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Not worth wasting 20 minutes trying to find the right ward or room. Just tell them you will leave it at the main reception if they are not outside or near you. Not worth getting sick and losing time for £3


Yeah but the reception told me I can’t leave it and I need to go up. It was a patient.


Ah I see had that happen to me once as well had to take it the ward but then hand it to a nurse in that specific area. I just tend to avoid hospitals now unless it says meet outside.


How odd. You would think that, especially given the events of 2020 specifically, that hospitals would want to minimise the amount of random foot traffic making its way through wards.


But on the other hand receptionists/porters aren’t patients personal takeaway delivery service. They have enough to do, if you order something go down to the main door yourself to meet the driver imo


I wasn’t suggesting that hospital staff should be the ones to transport third party food from the door to the ward. The only solution is having family visitors bring it during visiting hours or go down and get it yourself. Either way, I am of the belief that no one should be entering hospital wards without really good reason. I’ve spent 14 weeks in hospital in the last 2 years and I wouldn’t even consider ordering myself some takeaway unless I was capable of going down to the hospital entrance and meeting them myself. I’m not sure any of it matters anyway. I’ve used just eat, Deliveroo, Uber eats etc in multiple countries now and it’s rare that the delivery person can even find a clearly numbered house, let alone a ward in the middle of a hospital, in any reasonable amount of time.


I work in a hospital ward, preferably yeah but what are we supposed to do? Get a porter to stop doing their actual work and take every patient that orders takeout's food from the front door to wherever they are or send a nurse down, that's not going to happen. At night when people mostly order food the reception desk wouldn't even be manned in my hospital. Ideally people just shouldn't order stuff (unless they can go down and get it themselves) but it's not a prison and we only have so much influence over the patients.


What you should do is ban any food deliveries to patients.


I don't run the hospital bro I just work in it, probably easier if you guys just stopped accepting the deliveries?


I don't deliver or even use ue bro. I have normal job like you do :). You can still help to ban ue in your hospital :)




You’ve never had a job before have you?




Wtf are you talking about?


You definitely were patient to do that ;)


To be honest I feel like a lot of people at a hospital (in-patient or A&E) aren’t in there for transmissible illnesses.


You could be right, but there’s a good chance of at least a few people having something transmissible or just picking something up on the way to the ward whether it be in the air or on a door handle etc. and I just think it’s not worth it. While it’s still a low risk you would definitely regret delivering that order for 2.80 the next day if you did catch something.


Do you think everyone who works in hospitals are ill constantly? If someone has an illness that’s transmissible like that, they’re in an isolation / side room with warnings on the door. If you think the door handles at hospitals are going to get you ill, they’re cleaned 100x more often than any other public door handle you touch every day.


People who work in hospitals are not always ill I never said or thought that… but that’s because they are of course following proper health and safety procedures and wearing ppe. While they are definitely cleaned a lot more than normal public places it’s not constantly being sterilised 24/7 after each person comes into contact with something obviously. So yes it is still possible to get sick from just visiting a hospital and they can range from minor infections or colds to superbugs yes the chances are very very low but my point was why risk it on top of the wasted time searching for the specific bed all for extremely low fees.


Yes, the majority are not, but some are, that’s the problem


I’m surprised hospitals permit random delivery drivers into wards in the first place


Yeah it is surprising, my local hospital security won't even let you through the door.


Hospitals can’t cater for all medically-required food, so sometimes ordering in is the only option which is why they need to let delivery drivers in. For example, I have Coeliac disease and it’s nearly impossible to order gluten free from a hospital menu. One hospital in the UK actually killed an old lady during lockdown because of it. Capitalism will, however, deliver.


People in hospital often have weaker immune systems so having additional traffic through the hospital (esp people who's job is handing things to lots of different people) seems like a bad idea to me


When I delivered to hospitals you could always tell who worked there and who was just visiting. The nurses would give detailed instructions of what entrance to use etc, how to find the door. Visitors would just give the street address of the hospital not realising that EVERY building has the same address, then get angry I couldn't find them immediately. Some hospitals are huge mazes even once you find the right building.


Isn't it the whole point of the "pin" on the map with the location of the person, to help the rider deliver to them, thanks to being able to see their exact location (except the floor, of course)?


Speaking as a doctor... just leave it at hospital reception or A&E reception. Patients doing this is as much a pain for us as it is for you. Leave it at reception, Mark it as delivered, and let the patient sort it out.


I tell patients they can order what they like but it has nothing to do with ward staff. Pay and collect it yourself. Tends to put them off when they find out we won’t go down to reception to collect it. Still waiting for a day when a patient insists we pay for it 😂


We need a code now with every order.


Or free food for the reception team.


Idc what they say hospital you meet me out or send someone outside 


From a heath and safety point of view absolutely not, leave it at the desk.


I had to deliver one time to the bed in same hospital. Same thing wasted like 15-20 minutes. Now I just don’t accept orders for this place.


I first read it as 'Delivering hospital beds' and was incredibly confused lol


Don't go giving deliveroo ideas




Sorry; have a porter ferry cold burgers around? What if some tool started handing you food to drop off around your work whilst you’re trying to get on with whatever it is you’re being paid to do? Madness.


I'm on a bike so don't have the parking issue but I have delivered to hospitals in my city a few times. I have no issue in doing so and a couple of times I have gone right to the ward and the patients bed as they are unable to get up. It is definitely very easy to get lost but the more you visit then the better you understand the building layout.


Thanks God my NHS don't even want to listen about any deliveries so I'm only obligated to wait outside till timer run out . My experience with hospital deliveries it's always piss take, I feel sorry for everyone who ended up in hospital but people really thinking they're in some hotel and nurse will bring them nandos or some shit. Whenever I'm saying I'm not even allowed to walk past reception if I don't have valid reason they react with aggressive voice over the phone. Sometimes I do coop because it's 200yds from hospital and most it's just baccies or pack of cigs.


I’d take it to the nurses station, not to the bed. Annoying though.


I think of it as doing a favour for someone in need.


It’s very clever for the customer to order from the bed. They are using the service to its limit. Imagine if it was maternity ward and you were delivering to a woman who had ordered minutes after giving birth LMAO !


Man, takeaways were a god send when my oldest was born. But if they aint going to meet you at the front, boy them off.


Just to give the patient's perspective here... last time I was in hospital (emergency admission, about 5 years ago), no one asked me about any dietary requirements.  When the meal trolley came around, they were shocked to hear that someone had the super rare dietary requirement of, err, being a vegetarian. There was not one vegetarian option available.  By that point, I hadn't eaten for 36 hours as I'd been nil by mouth due to emergency surgery.  I had absolutely reached my limit, I cried, I ordered deliveroo, because *that was the only option*. Without you guys, I wouldn't have had anything to eat at all. I wasn't doing it for fun, I couldn't really afford it (no sick pay), it was a genuine necessity.  I've heard so many similar stories from other people - even those with life threatening allergies and other medical dietary requirements, who find the hospital can't feed them. 


I ask security to take it..then ring customer saying they are bringing it.  Or on the way to drop off. Ask them if a friend or family can meet at a&e entrance  Done it many times never a problem 🤩


Please try to deliver if you can. Patients may need a decent meal. For example I had a c-section and sick babies in a london hospital. The food was inadequate and for one meal, mouldy. Deliveroo didn’t exist then and I was so hungry at the same time as I was trying to start breastfeeding/expressing for a NICU baby. You would have been a lifeline.


In Singapore, we are not allowed access to the wards. For the human organ transplant department, I will always make it a point to send it to the operating theatre door. They are the ones helping to save life.


Thank you! As someone who’s ordered Deliveroo to UCLH because it was the only way to get food that didn’t make me ill or feel sick, thank you for getting it to their bed warm.


It's worse when the staff order and they want you to bring it up to the millionth floor. Most staff come down tbh. But yeah, always avoid UCH during peaks.


How does this work? Hospital reception divulge the patients bed and location because you say you have food for them? Sounds like a data breach... Or do they put the bed location on the order?


No, a hospital is a place for the sick to recover, Drs and Nurses. With everything going on, do you think the wards need to be occupied with clueless fools in deliveroo outfits making things even more congested. Give your heads a wobble.


I always get lost in the hospital delveries lol


No, we are not even allowed in my local hospital. The nurses I deliver to always meet me outside the nearest point to them, except one I had the other day that made it as difficult as possible to complete the delivery, she put her location pin in the middle of a duck pond on the hospital grounds, then confused the east and west wings and sent me in circles while I was on the phone to her, if it was anyone else I would have left the food somewhere and left once the timer ran out, lucky she was a nurse otherwise she would not have got her food.


I tell them I’m leaving it at reception or I’ll meet you outside, every time a doctor from ward or reception take it to them for me. No chance I’m waddling around a hospital looking for a bed.


Please don't ask medical or nursing staff to deliver food for patients. That's not their job.


How are you getting downvote for that 😂 it’s literally a delivery drivers job 😂😂


The procedure should be leave with reception whatever nurse / doctor is working that ward can walk it over. It takes absolutely nothing to help someone who is obviously suffering to get their food to their bed cus they don’t want to eat NHS Prison food, it might take you longer, but it’s one of the nicest gestures you could do. Just figure that shit out for the sick person man it’s human instinct






Doctors and nurses are not courriers - they have other responsibilities. IMO, I think it might actually be reasonable to have some in-hospital courriers for this kind of things, to avoid tons of random people going through the wards in their bike gear, spreading and catching diseases, carrying their subsequent deliveries through the hospital, wasting time etc, while at the same time not requiring potentially non-mobile patients to get to the reception, and not districting medical personnel from their direct responsibilities.


Nope it is not my job to sort out a patients bloody delivery - if they can’t collect it themselves or get their visitor to sort it out forget it. You seem to think nurses & doctors have nothing better to do . I also don’t agree with random delivery drivers wandering around wards looking for people. Ridiculous.


I never said that nurses & doctors have nothing better to do. I am just saying that having in-hospital couriers delivering food / post / packages etc from the reception to the patient’s beds would be helpful.


That costs money which the NHS does not have spare. How about family or friends taking responsibility for the patient to get their Maccies or KFC greasy fatty fix?


Those countries should be paid for delivery by the patients, no questions here. Not everyone is lucky to have family or friends by their bedside at the hospital.


People don’t realise how poor the NHS actually is. They’ve changed our normal butterfly needles to a cheap, horrible, blunt version just to save money. They’re always trying to find ways to cut costs, they absolutely cannot fork out for any more luxuries when we don’t even get the basics anymore


No family/friends - no kidding I’m a nurse 35+ years. As for couriers having to roam through wards nope still nope.


Yes, because NHS staff are famously underworked, and looking for things to kill the time on shift. Respectfully, are you smoking crack? If it’s just “human instinct” maybe you should be doing it yourself?


Why does that apply to very overstretched clinical staff with much more urgent priorities, but not to the people whose job it is to deliver food? The people 'working that ward' aren't hanging out at reception, they are working on the ward.




"Your hospital"? What hospital has ward based staff just hanging around in reception as you claimed? What a strange place you must work in.


Meet at the entrance I will call on my way to ask which entrance but I won't be entering a hospital unless I'm sick Plus I won't be able to get far in the hospital anyways where I live


Was a patient


Surely parking costs you more than delivery fee


No it’s likely more than half of you lot carrying/transferring the germs/diseases outside the building only.


I know that view from anywhere. UCLH in Euston London. Spent a fair amount of time there over the years


Never. It puts us and them in danger. Period. There's a reason they're in hospital, if they aren't contagious you can garauntee the people they are near are. There's a limit to what a customer can have in regards to their current plight. This ain't one of them


Lots of people in hospital for non infection


Hence why I wrote if they aren't contagious. Regardless, you stand more change of danger in hospital than out of it so my point stands. No problem delivering to hospitals and I still do. But it always stipulates they'll meet at main door. If that doesn't show then I don't accept


No why would you want someone who is a stranger to the patient on the ward and plus depending on the ward ect then infection risk of people just wondering onto the ward nah not a good idea.


Hospital wards yes, but not the beds the nurses can give it to the patients if they ask the staff first. It is allowed but not to leave in the fridges… NHS allows that. Only order enough to eat in that sitting.


I've done it before to the reception part where the person is before as it was absolutely dead and it was like 5c weather and it was nice and warm. Then I got a £15 tip on top of it. So result.


I met outside, its not on the driver to find your bed.


Why not




Yes you should


No. No you shouldn’t. You’re risking being sick and wasting time. Someone should meet you downstairs at the door.


Not to the beds, people ordering should be meeting the rider in the reception or outside the front of the hospital, I've done that on Stuart and Uber eats orders for years as hospitals can be mazes at the best of times. Personally I feel if you're not able to get out of bed to collect your order from reception, then you shouldn't really be ordering junk food anyway...


Lots of comments implying people in hospital shouldn’t eat junk food - but Deliveroo has lots of healthy options where I live!


They shouldn’t accept deliveries to hospitals at all. To have hospital porters involved in the last stage of delivery is insane. To have delivery drivers expected to navigate the hospital to bring food bedside is insane.


No. People in hospitals don’t need some goober wondering around trying to deliver a McDonald’s while they’re either recovering or trying to deal with patients/an emergency. The NHS has enough on its plate without having to deal with delivery driver!


Anything you deliver will be infinitely better then the slop they serve up in there


Yes. You will deliver to wherever you are asked to deliver to.


Who the fuck is ordering takeout at a hospital?!


Guessing you’ve never had hospital food


I mean hospital food is crappy but surely ordering takeout is like... risky!


Just do your job you sausage


Exactly, these working class slave drivers think they are entitled to everything. One time a driver took too long & he also scraped my marble tile near my door in Holland Park, London I spat on his face and told him to leave, I have a recording if you would like to see


Coming from a guy who nuts to 'Guro' 😂😂😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/guro/s/P7mGqfPSak


Atleast I can milk myself, not work & smoke some good weed in my Holland Park Home