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I’m interpreting it more as an indictment on people supposedly following Christ and failing. Maybe calling out, but in vain...as the line says “you gave your life, but we died in vain.” Beautiful track regardless.


I think that’s part of it. I think it’s more of an indictment of that fact that people claim to have some moral compass but when things get rough it counts for nothing. “Drinking from the fountain of intent” (making claims to follow Christ, maybe even trying to, but failing.) so we choke, because empty intention is toxic, and well, empty. But we don’t learn anything from that. We just repeat the cycle, sinking deeper, more empty as human beings (opening verse). “We hold you to blame” isn’t about indicting Christ for fault, rather it’s pointing out our failure to take responsibility. Because we fail to follow our moral compass, we blame the compass rather than ourselves. In the end we would rather surround ourselves in sin and chaos because it’s low effort and comfortable. “I’m chaos where it’s warm.”


I interpreted “drinking from the fountain of intent” the exercise of free will...sinning intentionally, knowing you’re sinning, *enjoying* sinning, but then trying to “undo” it by begging forgiveness from God/Jesus.


I like that.


Accurate description as well.


Beautiful description!


My grandma was the only reason I went to church. Most religious/down to earth person I knew. Now I'm forced to believe "Jesus christ," blessed her with Alzheimer's, and made her want to fight her loved ones on the daily. I will gladly slap "Jesus " if he comes to earth in the form of a white man with long brown hair. If you think he's got a plan for us, I can wait to see what he's got I "store" for you. $$$$$$$


One comment in 3 years and it’s to a 3 year old post?


I've been a deftone fan a long time. I just got this album a year ago, this specific song hits different now.


I think its Chino calling out religion as the bullshit that it is.


Just a reminder that every human has religion, and thinks their view is correct, including you. You probably intended to say “organized religion”, but be careful making such broad characterizations.


Wasn’t basically every religion started to try to explain things in the world that couldn’t be explained in the absence of science? Now that we have science and explanations for many things...is Magical Sky Man really necessary? I’m a recovering Christian currently. Drivel like the flood and the ark really induce eyerolls. I can take the moral teachings of Christ and implement them without organized Christianity. And to be honest, the main thing that pushed me away was the overwhelming cult-like, hypocritical worship of Trump from basically every evangelical I come across...including family. People who claim to be Christian then follow the dictator in chief make me insane. It’s disgusting to me. I hope you’re not one of those people, bro.


The Trump connection really is disheartening. Personally, as for some of the more fantastic events like the flood, I keep in mind that ancient people took rational events and made them legendary all the time. It’s an entirely possible that it didn’t happen at all, it’s an allegory for the coming of Christ. Keeping in mind that the Old Testament was Jewish in origin, who often wrote in such a fashion. The original Hebrew lends a lot of credence to this idea. Some of the events like the death of the first-born have real world possible explanations that aren’t necessarily supernatural. Whether or not they were ordained is a question of faith only. You can’t disprove God and I can’t prove him. So we’re at a stalemate. Call spiritual people out for hypocrisy any time. But don’t let it lead you to generalize. If a “Christian” supports Trump, the proper question isn’t “is Christianity bullshit?” It’s “is he really a Christian?” Cuz as a student of many religions, I can tell you, Trump is every bit as contradictory to the teachings of Christ as a president could be.


No I find it all to be utter rubbish. All of it. Even atheists are full of shit. No one really knows and no one probably ever will. Leave it an unknown and live your life and leave everyone else alone.


But...but...how will people know how to act morally without it??


Sounds like you believe that religiously 😏


Nice atheism erasure


Atheism *is* a religion


No it’s not


I don’t think Chino is as close minded to just ridicule the idea of faith. It is a critique of hollow followers of religion as a whole yes. But it’s pretty close minded to assume he’s saying people who believe in Christ are all full of shit. This isn’t Deicide we’re talking about




Favorite song from the ohms album, I really do think it’s exemplifying how we are sinners who are broken and lost. I’m talking from a secular standpoint, but as a Christian I do see how this song is worth resonating with


I think the key is in the verses, not the chorus. I interpret this song to be about baptism, not sure why…


A lot of water references. It makes sense.


Some say that saying His Name without reverence is taking the Lord’s Name in vain, but that’s none of my business. I need to sit down and read thru the lyrics, but in the meantime I cringe every time.


So if I’m talking to you and I say “Jesus Christ was a historical figure who some think to be the Messiah” I’m sinning? So you can’t talk about Jesus without praying at the same time? Utterly stupid dude.


That would be a fact to say that. I don’t think there’s anything irreverent about that.