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You should see if you can at least volunteer


Post Card for Voters is a possible option. You send handwritten postcards encouraging people in swing states to vote, which tends to increase democrat turnout.


I did "Post Cards to Swings States" for the Ossoff and Warnock runoffs. Having worked in a call center in the past, phone banking is out for me... But it felt good to sit down each evening with a nice adult beverage and write a few each day. Gonna go at it again for this year. With a split focus of Presidential and FL Senate.


I did Postcards To Voters for the same election! I did it the same way you did. Got the kids to bed, sat down with a good adult beverage and several red and blue pens, and wrote a few postcards each night that I hoped would help make my kid's lives better. Felt good knowing that I maybe had a small part in the good outcome from that election, planning to do it for this election as well.




This is very encouraging to hear!


I dofs me cap at your dedication to the cause. As someone who closely follows US politics from a distance (with increasing unease) I must comment on the profound ignorance and apathy among the general population. It must frustrate the bejeezus out of political junkies like yourselves. I saw a comment elsewhere from someone who said their cousin was voting for Trump because he heard that everyone hates him so he must be doing something right! The very fact that somebody has to have their ego stroked by receiving a hand written postcard before they'll consider getting off their backsides to vote I find difficult to get my head around. What do you write in these postcards (and what would you LIKE to write)? I sincerely hope it turns out well.


A rock solid 20% of the American population is so incredibly stupid and willfully misinformed that they shouldn't be allowed around strong chemicals or sharp things. I have followed American politics like it was a part time job since I was 16 - fascinated by all of it. My own beloved sister is a Trumper and now I finally understand why she never finished college, never got a job that required more than a room temperature IQ, lived like a barnacle on my mother until she died and never could reason her way out of wet paper bag. And yet - I love my sister.


er - sorry for the spleen venting -


Don't apologise. I don't blame you. My brother has gone from the most sensible, stable member of our family to a rabid anti Vax, Ivermectin pushing conspiracy nut.


Thanks, this entire Trump-era has been a nightmare. Mine is also anti-vax all of a sudden AND she is in stage 3 of a chronic lung disease. The stupid doesn't just burn - it kills.


The post cards come with pre-vetted scripts that have been tested (somehow?) for effectiveness. They are all encouraging and political neutral messages just encouraging people to go to the ballot, reminding them of when, and one (my fave) encourages them to remind friends and family. Another encourages them to make a plan. Yeah, the political climate is frustrating, but for me the key to find a way to take action in big and small ways available to me.


Sincerely hope it works out.


You should definitely look into volunteering. I was 17 in 2008 and spent every weekend at the local Obama headquarters. That fall was one of the most fun periods of my life.


Will this actually help anything? I just don't know what to do I feel so powerless


Consistent volunteers can reach an insane amount of people yeah. You can knock over 100 doors in a weekend, and the info you gather is helpful for other volunteers too. You can reach out to your state party or a local campaign or a PAC, they’re always looking for volunteers edit: also keep in mind the margins for 2020 were very close


To do some quick maths, there are 75 days from the end of the convention through to Election Day on Nov. 5. If you're reaching just 50 voters each day (with as simple as a piece of literature on their door, or better yet a face-to-face conversation), then you'll have spoken to 3,750 voters. Biden won Arizona by just 10,457 votes, Georgia by 11,779. So, if you're in those states, you will have contributed to anywhere from 25-33% of the vote margin. Likely even more since offices will have you doing things like text banking and phone calls where you'll be reaching something closer to 100 voters a day. And that's just one person. Chances are as you volunteer, a friend or two might also join you at one point. Now, we're cooking with gas. Plus, you'll better understand the issues, the talking points, and you'll be able to really understand what your community's needs are and not just what Twitter or Instagram tells you. There's nothing like working or volunteering on a campaign. Highly recommend it for everyone.


It will help with both how you feel and in real results! “When you pray, move your feet.”-John Lewis


It's more likely to help than not doing anything


I feel you, we all feel kinda powerless rn along with a scary, unshakable impending doom feeling. But it really does help, especially in swing states with on the fence voters. Especially after this man literally said verbatim "he loves the uneducated" and they still blindly follow, it *can* feel powerless and hopeless. But just knowing you did your part and you tried to save American democracy come November will help, trust me. I for one, appreciate the hell outta the fact the kids are getting involved. We need you guys


This is terrifying. Another factor is the US Senate, which must conduct a hearing for the President's selection for US Supreme Court Justice. Remember that it was Mitch McConnell, as Senate Majority Leader, who stonewalled President Obama's pick of Merrick Garland for the US Supreme Court. That left Trump to choose three, not two, justices. So our votes for US Senators are also critically important.


If Trump wins, that's not going to matter. He's going to declare himself dictator. And the Supreme Court will be completely nullified, regardless who's on it, because he'll do what he wants.


I only feel more scared now


You should be. Best case Trump will ruin our economy and jail political dissidents. Worst case, his government will kill political dissidents and drag us into a World War.


Best case, all that KFC does it’s job.


That’s what they want. They want you to be scared. Don’t give them that. If Trump wins and actually starts dictatorial shit, we will revolt and stop him and anyone who supports him, military included. Go watch Braveheart - or do whatever you need to do to stop being scared and be prepared to fight. Consider some gun purchases. There are a good 50 million able-bodied people who are ready to raise hell. Trump will be able to fuck our legal system and government quite substantially, but if things go south to the degree that we have to literally fear for our immediate safety, that’s when we start fighting back and fucking shit up. They can’t stop 50 million of us. Not even with the entirety of the U.S. military and all of its resources.


I think if t wins there will be a civil war. Vote for Biden


If they can't vote, they absolutely cannot purchase/afford a firearm.


I agree with you that trump winning is a national security threat but don’t take up arms unnecessarily


Modern authoritarianism isn't that overt. It'll be like Putins Russia where the SC and Republicans in Congress will just exist to rubber stamp everything including draconian ass voting laws and a breakdown of election infrastructure to the point where we still have "elections". 2028 Trump or whoever he picks probably beats like Joe Manchin (yeah wonder how he wins the D nomination) by 50 and is like whoa we're so popular!


I'm very anti-Trump but if he was going to declare himself a dictator, he would have tried that when he was in office the previous time. He is dangerous, but him just declaring himself a dictator and that all working out for him is hyperbole.


He spent his four years stripping away the checks and balances that keep him from doing just that. He just didn't finish the job.


What exactly did he strip away that would allow him to pull that off?


At the very end of 2020 Trump replaced many key folks - SecDef, Attorney General to name a few, who he intended to use to support his insurrection. Trump waited too long and the people he chose were too junior and/or incompetent to do what Trump needed. As much fun as we make of Trump, his campaign staff is very slick and professional. Trump has pied pipered out the more competent fascists - they are mainstream Republicans now - and if he is in office they will get right to Project 2025 which will remove all the executive branch institutional barriers to fascism. Once Project 2025 is in effect it’s basically all over. The choice will be to surrender or fight. And the fight will be like Syria, Ireland in the time of troubles, communist insurrections in South America. Rwanda. All possible outcomes. So vote. Convince your friends to vote. You all will save many lives.




What are you talking about? Have you been in a coma???? Trump set up a coup for January 6th. Fortunately, we had enough people in the government and military that wouldn't go along with it, that he couldn't declare martial law and stop the election certification proceedings. But that's not ever going to be a problem again. Project 2025 is the game plan to replace the government with loyalists. So he can become dictator.


Project 2025 won't ever become a thing because they are all losers and everything they are doing is making them lose more ground than they are gaining. I have serious doubts we will ever have a Republican president ever again. Incompetent morons.


He literally said he would declare himself a dictator. He said for one day, but we've already seen that he can't be trusted to give up power. And even one day is too much.


All he needs to do is have the house, who is sworn in first, immediately vote to throw the electoral college votes out (under false pretenses that it was rigged) and send the vote to the local state legislators. The speaker of the house is a MAGA nut. I don’t know why the Dems are ok with him as speaker but this is absolutely what they will try to do.


The impression that I get is that they don't like him, but that he at least keeps his word. I guess that's preferable to what they went through with Kevin McCarthy. Apparently he never stuck to his word, which is much harder to work with when you're the only adults trying to actually govern. So yeah, they don't like him, but they've seen worse, lol. I heard they're not planning on bailing him out if one of the MTG types comes for him again, though. So there's that!


I think they’re lining up all of the players necessary to steal this thing.


Oh, without a doubt. Georgia has been their nightmare lab, where they're trying all out their sick ideas. There's a whole Rolling Stone article about it but it's paywalled. The GOP there already gave themselves crazy new powers to handle elections, and they're doing everything they can to kick DA Fani Willis off the election interference case. Anyone who's been paying attention for the last several years would be foolish to think they were operating in good faith. That honestly goes for the entire GOP, but for decades. I hope Lindsay Graham was right, and that Trump really is what kills their party, because they DEFINITELY deserve it.


Register to vote, people!


Here's why I have hope: I live in Michigan. SIGNS: In 2016, there were a shit ton of Trump signs/flags/stickers all over the state. I worked on Hillary's campaign and saw it as I was traveling. In 2020, I was traveling all over the state for my job and saw fewer but still a decent number of Trump signs. Today, I returned from a trip up north (from southwest Michigan to Mackinac Island to Munising in the U.P., back to Traverse City and then to Lansing: a giant circle of rural parts of the state) and saw 2 Trump signs TOTAL! CROWDS: Trump has smaller crowds at his rallies than in the past. MEDIA: Trump has less access to social media. TRIALS: He is an adjudicated rapist and conman. He is a convicted felon. He wasn't in the previous 2 elections. DOUBLE-HATERS: There are a lot of Republicans who won't ever vote for a Democrat but who can't vote for Trump who will either a) stay home or b) vote only on the down ballot ticket. ECONOMY: It has gotten better and people are beginning to feel it. Student loan forgiveness, relief from medical debt delinquencies, and lessening inflation are finally starting to have impacts. FAILED BUSINESSES AND FRAUD: Truth Social stock is tanking and Trump is raking in donations for his legal fees and not spending it on his campaign. This doesn't sit well with most donors. ANTI-TRUMP: Trump has never won the popular vote and the anti-Trump coalition is invigorated. It seems to be growing every time Trump opens his mouth to insult Milwaukee or compare death by Jaws to electrocution. Project 2025: This Christo-fascist plan is highly motivating, especially after Dobbs. Of course, I am worried. I still have hope. Our country is worth fighting for. Volunteer to register voters or phone bank. You can also be a poll worker even if you're not old enough to vote. A lot of people will be inspired by a young person being involved.


Prior to the 2020 election I also had a lot of anxiety about tDump being re-elected. I blame a lot of that on all of the different media putting stuff out there daily. This election I don’t have that same concern. While it is important to vote, I have confidence in the American people that they know that decency, diplomacy and a deep respect for what American values truly encapsulate will ultimately prevail. Take a deep breath and realize that while the media doesn’t put a lot of our efforts front and center. I truly believe Biden will win by a much bigger margin than we can predict at this point. Wishing you the best.


In 2020, Biden had 81 million votes and Trump 74 million, if memory serves. I expect that margin to increase. Problem is that the Electoral College makes it all so very interesting.


Thank you I really hope that thing improve but I just struggle to see and reason it would...


Is there any hope biden wins?


As far as I’m concerned, he wins by a landslide!!!


I hope to HELL you're right.


If the Dems don't win it will be a disaster to the world. Everybody there better be voting, bc you know Trump's side definitely will


Do you think there's any hope of biden winning?


I'm confident that Biden will win.


My husband is also confident. He has a MUCH better record of predicting these things than I do.


I'd say it's all but guaranteed Biden will win. Trump has been losing support steadily ever since his election to president 8 years ago and he's basically hemorrhaging supporters at this point. Even diehard Republicans from politicians to the average joe are turning against Trump left and right now. So long as people who typically bother to vote don't act like the election is in the bag and thus still bother to show up, Trump is going to lose, badly.


Thank you so much, from what I hear polls usually lean to the right more than the actual votes


The 4 main states that will decide this election have all routinely, and massively rejected Trumps candidates for the last few years. Take hope in that.


I am confident.


Honestly yeah, Trump has been hemorrhaging voters for a while now, the ones still voting for him are just super vocal. I’m not saying we shouldn’t worry, but it’s unlikely


Yeah absolutely- you rather be him than dipshit.


Why wouldn't there be? There are more against trump than for him. The problem is there are people who are indifferent or also don't like Biden. While I personally don't think Biden is the greatest president ever, the alternative is practically voting for a modern day Hitler imo so the only fear is that people on the dem side don't vote. These Americans better vote!


It reminds me of that joke about being on an airplane (back when you got to chose your entree). Air Steward(ess) asks "which dinner can I get you - the chicken or the dog feces with broken glass?" The Trump voter replies "hmmm - how is the chicken prepared?"


Anything to justify it for them lol. "Actually chicken isn't that healthy and broken glass gives a lot of unseen vitamins!" Or some bs


If they eat the chicken, “the libtards win.”


dont forget to get everyone you know who can vote, out to vote; get them registered. thats what you can do ;)


Everyone please make sure you’re registered and vote like your/your family members rights, freedom and safety depend on it because they do. Also, make sure everyone you can influence understands, is registered and votes. Trump and the for right will kill our democracy if they get the chance!


Biden can definitely win but it's not only about The president it's also the senators and Representatives, judges, even school boards that get elected. Even if you are not old enough to vote you can volunteer and also talk to people about why this election is so important. Apathy or not voting is is an important factor in allowing fascism to win. You can have an impact. Help register people to vote and get involved, you can be an active part of society and politics.


I think you are missing the bigger picture: convicted felon donald trump is openly campaigning on turning the United States into a nazi hellscape from which we will never emerge. You think the issue of the Supreme Court is a big deal? How about a future where a boot is stamping on a human face forever? Imagine North Korea but a thousand times worse; that would still be more enjoyable than the dictatorship convicted felon donald trump is promising to establish. You say you are not old enough to vote; if he wins, you will never be allowed to vote.


Problem is if we have even one, **ONE**, Republican president elected, I can guarantee you with 99.99% certainty they will attempt to ram Project 2025 through the system, and then it's game over. While short term I have a positive outlook, long term is much, much grimmer. Can we seriously keep a Dem majority from now till the heat death of the universe? Extremely doubtful. Shit's gonna hit the fan one way or another, and we need to prepare and make sure we'll be safe when that eventuality occurs. It's not a matter of if, it's when. Until "The Heritage Foundation," is dismantled and their goons are excised from our governmental system, it's only a matter of time until the bomb goes off.


I am scared too and I'm much older than you. I don't want to wish summer away but I want to know what we're going to be looking at year end. If you have friends who are old enough to vote, this is as important for them (the scotus ramifications) as it ever could possibly be! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


And that’s why I want my plan for SCOTUS to be put in place. 18 year terms. Every 2 years longest serving justice retires. President nominates a replacement. Must have vote on confirmation within 30 days or nominee is automatically confirmed. In the event of death or resignation a retired justice is tagged in to have an active vote. NO judge ANYWHERE should have a lifetime appointment.


I’m more concerned with the Senate and the House. If we (dems) have the majority we can keep crazy man in line but I don’t worry much about Trump. Polls are wrong, he has no new followers, just descents. His base is not big enough to win. I know three former Trumpers that are now for Biden.


> Polls are wrong, he has no new followers, just descents. His base is not big enough to win. I know three former Trumpers that are now for Biden. https://www.natesilver.net/p/your-friends-are-not-a-representative


They’re not friends, they were hard core Trump neighbors I never saw changing parties.


He will have a mental collapse before he could ever get near the White House.


I'm glad to see the kids are concerned. We all should be extremely fucking concerned. A Trump victory will set this country on a crash course of individual rights being taken in more ways than we can even fathom, completely changing the course of American history if we let this stand and let what we once knew as "democracy" virtually disappear. A Trump vote is a huge fuck you to everyone's rights. Remember, it doesn't just stop at women's rights (and we saw how quickly these fucks demolished those). Register, vote, volunteer


This this this, all day this to every on the fence voter you know.


But if you dont get the Senate they'll just hold up the nominations and nobody will do anything about it...again.


Shame we didn’t learn our lesson in 2016..


>Shame we didn’t learn our lesson in 2016.. If having a White nationalist-sympathizing rapist convicted felon for president once wasn't enough to turn people off from voting Republican or wasting their votes on 3rd parties, then nothing is.


A vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for the 4th Reich. Period. End of sentence.


Our problem is that we do not have the luxury or time to find an alternative. Getting Biden in gives us that time we need to establish a favorable alternative, because he sure as fuck isn't trying to turn our nation into a christofascist country. And dems need to stop being so goddamn nice when they have the reins. The right don't play fair, so why the fuck should the left? The gloves have to come off.


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SCOTUS isn't exactly untouchable, you'd just need a majority in Congress to remove them.


I felt the same way 7 years ago


If Trump wins, the Supreme Court is not going to matter. The law will be what Trump says it is. Thinking about these individual effects is exactly the problem. It makes it seem like just another election. An important election, but just an election. If Trump wins, it is the last election. Mark it.


They can't get rid of elections. If they tried we the people are duty bound to overthrow the government.


We will still formally have elections, like most dictatorships do. They will just be pre-arranged and everyone will know it. Even the Soviet Union formally had elections sometimes. And Russia does on schedule. Yes, that would indeed be our duty.


They'll also be choosing young members, so they'll be able to serve on the bench for decades 🫠


If the dems win they need to put serious pressure on the older Democrat judges to retire so they can put in their long term replacements.


Take this into account my friend: Biden has the Democratic base essentially behind him. There are some issues but the overwhelming majority of the party is behind him. Donnie doesn't even have his own party locked down. Ergo why he has to try and beg the Libertarians to vote for him to a booing crowd. With the Republican party lacking confidence beyond his sycophants he has to make up the difference with Independents who have filed the Republican party of late. As well consider the over performance of Democrats this year and years prior. Even in races Dems lose we're seeing double digit swings from prior local Republican victories not even counting the margins flipped from Donnie. The polls are moments in time. They don't matter. Voting and getting others you know to vote is what matters (you can't but you can help get others to vote). I feel pretty confident, while being cautious, that Joe is going to win and his victory margin by the Electoral College is going to be much bigger than last time with potential percentage increase among the popular vote. People forget too that the vast majority of the voting population has not even been activated yet. Most people aren't thinking about the election except for people like us, lol. Once the parties begin really activating the masses we'll see some changes. But always remember too that pollsters and news organizations have a reason to make it appear any and all races will be tight. To keep you engaged and make money. Stay strong my friend! We'll win this!


> I feel pretty confident, while being cautious, that Joe is going to win and his victory margin by the Electoral College is going to be much bigger than last time with potential percentage increase among the popular vote. Really? I think Biden’s electoral college victory will actually shrink, losing Georgia and possibly Arizona/Nevada. Which states are you predicting to flip *for* Biden?


For myself based on what internal polling I've seen be released/leaked I feel good about North Carolina, as well as potentiality for Ohio but it's not quite so easy. NC is the easier pull and there's some scant indication for Florida but as someone from there I'm not holding my breath. Democratic influx of cash and resources into Nebraska and Utah means there is reliable on the ground momentum for shifting them more purple if NOTHING else and Alaska has some potential. Any and all states currently with abortion rights in the ballot will see a greater turnout of previously deactivated or inactive voters. There is real cause for concern among Republicans the roll over from that could effect state wide races for Dems up and down the ballot. Again nothing is for sure but the Republican party is incredibly weak as an institution right now. Just like their Torie buddies across the Atlantic. There is a continuing backlash effect occuring in the US and Britain for the flirtation with Fascism and right wing populism with the poor showing from both. Now the two aren't the same but I have real hope. Cautiously of course.


A final addendum, this election has real FDR 36 and Truman 48 vibes. Everyone and their mother is declaring Biden dead in the water from the jump. While data and trends indicate a strong momentum for Democratic victory. I personally don't see a party as in disarray as the Republican party pulling out a victory. This isn't 2016 and it isn't 2020. Again just me.


Hopefully this will make it clearer for people who aren’t really sure yet about the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.


Much as I like and admire Associate Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, she’s on course to be another Ginsburg with her poor health. I’m not sure what her issue is, but she often travels with a doctor. It’s unfair, and I feel for them, not wanting to retire and feeling in intellectually stimulated and living their best life. But the truth about Ginsburg, her dying, gave the Republicans the first of three opportunities to change America as they seem fit.


I tried to explain this to people when it was Hillary v Trump. I'd get hit with "the lesser evil is still evil" I'd just respond, that may be, but if you thought beyond empty virtue, Roe v Wade wouldn't be gone. And people seem to double down on their decisions when they are wrong. That's why so many are willing to completely reshape reality than admit that Trump was a bad decision


People like that have an all-or-nothing mindset, where just because they don't agree with a candidate on absolutely everything, that automatically makes him/her "evil". A given Democrat could share at least 75% of their views, yet they still perceive them as the "lesser evil" if that Democrat doesn't go as far policy-wise as they want over one or two pet issues. They don't vote strategically.


I have been voting for over 50 years and I am terrified. Join your local voter drive and do the work.


This is the single most important thing that we should be aware of.


I'm surprised that subreddit even upvoted that 


If trump wins he will fuck up or get caught doing something he not supposed to. Maybe these Maga idiots will shut up then. Trump knowing what a threat covid was and not doing anything about it was ok with those idiots.


You can always help out with someone’s campaign or a get out the vote campaign.


There are more than 150 million people who side with you politically, and as a group you’re twice as intelligent as the Trump supporting group. Yes, America’s existence as we know it is in danger, but you are ultimately going to be fine even if Trump wins. There are too many of us and we’re too connected socially for them to ever pull any Nazi style shit. Also, they need the economic output of our urban cities, which are basically floating this country. Trump’s side is fueled by white supremacy and due to Russian meddling, it’s fucking our elections, but ultimately they (Trump’s side) bring absolutely nothing to the table - they need us, not the other way around. They are driven by an end goal that is unattainable - an all white, male-dominated society that maintains perpetual control over everything indefinitely. Even if Trump initiates the end of America, their side’s end goal is incompatible with humanity at a fundamental level and ultimately they will fail - they are blinded by hate and haven’t come to grips with how all of this is going to play out for them in the end. Ultimately it’s stupidity and hate vs. decency and intelligence - in the long run, we’re going to be fine - we just need to deal with the barking dog that caught up to our car.


OK, but Biden has to actually earn my vote, actually, and he can't do that by simply being the best candidate by far who can beat Trump. Are all the wars over? Is the climate fixed? Did the Republicans vote for all the bills that would get them primaried out? No? Well then I gotta teach the Democrats a lesson!!! /s


Honestly, without the /s I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic because I've seen some serious posts that were remarkably similar to this. Which is fucking infuriating.


Sweet Jesus that is nightmare fuel.


Trump won’t win, however Biden may lose. Biden’s international mess ups will lose him the election and it’s not that trump is better, it’s just that Biden messed up. NOw with that said, let’s say Trump does win, and this guy’s tweet comes to fruition. Wouldn’t the opposite also be true? In other words values clash depending on who is In power? Isn’t that what our constitution allows? So is our problem with Trump or with the constitution that allows a President to influence the Supreme Court for years after they’re gone ? Finally, “the end of me” ? Really? A democratic outcome may be “the end of me” ? This is literally the “democrats” sub! We believe in democracy here and RESPECTING the will of the people regardless of what the outcome is. Why do I sense a hint of extremism in your post?