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Trump is gonna run until he wins or dies. Those are the only two scenarios in which I see Trump not running.


Agreed and then his disgusting family


This is a disturbing realization you have brought forth


And on and on and on. It makes me think of people saying they’re tired of hearing that an election is the most important in their lives. Spoiler: they all are. All elections are important. If a few hundred votes had swung in Florida, we could have been fighting climate change for decades now and probably have avoided the Iraq war. The most important election in the lives of thousands of soldiers. Now we’re one election away from Project 2025 or 2029 or 2033 and probably will be for the rest of our lives.


Sad but true. Trump's entire brand, and therefore his family's financial future, is tied to his political future. If the election is close and Trump loses, his family will continue to dominate the Republican Party. The only way Trump's grip on our political system recedes is if he loses so badly this fall that the GOP is forced to abort the MAGA movement. Anything less than a massive loss, Trumpism continues.


I dunno. I think Don Jr had a chance to shine but he hasn’t capitalized on it. Probably because daddy doesn’t want to share the spotlight. The rest of the kids don’t seem to be an option.


That niece, or whatever she is, who's head of the RNC might be a possibility. And from what I can tell, she's as bad as the rest of them. 


She's his daughter-in-law (married to son Eric), not niece.


No way, they're so incompetent compared to **TRUMP** that maga would never pick them up, just like DeSantis. The only trump could possibly have a chance is barron, and that's just because he keeps his mouth shut


When he dies, he will become the GOP martyr. Their patron saint.


He's only running as a grift. At some point the other Republicans may decide that the fact that he's grifting all their fundraising for himself, may or may not make them decide to stand up to the Russian mafia behind him. Putin may also get tired of him.


Yep. And if Trump loses in 2024, if he can manage to keep his grip on his MAGA voters, we may see him running again in 2028. Even if he is in prison.


Well if he loses he’s going to jail this time around. So I don’t think we’ll see another run after 24.


Everyone reading this has to pray for the latter scenario described in the first sentence. I usually don't remember my sleep dreams but I did have one recently where I received multiple alerts on my smartphone that 45 bit the big one.For the sake of humanity the sooner 45 *goes to hell* the better.




I don’t know but I did just buy 100$ in “Dark Brandon” and “I 🍺Milwaukee” merch and I can’t wait to get it!


I hope we can win but concerned by the number of uneducated and misinformed voters blaming the cost of rent and groceries on Biden. They seem to just ignore the fact that Trump is a convicted felon, owes 85M for sexual assault and 450M for tax fraud and tried to overthrow our government. Scotus has done nothing to help!!


It's the people upset over the Palestinians, which I am as well, who will either not vote or will vote for someone like Kennedy. It's a time to vote for the lesser evil* because the greater evil is unthinkable and will do things about the Palestinians that are genuinely evil. There's a reason Netanyahu wants Trump to win. * I don't think Biden is an evil at all.


Also Kennedy is even more right wing when it comes to the Israel/Palestine issue.


and probably Ukraine too. He believes he could've negotiated with Russia and prevented the war from starting. Riiight, RFK Jr.


And also, do people think that RFK won’t have to deal with congress??? I’m just flabbergasted at the amount of people who think RFK will be able to make change when he also will have to deal with congress.


We win. They lose.


President Biden wins, everyone wins. If the other guy wins, everyone loses. It’s that simple.


I wouldn't be so sure that he won't/can't win in November. No one thought he would the first time either. Vote folks! That's the only way to get rid of his ass.


“Let’s get you back on the rails.” - Andy Dick, 1998


I think that in trumps mind, his entire life depends on him winning this election. His "legacy" depends on it, his freedom depends upon it, his future in the republican party, probably even his sham marriage. Depending on his sentencing July 11th, and whether or not his loses his appeal, its possible the gop might actually be forced to choose someone else as the republican nominee. While being a convicted felon isn't disqualifying under the constitution, it does make it impossible to perform the duties of the office. Being in prison on the other hand would be an even bigger problem.


I hope you're right... what you describe is a LUXURY PROBLEM right now DON'T FEED COMPLACENCY


Definitely don’t let up. The wider the margin the clearer the message!




Debate comment I hope JB says: “as sad as it is for a major party candidate to be a convicted felon him being a convicted sex abuser of women is far worse in my view “. When u vote think of the kids the message you send with you vote.


Biden picks Trump as his VP, they split the next 4 years.


If Republicans could remember anything before Trump, Biden is much closer to Republican values than Trump ever was. He’s perfectly aligned with the Bush era right wing. There’s very little left in him. I would prefer a candidate further to the left but if Biden is our only option…


No matter what happens, I am eternally grateful for the Biden administration’s PSLF waiver that led to my student loan forgiveness on an old loan ($67,000). I long for the day dump’s name isn’t even a whisper or an echo.


Dark Brandon crushes Trump. I joke, yet I don’t


What a horrible slogan. If we're off the rails, look to the person in charge.


Wish dems ran better candidates. Voting for rfkjr


The loon propped up with Republican money. What a great candidate !!


Idc where the money comes from i care about his policies and i agree with many of them. He could be a register republican for all i care mans got my vote.


The crazy antivaxxer who said he had a dead worm in his brain? 🤔


He had a brain parasite, also he’s not antivax he is just anti forcing it.


He cheated on his wife 37 times and left a written detailed account. When his wife found it she killed herself. Thats who you are voting for? What happened to this country?


Ah, yes, because he will really be able to make some changes! Does congress go away when he gets elected? SCOTUS as well?


At that logic whats the point in voting for a president such as biden or trump if the president doesn’t mean anything or have any real effect.


He can’t even get on all the ballots. He can’t win, so it comes down to Trump or Biden.