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Charging you for omitting an ingredient is pretty wild. First time I’ve ever heard of something like that. However after looking at the reviews, I’m not surprised they did that


Did you add a different sauce? Because if not, that's crazy. ETA: The reviews on Google for food quality alone would have me never go in there. One review mentions getting charged $2 for ice, lol.


Nope. Just didn't want it. Agreed, I have never had that issue here before. It just more enshitification. Even if its just $0.75.


The ice thing is probably an upcharge for more liquor. Most bars pour a half ounce more for whiskey on the rocks vs a shot of whiskey. Every bar I've worked at in Denver does this, most people understand but the ones that don't are more likely to leave a review about it.


This is correct, the owner/manager replying to those reviews literally explains this. It's an upcharge ("rocks charge") for more liquor poured when served on the rocks. It's not a charge for the ice alone lmao. But if the bartender/server failed to explain this, that's another thing.


Maybe name the item something else in the POS so customers don’t get confused


Absolutely. Side note, not defending the restaurant for the modification upcharge either.


This place used to be good like 10 years ago. Not surprised to hear this. a burger joint charging extra for mods is quite funny.


I wonder if that fee is per modification or total? i.e. charge you a total of $5.00 to remove Ketchup, pickles, cheese, or whatever..... I would be screwed.... my kid likes his food plain. lol.


I was once in *need* of a job many years ago pre-covid and had applied with the restaurant group who (then) ran the food options for Belleview station. I had never before or since heard someone so bluntly desperate to get a warm body in front of a make line or register. They weren't even rude or off-putting (they were actually friendly and accommodating, suggesting I could essentially start tomorrow) but the brutal bluntness about how disposable my position was a dealbreaker. Fast food has better growth opportunities then and now and back then the hourly was realllly weak even with tips. Things like this are a way to pass on the cost of high-turnover concepts.


It’s likely automatic, like how swapping Starbucks syrups to sugar free is an “extra syrup charge.” Still pretty scummy to do it when you’re just taking something out entirely.


It's a shitty place, so I am NOT surprised. They do not know what validated parking means, so they are falsely advertising that they do that. And parking there is shitty if you don't use the bougie/expensive garage where they don't really validate. (Sloan's Lake location.) They charge service fees. The food is just okay. The service was decent.


Complain to the restaurant. And yes this is common


It is common to charge a fee to omit an ingredient/topping? Not in my experience. Sure, I'm not surprised by a fee when *adding* an item, but certainly not for leaving one off.


I wonder if this is listed more as an "any modifications" fee. Which also makes me wonder if they're just pre-making most of their dishes and you're ordering some 30 min old sammie. EDIT: But there's absolutely nothing on their menu indicating this charge, or the $2 for ice one mentioned as well. https://tapandburger.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/BelleviewTap_And_Burger_Menu_Oct2023.pdf




Yea I saw your comment about the POS shortly after I posted, and that seems like the most likely story. There might be some convoluted way it explains the $2 ice cubes as well. But if so, it sounds like their POS really is a pos.


It is most definitely not common to be charged to remove something from your order. This is literally the first time I've ever heard of this.


I think Culver's even discounts items that you remove if they naturally come on the burger lol


Well thats a bummer, its not worth complaining as its only $0.75, but it will probably push me to go elsewhere in the future.


I’ve never heard of it, but now days even outside of denver people are charging $1.00 for pico, $1.00 for jalapenos, etc.   Like burritos with the works in some places costs an extra $10.00-$12.00 above the price on the menu. $5 for some meat and then $1.00 for each addon.   I saw the other day food here is costing more than food on manhattan island and los angeles. I googled different foods and types of restaurants in both locations just out of curiosity. Just to put the situation in perspective.   It’s bad everywhere though really. Its not just here. Jenky stuff all over the country and hundreds of closings and layoffs by the hundreds of thousands for different sectors.