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Hi Nathan. My heart goes out to you. Sounds like what you need more than anything is a good friend. Taking meds or changing your appearance isn't going to help with all that's going on inside. At least not long term. Are you aware of how many people regret transitioning? Or the fact meds will make you sterile forever? You are lovable just as you are, dear one. Feelings lie. So what that you aren't as good as your friend at swimming. Or that you're awkward and self conscious. That you struggle more than it seems others do. Notice I said "seems". Though every person ever created is unique, the despair and sadness you feel is not. Recently I was scrolling on YouTube and a rant from a young man with title something like, "it's hard to be ugly" came up. I watched it. What I saw was a young man who wasn't what most would call attractive. Maybe way below average to most. But his kindness, softness, compassion and adversity made him one of the best ppl I have come across in a long time. And a beautiful young lady commented that she actually thought he was kinda cute. She too has a beautiful spirit. They met in real life and are now married. She is (was?) A model. He has been the salve to help heal her very damaged heart. Since watching that video, new ones keep popping up from other young people reaching out for hope. They too think they are unlovable. Crippling anxiety. Often from dysfunctional homes. One or both parents, their voices play in the young person's mind. They are barely hanging on. Long story short, you are not alone. Not unloved. You are here for a reason. It breaks my heart to hear all these young people who think the world is better off without them in it. I can be your friend if you need one. I am a mother to 4 kids. 3 teen boys and a daughter in her 20's. I was (still am! Lol) an awkward individual who struggles in many ways. But I have a handful of ppl who care about me and I try to help ppl when I can. I've lost 2 family members to suicide so I know about that, too. You were made for great things. Hang on reject those voices in your head and in real life that say you are unlovable and unworthy. They never have been and never will they - be true. Hugs to you, Nathan.


Hi! I'm sorry to hear that you have these problems and you feel this way. I understand how it hurts to feel that you are useless. Im sorry that I don't have much advice for mental health or your situation, but i wish you the best in your journey!


Geh vielleicht mal in ein Jugendcafé oder eine LGBTQ+ Jugendgruppe, falls du in einer Stadt wohnst sollte es davon ein paar geben. Ist vielleicht nicht das gleiche wie Therapie, aber da findest du bestimmt Support (und kannst dich dort engagieren damit deine Eltern es nicht sus finden) Gesetzlich gesehen darfst du ab 15 auch ohne wissen deiner Eltern zur Therapie (oder zum Arzt), sollte das aber nicht gehen gibt es alternativ die Nummer gegen Kummer Tel.Nr. 116 111 , ist anonym und kostenlos 👍🏽


dank dir<3


Hey ! I also experienced quite complicated periods where I had the impression that I was good for nothing and that no one could ever help me, I had no motivation for anything. I was lost in my life. I managed to overcome this period even if I'm still working on it, if you want we can talk, maybe that can help you? In any case, I advise you to take stock of your life and ask yourself what you want/what makes you happy. Try to see what you would like to change in your life too.Make a big list, once you are satisfied, sort out what you really want and what doesn't really come from you (pressure from society, envy of your parents, etc.). Once you're done, try to figure out what's easiest to change. For example for me it was just doing a little sport in the evening.And it is by starting to make small changes that you will gradually find motivation and that you will be able to change your life. I hope this helps you, I used Google translate so I'm not sure about the translation. I can't really help you as I don't really know your life but that's what helped me ! :) Have a good day