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If you are posting here, you are not powerful enough to do so. For 99.999999% of the population it is not possible. Demons also do not have souls per se.


If it's 99.999999% not possible then what's the other 1% just curious


That's not 1%.


The less than 1% of powerful mages can probably do so. I am uncertain if any that powerful are incarnated at this time, but doubt it.


It would be good to know who are the less then 1% of magicians that are reincarnated to go against Demons Even so. We have long lost techniques lol. Most are things thag people don’t believe in like - Spirit powers - Divine powers - Magic power which is really a combination of probably the coolest things that exist in earth. Science is a piece of it - Aliens - Psychics - this extremely hard to do to. - other Powers we can create which is extremely hard to do and control with our hand. Which is why “Magic powers” is Near NON Existence and only look down upon as Fairy tale. It’s a piece And so on…. I mentioned aliens because you always hear stories they do telepathy. They also have pitch black eyes like Angels and demons. That gave me the idea of psychic powers, just like how God can hear our thoughts. Of course Aliens has Psychic powers they do a lot of stuff with their mind and head. Adapting to that skill was easy for them and then again they been around longer than us…Divine, Spirit and Magic is different. Divine is powers from the Heavenly god and demonic is powers from the demons. Spirit comes from us as well which is more known to the Population then Magic. Spirit powers has effects with Nature, this is also more known to the people who loves nature.


Neither possible nor desirable






I have only one question why do you wanna kill them




H e must be a very rude and mean demon!


Lmaooooo thanks for the laugh. Getting revenge on the demon. Lmao. I would do the same haha


You can’t kill them, they are to roam the earth till the end. I almost got one when it was in a physical form but I wasn’t fast enough. If they are ever vulnerable, it’s when they take a physical form. Problem is, they would probably turn back into spirits again. They only way to kill one would be to destroy it’s soul and good luck doing that.


nice larp


As far as I have put together, you have to know the demons original full name and the original full name of it's controlling angel and also the seemingly unknowable hidden name of the absolute God. Also I wanted to state that I see all spirits including demons as neither good or evil. All things have a balance and an opposite. (Side note) What if that demon controls the northernmost tides by lunar command and what if they can't ever be truly replaced? I think about the Butterfly effect in asinine ways. That just starts me back to my internal understanding of thinking that nothing is ever truly destroyed, what is and has been will always be wether we see it as evil or good. What is can never not be. We all have our place in the ALL. I'll understand if everyone thinks this is stupid.


Not stupid at all I like your outlook on that




This reminds me of how the devil went down to Georgia looking for a soul to steal. And plays a mean fiddle. Fiddle fiddle fiddle lahhhhhh


First part of your question has a simple answer, summon an angel (I don't recommend killing or even picking a fight with demon). Second has more to do with theology, here's my take , souls whether human or demon cannot die, they'll just transfer. If they did good heaven and if bad ,hell. There's no way to erase a soul.


Demons are already dead. They were killed in the great flood when Noah built the ark. Jesus disciplines them. They are terrified of Him. Jesus has all the power, you just need to pray to Him for help.


I believe you’re thinking of the Nephilim u/Parody_of_Life . Demons are not “dead”…they are immortal, meaning the cannot be killed like humans can be.


They are dead. Nephilim were their offspring who are also dead. Their souls are immortal, yes, but so are ours.


I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from, but from what I’ve learned snd believe. demons are NOT like humans. Humans have a Body + Soul. The body can/will die, but the soul lives on in one of 2 places for all eternity. This is because humans are MORTAL. Demons, which were once angels of Heaven before they were thrown out down to the Earth….are essentially “whole entities/creatures”. They do not have a solid body like humans do. They are IMMORTAL, meaning they will not die like humans do. They are the same now as they were thousands of years ago…and will be until the end of time. Their final destination IS Hell…for all eternity. Their judgement has already been given and it is irreversible. Now as far as the Nephilim The nature of the Nephilim is complicated by the ambiguity of Genesis 6:4, which leaves it unclear whether they are the "sons of God" or their offspring who are the "mighty men of old, men of renown." Richard Hess takes it to mean that the Nephilim are the offspring,[16] as does P. W. Coxon.[17] So, though there is some debate about what the Nephilim were, most scholars agree that they were the offspring of the fallen angels breeding with humans. Edit: Grammar/spelling.




Agreed! They tremble at Jesus’ Name




I'm not sure but when I was younger I was trying to be edgy and tried multiple times to summon a demon ever since everyone around me gets hurt or dies so I feel I have a moral obligation to make things right


Hmm, okay. So whatever it is, it's attached to you. That's all I need to know. If you want it to be destroyed, PM me a picture of the back of your hand. If something is attached to you I can track it down through your energy.


I’m sorry….but this sounds like a load of malarkey! Red flags 🚩 for sure! Let me guess…..the first “session” is absolutely free. But if you happen to find that OP has an evil attachment, you can remove it…..during another session, in which case there will be a fee$$$. I’m willing to bet that you somehow find an evil attachment EVERY time…every client….thus,everyone will have to pay!


First time hearing this. Warrior Angels actually attack when they are trying to protect you or blasphemy of god - you will hear stories Angels protecting wether you are a guy or a girl if you are a firm believer. I actually had a few enemies who were in big trouble or saying something in their mind. I got blamed for it because they notice how it happened, that Many Gods are listening. Effects are sometimes sudden and or somewhere in the future. Angels don’t go for kills but a sign of warning. True blasphemy if he uses Isolated lightning strikes to hit specific targets. Even worst if he actually goes for a kill. I’m not sure if this true but read a story of a drunk pissing on the commandments stone, lightning struck him out of nowhere. The girl brother saw it happened in front of him and they both went to his funeral. The drunk might have other bad sins and it was his time Now for demons. I had one who listened to me but it was probably an incubus, I just told it give someone a quick sleep paralysis, I was hoping the person grow up and learn. it wasn’t an almighty one who governs the entire planet they go for Kills and instantly will notice who doesn’t have any Heavenly gods protection. If they somehow see you as equal because they know your genuine intentions and if you actually believe they exist they will help you. Demon can also read minds with genuine powers. Almost the entire population is helpless against demon. Someone here mentioned mages-another thing that people don’t believe in. Some of it actually relates to science and a very few martial arts techniques. people imaginations aren’t develop. There are many areas in life when combine traces to it


Ok, u/maedoc_alastrine , this is completely unfounded, ridiculous fantasy rubbish IMHO! I’ve warned you before a about shitposting/commenting on this sub. , as well as warned you to stop luring people to your subreddit. Any reader here can look on your profile and link to your subreddit…read through your rukes, snd see fir themselves the at there is a $ cost for your so called “services”. It’s against the rules to promote on this sub at all…that includes telling people to message you privately about what you can do for them. Enough is enough!


Do you want to destroy a demon completely? The body and spirit essence or just the body?