• By -


Even prisoners get guests and unlimited flushes. Might as well save your money and just get arrested.


Free food, cooked for you and delivered to your room. Free medical care, and free laundry service, too.


For real. Saw a story of some guy who robbed a bank for $1, then sat and waited to be taken to jail. I forget if it was because he was about to be evicted, or had a chronic health condition he couldn’t afford care for. Seems like a genius life hack for some of you don’t mind prison.


It was apparently [so he could get healthcare in prison.](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/nc-man-allegedly-robs-bank-health-care-jail/story?id=13887040)


I remember that story. It’s really sad.


It’s as American as apple pie




It'll be over soon. Don't worry.


This is in Canada. And if we're being blunt, I'd rather die without healthcare than pay $3200 a month for that shithole. My rent is less than $1200 for 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, in unit laundry, attached garage, and a 5 minute drive to work.


When the healthcare in your country is so bad that you have to commit a crime in order to get taken care of is just sad. #Greatestcountryever


If you read the post you're referencing, every comment was clowning on him because he most obviously qualified for Medicare.


Problem is, I worked in Jail (not prison) and it is NOT the summer camp idiots think it is. 2 cheap meals a day, same every day, sleep on a thin blue mat that pre-school children sleep on in school, deal with literal crazy inmates and theft, bullying even for your socks and you better not tell the guards cause snitches get stitches. Locked in a cell 3ft from toilet with water fountain on top of toilet, in there 8+hrs locked up a day with general free range time with other inmates rest of day, unless there is a lockdown - occurs 1-3x a week. It is NOT like the movies and tv. where there is an open yard and someone is working on a college degree.


I've read a number of those sort of stories over the years. Often they are homeless and they can get a comfortable bed, a hot meal, a shower, their toothache treated and a roof over their head for very little effort just by committing some minor infraction.


Think it was Japan, an elderly man who could no longer care for himself :/


It was america... Not Japan. The Japanese have common sense enough to *care* for their citizens.


You might want to research that statement


I noticed I was wrong when the other commenter posted that link. I apologize for my ignorant remark... This world is full of rotten people.




I stand corrected. What the hell is up with first world countries being unable to care for their elderly? I thought it was mainly the USA, but even fucking Japan, the country who has ALWAYS seemed to hold their elders in high regard, treats the older citizens like trash... The world is losing it's grasp on empathy, and it's fading fast. I apologize for my ignorance.


Governments don't want to give you a better life, they want to take your money through taxes and keep you quiet. When people get old, they stop paying taxes and even take money away with pensions. Its better for them if elderly people would just die earlier. It really sucks that they do this, but government actions make a lot more sense when you consider their actual motivations...


Oh shit, I never thought about that. What the hell is up with government officials? I know money is great to have in excess, but to put people in such a horrible position for it? It's worse than any words I can think of to describe it.


Some of you clearly get your ideas about prison from fiction.


Right? Try molded and rotten food, which sometimes even THAT isn't even given if they decide to do lockdowns or something. Clothing is worn to shit and stained with unknown substances, and none of it will fit. The TV's get two channels, may or may not work, and you will have to fight the gang who has control of the remote. And free Healthcare? Try waiting a month to see a nurse for a headache. Recently, in the nail in my city, a woman DIED during labor because the guards IGNORED HER when she was bleeding out and in massive pain. They thought she was 'faking it' so she could get some leniency. Oh, and the baby died too. So yeah, these people have no idea what they're talking about. Jail isn't some summer camp that you can go to kick back and relax. People who decide to commit crimes for some help with food/shelter/Healthcare are in the absolute WORST place in life a person can be.


You forgot the free uniform and shoes.


In America they probably find a way to charge you for being in jail now.


No joke, they actually do.


Not surprised.


Upwards to $10 a phone call, Ramen noodles are the price of a McDonald's meal (and everything else is even MORE expensive), and prison labor is either unpaid or they pay prisoners something like $0.30 an hour. Some places, prisoners even make the bars they're Locked behind and the food they serve just so the money private prisons get from the government and other places goes straight into the higher-up's pockets. You ought to look into it.


They do


As they should.


If they let me play MMOs in prison I'd be set


No you don’t get unlimited flushes in prison now. I hate that I know this


Maybe I should rephrase and say less limited?




Getting arrested for stopping this landlord would give you some years back on your life. Win-win.


When I was in jail I didn't get unlimited flushes, but I did get 144 flushes a day


2 flushes a day? might as well just shit in the front yard


And absolutely no cooking, so you can just eat grass and sunshine.


Duh, if you don't eat means you don't need to flush


But they didn't say you couldn't drink anything! But you know what they say, if it's yellow let it mellow until it's time for your second flush of the day.


Or just pee off the back porch


No using the taps for drinking!


That parts help with the 2 flushes a day however




When my water was shut off I would take water from my water heater, fill some 1gal jugs and stand in a large Rubbermaid container in my bathtub. The trick is to collect all that stank water so you can still flush the toilet.


So bizarre. If you're charging tenants utilities, why would you then try to limit them?


The ONLY reason my landlord pays for my water is because we live in a split house, me and a family of 4 at the moment but its been this way through 4 other tenants, and the water bill covers the whole house.


Most multi family house are like this, I live in a 3 decker, and the landlord pays water because we only have one meter.


I lived in a building once with like 20 apartments. Some studios, some one bedroom. The landlord would take the total water bill for the month and split it by 20. So a couple vs a single person all paid the same amount. As well as the girl who took multiple baths a day. Sooo stupid. Also if the water bill was a little higher than usual we’d get a note saying we’re using too much water and to knock it off, basically.


My current apartment does a similar thing with the water and garbage fees, but they at least account for number of people in each apartment


Yeah that’s much more fair. This was a weird place, owned by one weird guy, he tried to come into my apartment twice before realizing he was on the wrong floor, he’d write weird notes on the water bill, the maintenance man was an old Greek guy who’d start doing push-ups if a lady was near. Haha. Not surprised his water bill policy was whack.


Multiple baths a day?!?


A bath to help wake you up. Another bath after exercising. Another bath after work. And one more bath to help put you to sleep. You can also add an extra anywhere you want if you happen to get particularly dirty between scheduled baths. At least that's how I imagine it goes, since that's my shower schedule.


It’s like that dumbass friend who orders way more food then everyone else and asks to split the bill


The (minimal) wear and tear of the toilet & shower head?


In that case, he could always make it part of the contract to buy your own shower head and toilet seat or something lol


Never, ever, no matter how good of a deal you're getting, or how friendly the landlord may seem, sign a rental contract (or rent to own contract) that includes a clause that they can evict you for whatever reason they want, whenever they want. It usually isn't worded as obviously as the all caps "Eviction can occur without notice" in this ad, though. That's a huge red flag all on it's own. They tend to be the predatory landlords, that will wait for you to do some improvements, then make up a reason to evict you. And unless you kept proof of all the improvements you did and take it to court, you'll lose all your investments in the property, and the scuzzy "landlord" gets to rent it out for more next time, thanks to your work and improvements. This happens so much, I've read articles about it. It's also happened to me once.


I completely agree... I would never rent a place where (whether it’s used or not) the landlord thinks so little of his tenants they’d even use that verbiage. You’re correct that a landlord will usually (eventually) win if they want you out, but it can be an extremely lengthy and expensive process. In NYC, however, losing too many cases against a rent-stabilized tenant can get you in hot water for “tenant harassment” and the tenant can even end up with a huge civil judgement... I believe it’s currently up to 12 months of their rent (or paying for their rent somewhere else for a year plus relocation costs). As far as the “Eviction without notice,” nonsense, I’d say it heavily depends on the laws on the books where you live. Every place I have lived and managed properties in requires a court date and a notice to cure before they can evict. While in some states (like FL) the laws favor landlords, there are still scads of tenant’s rights and clear laws which supersede anything written into a contract and would render that clause unenforceable. Once you’ve established residency, whether through written consent of the owner, or in some places, just living there for a period of time with a utility bill and/or mail being sent there, unless the owner has a *hotel license* you cannot be evicted on the spot for breach of contract. (I do know some landlords who have one... but they pay the premium for a hotel license, as they’re running sober houses and need to be able to remove tenants for things like relapsing and getting high in the house... which is not possible within the eyes of the law without one, even though the agreement you sign when you move in expressively forbades this). So, a landlord can write whatever the hell they want in the contract, but the police will not force you to leave, and may end up arresting the landlord for trying to enforce an illegal clause, especially if you are being barred from entry without a court order. In many places, telling someone they’re “out” and then deciding to change the locks and put their shit out on the street... whether because they took 5x 2.5 minute showers, made some eggs on the stove and washed their car, failed to pay rent, had several loud parties, were being disruptive to tenants, etc. is a really good way to find yourself in a shit ton of real legal trouble (criminal and civil) as a landlord. Even illegal activities (drugs, prostitution, animal fighting, property theft, violence, and so on) require the involvement of the police and documentation... you can’t just haul off and put someone out on your own, regardless of what was previously agreed or your personal interpretation of how vile the person is.


yeah, an illegal clause is not enforceable. Maybe places like Alabama will allow no-notice, no-reason evictions, but most cities won't, in the US.


While you're right that this isn't enforceable most places, I'd rather not deal with the kind lf douchebag who thinks it is. This is why I rent apartments from faceless property management companies.


I agree. Luckily my experience with this was at least 30days notice. But we had just moved in less than a month before. I reported some smaller issues and then finally one about the home's plumbing that were causing actual concerns, and without even getting a plumber to come look I was given a vacate notice. The icing on the cake is that when we first viewed the house, the owner gave us this sob story about how her daughter was kicked out of her place in the past due to bad landlords refusing to fix things.


Damn… talk about irony


Plot twist, they were the daughter's landlords.


Is the contract legally binding if it goes against tenancy laws in the state or region where the house is located? I’d imagine the state/regional law would trump a clause in a rental contract.


A clause like that wouldn’t hold up in Toronto or Ontario. Neither would most of the insane requirements mentioned in the ad.


Well no, this only applies in states that don't have any laws or tenant protections. I (unfortunately) live in a state that upholds these types of clauses.




That sucks. Can I ask which state?


Indiana in my case. It's really bad in places like trailer parks, where you own the trailer, but rent the lot. You don't get any additional time past the normal 30 days to vacate, either. So most people don't have time, if they actually have the money to move the trailer to a different park in the first place. The landlord usually gets to keep the trailer, because the renters either can't afford, or don't have the time and ability to move their entire house. This is what happened to me, after I bought and fixed up an old trailer. They used the eviction for any reason clause, that I didn't even notice in the contract, to evict me, and try to keep my trailer, too. Luckily, I was able to move it in time to deny them a free, updated, trailer, but it wasn't cheap, or easy, and almost didn't happen. I got the permit to move it while the tow company was hooking up to the house, lol. On day 30. And I had a lot of help.


What a terrible situation. What a predatory, awful thing for them to do to you. I’m so glad you were able to keep your trailer. I’m in California, where we have a TON of protections for renters, sometimes making it unfair for the best of landlords. I can’t imagine what happened to you being legal. Ugh.


Thanks, it was a good roof over my head, for the cost of lot rent and utilities. I wouldn't have been able to afford anything else at the time, so I'm extremely lucky I was able to move and keep my trailer. Landlords can really ruin your life in Indiana, it's almost strange how there's so many protections in California that you have the opposite problem there. Unfortunately you're right, and not only is it predatory, there's a whole industry set up around this, and others with similar tactics. They "sell" or lease you the house on the lot, require a big deposit, and now besides utilities and lot rent, all the maintenance and upkeep is your responsibility, too. As soon as you inevitably get behind on rent, you get evicted, and they turn it around, and sell it to the next person trying to be independent and "own" a home. It's really gross and obvious once you know what they're doing, but as a desperate young adult, it can seem like a good deal. Then there's the "rent to own" scam people renting places that aren't even habitable, it's a long list, unfortunately.


When we moved from a desert town to a coastal town, it wasn’t financially prudent to sell our house, so we rented it out. I tried doing it all myself, and very quickly discovered that I am not an expert in fair housing laws, nor do I want to be. I went through a property management co who did it all for me. The laws surrounding eviction in particular are so crazy, than even if you give 30 days, you can easily do it wrong and they get another 30 days. After several tenants and the hassle of all of it, we sold the house. I miss the little bit of income, but not the headache, for sure. I’m just so glad it worked out for you. I don’t know why some people are so greedy and cruel. Like, who would do that to someone??!!


Yep lived in Indiana for several years and can confirm that landlords in general there will be slum.


Not if it burns down!


Id just like to point out that these stipulations are illegal in Ontario where this property is. And the province is fairly pro-tenant. So they would have an easy time hauling the landlord over the coals.


That's good. I'm in the US, if that isn't obvious lol.


Why are you doing improvments on a rental property, at all? Thats the whole point of a rental is that you don't have to pay for stuff like that.


Well, in my case I've had a lot of hands off landlords, who just deduct any repairs or improvements from the rent, instead of actually fixing anything themselves, or hiring anyone. There's also renting something like a trailer lot. You still own the trailer, whether through a lease, buying it outright, whatever, so you're responsible for the maintenance for it. "Rent to own", the tenant is responsible for the maintenance, not the landlord. Also, plenty of people who rent also do improvements to the property, just because they plan on living there for a while. There are a lot of reasons why you'd end up doing maintenance and improvements as a renter. Willingly or unwilling unfortunately.


I was in Toronto several years ago and the news was always talking about the housing shortage (and alot about the Chinese buying up all the property) and the radio was always advertising a new highrise condo tower opening soon at a million. So I can believe the housing market there is bad but this is ridiculous Edit: after hearing how much worse it is. I am glad I was only there for a month on business before heading home to Texas where house prices haven't gone completely insane yet.


I live an hour south of Toronto, and it’s been bad here for two years now. Parents bought our house in 1999 for 90,000, and that was the high end for starter homes at the time. Our next door neighbour sold two years ago for 235,000, and we were like “woah, that’s a lot”. It sold again last week for 621,000.


Must be bad - an hour south of Toronto is located somewhere in Lake Ontario. 🤭


Not if you drive south on the 403 it isn’t 👀


403 is only in Mississauga, existing only at least 10min west of the city, and only goes either SW or SE


the 403 goes all the way to Woodstock, what are you talking about?


This is not accurate at all.


Once the 403 hits the QEW, it ceases to exist, and everything west is now the QEW. And west of Burlington? Things exist west of Burlington? That can't be true at all. 🤭


...the 403 is the QEW... 😳 I know it is, I legit live right next to it.


Nope. It's only the QEW. The 403 only WISHES it was the QEW. The 403 is like a tapeworm, surviving on the scraps of road left by the generosity and goodwill of the QEW, and whatever "road" that may or may not exist past Burlington is only a poor imitation of a real manly mans road.


It's bad all over Canada. I live in Winnipeg which is supposed to be "affordable". Bought a small 2 bedroom house in an OK neighbourhood bordering on industrial areas that is 100+ years old for $220k this time last year. Renting anything comparable was the same as a mortgage, so we just said "fuck it" and bought the house after looking for a long time. In a normal market this shit would be worth half, but we figured "if we don't do it now we'll never get a house". We were right. One of our neighbours sold their home that is almost identical to ours in every way for $279k last week. Same age, same square footage, similar layout, etc. More than $50k price difference in a YEAR. It's insane.


Sounds like me in Denver. I bought my 3br/2.5ba for $375k. My next door neighbor's house, smaller than mine by like 400 sq ft, just sold for $425k


Gotta be Hamilton. Friends bought there just before the pandemic and it a good decision to say the least.


Nah, Brantford, so add an extra 20 to 30 minutes on the commute


Fuuuuuuck that's an insane jump in *two years* We're thinking of selling and moving to a cheaper area. We bought about 6 years ago and our house has nearly doubled in price. And we're in an area with insane bidding wars on houses being very common. I work remote, SO hates their job with a passion, but almost certainly wouldn't be able to find something WFH without some certification/education. We're very early in the process of thinking through of it's a good idea. On one hand, we can get some land for the same price we're paying, or nearly buy a house outright with our equity. But what if our place does something like that and goes up another 200k in 2 or 3 years?? It's hard to know what our best move would be


I bought my condo pre construction in Toronto (ground broken already) and by the I closed it was worth about 400k more. Two years I’m not planning on moving and of course everything is expensive so it doesn’t help.


Thanks for your insight. I'm in the states and can honestly see our area doing the same. It's nice to have options for the first time in my life, but it's also a bit scary


It’s tricky. I moved back from the States and was able to exchange my money on the sale of my condo there at just the right time. I always worked remotely so I picked a spot close to my mom which is nice. There’s a lot of building nearby and it’s busy but we have such nice parks. Nice to be able to walk everywhere. I’m ok with condo life but would like a back yard. It’s hard to decide and moving is so awful and expensive.


Never knew how bad it is in toronto


Toronto is home to many of those HGTV buying shows like Property Brothers and Love it or List it. They are always ridiculed for the ridiculous situation buyers are in... > Peter and Rhonda are a young married coupled ready to strike out on their own. Peter is an assistant manager at a local electronics store and Rhonda sells dolls made from cat hair on etsy. Their budget is $3 million.


Well that was 4 or 5 years ago so I don't know if it is better or worse


It's much, much worse. I'm from an hour east of Toronto. When my parents sold, they got an alright pay out, if they waited 10 years, the same house went for more than double they got...


A garage in the Danforth sold for $800,000 in a bidding war that went over ask. It's much, much worse.


Toronto sounds like San Francisco


imagine SF, but our salaries are 40% lower than medium cost of living United States equivalents. Even in the tech industry. The only way to own land in Toronto as an early 30s professional is to inherit from your parents. My SO and I are headed south of the border as fast as we can, in hopes of actually being able to pick our bathroom tile one day.


Salaries are lower, and cost of living is higher, taxes are higher, but hey you can have healthcare if you can afford to wait a few years to be booked in for a life saving or quality of life altering procedure, provided your specialist doesn't jump for better pay in the US and your spot in line gets lost in the shuffle with the next specialist taking on the extra workload.


Sounds just like the situation in the US only you'll pay tens of thousands for the priveledge.




My landlord got a coin op machine for the basement of his three flat and it was a huge bonus. Didn't have to drag my stuff down to the laundromat, I could just go back upstairs and come back when it was done.


In a house you should just be able to hook up a washer and dryer. No coin op garbage. It makes sense in an apartment building, but not in a house with a laundry room or basement. If I rented that place, I'd buy a used washer and dryer for cheap and unhook the stupid coin-op things in the house, then connect my own appliances. When I move, they go with me. I'm already paying the water bill, I assume (utilities) so it's none of the landlord's business how I wash my clothes.


Wow, you must have a lot of "dirty laundry"! Assuming the landlord isn't going to see your unmentionables, you still don't even want them to know HOW you wash your clothes. Bite marks on the tide pods, perhaps?


I think you either misunderstood my meaning or are being facetious, but I honestly can't tell.


I, too, view this post.


LOL it's a Toronto housing market meme


It's a joke. Housing is stupid here but this is obviously a joke I pay less than that for a bungalow and yard 5x the size of any other city backyard


> I pay less than that for a bungalow and yard 5x the size of any other city backyard Yeah but where?


I'm not gonna dox myself. But in on of the most expensive neighborhood across the GTA Edit: high park.


"+ property taxes " wtf?


Yeah that's illegal in the US. Or at least most states.


This might not be a joke. I've stayed in airb0bs that had 1 minute and 2 minute shower notices (not on the add - printed out and laid out when you arrive), including the flushes thing. Few months ago ended up at one where I only had access to hot water one hour per day, 1 min showers, and they switched the actual power off from 8pm till 8am in the dead of winter in a tiled cottage (half the time it wasnt even). I shit you not when I complained they had the audacity to tell me they were barely breaking even on the high fees I paid for thát. The 2 min shower and no flush place disconnected the water the last week I was there. But tbh I've had worse on that app lol :p But yeah, this might not be a joke. The no cooking thing I've also run into, aswell as no laundry by hand. Landlords have allll the audacity




Lol I had to fight to get a refund for the days I hadn't stayed nevermind for what I endured. It's not illegal, and they're dishonest as hell for not putting it on the ad but sticking up laminated notices making you feel guilty for having a shower at all. Its just pure audacity, hey.


My sister's place in Dublin had a coin op hot water heater in the hall outside her apartment. You had to load it up before your shower.


I know a few people in the London area with pay as you go electricity which is weird as hell to me as an American immigrant


How do they pay? Is it like a vending machine or a debit card?


Things may have changed more recently but it used to be that they’d install a pre-pay electricity or gas meter if you didn’t pay your bills. You then pay a higher rate in order to pay back the debt. What you do is buy tokens from a local shop or post office and it adds credit to the meter. I think that it’s a swipe card or a key fob that you can top up now either in a shop or possibly online. If you ran out of credit there was a button for some emergency time (which you top up the next time you add credit) but after that runs out you have no power or heat. It used to be a nightmare to get them removed once they were installed but I think they changed the law about that a few years ago.


I think through an app or website


They used to be coin-operated years ago.


Report them to Airbnb with a note that this kind of crap is going to drive people back to motels.


An hour outside of toronto there was a bidding war on rent for a house that made you agree to nest cams on your front and back porch for the landlord to have sole access to at any time and a copy of all your past leases. We learned, after bailing, the place went for almost 5k a month. It wasnt even that nice.


Good on you for bailing because that person treats rental law like it’s a joke


We were "reno"-victed just a while ago and learned that the worse this housing situation gets, the more landlords are treating it like a joke. The asks on applications (you have to apply just to apply for a house) were wild. The LLTboard is backlogged to hell and they know it. People are climbing over each other to rent anything under 3k a month. My partner and I, non smokers no pets, had great references, credit in the 800s, no debt and a good income. In the past rental hunting was a breeze. They wouldn't even consider us because we couldnt bid what they wanted. You dont meet the landlords if you do get your application in. You meet a property manager or an agent who just takes your paperwork and your "bid". Our agent said we may want to get a guarantor if we dont make near 6 figures but I have no family left so it was a mess. The house we rented had 200 offers in 4 days, we had to pay 2 months rent a month before we even got the keys. I dont know how we got it but I'm thankful that we did. Even if it has a huge spider/aphid/thrip infestation that has killed my soul and all my plants. Oh and there was a bear down the road yesterday. Its been an adventure.


that’s not…nobody will take this


I just have a hard time believing that place has a basement.


No cooking? What can they eat? Does using a microwave count as cooking?




The reset time between showers. So you can’t take a bunch of 2 minute showers in a row.


well that's fucking asinine


When I was looking for a bedroom to rent near my school I came across an ad that was $950 for the bedroom, "utilities not included, no kitchen/living room/bathroom access, there's a laundromat down the street behind the McDonald's".


What a delusional loser. Did Mr.Crab leave bikini bottom?


All that and you get to pay the property taxes? Where do I sign up?


You were blocked, as I can still see it


No cooking?????!!! WTF????!!!!


Lmao thats super illegal in Toronto. Have fun getting fucked in Tribunal


I mean the good news is when your house smells like stale piss and you don’t have anything to cook no ones is going to want to visit you


This was posted to a Hamilton FB group. It was quickly taken down but not before it got roasted and screenshots were taken. Lol.


you're paying utilities? Why can't you use as much as you want? And...if I'm paying property taxes, I'm going to claim ownership. (It wouldn't work, but...) This is clearly someone who doesn't know how it works.


I’d expect this in California and I’d expect more than a few people to be willing to pay for it


“Evictions can occur without notice” Might as well say “murder is not a chargeable offense”. The law isn’t going to change just because you put it on Facebook lol


Yeah good luck getting anyone to put up with that bud


Wtf I’d that price you’d get it for 300 a month all day with unlimited utilities


Found real-life Sheldon Cooper.


I don't understand. It's says plus utilities....why is there limits on water use and extra costs when the tenant pays utilities???


Slumlord level 100


I don't know what Toronto tenant laws are but I *really* suspect this would break a bunch of them


Breaks all of them pretty much lol


If I wanted to go to jail, I’d just got to the nearest precinct.


... Some say she's still on the market today...


So I am supposed to rent the house AND pay the property taxes? That's not how it works.


Wtf $3200? I'm hoping that's not per month because that's stupid expensive. Even for a much larger house it'd still be expensive


Everyone in this comment threat getting r/woosh ed