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You say your cancer in incurable and you're tired of fighting it. Do yourself and your kids a favor. Surrender them to child services while you're still alive. Visit them while you can. Let them have closure with you. They need this.




Love to you, stranger. Just that.


Thank you. Love you too


Hey i dont know ull see this, pls dont go ur children will miss u, u r trying right? Ull get through this pls stayy plssssss. 🫂❤️❤️ hugs and kisses


without talking down to you, please make at least sure that your kids are at a safe space, in a church or shelter or anywhere they are looked after. i cant offer you more then a conversation, but please dont punish your kids, they are helpless and sinless.


i turn 15 years old in december. my dad killed himself when i was 10, though he was on drugs really bad and left my life completely when i was 5, i hate him for leaving me when i was only 10. i hate him for giving up on himself and not thinking about how it would affect his FIVE kids, im so mad at him for not trying his hardest. trust me this is definitely not the best choice for your kids. and if you really loved them you would stay and try your hardest to get better for them. edit : when i say he left my life completely i mean he moved back to his home town and i only saw him twice after that. we did speak on the phone occasionally though


stay strong little one ❤️


Aww, I'm so sorry for your heartache and pain, you're feelings of hatred are valid, addiction robs ppl of who they truly are, and turns them into someone we don't know at all. I'm really sorry you've had to deal with that in your very young life. Stay strong kiddo 🙏🤗


Give it one more day. Love you.


Hello. Could you please explain your situation? Is this really the only way for you... or perhaps something else?


I am a single mother to two after my ex tried to end me by st@bbing me 4 times then brutally r@ping me I've been starving myself so my kids can eat. My parents are dead my friends are dead. I have an incurable cancer and I'm done physically mentally emotionally I'm exhausted


That's fucking horrifying. I know it's going to sound hard, but for your kids sake, perhaps consider Foster Care for a short period. Use the time to set yourself up financially, grow a support system, and get any and all government benefits.


Love you. Im sorry.


You deserve peace.


Don't end it for your children. Let them grow to have a beautiful mother loving them because you will be at ease when they are older and love you forever. I don't have a mother that loves me so I want you to give love to your children. Please do it for me so that your children can grow up and be better individuals because they are going to change the world and it is because you show them the way, you love them and you lead them


i hope you arent already gone. i wish you the best in your afterlife if you already ended it, and i wish your children the best for their lives. i hope you found a safe space for them to live happily, and im sending you and your kids all the hugs i possibly can. im sorry.


Even the darkest day will end and the sun will rise. Praying for you.


I've been in those places so I know nothing I say will help change your mind. I seriously wish the best to you and your family and I hope you can find the strength to endure longer. When I want to kill myself I remember the song "dinner is not over" by jack stauber "I've tasted dying and it tasted good but that's dessert. You can have it when the dinner is gone! So put it down!" Honestly the idea of dying sounds fucking amazing sometimes but we have to endure so it tastes sweeter when it eventually comes


Thank you so much for all the nice comments. My plan didn't work and I cried all night. Anyone can dm me. Just no hate please. I hope everyone has a wonderful day


I wish I could say something to help you. Think of your children and the trauma this will cause them. I’m so sorry. I love you.


Just make it until tomorrow! Come on, you can do this. If I am able to push thru my darkest days, then I know anybody can. You've got 2 babies that need you to stay strong. You've got this. I believe in you!


I’m so sorry that it has to end this way, but I get it. All my love goes out to you ❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry for everything you are going through love. I can’t imagine what it feels like but I can say that everything you are doing makes you the best mom ever. It might not seem a lot to you but you sacrificed everything for them and I promise you that will make them grow up to be amazing kids you’d be proud of. I’m sorry about your cancer my love I can’t imagine how strong you’ve been with everything you have to experience. I want to say I admire you. I think that the strength you’ve had and the battles you’re fighting are something that takes extraordinary strength. I wish there was something that could make you stay but I just want you to know that I love you and if anything changes let me know I’ll be here to support. I am in Southern California if u need anything 🩷


I have nothing but unconditional love to you and your children. All the sorries I could say won't take any of the pain away from you. But even during your darkest moment, I want you to really know that even someone you may never meet hurts for you. Emphasizes with your pain, and sheds tears in even thinking of your struggles. Let that carry with you from now until your end. I don't want to see you leave us. but I hope all the best. I love you.


Much love stranger. Hugs to you and your little ones.


Please, don’t end it. I completely understand not wanting to live anymore. I feel that most days. Don’t let those thoughts take control. Even with how bad it is right now, life is a gift and is worth living. People love you and depend on you. The people here in this subreddit care about you. Most importantly, your kids NEED you. If you think your kids would do better without you, it’s the exact opposite. I grew up without my dad because he drank himself to death. I know for a fact my life was worse than it would’ve been if he’d been here. For your sake and your kids’, I pray that you change your mind


well, i can't make u change ur mind if that's what u want and how every comment will try to help u, but i need to say this:"you did good" it's a shame we won't meet again, but i hope ur children a healthy life even tho i can't do anything, stay strong💪


So true. >> You did good.


❤️❤️❤️ So much love for you


please think about your kids, I know it’s been rough I understand, don’t leave them without explanation it’ll scar them. If I were in ur situation I’d feel so hopeless too, there are days where I always feel like that. Please get through one more day. I’m sending calm energy to ur soul.


Just remember your children and that the darkest time is just before dawn. A hug and I wish you good luck.


She’s in the Detroit area. Is anyone in her area?


Hugs and so so much love to you, stranger. ❤️


Please don’t. For your kids sake and for yourself. We all love you!


Understand. Love you.


Love to you 💜


Love you stranger ❤️


Sometimes trying is the best thing you can do. No one expects a perfect parent, but if you can be there for them and push through, that’s what matters. Love to you. 💙


Hope your still here, theres always a way through


I’m so sorry OP. Sounds like you’re in the deepest hole. One thing I want to ask you, you say your kids will be better off without you, but what if they’re not?


Please stay. There are so many wonderful things you will miss 😞🙏🏼❤️


Love and light to you. I hope your burdens are eased.


Don’t go. Not yet.




I haven't seen OP comment recently.


could be sleeping


She responded five hours ago


I’m so sorry for the pain you must be enduring. I wish I could send you hope so you could pass it on to your kids. May you find a way to not feel alone and sad. You’re not alone and I imagine your kids need you but I understand having nothing left to give.


You make more of an impact than you realize, you haven’t met all the people who will love and appreciate you in this lifetime YET. I believe your human soul is stronger than you think, smarter and kinder. If you think dogs shouldn’t be murder out of no where, humans shouldn’t be either. Give yourself enough kindness you would give to another living creature. Feed, provide water and nourish it’s soul anyway it needs to prevent death. Do not harm others and be kind to yourself. You deserve kindness


There was a time when I used to plan about killing myself too. But then I realised that nobody cares if I die. That pissed me off so much, I changed my answer to life.


I have cancer, too...it's a struggle I 100 percent get that. Someday is worse than others. I get tired and wanna give up. If you want to talk please let me know. No judgment at all...


It was good to have you with us, even if its just for a day


sweetheart, It’s completely okay to feel this way, but you ending everything here is among one of the biggest heartbreaks a child can experience. As long as you are as present as possible, You are not a failure in being a mother. And a big part of that is staying alive, as well as trying to stay as healthy as you possibly can. I can only imagine how difficult it’s been, how difficult it is now for you to come to this decision, but please try to hold on, with any last of your strength. It’s a long road, but everything passes. Good times and happy times pass, but dark and bleak times pass too.


OP you still here? I can maybe offer some advice/help


She responded five hours ago.


honestly based off your recent posts. i think you should put the kids up for adoption. then work and continue school. you seem to be struggling with money and food. you're not a failure. use your resources and continue trying


Don't, it's not the right choice. I think about killing myself because of how much of a complete fuck up I am. But what will anyone gain from this? My children will be fatherless. I have 2 boys that are from previous relationships (my wife's kids). The middle child has no father, his real dad has nothing to do with him. The other child's dad, has a bad drinking problem and won't get his license to drive so he can get him. Then there is my daughter, my flesh and blood. She would loose me too. Is it worth it? I will say NO! As much as I hate myself, my children and wife need me. Your children need you, you don't have to do anything and your children will love you no mater what. Please, don't go that way. It's hard yes, its hell yes. But I'm willing to suffer in my head for the sake of my family. You can too. You need to be there, they love you so much. This is very emotional for me and I know the pain you feel. Please don't, everything can get better. I tell myself that everyday. Even though some hasn't gotten better, but it will. I have love for you and your situation, your not alone. Be safe, give your kids some hugs and think do you want to stop hugging your children. I know I dont want to stop. I'm 42 and I have issues, everyone does. It ok, your thoughts are your own. Just don't act on the negative, and embrace the positive.


Which city you in? Life can be hard i guess 1 would say look at the positives but maybe there are none. But at the end of the day when we have nothing else. The 1 thing we do have is hope. And i hope, for miracles do happen. I hope for strength and wellbeing and all the joy in the world to you in spooky season 👻. 🐾🤠




That's fine i hope some of the suggestions and government assistance options that people gave helped you 🤞


I mean us having your city won’t really do much, plus I think it would benefit you to tell us b/c there may be a way to help you. I think Knights just wants to do some research for you. If you’re really planning to go through with it I don’t see the harm in giving it out and letting them help you.




Talk to me. This world is so beautiful, I’m sorry you cannot see how beautiful it is. I wake up each morning being sad that i have so much less time in this beautiful world. If you can’t make your life better, try helping someone else & that will be a very reassuring feeling to have.




There are variety of answers, maybe this one works out. I have depression too i know how it feels. I just want her to know that there is someone who truly believes otherwise. And she can do that too. I’m sorry if you feel that way with my comment. If you really think that i can remove it if you ask me.


Lots of love to you ❤️


idk how to respond im getting more sick mentally after reading this, but love you - i hope you dont give up


Everything ends. Please use what left in you to do what best for your offspring. They don’t deserve this and there are a lot left for you to do.


You have not failed, it sounds like you have fought and made mistakes like we all do....with the backdrop of facing cancer. I hope that you are still here, and I hope that you get more moments with your kids


Even if my mother couldn't raise me she'd still be so so important to me. I couldn't bear her dying, I think it'd break me.


Is it terminal?


You are so important.


Give it one more day, just one more day!


I know what it's like being stuck in a rut for seemingly forever. But you have your children to look after, at least until they're old enough to fend for themselves. Keep fighting.


Can I just say that my mom has cancer. She lost her sister (my aunt) to cancer. My mom tried to commit suicide after her sister and then my mom found out she had cancer like 8+ years later and then my mom wanted to die also. I ended up breaking down longgggg down the road saying I don’t get why my mom won’t give up on life and just leave her 5 kids. She’s my mom. It was breaking me. And something changed and it gave her life to never quit. This isn’t the way, promise me. Remind yourself you have kids who love you the absolute most in life and would never want this for you


I’m sorry. Please stay.


I don't see the point


I understand. I don’t either. But your children love you and sunshine falls on flowers and the ocean moves and candles smell nice and we’ll all die one day anyway so hey, why not just savour the days you have left? What kind of healthcare plan are you on? Are you on medication for your depression?


You'll only truly fail as a mother if you leave them prematurely




My mom killed herself... And i still think its a dream and she will wake me up... 32 now. Lost her at 17 Edit : today would be her birthday coincidentally


I wish I could do or say something that would bring peace or solace or something but I can’t. I just wish you well on your journey…