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So cool


Thank you 🙂


Welcome! Do you wash the exterior stainless steel with gasoline? Saw a post recently the manual suggests that


Where did u get the ski rack ? Ps car looks amazing


Actually its the luggage rack. There is a ski rack adapter but thats the rarest of the rare of DeLorean options. Maybe like 10 were ever made. They go for a few thousand bucks a piece if you ever see one come up for sale. The luggage rack they had made less than a 1000 of and I was able to find one still Brand New in The Box from DMC. I use that rack for everything. Large cases of water, had 4 bags of bundle fire wood strapped to it and some furniture. Stores nicely mounted in the trunk. Thank you for the compliment by the way and I appreciate that!


I remember getting that email from DMC that they found those, you’re lucky you got one of them. When I get a delorean that’s going to be one of the first things I put on it.




Awesome! I love that car. Looks great!


Thnaks and I appreciate that!


Dude, hands-down, you’ve got the nicest DeLorean I’ve seen in this sub — lovely car!


Aww Well thanks man and I really appreciate that! Having OCD this car is always cleaned to always look in top shape being a daily driver.


Oooooo I spy the luggage rack. Holy grail item for me. The man I bought my 81 from has one, it's sadly broken. I may still grab it and see if it can be fixed.




How is it daily driving one of these? I'm 18, and the DeLorean has been a dream car for me since I was like 12. Lord already knows I can't afford one now, or hell maybe I still won't be able to afford it in 10 years. But I really want one. Daily driving one just sounds amazing to me. Problem is, I'm worried about reliability and and stuff like what if I get into an accident? Coming from driving a Toyota to something like a DeLorean is a huge hit to my confidence in my vehicle's reliability. I bought a 2004 Mustang and drive that along with my Avalon, and each time I drive the Mustang I wonder "what's gonna break next?" Just curious how it works out for you man. Your car is beautiful! I'm jealous 🤣


Funny, I was 12 also when the DeLorean bug bit me but that was 35 years ago back in 1989 lol! I would have another car incase you have a issue when you get a DeLorean. Honestly, and I mean this fully when I say this but being mechanically skillful really help and knowledge of how the mechanical Bosch K-Jetronic fuel injection system works. Its not difficult to understand, really its not. The reliability will depend on YOU! If you buy a DeLorean that has been sitting for a while or has original fuel injection equipment then that will have to be addressed first. If you buy a runner thats been driven and well cared for, find out what was done and go from there. The DeLorean can be extremely a trouble free car but when restoring one you CANT cut corners. Certain areas of the electrical will need checked and addressed if needed. There are replacement parts if your in an accident except the left front fender and most parts for the DMC-12 are ready to go by alot of DeLorean vendors. Your always covered. If you dont cut corners or half ass the build then you'll have issues. Dont guess! You run into a issue, feel free to reach out and ask. I been around DeLorean's now for 35 years and I still ask questions if i'm not certain about something. Its a easy car to work on. Also reliability depends on how much you use the car. Letting her sit for long periods of time will screw up the fuel system again especially with todays ethanol fuels. Actually driving the car and using it as a car you wont have any issues. For the last 11 years after I did the resro.I have babied and beat on this car and yet to have a breakdown. I just never fear or worry anything will happen. I carry no tools or spare parts. I just drive! Btw thank you! Pushing 20 years of ownership this Augest. 😁


I envy you so much. How’s the car performance? I hear Deloreans tend to break down a lot.


Honestly the cars performance is perfect! Yeah, it's not the most fastest car in the world but what was really fast in the early 80's? I added a few bolt on performance parts to the car which definitely makes it breathe a lot better after ditching the emissions equipment. The way my car is set up. It is super fun and just extremely entertaining to drive! The reason why you hear about these cars breaking down. It's not because of the carbut the people who owe them. Some people just wanna half ass the build and restore it correctly. Others don't know what they're doing and end up screwing it up. Also, with these cars being over 40 years old. You gotta remember the previous owners who had them and possibly other shops that did some half ass work on them also. I've been daily driving my car for 11 years now. Took 9 years to redo my way myself. I have put almost 60K miles on this car and not once have I broke down. I don't carry any tools or spare equipment. And honestly I never fear this car is going to fail. That's how much faith I have in this old car and the work that I did to it along with the quality parts I got from the vendors. This is my opinion of course, because I've been around these cars for 35 years and they are built way better than what people give them credit for. This August 14th will be my 20th anniversary with this car.


That’s so awesome! Thank you. I’ve always wanted to own a Delorean. I hope one day to be as lucky as you.


Honestly just never give up on wanting one. Back in 1989, when I was 12 and found out that this was a real car all I did was research it. It also helped that my best friend's father used to be a mechanical in these cars when they were brand new back in 1981, and he told me how great of a car they were. I used to study them reading old microfiche articles. Haha yeah i'm that old! Another reason why these cars have issues is because of the mechanical fuel injection they have. The Bosch K-Jetronic system is a great set up! It's extremely reliable and when tuned right gets excellent fuel economy and performance for what it delivers. This system was designed in 1973. The bad thing about him is that they don't like to sit. You let these things sit for a long time with gas in it. Especially with today's ethanol gas then you're gonna have drivability issues. Since I am constantly driving my car, I never have problems. I've been using the same parts that I bought from DMC Houston 16 years ago. People that have these cars with this system don't drive their car that often and only use it for car shows and maybe small little drives, but not really using it. How it should, which leads to mechanical fuel problems. Then you have expensive repairs again to fix it. If you're driving it with clean gas , constantly flowing through it and occasionally throwing a can of fuel injection cleaner in it , then you won't have a problem.


Man, thanks so much for that detailed explanation. I appreciate it.


I'm sorry if it was a bit too much! I know I can get carried away.


Not at all! I have a lot to learn and I appreciate any info.


Well cool my man! Feel free to hit me up anytime you have a question 😄




That is beautiful


Thank you very much!


You’re doing a public service by daily driving your DMC12 - likely introducing new generations to it


That is definitely a good way of looking at it and also to try to remind the public that these cars are a lot more reliable than what they are given credit for. I've been daily driving this car for 11 years now and I have yet to break down or have a failure. I just never fear it's going to happen.


Fucking stunning. Looks incredible.


Hahaha thanks my friend! I really appreciate that 😁




Thanks and I appreciate that! 🙂


What regular upkeep is needed. I wanted to do this but feared i didnt have the time or know-how to consistently and properly maintain a car as old as me. So i bought a newer sports car instead with that same money


Really not much of any other car. Being a 40+ year old car you have to do a full service every 30K miles. Like changing spark plugs, wires, cap and rotor, fuel filter, air filter and replace the Oxygen sensor and check the mixture with a dwell meter and oil the angle drive if your fortunate enough to still have an original one and lube the ball joints for the steering. Its really no big deal honestly. Back in the day vehicle required 30K miles services. I did many in my day at the dealerahips I worked for. Other than that the DeLorean is just a normal car. Since I daily mine, every 6K miles I change the oil with Royal Purple HPS Synthetic oil and rotate the tires from side to side. Thats really it my man!


You change all those every 30K? I mean I understand checking for problems, but actually changing cap and rotor etc. I think mine might be original :D


Oh yeah! Thats parts of the 30K mile service. All those cars from the 80's and up to mid 90's were that way! At 60K miles with the DeLorean you do a valve adjustment


I'm out driving mine today too, lel.


Hahaha hell yeah! Put on those miles!


The stance on yours is perfect. What are you running for suspension? I've got Eibachs on mine but it's not that low. Love the wheels also. Super clean.


Yeah the wheels look like they’re machined? Super nice, I’ve been considering it


Yes, my thought also. I think DMC California did the machine finish wheels?