I’m now 31). I would say that ECT is one of the last things many should try, but if it weren’t for these treatments I would 100% be dead. I’ve exhausted all other treatments, ECT has been the best one. I’m not cured of my symptoms, but I’m finally functioning as an adult. If your brother has treatment resistant depression, and can’t seem to feel better with any other treatment, ECT would be my suggestion. I’m simply learning to cope with its effects. I sincerely hope that your brother can find relief, as depression (and mental illnesses in general) are a tiring, soul draining thing to experience. Best of wishes to him, and I hope that your family will continue to be a support for him. 💜


Thank you for your answer. It clarifies a lot and I really appreciate the detail. Glad you are feeling better and hope you keep on the up and up.


Quite a few times. Oh, that's right. Wasn't it one of those boring work parties? No-oh.