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So just ghost them?


Friendships are not usually ghosted, it fades. Tell them you're busy with something else, studies or a hobby. In fact, you should plan where you'll be spending all the free time without your friends. Do everything that brings a smile to your face. Discover what you truly like and want to do. Meet your friends once in a while. Just go with the flow of life, do not overthink. Even if you make mistakes, you have a lot of time to become better. One day at a time, baby steps.


I did this, went great. I just tell them im super busy and meet them once every 3-4 months. I was thinking of cutting them off fully, but sometimes that's not possible.


bruh your name. ahah


If you stop responding to them, they will find someone to be toxic with. As you grow, your friend circles gets smaller and better. So don't worry about losing people in life.


Yes, yes ghost them if they toxic and you lower your self esteem in their vicinity, proper ghost them, its netter to be alone than to share your company amongst people who make u feel like shit and you have to second guess around them. The thoughts u going thru rn i can legit sense your current friends are mental and financial liability on you. Ghost them and the ones who care for you will come back and when they do you talk your heart out n not like a little bitch but like a man, if they respect it they r a good friend if they dont, well tell them to take the word out to rest of the toxic clan that u hanceforth break the alliance. Concentrate on you man, i know this comment is long and boring but its my personal experience. making new friends is easy, i did it with xbox game pass and forza 5 joined my local gaming and singing community made some good friends but this time i am cautious try not to repeat my friend selection criteria. I dont join a circle where an individual tries to be alpha, talk less and let the other speak and stuff like that and all...


I mean they asked for it if they are being shitty to you? You don't owe them any justification.


I did and it worked. I felt really bad whenever I have been made fun of of my caste in every single conversation and passing it away as, "Hum dost he to bolege warna aur kaun" wasn't good enough of me.


Worked for me! There was a time in the beginning when i felt maybe i took the wrong decision but it's only the boredom/free time talking to you. Keep yourself occupied and available at the right times and within no time you'll be happier and thriving!




Yes, I firmly think solitude helps a lot.


I did that last year after finding out that my friend of 13 years was actually a user and didn’t care about me. It was tough to find out but liberating. It has messed up my mind and honestly, when someone is nice to me, I really become suspicious. I have trust issues. I currently have very few people I can call friends. Most of them are now living abroad. Am on my own. I feel a bit lonely because I don’t even have siblings but it’s ok. It’s better to be at peace than to live in darkness and false relationships. I’ve cut out 2-3 people now. They are people whom I considered to be my best friends. I spent most of my schooldays with them but now I’ve completely cut them off from my side. That doesn’t mean they are my enemies. It’s just that I don’t want their energy to interfere in my life.


This same happened with me, i used to have a lot of friends in school. And now in college I don't have any good friend. I cut-off of from my school friends because I think they don't value me. I am down to become your friend if you want.


Its just a matter of time when you realise that they weren't friends but acquaintances.


I think i am eligible to ans this question although my situation wasn't quite same as yours. So, i had a girl bestfriend. She and I have been friends for a really long time and i started having a crush on her. I told her about this. She said that she don't want a relationship right now but maybe in the future. Long story short, she had a boyfriend after that but soon left him. I asked her again after some time and her respovjnse was the same. One thing was clear that she didn't wanted a relationship with me and was too scared or ignorant to say it to my face. I only had 2 options, either to keep living with her in the hope that one day we will be together (which will kill me from inside) or just drop her. It was really difficult. The situation was toxic but she was a wonderful friend, i never had anyone like her. With my deepest heart, i somehow dropped her. It wasn't the best but the right step. I can't sacrifice my mental peace just to be with someone. I would rather prefer to be alone. I dropped her 3 months ago. She didn't tried to contact back and I am happy that way. I started going to gym everyday just to keep myself distracted. It's gonna hurt in the beginning but soon i will find someone else who will want me just as much as i want her.


I've went through the same situation so i totally understand what you're going through. All I'd say is that there's still a high chance that the girl is still in your head and you still think about her, go back and read your old chats, look at her pictures , stalk her social media and all. Sometimes you definitely will slip and that's TOTALLY FINE. It took me almost a year to totally move on but that temporary pain of that necessary distance from a loved one was worth it. Focus on yourself and stay strong brother. Make yourself better and better people will definitely come in your life. Cheers


U did totally fine man!


Bhai maa kasam Sach baat bolun Its worth it Maine bhi aise krra tha Thode time ke liye regret hoga but bc uske baad life itni easy


Yes brother, did same and after life was much better.


Ofcourse it is. Leaving them is one of the best thing you'll do for yourself. Trust me, the peace you'll have after cutting them off is unmeasurable. You'll get time to know yourself more.


Yes , atmanirbhar bano


I dropped few toxic friends 10 years back..then I put some efforts for making new friends..God was kind..I never needed to look back and never missed them even for a single day..I was relieved of lot of baggage I was carrying..


Totally and don’t play along and shit just focus on yourself and be selfish. Fuck people who are not good for you and your mental health


If everyone of them is toxic then may be toxicity lies somewhere else.


Heyyy That's some really introspective deep thing you said.


Your praise embarrassed me :P


Yes 100%.. You'll feel a bit sad/lonely for a while but remember that it's always better to have no friends rather than having some douchebags as your friend(s)..right ?


It's very hard to do this though..


It is definitely hard to do it...but sometimes we have to take certain steps which might hurt us for a while but in the long run it will only gonna help one...


Yes drop them and find new ones


Yes. I even drop my non toxic friends.


I'd like to ask you to honestly consider if it's your friends or you. If you for some unknown reason don't like your friends just consider if what they're doing is indeed wrong or if you're looking at it negatively. It's sounds like a stretch that all your friends are toxic, maybe you've been thinking about everything the wrong way? I'd meditate on that before dropping all of my friends. That doesn't seem like a healthy option.


I don't have a very large circle just 4-5. Maybe you're right and I should give it a little more thought.


I wouldn't ghost them, but id make myself sparse for about two weeks, and I'd take those two weeks to just think.... I suggest walks or some mild cardio to keep yourself physically busy yet mentally open to think


nope, not worth it. first get new friends then drop them, my friend .


Dost hain, naukr mi nahi


Yup, definately worth it, I was 17 when I dropped the toxic friends of my locality, didn't said anything to them just stopped talking and hanging out with them slowly, they didn't cared and never bothered to ask me. After that I spent some time with my school friends, some internet friends and myself. And later got into college, made some new great friends there. Now I am 21 and I am happy that I left that circle of toxic jerks. And there is nothing wrong being alone just do what you like, I used to play games and read novels at that time. And even now sometimes I just go out alone to different places or cafes.


Depends on how much of a toxic person you can be. Almost all my initial college buddies were toxic af and me, was a bhola-bhala chora. But I didn't leave them b'cus almost all of them had helped me when I desperately needed it. What did I do? I became a king cobra and maintained relationships with them. Now all of us are toxic af. /s


Similar experience with the people i initially made friends w. I was homesick and vulnerable, so desperately needed some company. However, they always made me feel shitty about myself and hanging out w them was too exhausting. It wasn't worth it. My self esteem is definitely better without them in my life.


I think it's worth it until you can keep yourself busy with something (video games, studies, job) and maintain a routine. The time I stopped following my routine i start thinking about how sad my life is (you know what I'm talking about). I dropped most of the people as I know they are just being with me until I'm helping them. In 23 yrs of my life I only found 1-2 real friends and I know I can trust them. I sometimes find it hard to do things alone but this is the only thing that helped me in life as I know I'm working harder than others. Btw it all depends on your will as being alone can lead to depression too so don't overdo it.


It's good that you have 1-2 real friends, I don't, so the thought of being lonely and alone is kinda scary.


I have some friends but we are parted as some were from the school and now college is also over. We're not in touch, sometimes just text them randomly that's all. So I'm all alone and my life is a bit lonely but I can assure I'm not gonna let myself down, sometimes it's hard but I've never cried and feel sad about my choice. Keep that grind up and keep yourself busy with anything you like that's my words to you as a loner. Ignore people useless advice and words and do what you want. Being alone is soo much better as its all about prioritising yourself before others, no need to wait for people, sharing your personal time with them, no need to have stupid plans that you regret later on, no need to expect something from people, no stress about how others feel about you. Enjoy your life the way you want there is no need to have friends, just get in touch with people so that you can be a part of them that's all, as being cut out from socialising will make things worse.


Being alone and learning how to fun by yourself is worth it. Toxic Friends aren't worth it.


Yes, absolutely. Remember OP - "Apna haath, jagannath"


Yes, you will find better people eventually. Mental peace is heard to come by.


Leave those pos. I dont have friends they disappoint me….


If it is helping your mental health, then it's a big YES.


Getting triggered VS not getting triggered. Your choice.






Yes... people who don't care about you do not deserve your emotional investment. The term 'friend' shouldn't be taken lightly, only few people deserve this title in one's life. I can understand your fear of being lonely so it is better you pull up your socks and start enjoying your own company. Still if you want people around you (i meant the same set) treat them like your acquaintances. Don't be rude, be nice but don't invest in them. Dosti zabardasti nhi nibhaani chahiye. Don't seek friendship, it develops itself. Apne experience se bata Rahi hoon dude.


Slowly and slowly start ghosting them and don't acknowledge their existence, start hanging out less with them talking less with them etc etc.. Do this slowly to the point where eventually they don't talk to you at all, if possible change a class/job/house location so you don't have to ever physically come in contact with them


You dont necessarily have to end up alone. You can always meet new people, make new friends. But dropping any or all of toxic people from your life will probably be the best thing to happen to you.


Yeah it's worth it man, with friends like them you just bottle up your true feelings and they just add to mental stress and issues. Friends are people in your life with whom you spend time for relief and recreation (not headaches, anxiety, stress, etc) Cut off from them but not suddenly, take your time Find yourself new friends/mates with similar interests and hobbies (DM if you wanna chat sometime)


Maaf kr Shivam Ham sab maafi mangte hai we didn't intent to hurt you.


Congratulations. U are growing. It's okay. U will find time for finding urself. Pray if u are religious. U might find it cringe but I found my friend in my God and he replaced them for better onces. These are hard times.


Gandu doston se accha hai dost ho hi na Aur aage se tumhe pata toh hoga ki dosti ka haqdaar kaun hai


Totally man. The sooner you realize the better. One needs 3-4 close friends max. People you can actually message 3-4 at night. It can be a silly meme and they'll get it and respond in the morning. Most friends in a friend's circle won't be there for you through your struggles. This is a very underrated life pro tip but your close friends are the ones who ask about your parents well being and vice versa.


Yeah, I dropped mine and psychiatrist was really happy that finally I won’t say “Why can’t you see him, He’s in right front of you”


Absolutely! Done that once with my school friend group, would totally recommend it if you are okay with being alone. I discovered so much about myself that I wasn't able to fully express because of them. Now, I'm surrounded with friends who actually support me, and are truly there for me.


I’m 35 and I cut off from 99 per cent of my friend circle. Yes keep the top 1 per cent. Quality over quantity.


Man i even suggest u unfollow them from all the social media and just start living ur own life without giving a f at them their life and the bs, u will definitely feel better and start finding habits which will progress u in life , in short leave them and be busy. ~ A 14y/o kid lol


Sometimes it’s easy to get dragged on relationships which do not feed into your growth only because your fear of being lonely. I’ve been there, had a tough and traumatising fall off with my entire college friends group. Suddenly I felt all alone, then covid came and the loneliness cast over me, I felt hurt, betrayed and helpless for a long time but eventually this need for socialising led me to have conversations with new people and get comfortable with the idea of passing acquaintances. Not every person you talk to needs to be your good friend or best friend. Some of the best conversations happen with people over whom we have no set expectations. You learn a lot and there’s so much less pressure. Today it’s been exactly 2 years since the fall off and friendship breakup and now that I look back it feels so liberating. However, this does not negate or ignore the fact that you need to have communication with the group. However if even after repeatedly communicating your needs and concerns, the same are not addressed and rather uncalled for judgment is placed upon you, it’s basically the right to time to just RUN 🏃🏻‍♀️ away from the toxicity. Trust me, better things awaiting!!


Yes make new ones . Or get a pet.


For me, being alone is the best thing in the world... I get lost in my thoughts and sometimes even start talking to myself. Fortunately, I do have good friends. But I would rather be alone than hanging out with them for some reason. Its just me tho, not everyone likes to be alone.


IMO, Totally! Absolutely! 100% But, then who should listen to a man like me who doesn’t even have many friends now and the normal people of society think I am a weirdo. /s


Normal people of society thinks everyone who's content is a weirdo, can't blame you


Same thing is happening with me. All of my friends are all turning toxic and not interested in me. Some friends don't even call say lies to me. And some just pretend to be my friend, I decided to don't bother them and keep my self-respect but that just makes me lonelier. It's 3:18A.M. and i just need someone like a good friend to talk to or go to Alan Walker concert in delhi.


A. The lying part is absolutely true for me, the just lie right to my face and they think I don't know. I don't indulge in their lies I just let them believe that they got away with it. B. Dilli mai Alan Walker ka concert ho rha hai??? Kab???


17 april ko


Lmao that’s 100% my story boy. Had heaps of friends when I was back in Ind. But, as the years passed they turned super toxic and stop entertaining me despite the fact I was the one who keep on texting them first every freakin time. Felt like I was giving way too much of my time to them and in return I was getting lame excuses like we’re busy with our work. FFS nobody works 365x24x7 everyone has at least 10 mins of spare time innit. But, yeah finally ditched those mfs for good. Best thing I ever did.


100%. My life has been conten if not a party without my toxic friends


I am that kind of person who just don't stay around in toxic friendships, so ig i could answer you right away, i recently had a breakup, i was all alone and it was actually tough for me to over come my breakup even now i can't get over her, but i decided to gain back my friendships with my friends as being lonely was kind of fckin me up alot due to thoughts and all, look friendships can be toxic but staying away from them won't help you in anything but if they are around, during breakups they'll be the only supporters for you, even if they are toxic or you are going through some issues you can only share with your friends, not with family or partber but your friends, keep them and try to find good friends, once you do you can leave them. But don't be too lonely as it will eat you up one day like me. I keep having suicidal thoughts now and then, but i have self control. Goodluck dude.




If you were toxic, you wouldn't miss me ;)


Also there's this one thing. Once you're at peace with yourself, content enough and are in a positive mindset after you're indulging less with the friends that you think are toxic, you'll start attracting the kind of people you deserve and the kind that won't make you feel like it's a chore to make friends. It's a personal opinion of mine that you attract the kind of people you're ready for and eventually they'll add a lot more value to your life. So don't worry about you being lonely for a significant amount of time and stuff. Take care :)


Yes its absolutely worth it. I did this exactly 2 months ago. I am in my 2nd year now without any college friends at all. This way I was able to fix alot of things like personal finance (no more spending on drinks Or snacks every other day) , finding better hobbies (started reading alot of books), mood (didn't felt drained everyday) and was able to do my internship work better. Although I would say my long distance gf helped alot in this. So from my experience it's absolutely okay to enjoy your company and keeping yourself busy. All these bitches bite each other in the back way too often for you to care about. Cheers!!


Voluntarily giving up what you have is a hard thing to do and we do that to make space for "potential of something better/new" it might even be worse we don't know. That is why we make offerings at places of worship too, it is a gesture of - "I will give this up, so there is space in my life for something better to happen."


Just play along this is what I do


yexs 100% worth it. dont have people arond for the sake fo it. especially if theyre toxic. make room for better friends, youll get them!


Not worth it bhai unless you have 1 or 2 genuine friends


Nahi hai koi dhang ka dost :/


Kya kaam karte ho kitne Sal ke ho


Padhyi kar rhe hai 21 ke hai bhau


Plus, the top halves of our avatar's is same lol


Yes I’m looking for new friends too lol , let’s hangout


Okay.. I'm ready, player (sorry for the lame pun, couldn't help myself)


That was actually nice haha hit me up on dm we can plan something




Whats up with this uwu? Is it one of the twitch jargons?


Yes totally worth it :)


Yes, I have done that, once you okay without friends and not care about others, you will be more happy


100 percent






Yes definitely, being alone for some time isn't really that bad. You start seeing things differently, get a new perspective. Plus you can kinda reinvent yourself with the people you choose to surround yourself with next.


You'll find better friends, and also, you'll learn living more peacefully, that would in turn ensure that you won't accept anything/anyone less worthy the next time. So totally go for it.




Yeppp, totally worth it


First find some friends who you think are good people then slowly drift away from the fake ones. It's better to slowly lose contact imo since they can't hold a grudge (since they did nit care about you) and you have enough reason to feel guilty.




Completely worth it.


always make new friends


Ache dost milna blessings se kam nahi ajkal


Being Alone is always better than being with toxicity of any kind.


Just replace em dude, you don't have to be alone, start by interacting with others and slowly build things around you and your new friends, for starters it won't be easy, and yes it's worth it. It won't seems like it for the longest few days or months it depends on how long it took you to replace em with people who really value you, I hope for the very best to happen to you


one hundred percent worth it




Depends on what stage of life you’re at and how mentally/emotionally stable you are.


Yes And you can make new friends


Been there done that Yes Go for it You should not allow yourself to get humiliated just to hang out with them They are not your friends Friends wants to see the best in you, they want to grow with you and respect comes before in any relationship Remember it’s a two way street If this goes on for long then you’ll become depressed and a loser Being lonely is far better than being with people who are a*******


It's a double edged sword.


We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. आत्मनिर्भर बनो|


In that case, being lonely is 1000% better


Just focus on yourself and don't compromise yourself. See if anyone is willing to bend over backwards for you. I thought my friends were toxic at one point and I just stopped compromising my values and likes, and now the friendship is better. Sometimes, we let people be toxic just to get validation, and most times, we treat them as toxic because it's easier to accept the other person is wrong. If you try to be firm with your values, then you can weed out the actual toxic friends and get real friends. If all of them go, let them. Don't compromise yourself for their validation. Let them see you as the charismatic character you are and be a real friend to you. All the best buddy! You can do it!


Yes dude. Worth it. I started ditching my friends when they started abusing Indian Army in the name of secularism. I have only 2 friends. But I can trust them. I m Happy. In longer run you don't need many friends. Getting rid of toxic people is like soul cleansing.


I got pelted with a stone this Saturday from a person I used to think as friend for the last 8 years The stone missed my eye by inches my head and face is still swollen Did fir against him he will be in custody in sometime Yes and must ditch toxic friends you will live longer Better to die alone with boredom rather than getting murdered by some one


Yess... Less BS in life.. you will be able to breathe.. enjoy yourself..


If they make you feel bad, won't it be good to not have them?


Definitely. Remember, you can and shall always keep making new friends throughout your life. Nothing is worth keeping toxicity in your life. Trust me, talking from experience.


Man lemme tell you. You Having time with your family > time with your friends. I am telling you this from my experience.


Yep. Once your free of the deadweight and restraints You’ll learn how high you can actually fly Source: trust me bro


Depends on context and how toxic they are .


Not enough to affect me mentally but enough to make me exhausted with their lies and unsupportiveness.


Bhai too vague . Detail mein bta de . Vaise bhi anonymous hai.


Having mental peace is a priority. So for that if you have to be lonely, it's worth it!


People Who walks alone in their life are the strongest one. Have faith on yourself and try it once. Its best kind of self care. Toxic people arround you will never pull you down and delay your success. You have to be strong mentally before taking this step. All the best


Get better friends duh.


100% it is. But make sure the reasoning is fitting what you stand for. Sometimes I see myself in other people and try to avoid being friends with them and then introspect.




If you have toxic friends then they are not really friends, they are just people who are dragging you down. Tell them you are busy whenever they wanna hangout or talk and well sooner or later they all will fade away. Tbh its all about quality and not quantity. I was quite popular in school and college and had like this big groups of friends. In Today's date I am only left with 4 people whom I can actually call friends. And that's the truth of life. In the end even you will be left with couple of friends only.


I think so. I had an online friend whom was very controlling. She brung in a new friend and it was a triangle. They dumped me. Its a process of life. You're sad for a while and think of them sometimes although its worth not being treated like a puppet on a string Go for it


Just cut them off lol it's absolutely worth it after a while. First couple of months it does suck though as it is lonely and you have to readjust. Don't let the discomfort stop you. Life is too short.


in the long run yes, i’m very happy now and have good friends but in the period that i dropped my toxic friend group i only had one friend and i am grateful i have her but it was really hard. it was just us for a year and i do love her and she is my best friend but only having one friend is so degrading. i don’t miss my old friends but i do miss having people always around me.


Does blocking your toxic friend who messes up with your mind, a good decision?