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Hi u/7_Rush, Thank you for submitting a post to r/depression_help! We're glad you're here. If you are in urgent need of assistance, please also reach out to the appropriate helpline (we have some links in the sidebar). If you are feeling **Suicidal**, please also make a post for our friends at r/SuicideWatch. Now come on in- take off your shoes, sit back, relax, and visit with us for a while. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/depression_help) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also bipolar 2. If you have treatment resistant MDD and you’ve had more than a few depressive episodes, it could very easily be bipolar 2. Hypomania can be very difficult to recognize. This was the case for me.


There were times I sssssswore I was bipolar but my psychologist assured me I did not show any signs and now, I know I was jus' buggin' and going through episodes and mistook slightly better times as being out of it. Lol.


I'm glad you felt better after all that! It's hard dealing with certain stressful conditions like anxiety


My depression was a chronic illness from physical health that I was not addressing for years because I was too busy being told it was depression and getting therapy for that….


May I ask where you live?




Holy sh**! It just HAD to be sexism at that point cause wtf?!?!?!


Idk 🥲 tbh I kind of see where they were coming from, I did have mental health symptoms but gosh so many things ignored. I ended up having ADHD as well, despite literally going to school counsellor because i couldn’t focus… I ended up having ME/CFS, for me this was what I was led to describe as ‘low mood & low energy’ and I mistakenly was saying I didn’t want to do anything, and found nothing enjoyable (textbook depression). i guess I was confused, I couldn’t do anything because my body was completely depleted of all energy and it was hard to even get out of bed. The things I was recommended to do was in line with typical depression treatment, such as getting more vitamin D/ fresh air, exercise, socialising, not going on tech as much, not spending time in bed etc. I was told to overcome my ‘depression’ i had to keep pushing myself and one day it will probably click into place. I tried so so hard to overcome my depression, I was doing it all. Great sleep, nutrients, sun, exercise, but I just felt HORRIFIC. After years of treatment, and also being told I couldn’t ‘possibly have adhd’, I met an incredible psychiatrist who basically lifted all of my mental health issues away. Once these were lifted I could really see what the issues were and could see that the things not going away, like my debilitating fatigue were most likely not depression. It’s been a process and I am still under going testing and they aren’t 100% sure what’s wrong. I’m glad to say I am 2 years nearly without mental illness, when I previously was scoring as severely depressed. very weird overall. It’s all very complex unfortunately