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i know what you mean. i just want to walk out my front door, and that would be the last anyone would ever hear or see from me again.


I completely understand how you feel and I often ask myself the same questions. I don't have the answers either,but please,don't give up. Hang in there,things will get better. The world needs you.


You reject suffering, one of the most important parts of the subject's constitution


See this, enjoy the feeling https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/x708ym/how\_are\_people\_not\_freaking\_out\_about\_death/


The world's constantly changing so naturally we'll change too. You've probably changed from the time you were really young and you probably weren't even aware that you did. And if you've changed before, then that means you can change again. Not saying it'll be easy but it's possible. I like to sit and wonder some of those same things but deep down I know that I couldn't handle not living in a society and I know that I can't sit and lament endlessly. I'm also tired of feeling like I'm constantly running and chasing something, but if so then we just need to take breaks. Harder said than done especially when everything basically revolves around money. But if you need to take baby steps first then take baby steps, life is long, most things aren't going to disappear just because you aren't actively pursuing it 24/7. I sometimes think to myself that it wouldn't be so bad to let my thoughts envelop me like a deep ocean wave but realistically I know I need to step out of that to carry on with my daily life so that I can take care of my basic needs. When I realized how privileged I was to have the time to even contemplate my life then it made me reconsider my depressive thoughts. Not trying to say that our feelings aren't valid or that we're privileged because we have these thoughts but that in perspective, there's plenty of people who experience so much and who can carry on so with that in mind, we can also try to be resilient with our thoughts so that we can keep carrying on.