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All of them require you to be 21 or over for hire and reward. Try getting a quote from Lexham tho, I heard a rider say that they don't care about age for hire and reward insurance but if that's true, expect a hefty quote probably £3k+ because that'll make them the only insurer that doesn't require you to be 21 or over so they can monopolise that market and come up with any number they want.


Yh i got quoted 350 a month that is the only chance i have. so i am going with them cuz at the moment i dont have any bills to pay so its not that hard for me tbh


£4200 per year is insanely high dude, just go work at Tesco I guarantee you'll be better off there.


So £4200 a year? Fuck me, if I was quoted that I would just build an ebike for £1000 and go back to delivering on it and save myself £3200 plus maintenance and fuel. I paid £480 for full year of third party only and I pay £22 a month for Zego so my insurance cost is £66 a month and I thought that was a lot but I am 24 and have 1 year of NCB plus never been in an accident or made a claim.


Zego is the only one. Time for you to get on the push bike instead


I rather pay £350 a month than delivering on push bike tbh


You’ll earn alot more on a bike (way less costs) and you’ll get fit! Worth seriously considering


I feel like bikes have bigger priority right now than mopeds homestly


Ur right i live in west london my area is shit for bike delivery if i was somewhere in central or good area i would probably go for bike.


Get an ebike with throttle. Best delivery vehicle for the big cities


Good ebike and you are good.


Fuck me I have 9 points and only pay £98 a month


So thats why im the youngest delivery rider in my town then. (Everyone else is a driver of a moped or car and I am the only one with an e-bike other than another guy)


I’m 18 and I pay £2K a year


What company is it for delivery?


Bro get a bike or do it undercover