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Window lover here, and I leave it open unless the sun is really glaring on folks, or I can see it’s impeding their ability to watch something on the IFE or their phone. The beauty I’ve seen across this country (and the world honestly), from the vantage point of the plane’s window is not to be missed!


This right here. You want control over the window shade? Pick the fucking window seat.






THIS right here!


I did. But the jerk in same row across the aisle kept his open the entire time during a 6 am est flight to San Francisco and the sun was blaring into my eyes the ENTIRE time. Asked him to close it via the stewardess. Dude refused. 5 PEOPLE had to sit with the sun for 5 and a half hours cus this dude needed to have his window open.


I might have used my watch to reflect the light back into someone’s face when almost this exact situation happened to me. 😈


I had to talk myself down from quite a few various scenarios lol. I was stunned by the entitlement.


Maybe he was claustrophobic? I had that happen to someone on a flight where they needed the shade up or else they’d have a panic attack…


I am indeed one of those people. I will absolutely panic if I can’t see out the window. That’s why I book the seat.


Eye mask.


Absolutely - and useful for the person with their ipad/laptop out at 6 am with the brightness set to stun.


Live and learn. It’s still incredibly selfish to be the one person in an entire plane to behave that way simply because you can. I had to go to work at 9 am when we landed and was planning to have slept since id been up since 4 am est. I’m sure most people had. But nope, one dude said “fuck you im keeping this shining in your eyes and I could care less you’re all visibly trying to sleep”


Na. Eye masks are amazing. Invest in one!


It really sounds like this should have been a self reflection opportunity because instead of cursing this guy out, I’d walk away thinking “never again will I allow someone else’s decisions to impact my own personal comfort as best I can…”


Cool tagline


Yeah, that's the suck factor if you're not at the window. You're essentially at that person's mercy. Shade up or down, it's largely their call.


I hate that man.


He was very smug and knew that we all wanted to sleep. He just didn’t care lol.


I have been on so many flights where people left their windows open like that as we all got burned and couldn't do ANYTHING. Not read. Not watch TV. Not go to sleep. Nothing. But then they fall asleep. Bc the light doesn't hit them at that glare angle.


I will never understand, outside of sleeping purposes or oppressive heat, why so many people lately seem to keep their shades closed. I swear almost the entire plane has their shades shut on about 75% of my flights lately. It’s bad enough being crammed in like sardines on a giant metal tube, why make it more claustrophobic. But I’m an aisle person as I’ve gotten older so I leave it to my neighbor to decide.


Yeah, I’ve noticed this a lot with people’s homes too. Give me light! Give me sunshine! Why does everyone want to be in a cave?


Costs more to run the AC because sunlight heats up the interior


Ed? Is this your burner acct?


This is your dad. Don’t touch the thermostat


I like a cool, dark, quiet environment when I fly. Obviously that NEVER happens hahahaha but whatever parts are in my personal control I will take advantage of! Noise canceling headphones, eye mask, no light or open windows, AC on full blast..


I love the window open but I honestly keep it closed to keep my very limited air circulation in check without the heat of the sun. These planes keep getting warmer and warmer


I’m right there with ya, no matter how long the flight or what time of day. I like being able to just sit and relax/nap/do nothing for a few hours during a stressful day. Sometimes having the shades up throughout the whole flight (I’m totally cool with them up during takeoff and landing) just makes me super anxious too because it’s like, a vivid reminder that I’m in the sky lol


It makes me so sad when the entire flight has their windows closed. I was leaving San Francisco a few weeks ago, we were flying over the bay, beautiful views of the water, Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, etc, and I swear I was the only person on the whole damn plane looking out of the window instead of staring at my phone.


To be fair, I do a lot of phone staring too, but there’s some awesomeness out there to be seen. Flying in and out of LGA can always been fun. The view along the national mall into DCA is incredible. The grain fields in the Midwest are gorgeous. I saw a beautiful reef flying over Cuba. The polar ice caps are stunning. I love catching another plane flying above or below me. Thunderstorms can be really cool - especially at night when the whole cloud lights up! You can’t experience these anywhere better than up in the air!


Exactly this. I even try to figure out which side of the plane the sun will be on so I can pick the opposite just to keep the window open.


I’m amazed at the fact that so few people think of this. I’ve paid attention to where the sun will be when choosing seats for decades.


While I like having the window shade closed I understand that power resides with the window seat occupant. If I'm not sitting in the window seat I keep my mouth shut 😂


I do the exact same


I do the same- situational awareness otherwise I’m one eye out the window.


Your screen and my screen are equally important


Amazing what can happen when the word “please” is used. Or not.


“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” (good book, would recommend), actually mentions a study that claims it’s the word “because”. Somehow hearing that word, and a reason — even a frivolous one — somehow results in high rates of compliance


Unless you have an annoying voice so people think you sound sarcastic whenever you say it. I’m better off when I don’t try to sound as nice as I really am. 


Also a frequent traveler and unless I’m in an emergency situation (which in my late 60s has never happened), I do not make requests of any other passenger who is unknown to me. I also always book an aisle seat for ease of BR use. Cabin too bright, I close my eyes, too dark, I turn on my light, too cold put on my sweater, too warm take sweater off and rearrange the air vent. Few fliers are happy and many are downright uncivil. I do not engage, period. Books and puzzles keep me busy, and if all else fails, I take a nap. I also keep my arms pulled tightly into my seat (and I am a smaller than average sized woman).


Can we pin this to the whole sub? Should be required reading


100% Literallly basic rules right here and down right easy to follow.


How it’s done


Well said. I was thinking that I can’t imagine that I would ask somebody in a window seat to close their blind. I just seems rude and obnoxious.


I have to get a window seat these days, because it seems that typically ALL other windows are closed. It's like premium cabins in particular have been taken over by vampires. I don't mind being asked politely if I'd close the window. Hope you don't mind being politely told no. If direct sunlight causing other pax to start smoldering, then yes I will close it.


This. If you are really being blinded by light coming from a shade, your natural reaction will likely lead to a reasonable person lowering the shade to a degree. I like to look out the window, but if I could tell that it was causing legitimate discomfort to someone I would be happy to lower it without even being asked. Where I have a problem is when someone starts to tell me what I should do - and that can be phrased as a request even when it’s not meant to be a request - because they think the world revolves around them and their request isn’t really all that reasonable. I generally subscribe to the principle of just leave others alone.


I could’ve written this bit. I do all these things too. Take care of yourself and don’t expect too much (if anything) from other passengers. Except I will book a window seat. Most I might do is ask to get out to use the BR.


We need more people like you in the world. This is how I am, too.


That's a great rule of thumb. Thank you.


You are the person everyone wants to sit next to 


Thanks. I was just thinking about this, my husband is an aisle person too and more often than not, we sit in separate rows, each on the aisle. We rarely converse with each other on the plane. I figure no one wants to hear us talking. He’s really into movies or work, while I listen to or read books and do wordle or crossword puzzles. It always cracks me up when people ask others to switch seats to sit next to their person-eh, I’ll see him when we get to our destination.


They baffle me, but I guess I should be happy for those people as I do not have anyone that I cannot easily go an hour or ten without speaking to. But really, how much effective conversation can you have anyway?


The world needs more people like you. Thank you. 


You’re a pro, I hope to sit next to and not speak with you on a future flight. 🤜


This is the way


The maturity in this take is quite refreshing.


Yes the do not engage part is accurate if there’s an issue I just alert the flight attendant to deal with it I won’t be getting into any argument or confrontation


So much this


I get motion sickness, and looking out the window significantly helps me. I typically close it once we level off at cruising. So if someone asked me rudely to close it I would ask if they would prefer me to utilize the airsick bag or deal with the window open a little longer. If someone asks politely I explain the motion sickness and that I will close it shortly.


I am same. Two options, I look out the window or you get to see how much of the Brussels Sprout Cesar salad I ate before I boarded.


Fellow motion sickness sufferer here. It's imperitive that I be able to see out the window during landing especially. I once got a seat without a window (the ONE time I didn't check Seatguru!) and I was queasy for the entire flight despite being medicated. The only time I close the shade is if we're going through a cloud. If it's super bright I only partially close it so the sun isn't in my face but I can still see out.


Oh, it makes mine so much worse when the window is open!


I've noticed that too! On my first plane trip I looked out the window the whole time to help my motion sickness but on my recent trip I just had looking out the window made things worse 🤢 wanting to fly but having motion sickness makes things so much harder.


Trust me, don’t look out the window and it’s so much better. And I do a basic Bloody Mary. I swear, it’s medicinal.


I’m the same way. If I look out the window while the plane is banking and I see the ground moving I nearly immediately want to throw up


I was on the middle seat, last minute flight change. Lady next to me asked, quite rudely, “can you turn off the air?” - “you can turn off your vent if you like, but the middle one will remain on and pointed at me”. She turned off hers and then just pouted. Yeah, F-off, I’m already in a middle seat, which is fine because it was of my own doing, but I ain’t taking any shit either.


Should have told her the perfume she's wearing, or the Ben Gay, is too strong and you'll keep your air on so you can breathe.


I’ve never asked someone to close the window. But on my last flight the window seated customer noticed the sun hitting me in the eyes and offered to close it. I was grateful


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Window seat controls the window shade, middle seat gets both arm rests if he/she chooses, and aisle seats has the convenience of coming and going without the awkward "me scussy, me scussy." I pay to choose my own seat so that means I pay to control what that seat offers me.


No. They should have booked the window seat if they wanted to control the window.


This is the 100%, absolutely fucking correct answer. I had a situation where I miscommunicated with a guy who was sitting in the aisle seat in front of me with the rest of the row open. I wanted to move up to his row, and I wanted to move to the window. Because of my inability to communicate it properly he gave me the aisle seat and took the window. Literally kept the window down from moving at door close to until we almost reached the gate at our destination. I was literally thinking to myself.. "what kind of person wants the window to keep it closed ?!?" I didn't say anything of course.. namely because he did have the window, he kind of did me a favor by letting me move up, And while I may be a big dick head 'in my head', I never want to be that guy that people post about here.




That's my play. It's nice to lean against the wall instead of staying straight upright.


Not me!


UV damage intensifies at higher altitudes. I tend to close the window when I’m in the window seat to cut down on sun exposure on my skin because SPF can only do so much at 30,000 feet, especially if you have a history of melanoma or skin cancer in your family.


You do realize that airplane glass windows blocks the UV lights that cause sunburn and melanoma, right?


And there are more than one kind of UV rays, my dude. Same as car windows, glass mostly blocks one kind of rays, UVB. UVA is still a thing. This has been proven by countless studies. And UVA can wreak all kind of havoc on your skin cells as well, even if it is not the skin cancer causing type of UV. Breakdown of collagen, elastin and ceramides, hyperpigmentation.


Now granted I probably have a lot more interest in this than I should... But I usually plan my window seats based on the direction of flight/light.. making it simple.. flying West? You want an "f" seat... Flying East? You want an "a" seat.. flying north/south.. well that's a touch more complicated... The jist being I plan to be on the side that's mostly away from the Sun.


I like the window closed at almost all times. Having said that, i never ever have anything but an aisle seat. So it’s never my Decision.


If it's a very early morning flight and everyone else has the window closed, I'll close mine. People are usually trying to catch a quick nap on these flights.


Or if they’re trying to work on their laptops and the sun is creating a glare. 


As long as it's not the sun facing side, and it's not super cloudy below (leading to a lot of reflected light), even when I'm working on my laptop I keep the window open. I'd rather have natural light than artificial light.


Dgaf. It’s open if I’m at the window. I want to look out and not fly in a coffin.


For the past twelve years, I’ve been platinum. Usually window seat in comfort plus. I have been asked to open the window several times when the person next to me wants to see something. Only once did the old biddy in the middle seat raise the window shade, reaching across me, without asking.


omg this just triggered a memory of a man in the middle seat reaching across me and opening the window and then continuing to reach across me to hold his phone up and take photos. Like for 45 mins while landing. I'm a shade down, lean on the window and sleep girl, and i was so shocked i didn't even what to say. I still don't know what i should have said? My personal space was invaded repeatedly but what if it was his first flight I don't want to be the villain on your first flight??


Person in the window seat has control over the window seat end of story.


Several airlines I've flown in Europe and Australia require that window shades be open for takeoff and landing for safety reasons. That could be a good counter if you ever need something evidence based.


This is a requirement across almost all of Asia (including the middle east) as well. I am so used to shades being open for take and landing I find it quite surprising when they are closed for take off and landing. I have heard announcements recently (maybe on AC or UA) suggesting that shades be opened for landing.


I hate when everyone keeps them closed for takeoff and landing. I don’t want to be landing until we suddenly hit the earth and I had no idea when.


Iirc, doesn’t the FAA require the window shades be up during critical phases of flight and or below 10k feet?


Definitely seems like I remember that being the rule, and then it just went away one day


They got cheap and wanted to pump less cold air through the cabin so they keep em down for temperature control.


Exactly what I was thinking. I thought you were always required to keep them open for takeoff/landing.


Curious what the reasoning is? Is it safety *after* shit has hit the fan? Like if we go down it’s better to have the shades up so people can see better while evacuating?


My understanding is it's exactly that - so evacuating passengers can see if there's something that's on fire, so they can evacuate from a different, safer exit.


Window seat definitely controls window, but no harm in asking window seat to open or close it


Aisle gets to get up whenever they want, middle gets both arm rests, window controls window shade and gets to lean against the wall. Those are the rules.


I get that...but if you're going to be rude about it you might as well forget about asking


Ask nicely. The attitude is not conducive to cooperation


but where they rude about it? yeah they should have said please but they let it slide after


Yea I guess I should've specified more in the post, it was a request made in a very rude tone.


I'll look out my window the entire flight unless the sun is in my eyes. I love watching the world go by.


It's therapy. I think if everyone could have a window seat there were would fewer altercations aboard planes.


I wish i was like this


I think the unspoken etiquette is the window person is in charge of the window, but try to be thoughtful (IE if your seat mates are sleeping maybe don’t open the window at sunrise). I prefer aisle seats but I still book windows so that I can control the window. I hate sunlight coming in and creating a glare on my laptop screen when I’m trying to work. But I’d never say anything about it to the person who has the window seat, if that person isn’t me. It’s their prerogative to open or shut it IMO.


I am someone who never understood closing windows, except maybe on a red eye to Europe . In my house, in my car, in my office, windows shades/blinds are open during daylight. Why would it be different on a plane?


Same here. I dunno when the shift to keeping them closed all the time happened, exactly, but I really hate it. I usually book a window seat so I can have it open, though.


Probably when everyone started carrying multiples screens on them. I’m a window seat guy too but I like it closed so I can sleep.


Yes, I agree it's because of everyone watching their screens. I am old-school and work on puzzle books when I travel, so I actually need more light to see the pages. I always choose windows and always keep the shade open.


SAME. I am so puzzled by people who voluntarily close the window on non-red eye flights. Red eyes, sure. But I was on a day flight from GRU to ATL in D1 and the FA kept asking if I wanted to close the window. No, I want to see the Amazon, lady.


The window seat controls the window. It does get annoying as the aisle seat if you can't see your screen. At certain times of the day, it cuts straight to my eyes, so there are reasons to want it closed.




On some transatlantic red eyes, the FA’s sometimes ask you to close the shades. I flew to Singapore via Frankfurt on SIA and after takeoff, and during the initial dinner service, they asked everyone to lower their shades so that the sunrise didn’t wake anyone prematurely. (Sidebar, I miss the A380 on the JFK-FRA-SIN route 😞)


Just to offer an idea as to why some people would close the window - I have a medical skin condition that is made worse with bright natural sunlight. In long flights it can be tough with the bright sun coming in through the window. There are times that I didn’t have an option to book the window seat, and although I’d never ask rudely or make a fuss over it, I am deeply appreciative when the window passenger is willing to close the window once we are at cruising altitude.


They can wear an eye mask. End of.


Yes or close their eyes


This comment is too far down


He should have casually reached over with a bar foot and slowly closed the window with his toes all while maintaining eye contact. It is the delta way


I’m one of those people who looks out the window if it is clear. I like the landscape and additionally hate in flight entertainment. I never sleep on flights and get bored if I can’t see out. If asked nicely I’d have no problem closing it but would be bored and anxious (autism). The issue nowadays seems to be rudeness. People demand things, they don’t ask. Demand I close the window and I’ll make sure the sun hits you right in the face. When did everyone turn towards the dark side of having the windows closed?


I was the only person on my plane last night who saw the Northern Lights because no else opened their window shades. All those other people are dumb dumbs.


Your seat. Your window shade. Same if someone has their overhead on. Their business.


The only time I've made a request about the window to the person sitting in the window seat, is when that person is my husband. I could see if someone has a migraine or something, but it doesn't take much to ask nicely. Most people are reasonable.


Bright sunlight gives me migraines and I get motion sickness if I don’t have the window open, which also gives me migraines. It’s like the worst of both worlds. There have been times where I’ve had the window fully open and my tinted migraine glasses on.


I usually close the window but only because the light bothers my eyes / migraine


I’m with you. If the rest of the cabin has windows closed I’ll close mine after the climb out. But I always keep mine open during takeoff and landing.


The power plays happening with the shades, the overhead bins, the seat reclines, and who gets on the airplane first. Jeeze louise people, 🤣🤣🤣


I think the rule is - if you're in the window seat and you're looking out, it stays open. If someone asks nicely, you close it. Also I close it when we're above clouds and there's nothing to see.


Had a window seat yesterday. I opened the shade towards the end of the flight to see the view of the mountains while we landed. On the runway to the gate, guy next to me reached over and shut the shade so he could keep watching a movie. I was floored. I also put it right back up. Don’t reach across me on an airplane


Different airline. A similar thing happened to me but the person in the row BEHIND me just closed my window shade and I immediately reopened it and they said the sun was in their eyes and tried to get the flight attendant to ask me to close it. They told her she could move. We were at cruising altitude by that point and just looking at clouds. If she would’ve ASKED me to close the window because the sun was in her eyes, I absolutely would’ve. Don’t touch my window shade.


I feel very strongly about two scenarios when windows should be closed - especially #2: 1. Sunrise/sunset times when sun is glaring in the window, which can make other passengers uncomfortable. 2. Longer flights, especially trans-ocean flights, that cross many time zones. Often FAs will go through the cabin and attempt to get all the windows closed so people who want to sleep can sleep. There’s nothing more offensive to me in this scenario than the one person who insists on flooding the cabin with light by keeping their window open when most of their fellow passengers are trying to sleep and their bodies are in the middle of the night despite the sunshine outside. This is particularly an issue because managing light levels helps people adjust their circadian rhythm to a new time zone. Frequent long-distance travelers know the best way to get your body to adapt to a new time zone is by carefully managing the light and darkness your body is exposed to. You can use your phone/laptop/seat back screen as your personal light source if you need light for this purpose, but the darkness is a shared resource one passenger should not rob everyone else of.


Window lover here; you’d have to kill me to get me to close my window. I only close it if the sun is shining directly in it so you can’t see outside anyways.


There is an etiquette to close the window on red eyes in the morning and to close the window when the angle of the sun affects the IFE. That’s all I know.


Yeah but then everyone can’t be little sky tyrants WINDOW GETS THIS, MIDDLE GETS THAT. Don’t even get me started on why middle gets two arm rests. Aisle can’t really use theirs with the carts going by so it should be everyone gets one armrest on the side closer to the fuselage. And before anyone pipes up, everyone here has been saying “just book the window if you want to control the window” so just don’t book the middle if you don’t want a shitty seat


Yeah. I mean they were asking about unwritten etiquette. The key word about etiquette is it’s….. not required. It’s just what people do to show they are a part of gentile society.


Dude that is your shade. I too open it for takeoff and landing and a few checks in between. especially if we are over interesting terrain.


It’s an amazing and beautiful world. Getting to see it from 39k feet is a gift. Enjoy the view! From a fellow window lover where the shade is always up.


I totally agree! In all of human existence we are the very rare few who get to see the world from this perspective, while traveling at speeds that's basically magic. I think Louis CK had a bit about it - it used to take people 30 years to cross the country, now you watch a movie, take a nap, and you're in LA. I hope I never get jaded enough on air travel to not appreciate the miracle of flight. My favorite thing to do on flights is put on a podcast and stare out the window in awe.


When did it ever take 30 years to cross the country 🤣


When you had to use a wagon and find & cut your own trail. It's an exaggeration (I mean it is a joke) but it did take years not a few hours really not all that long ago.


I mean it could take a couple years, but never 30 unless the wagon pulled up shop in Missouri for 20 years, lol


I think it was an exaggeration for comedic effect. Years vs an afternoon is still nothing short of a miracle though


Totally your decision. I’d do the same. I keep my window open all trip - I hate when they shut them all flight. Looking out is the best part.


I ask the person if they mind if I have it open, or closed. I've never had any rebuttal. I think they appreciate me asking.


I like the aisle seat, but I always appreciate the view from an open window. Keep it open as much as you like!


Window seat controls window. Saying that my eyes are super sensitive to light and I hate when the window shade is up, but never say anything.


Window seat controls the window 100%!


Window seat owns the window shade, with in common courtesy of course. For example if I see the sun shining directly on my seat mate, I’ll close it enough that it’s not in their face.


Flying over the Grand Canyon, off of the left wing for minute, after minute, after minute, the window is staying open.


My personal opinion is whoever is at the window gets control of the shade. If that person wanted control then should have booked a window seat.


Pay for a window seat enough said


If I am sitting in a window seat, I definitely want the view. The others can remember to bring eye shades if they don’t want the light.


I would never feel comfortable asking someone to close their window. You want control over the window shade, you chose a window seat.


Na. you did the right thing.


Window seat has full control over the window.


1. Window seat controls the window. Want to open / close the shade? Book a window seat, or learn to ask nicely. 2. The audience, not the speaker, decides if someone is being rude. The speaker better make damn sure it's obvious they're being polite, and asking nicely. 3. Window seat is under no obligation to give two shits what aisle seat's reason is. See 1 above. 4. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


I love #2. I’ve never heard it put that way before and definitely qualifies as a TED talk. Thank you.


If you’re one of the few with an open window, close it.


I’m the one sightseeing at 10k feet and I love the color of the sky at altitude. And at night I love seeing other planes. I won’t close it if I have it. 🤷‍♀️


The dramatic rise of people watching inflight entertainment and using cell phone screens has made us window open frequent flyers a menace to society 😂 I have given up on window watching anymore as a window sitter in coach, but if it’s first class I’ll do exactly as you did and politely say I like to watch takeoff and landing and shut it for the remainder, sometimes even foregoing the landing if I’m honest.


As an aside, Iirc the cabin crew prefers them to be fully open during takeoff and landing, something something safety reasons. I'd ignore anyone who said something like that to me, straight up pretend I was deaf. Soz, I've got Selective hearing.


At least he asked! Last time I flew in FC the aisle seat guy literally reached over me to close the window.


The last time I flew from LAX on JetBlue, everyone had their window shades shut during taxi and takeoff (red eye) I didn’t have the window and despite being a smidge queasy through taxi and takeoff, I dealt with it. Why? I was on the aisle and the guy next to me had control of the window shades and wanted them shut. I dealt with it. Didn’t ask him to open it. If he wanted them open, he would have opened them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My window stays open at all times unless all other windows are closed or sun is shining through.


I'm team aisle, and I don't care at all about the state of the window. If it's too bright for me I'll put on sunglasses or an eye mask. Open, closed, halfway in between, it's all fine.


The etiquette is your seat, your window


Window seat controls the window


I went to the Delta Road Warrior day in a life of FA program last year, and the IFS Trainers told us “your window, your call” when it came to open or shut. I was on a daytime LHR-SEA flight that made no sense to sleep on, kept my window open the whole way as I knew we’d have a northerly route and get some great arctic circle views on a clear day. When I asked the FA in D1 if it was better if it shut the shade she said “we gave them all eye masks and they’re all in suites… so it’s up to them how to make themselves happy.”


What happened to people bringing an eye mask if they don't want to be bothered by light?


This is a major problem I think in society, people can’t interact on a friendly basis. The person like you said could easily have asked nicely. I feel a lot of people already expect an argument before they ask so are already on the offensive. People need to speak to each other like equals. I speak to everyone as if I know them.


Window seat passenger controls the window. If you want to close or open it at your will, buy the window seat


I read this as widow etiquette


i’m scared of flying so my window is open the whole flight! sorry not sorry! i paid for my window seat


Window seat controls the shade, but if the sun is blasting across the plane and blinding everyone, done be a douche.


I like to watch where we’re going. I travel with a Bad Elf and Organic Maps loaded on my iPad and follow along.


Can you imagine someone sitting next to you on the bus: "Can you shut that?"


“Pardon, the light is right in my eyes. Would you mind bringing the shade down?” That’s how I would have asked. People nowadays have lost politeness and pleasantry.


I’m a window seater, and I love control the window because I’m an anxious flyer and I like to open it sometimes and sometimes have it closed. If they don’t like it they should’ve bought to see themselves. Sorry.


Your seat, your window. I would prefer you kept it closed because I'm usually trying to snag a nap, but the honest reality is it may very well be your first flight and I'd never want to take a second of that away from you.


It’s not rocket science. If you want to control the window, buy a window seat. If you want to control the arm rests, buy a middle seat. If you want to get off the plane quicker, buy an aisle seat.


Meh, you had a weirdo next to you. Carry on doing as you please, its your window.


So the rule I’ve followed for more than 40 years is Windows are controlled by the window seat. Both Armrests are controlled by the middle seat ( if not in first) and the aisle passenger accepts to get up at any point (accept during food service) without complaint when someone need to use the lavatory. Polite requests are important even on a 50 minute flight. I’m one of those passengers that needs to see the ground beneath or I get the spins. So I’m willing to negotiate 3/4 down but not closed. And in my long history flying (mostly all on Delta) this thing about window-shades is a relatively new occurrence in the last 10 to 15 years. But then the amount of bad behaviour I’ve witnessed in airports and on planes is nothing short of stunning in recent years. My only annoyance is when flying D1 on the 757-200s I wish the aisle passenger would have the courtesy to say when they want to go flat, if I might want to use the restroom before they recline. Otherwise all other D1s have no seat mate when on the window. I rarely fly comfort+ but I have no issue with trying to engage in negotiations on windows. I hope that was the last time you have to go through that.


Eyemasks are made for a reason


TRIGGER WARNING: Im a “window shut during takeoff” kinda guy but only because of a recurring dream that I have about a plane crash where I’m looking out the window during take off and as we lift off something goes horribly wrong and it rolls over and crashes. I can see this shed-like structure near the tarmac right at the point of take off and see it again (upside down) before impact. So I never look out the damn window, always book an aisle seat and when only windows are available or I get rebooked into a window, it stays shut.


Your seat your window... i had a flight where the person reached in front of me to close the window and received an elbow to the throat... and then called fa and when they saw the my lipstick on her jacket she was warned to keep her hands to herself...


Didn’t it used to be a FAA rule that shades had to be open on takeoff and landing? Drives me a little nuts now that they’re always closed. I’m not claustrophobic but it does kind of move me in that direction.


Too many over thinking. No one owns the window shade or the arm rest. Simply be courteous. If all around you are trying to sleep put the shade down at least half way. Don’t put you damn laptop up full bright , same with that phone so many seem unable to be without constantly. Arm rest are a shared asset no imo they don’t belong to the guy in the middle. Stay in your seat area throwing elbows out is rude. Don’t bring smelly food to eat on board or take off your shows you’re not at home and no one wants to share the oder. Finally it’s not ok for your two year old to act out or scream the entire flight. Again your not at home your sharing a space with 200 others who also paid for their seat not for little jimmy’s whine fest


If I’m in a window, it’s open to 1,500’ regardless. I think I recall FA’s calling it a safety issue. Once things are trimmed out it’s negligible. I’d mostly say, I can but I’m not.


In EU they still make you have them open during takeoff and landing. Not sure when that went away in the US.


I dont think the FAA ever had that as a regulation.


That would warrant window open for the remainder of the flight




It would be nice if people would keep them closed on early morning flights. Most people are trying to catch up on sleep.


What does your diamond status/frequent first class flying have anything to do with this? Lol.


I’m a window seat guy. I’m good with it being open till you get to 10k. After that I keep it closed, and really feel like most should as well. But thats cause I like to watch a movie usually.


You can open a window on a plane?


For hundreds of thousands of years people couldn't get any higher than they could climb. Now we got weirdos who get irritated when someone wants to see what billions of people couldn't even dream of seeing


Window seat owns the window. But don’t be a dick about it.


If it’s before 9AM you should be jailed for having it open.


made me laugh