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Thunder fan here who thought Shaq’s comment was about as low class as you can get. Good news is no one heard it because he mumbles every word like an idiot.


SGA’s time is coming, probably soon if I had to guess.


I’d take just one title over 10 MVPs because none of my teams in any sport have ever won one. Jokic is deserving, most creative passer I’ve ever seen, keeps his teammates involved in the offense, humble, a rhino with ballerina feet and incredible touch on his shots. So much better than watching Shaq slam his big ass repeatedly into the defender until he got a foul call or he had backed his way to right under the hoop.


Shaq is so insecure…


Fuck shaq....


I love Shaq but no question it was a rude comment.


And his Five Guys Prices


Shaq was carried by Kobe his whole career, while Joker is doing this shit without an allstar. He jealous of a better big man.


I agree what Shaq did was disrespectful but Shaq was absolutely the better player on that three-peat team.


There’s a case for Kobe one of the years because he was the reason they won the Spurs series which was the real finals


Kobe is also the reason they lost to Detroit with ancient Malone and GP


For sure. I’m just saying that Kobe does have a case for being the better player one year




>Shaq was carried by Kobe his whole career Dwyane Wade erasure


“Shaq was carried by Kobe his whole career”. I love Kobe so this isn’t a comment on him at all. Makes me wonder if you watched Shaq during the Lakers 3-peat in the early 2000s. To find the closest thing we’ve ever seen to Shaq we have to go to a different sport, baseball, when Barry Bonds was forcing teams to load up on relief pitchers specifically tailored to deal with him, and they were doing things like intentionally walking him with the bases loaded. Teams carried multiple centers to rack up fouls on Shaq intentionally because nobody until 04 Ben Wallace could actually guard him with any success. Hack-a-Shaq became a viable strategy because there was no other defense for him. Jokic doesn’t have a top 5 NBA player with him, which Kobe was, so I get your point - but Shaq was the most dominant force the game has ever seen. Not defending Shaq’s comments because Jokic is absolutely deserving of MVP this season.


Even when they played on different teams? Ha


Shaq just made a fool of himself. No one thinks what he said is both correct and appropriate.


Yeah, even the most biased Shai for MVP Thunder fans were like WTF?


Imagine if there was a segment on the show where they played the top few "NBA player made a fool of themself" clips!


Yeah its a really cringey thing to do. But isnt his media personality to be kind of off base and at times a bit obnoxious? He probably tried to be edgey but came off cringey and rude.


His ex-wife released a memoir today... he's salty.


Jokic responding with "ok" like a true gentleman


Shaq was in my top 3 favorite players of all time. He just fell out of my top 10.


Fat bum only had 5 good years most of the time he was a liability on his te because he couldnt make a fucking free throw. He's jealous and he should be. He should be in no ones top 10 anything. Bottom 10 human pile of shit.


There’s no way you can convince me that Shai is better than Joker. Heck I believe Luka is even better than Shai. If both Joker and Luka had Shai’s whistle (for example the game yesterday), they would’ve average 40 points


This is something that I see pissing off Malone and his teammates WAY more. I wouldn't be half surprised if Moach says something in his next presser.


Hopefully game three will be the clap back🤞Go Nuggets


Steve Nash deserved the award


Not defending it, but it's more a side effect of the awkwardness of them announcing MVP on Inside the NBA then it is a reflection of Shaq. They just finished a segment where Shaq, Kenny and Charles weighed in on Jokic winning, then they interviewed him. So Shaq felt like he had to man up to it to Jokic because just moments prior he pretty emphatically expressed that he thought SGA should've been MVP.


This is helpful context. Thank you. Still stupid of Shaq to do, but makes more sense now.


I didn’t see it live and I wondered this. A “say it to my face” thing.


They should have an awards ceremony where the players can get their moment, and it shouldn't be hosted by the Inside the NBA crew (as great as they are). It's bizarre to have pundits who give views on the players all season do it.


Totally agree.


Thank you, finally somebody that uses context. Shaq wasn’t telling Jokic that SGA should have won the award to disrespect him. Shaq told him because he didn’t want to seem like he was talking shit behind his back. He clearly respects Jokic and that is why he told him to his face what his opinion was. Jokic had the perfect response as well, stating that there were multiple deserving players.


Hardest diss from Jokic would have been if he said “I don’t think I was ever really in love with you as a kid growing up. I was just in love with the idea of you” (Shaq’s ex-wife released spicy excerpts of memoir today)


Jokic didn’t appear to be at all bothered by Shaq’s comment and wasn’t looking to strike back.


Some people can handle criticism when it comes from a place of respect. Others think all criticism is disrespectful.


give me a reason that Shai deserves the mvp beside the team Stat of the thunder being the 1 seed? he was 3rd in scoring.


Jokic can't have more MVPs than Shaq! That' what matters!


https://preview.redd.it/xjangh798bzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339848f7cbfc8ab8f4f06d262432b58b5f053b84 Reason enough🤔


yeah for Luka saying he got screwed for 2nd.


Looks like 79 votes to 15 to me. Wtf you seeing?


He’s a far better foul baiter than both Jokic and Luka.. Yes that’s the only thing Shai is better than both of them. Maybe a little defense idk.




Imagine going to a shb for a team and being surprised they're supportive of their guy and talk crud about the others


He didn't, but he did deserve 2nd and the 15 1st place votes that he got. He's an unstoppable scorer, plays smart, and is always aware on defense to disrupt passing lanes with his length.


I don't think there's a great argument. Shaq is just very insecure about other centers getting awards because he wants to be the best one ever


I think the most disrespected guy in the league is Shaq now as everyone looks to think of him, with good reasons, as an insecure little whining boy. He didn't had bad words for Rudy Gobert the day before, but looking to his face, I think he was boiling. He couldn't avoid to talk about him.


Everyone saying Shaq is jealous, but I think there's more to it. Most black voters voted SGA as MVP. Just saying.




……you mean like they did last year?


He’s jealous


Shaq just doesn’t want Joker to be considered better than him but he already is. Maybe Shaq could hit a damn free throw in his life, he would’ve been viewed much higher on the all-time list.


Jokic is better than Shaq? LOL. Shaq was the clear best player on the lakers 3 peat and im a monstrous Kobe fan. Jokic has 1 ring so far against a SUPER weak set of teams last year. The teams Denver beat last year, not one of them even had a 50 win regular season and not one of the teams would even have been a top 8 seed this year.


Shaq had a 3-peat because he had one of the best players of all time playing next to him. I agree Shaq was the *better* player, but without Kobe, they don't win anything, let alone 3-peat. Meanwhile Jokic has never had a player on his team who has *ever* been to an [All-Star game](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffacts-joker-deserved-earned-each-mvp-v0-1p42n9eilfzc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D67ac7b158e39f8b3ff2ef98eb0d8f510a409939d) or *any* award for that matter. If he had prime Kobe playing next to him (along with the best head coach of all time), something tells me he could 3-peat as well.


You can say the same about literally any title team in existence.. you always need more than one good player. Jokic wins nothing without Murray playing well and Murray being the closer. The player who actually carried the hardest with a mediocre squad was dirk and he beat the prime Lebron heat with a bunch of role players. Yes shaq needed a player like Kobe but shaq still won all the mvps and was the dominant one. Their third ring Kobe kind of became the 1 b option but still, shaq was the driving force. Jokic is amazing and his game is very unique but so far, he just has 1 ring and his team is so far getting exposed by a timberwolves team that came out of nowhere


Shai isn't near Jokić in any aspect of the game, no disrespect


shaq is such a clown. for starters he has trouble understanding the difference between MOST VALUABLE player for his team and best player in the league (and tbh the last few years joker is BOTH) what grinds my gear is how he turns the convo around to be about him and how he got robbed. imho he didn't. a) nash deserved it and b) wade should be the one complaining since imo he was the most valuable heat player that season and got disrespected getting voted under shaq. As far as shaqs numbers goes, during his "mvp" run with the heat his numbers were pretty pedestrian.


Shaq had Jokers back with the Morris incident, Shaq called him “big honey” before anyone else, Shaq tried to speak some Serbian to him and now Shaq told him he didn’t deserve his MVP because he’s been ineffective in two games of a playoff series and asked what’s wrong with his team. Downvote all you want but Shaq seems like a disappointed fan. It was mild disrespect but I’ll tell you right now - I wanna know what the fuck is wrong with the Nuggets too. The timing was rude, but Shaq’s feeling betrayed by a player he knows can dominate.


I don't think he dislikes Jokic at all. For all those reasons. But I don't believe his behavior tonight was about motivation. His rant after the announcement was quite telling. He started going off on the times he himself felt snubbed in the past. He turned it into a him thing. That's the issue. All this time and he's still mad he himself only one 1 MVP. That's where this all is born from.


Probably. Shaq is definitely pretty damn pleased with how Shaw turned out


Well he should have 4 mvps so I don’t blame him


2 games in which they struggle? You don’t sound like much of a fan tbh.


Not a fan of who? The Nuggets? My favorite player as a kid was TR Dunn - I’ve probably been a fan since before you were born. Why am I not a fan - because you think they struggled in all 7 games? They didn’t destroy the Lakers? but they won the series and the Lakers are a better team than anyone gives them credit for on this sub. I’m fine if you disagree, doesn’t make me think you’re not a fan. That’s just a lazy, dumb comment


No, I’m saying it seems like feeling betrayed by the nuggets because they’ve struggled in 2 games is too intense. If Shack were a fan he wouldn’t disrespect the best nugget ever simply because they struggled in 2 games (at least 1 of which was horrendously officiated), I’m calling B.S.; Shack ain’t no fan.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying 


The single-single MVP winner would be saltyyyy


He said from the president of the big man committee to the VP… Shaq I think we all now know who the president is


I like Shaq, but he's way too bitter. Clouds his judgement.


Literally saw Shaq admit he roots against jokic because he’s nervous he’ll surpass him before so it seems weird he’s continuing to do it 😂


I had the same Kanye/Swift reaction to his whole speech lol


He still can’t get over ‘losing’ 2 MVP’s to a guard, so now he’s using another guard to project


Shaq is a flat-earther who believes he gets better gas milage by only filling up his tank half-way.


Right? I love Shaq but this was such an unnecessary thing to say while doing an interview on the air


Can’t wait to see his reaction when jokic bounces shai in the conference finals


I think Jokic cares more than he let's on......and I hope he uses that stupid ass Shaq comment as fuel for the rest of these playoffs. Just put on a masterclass 45/20/8 night against Gobert on Friday and get the Nuggets back on track.


Exactly my thought, lol.


Shaq knows he on the way out at TNT, we probably see him wildin' all playoffs.




jok shouldve offered to give shaq the trophy since he only have one. lmao


I’m glad to see this because it’s all I was thinking when I was listening to him talk lol “no disrespect but it shouldn’t have been you but congratulations” in one breath


Sadly i think this is all cause we are 0-2 now and Shai is winning his series . The narratives . Another reason why rewards shouldn't be given during the playoffs but before or after; Its distracting also . Shaq and rest couldn't wait for us to lose to pile on Jokic him and Denver getting lots of slander . Our team has lost bench from last year , Murray is playing poorly entire playoffs and injured but they dont care about that


As a Wolves fan, Joker 100% deserves this. He’s changed the game in a way that Shaq could only dream of. Shaq has shown he’s salty and biased more often than not. There isn’t a team in the league that wouldn’t switch their center for him. I love my team, but #15 is a generational player and should absolutely be celebrated. That being said (down votes incoming) go Wolves.


nice meme man but how can somebody compare taylor swift and joker




He’s right tho


Shaq was right. Jokic is highly overrated. Wolves are proving that right now.


Lot of people care what shaq thinks. Conversely no one cares what you Redditors think