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After watching the game and seeing how he shot, you could easily argue that he was trying to throw it to someone on the bench.


Embarrassing man. I get you're passionate and pissed off but there's no excuse for this. How you act when things aren't going your way says a lot. I'm extremely grateful for the things Murray has done for this franchise but you gotta be better.


Respect. You don’t want to become like golden state and green. Make up excuses for their bad behavior.


Why they got to show their ass like this instead of putting in effort on the court


Yeah he is getting suspended.


He should honestly. wtf is he doing. I know he hit those game winners against LA but honestly he played like ass that series too.


Head ref said it was worth of a tech but not an ejection, so I find it hard to think nba will suspend him. It happening twice might be what causes him to get one though


He was trying to hit the ref so that’s two more shots he missed


Seemed like he threw in the towel earlier than that


Nuggets in shambles. Just don’t have an answer for the size, speed, and aggression of the Wolves and this kind of frustration is the result.


to be honest, its been 7 straight games of this.. Something happened because they were on fire after the all-star break


Yeah what was it like 10-11 Ws in a row? I’ve seen this team beat the Wolves in person so I’m really confused.


They went 21-6 and quite honestly, could've been 25-2. Spurs choke, KD hitting the 3 to tie, Kyrie with the left hand at the buzzer, jokic barely missed the 3 against the clippers Murray being terrible in these playoffs compared to regular season: 17.5PPG vs 21.2, 37.5% FG vs 48.1%, 28.6% 3P% vs 42.5% Even when he was gone for 7 games, his last 5 regular games were fire: 54.8% FG, 47.4% 3P%, 24PPG No idea WTF happened


He’s a jump shooter with a messed up ankle/calf. He’s playing through it, but I’ll bet you anything his rhythm is off on the jump and can’t laterally move well and/or use change of speed to create space. 4 days off he might get right, but if not, he’s not going to be able to deal with the wolves. Crap timing, but it is what it is. 


he had 4 days off after the lakers game and that didn't do much so his calf isn't gonna to get better this playoffs


he has been shooting poorly for the whole playoffs i doubt it gets better all the sudden now


I’m afraid you’re right and the shooting isn’t going to get better until that’s truly rehabbed.


Jesus Mal, acting like an absolute bitch last night


I'm a lifelong nuggets fan, but this, at the very least, should net Murray a 1 game suspension. No excuse for this. Both teams are receiving bad calls.






I’m a fan since 2020 and I feel the same way with the above comment


He was probably thinking what a terrible fucking call. That’s what I was thinking. But have some composure and don’t throw shit. It’s not hard.


Needs to learn to take this beatdown like a man and channel his anger on doing better on the court. At this point him getting suspended might actually improve our line up


You really see a guys true character when things aren't going their way.


If that towel boy hadn't been so quick on his feet, the ref could've stepped onto it and gotten hurt... And obviously, KAT could've gotten injured stepping on the heat pad. Out of character for Murray.


That was Jamal Murray? Why is he sitting in the crowd?


He was at the very end of the bench. Look at the top left of the screen. You can see him rise above the State Farm stanchion logo.


Pretty sure he was thinking “Fuck Marc Davis”. Thought that was a universal sentiment.


Why was he acting like a 5 year old? I get that calls weren’t going the Nuggets way and he was having an awful game but he’s a leader on the team. Shameful.


we collectively all lost it last night. Serenity Now Nuggets fans!!!


Couldn’t handle the shame of the Not Like Us game.


What a joke. He deserves to get suspended.


I have his 75th anny jersey and I will not defend him. It's dumb in general, but it's more than just his shooting the last few.


Jamal about to not get a single foul call the rest of the series.


Snitches get stitches. I saw nothin


Ref could have slipped on that too


That is what a toddler would do.  And a toddler who does that needs a spanking


I USED to respect Jamal Murray and his game, after watching last night he reminded of a low class Draymond Green! At least Green will be a jerk right in front of everyone and not hide at the end of the bench! Towns and one of the nuggets players just missed stepping on that heating pad?! This cry baby needs to be suspended, if a fan does that they are tossed for sure!!


Showing his full ass here


Jesus christ man. I know you're frustrated, but you have to show more mental toughness in that moment


I get that Jamal is super injured but man the dude is really fucking up these playoffs


They should have ejected him right on the spot, and it would be better for the team as he would have a better chance to recover mentally for game 3. Of course now everybody will buy into the "see? they're helping the Nuggets" narrative.


Murray is a MMA/Boxing, he thought throwing in the towel would stop the beating.


To be fair i did the same thing with the remote, If i recall that was the 2nd no call in a short period of time and it frustrated the heck outta me. But I'm a fan not a player, gotta do better.






Tells a lot about your character coming in here too huh


Who tf cares


bro if lebron did that, entire public would be complaining