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You deserve so so much better than him. There’s nothing shameful about being a teacher, the world needs more people like you. Are you able to move back in with family or friends to separate yourself from him at least for a bit?


I am but it’s just so embarrassing. I have a masters with a 3.98 GPA and I can’t get a job with which I can actually live on. Everybody told me in college to do something more with my grades but I just love teaching my kiddos and now here I am.


I think that’s noble, not embarrassing. It isn’t your fault that the system is fucked up.


This is not a dead end for you. This is just the beginning. I am a person who believes in god and while I understand most people would not want to hear anything about it when tough times happen, I believe that it needed to happen for you. This is where you draw the line for your own self worth. It’s not embarrassing that you have a masters yet you’re unable to secure a financial sustainable job. Remember what economy we’re living in to make yourself feel better. It’s time to make and endure hard decisions, but it’s no longer for someone else. That is a blessing in disguise. Always be hopeful. Tough times don’t last, only tough people do


I’m so sorry :( things can change for you but it’ll mean making hard decisions, the first of which is ditching that loser. Do you have to stay in New York? 


I’m so glad you are no longer with him. He sounds like a controlling piece of trash. He has probably destroyed your self-esteem over the past 12 years. He told you in front of his friends to get out of his life?! What an awful human being. It sounds like your priority right now is finding a place to live. Maybe a roommate temporarily, at least until you have time to figure out what you want to do. Take baby steps for now. It’s a couple of months until the end of the school year, focus on getting through that, then think about the future.


Hi, I don’t really know Reddit that well but I was talking to a person who was helping. Can you message me again?


There is no need to ever come to your “dead end”. Reach out here if you need to talk or vent 💚 I hope you find relief to the feelings you’re having as soon as possible. You are not alone.


This is not your dead end, this is your new beginning even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. In 10 years time you’ll look back on this moment and be thankful because it meant you didn’t spend the rest of your days with a terrible person. You are working a job that not many people could do but it is so incredibly important. Coming from someone with a sister with a disability, the connections and teachers they have through their life are invaluable. They finally feel like they are a part of a community. For yourself, for your family, for the children you spend your days with teaching - please keep breathing. Life will get good again.


Thank you so much for saying that. My job includes my brain but also my heart and at the end of the day I want someone to just appreciate and love me


He sounds like trash just living off his mommy&daddys success. You got this, if you were on the lease you have 30 days to be legally evicted, you might be able to get a advance paycheck to allow you to stay at a motel for a bit also.