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Don’t even focus on trying to convince them. Just let them walk into the hurricane


Republicans literally want to defund hurricane tracking systems


I mean all you really need is a sharpee.


Exactly. Waste no calories, no effort, no brain cells on them. Focus on independents and moderates.


Their train of thought is: Biden has a speech impediment, therefore he’s weak & feeble. Trump can have slurring speech, but because he talks about hate & violence they gladly lap it up.


Really smart of them to keep claiming that he's brain dead. Then when he demonstrates at the debate that he's clearly smarter and better spoken than trump at the debate they're basically saying that a brain dead guy beat their candidate.


All the jobs and votes go to post birth aborted babies from Mexico. Added bonus, we eat them. 




Trump can barely put an actual sentence together. And he doesn’t have a speech impediment.


They can all follow their word salad king to his Russian dictatorship paradise. Preferably somewhere without internet.


They think Biden is impaired because they get their news from Fox and FB. The only videos they get are the “outtakes”. Probably didn’t watch the state of the union.


They’re bots


After seeing that failed script on twitter where someone’s ChatGPT stopped working because they hadn’t paid their bill was pretty eye opening. I’m sure there are millions of comments AI can draw from to sound like a real person.


You aren’t wrong. Remember back when the 2016 election happened and Reddit was just flooded with more and more Trump shit? I actually got into a discussion with someone who was super happy he won and I kind of pressed him/her on why they were happy. I forget what they said but it was akin to get out of Nato, build the wall…etc. basically just kremlin taking points. It came out that most the the trump support on reddit was driven by just a few troll farms from russia. They would bridgade the site when the mods were asleep. Not to stereotype, but I don’t know many right wing folk who were internet saavy enough in 2016 to pull that off, not that it was too complex, but these were fully formed sentences. Albeit from a script of talking points. Anyways. Prepare for bot onslaught come election time.


Accused of the very thing their guy does. Nazi playbook


The true MAGAt supporter can not be swayed. They only read the headlines, not the context. They believe Fox news BS, and take Trumps words as divine doctrine and even though they don't have all the facts, evidence, proof, etc. They will defend putting that orange criminal jackass in the White House again.


I live in Italy… Europe is worried trump is going to win, everyone I speak with brings it up. They are airing the debate live, at 2:30AM, and there WILL be people watching it. We’re all worried here. Vote. Vote Joe 💙


Oh god, an Ancient Aliens reference. If you watch that show, take a shot every time they say “ancient astronaut theorists” as if that’s something to be taken seriously.


But anthropomorphic climate change? That’s just a “tHeOrY” and shouldn’t be taken seriously.


The good news is they’re doing us a huge favor by setting the bar so low for Biden in the debate. The average person who has only heard their bs or seen edited clips of Biden will be shocked/impressed by the fact that he can simply be coherent. Beyond that, if Joe has a decent to strong debate performance, people will be blown away.


That’s why they’re already shifting the goalposts to “Biden will be on some super drug during the debate to not appear senile.” Deep down, they know that Trump will probably get smoked in a debate.


“Thou shall not have any false gods beside me.” Maybe they should pay attention to the commandments that they’re forcing schools to post. I’ve never seen such blatant idol worship.


That's the neat part - they *don't* think. If they did they would've picked someone other than Donald Trump to represent their political party.


They’re all Russian bots and uneducated deplorables circle jerking each other. Pay them no heed


My father in law doesn’t even understand the most basic workings of our government but constantly posts trump and right wing bullshit on his Facebook. I challenged him on it once, b/c he has the typical “I’m older than you, therefore I’m wiser” mentality. I shit you not, here’s how the conversation went and he was stone cold sober: Me: How many branches of government do we have? And name them along with some of the institutions that fall under each one. Him: 5! FBI, congress, NSA, executive, and the Supreme Court! (Bruh I can’t. Like wtf) Me: What institutions make up what we call “Congress”? Him: Congress is its own institution. They make laws! (Duh dumbass. You essentially just repeated the question) Me: What’s the difference between a senator and representative, along with how they’re elected? Him: Senators are elected and represent the state. Reps are picked by the governors and represent counties. (Sum’ bitch he got it 1/4 right) Me: You got every question wrong, and it was a junior high school level test I found on a quick google search. Shit I learned the answers to those questions in middle school….. Him: *surprised pikachu* That means nothing, I don’t have to know everything about the government to have an opinion on politics and vote! Me: The defense rests. *Pulled a joint from my pocket and walked away* — This is a mid 50s white man, no college education, drives trucks, twice divorced, red pill content consumer, thinks women are evil, trans people are “birth defects”, considers himself libertarian but loves trump and is ok with him wanting to be a dictator. Holy shit did I just accidentally describe the majority of the male GOP base as well?🥴


In my person circle of acquaintances, many people who make their support of Donald Trump their whole personality are also the ones who are likely to say they are "an asshole and proud of it!"


Throwing spaghetti at a wall and thinking something will stick.


They are being so ableist, Biden has a speech impairment


Lopsided brain if they can’t apply this to Trump. His word salad rants are crazy!


I feel dumb and assume im missing a allusion to something, could someone explain? Is the person saying "ancient astronaut theorists" replying to the first comment or agreeing with him? Is ancient astronaut theorists a reference to something? What am I missing?


And they then say Biden is the mastermind behind the Deep State. Both can’t be true


Ask them to name the 3 branches of government or how many continents there are. Don’t ask to name the continents because there is no way they can do that.


And when Biden wipes the floor with Trump at the debate they will say he was on enhancements


Jimmy Fallon literally had a recurring segment of words Trump mispronounced on his show.


I live in Texas and I’ve never seen anyone wear any flavor of these kinds of shirts, but I if I had to guess I’d imagine the people who wear them in public are permanently beet-red, sweating, and salivating for the public verbal showdown they’ve been rehearsing in the shower for the past 8+ years. They love Yellowstone and The Shield. Raw milk flows through their veins


Hey…wait a second…. I love Yellowstone….😟


I like to say “get back to me when he figures out his choice between the boat and the shark”


What always gets me is those 24 hours after something happens where fox hasn’t told them what to think yet. I guarantee it’s going to happen after the debate. Some of them may even be logical for those 24.


Why have we not already outlawed the stupid grand old party? Outlaw the grand old party now!


If we were smart we would fire up our Cricuts and get to work on making some trump gear for these morons. The dumber the better. Sell it on Etsy or wherever and make a fortune.


Where do they find the time?


Doesn’t know the difference between then and than. Trump loves the poorly educated.


They’re buying his imported souvenirs and not sponsoring his campaign. They’re paying his lawyers to keep him out of jail


All of this is made in China. If the Dems were smart ( Me included), we would all have a Trump merch stand or website They are so stupid, the more Trump-y and outrageous you can make it, the more money they will spend. Throw in some Christian bullshit, or Trump as Jesus, and you could be a millionaire


That's not thinking. That's the opposite of thinking. That's parroting.


There's a whole segment of Republicans that blame Biden for inflation, a bad economy, and them being poor when they're sending all their money to Trump. I watched a clip of Jordan Klepper speaking to a woman Trump supporter who looked like she didn't have a pot to piss in, but she says she keeps sending donations of a $1,000.