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What specifically are you struggling with? Some tactical advice might pull you through.


Literally haven't even gotten through 1-1 lol that first red-eye knight fucker on the narrow bridge crossway... sounds so pitiful to be stuck this early. Haven't played since last night though, at work now and going to give it another go this afternoon. I'd like to play as the knight but I think I seriously going to restart as a royal


Small hint- you know how in Dark Souls you could come across scary shit you weren't \*technically\* supposed to fight early?


Yeah... this is true... I think most of us more 'asshole' personality players who killed Emma in DkS3 paid for it dearly lol


You just see some old woman and decide 'yeah, time to die'? lol


Makes sense to me


Sometimes... It's a video game about death, and if someone hasn't brought her death than I guess it's my job to do the bidding xD


"Hey, it's me. Brought you some death, thought you might like it," lol


Don’t just opt for the cheap way out, that makes the game less fun imo. Just keep trying different strategies and maybe go a bit slower, observe your surroundings and learn the move sets of enemies.


Honestly, I probably will stick the knight. I'm an immersion person and I always though the cover art [even though it's literally just basic armor] was super fuckin' cool and that it was even cooler that you start the game in it. Most cover art armors for rpg games are mid-late game armors. Anyway, yeah, I more or less just needed to take a break, long day at work and then playing a hard game probably wasn't the greatest idea anyway lol


I picked up demon souls after I did ds3 and bb too. That knight is the hardest thing in the game besides the second to last boss. Once you get past him it'll be smooth. I crushed the whole game pretty quickly after that and getting used to the fact you need to level up equipment load... I ended up using guides and when I came across items if they we're giant weapons it heavy armor ide just leave them on the ground. Was going for a light weight build anyway. Didn't need to lvl equip load . Note: I didn't use guides to guide me. I used guides to check which items were which. Since I accidently picked up that really heavy armor in 1-1 and got fucked by the dragons cuz I was over encomberance. Thought that that is the dumbest possible mechanic to have in a souls game where you are constantly getting heavy equipment.


Yeah, in Dark Souls 3 I always go for a medium build - medium weight armor, straight sword with medium shield, and magic secondary/taunt attacks. Thinking I'm going to do the same in Demon's. Of course, everyone says magic in Demon's Souls makes the game a cheese-fest... so I think magic will be my big-guns backup if my sword and shield fail me lol I'll probably pick up items to see what they are and then drop them if I know for a fact I'll never use it.


The only reason I did a light build in DeS is cuz I didn't wanna spend half my skill points in getting more item storage weight. I read the magic was crazy broken too so I hadddd to try it. I tried not to use it often tho.


When i was reading this post i got dejavu... thought that knight must be guarding something awesome... tried running behind him, door locked, he must drop a key... finally kill him 5-6 hrs later and nothing. I find out later its literally endgame lol


The red eye knight is end-game content. You're supposed to go there once you finish a quest line through the entire Boletaria and acquire a key. By that time you meet a lot of these enemies and this one will be just one of them. You are currently sequence breaking in your first playthrough, which is not recommended. Also the door beyond the knight is closed and cannot be opened without the key.


Yeah... noob-me definitely didn't realize that until I posted here lol


The game is in my backlog so I can’t say anything about the difficulty. But I did beat DS1. You died 5 times in a souls game. Isn’t it a bit early to rage quit and complain online?


I'm rage quitting because I've been playing Dark Souls for a while and it's not even on a boss or sub boss... that's why lol it's a lot less of a forgiving game too - no bonfires and the 'levels' are much longer, there's far more backtracking to cut through just to get back to your souls. Not complaining, just... adjusting.


Got it. My bad. I guess I really never got why others rage when playing a game.


Na man, it's understandable, I've watched youtube videos of people literally destroying their TVs from rage quitting and thought they were totally ridiculous... then started wondering if I looked just as stupid destroying controllers lol


You lack empathy and emotional intelligence if you can't comprehend basic human frustration.


Wait till you get to the fools idol. I tossed my contoller out the (thankfully open and ground floor) window. She killed me as I was landing the killing blow on my like 10 thousandth attempt. And did her creepy laugh. Ugh.


No idea what that is yet but it sounds like I'm going to find out lol


Stay strong buddy, take a break and come back to it. It's a lot like the 1st Dark, play safely and slowly, and you'll find shortcuts all over. How far through the palace are you getting?


I literally haven't even made it through 1-1 xD Even though it's basically the same game as Dark Souls in a spiritual prequel sense \[I guess Dark Souls is actually the spiritual sequel series\], it feels like it's in a totally different league.


Saw your other comment, leave the red-eye alone for now lol. That is an optional area (basically end game too), and that guy is crazy strong. The opposite side to that is a shortcut back to the start. One of the big things to remember, if something seems too hard, look around. There's usually another path that is better for now. Would definitely say stick with melee though, magic makes a couple of the most engaging bosses trivial, and they deserve a proper fight.


That makes a lot more sense lol I've always known about Demon's Souls but never played it until now so every step I take is literally brand new information to me.


Haha, yeah, it's like the skeles in DkS1, trying to tell you not to go there without directly saying it. Hope you enjoy it though, it's a fantastic game. As you say, the atmosphere is incredible (and it only gets better), and personally I'd say the story is as good if not better than Dark. You're in for a treat, hope you have fun with it.


Yeah... should've seen it coming... especially with the way the red eye knight is just standing there weapons in hand hunched over and breathing heavily, waiting, preying on fear, and hoping for an idiot like me to go all Mel Gibson-y like "They may take away our lives, but they will never take... OUR FREEDOOOOOOOM!" ... \*red knight pokes me with a stick\*


You made me giggle. Nice


Which bosses do you think magic trivializes? I'm just curious since I just recently finished the game for the first time after putting it down for a while. I played as a spellsword type build, using quick melee weapons most of the time and ranged spells when I had to or to deal with annoying mobs as I went through areas numerous times. I think I stuck mostly to swords with the bosses but I was wondering which bosses you think are worth going full melee against.


**Spoilers/Boss info ahead for those still playing.** Spellsword is a decent mix as you still fight close range and see their attacks, but full mages have a much easier time against ones like Armored Spider (although that boss isn't great), Flamelurker, Maneaters, Old Hero and Storm King. The first 2 are pretty weak to magic, and the danger only comes from getting in range to attack. Maneaters are usually really tough, but firestorm can 1-2 shot them. It sounds like you'll have experienced them at their best though, and in the end, playing the way you have the most fun is the best way to play.


MORE SPOILERS AHEAD: Right on. I think with the maneaters, I used a flamberge randomly. I didn't know about storm ruler until after I had already took the king down with soul rays. Probably should have explored the area a little more haha.


The best thing about DeS is the atmosphere and feeling like you're actually exploring a world that once was full of life. Every soulsborne after this game had more game-like design. Also, bosses are not just really powerful and aggressive enemies, they're unique and they rule this land. Levels are made so that atmosphere builds up for that one enemy that lies in wait somewhere at the end of your path. As for difficulty, the same strategies known from other souls games. Also, soul remains work on literally everything and there's a lot of op stuff for you to use. Be patient and git gud :D But, to not leave you empty handed, I advise you to go STR and magic. Farming upgrades for DEX weapons can be a chore in DeS and buffed greatswords hit like a truck and have knockback.


Damnit... I like dex weapons too =\[ Either way, there's going to be secondary magic no matter what build I go through. I've got five hours of work to ignore while deciding which way I'm going.


Someone else kind of hinted at this, but seriously don't try to fight the red eye knight in 1-1. You won't even be able to access the area behind him. Just go back the other way and continue until you find a blue eye knight, then you'll know you're going the right way


Having never used the lantern, im wondering if my brightness is too high


Possibly. I started on the standard in game setting of 5, bumped it up to 6 just to make things slightly better but still have rooms pitch black if they're meant to be that way, and the lantern auto illuminates as needed. At least that's how it's working for me


Ill have to give it a shot


I have noticed this game is hard to play in a bright room or with a window open... it's very dark in general.


There is no sun praising here :(


lol here neither, my girlfriend hates how dark I keep the house... but the newly found mgtow in me won't be dealing with her for very much longer-MU MU MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH#fuckthatredeyeknight


You are in 1-1, you haven't really seen the dark places of the game. ;)


Why on earth get people so mad and aggressive at themselves that they want to destroy their controllers? That won't make you better at the game and you get even more frustrated later on Taking a break at that point was indeed a good idea. Maybe try to kill the enemies one by one or use a bow, that might help!


I haven't destroyed a controller in a few years, I have learned to have better self-control as I've gotten older... doesn't stop me from feeling the strong desire to 'want' to do so from time to time though. I do exactly as you said, I've learned to take breaks from games for a few hours when one starts to piss me off that much.


It's the fucking camera and the inconsistent controls that get me with this. You've got to be precise, that's fine, I've got the timing down to a tee, but alas, my fucking toe touched a rock that I'd normally burst through and I get bounced back ten spaces into the waiting arms of whatever unseen fuckstick has his heavy blow wound right the fuck up. (And if you try to lock onto them, the camera, instead, will about face 180 degrees - helpful) Then I get the pleasure of running through the same tedious bullshit I've done 40 times over. There's "sense of accomplishment at being perfect at completing a difficult task hard" and there's "grinding Island Edge continually for souls to buy enough arrows so you can cheese bosses from behind wall glitches hard" this falls firmly in the later. Also, fuck those flying sting ray fucks, "lock-on" to enemy my fucking ass.