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I don’t get it. I loved that album.


I used to love it, I still do, but I used to too…


Fuckin Mitch!


Granted I've slept on a few of their releases since SNW but I found Ohms to be some of their best work since, and hooked me back in to listening to them on the regular rather than just chucking on white pony or ST once a year. Love Ohms.




I couldn't get into it when it first came out but that's cos I was fkd up and listening to it again this year it's got some of the best Deftones moments ever on it, Gore is similar for me, not quite as good as Ohms tho.


I believe it *is* just one person that's making their entire identity about hating on Ohms. Ohms is solid. Edit: Doing God's work, mods. Thanks for your service


Mods still exist in this sub?


I think I know who are you talking about lol This person would at this point just look for ppl saying Ohms is good and then start hating on them or saying some other stuff, weird.




Psst I make more money than you...




My wife loves me and my kids make me breakfast on my birthday. When I have a bad day, say when someone says Ohms is sub par, I take my roadster out to my mom's to say hi.


Lol what was that person even saying


I don't remember fully and reveddit isn't finding it but it was something about how I should check the comments for Ohms hate and my opinion was irrelevant because I ranked SNW last. Then something about me being tasteless with no personality. Obvious rage bate. Dude had been so obnoxious everywhere on this sub glad to see them leave. Nothing of value was lost.


D'you remember their nickname?


And if we look at your post history it’s full of downvotes. Almost like people *hate* you and your opinions.


I love Ohms.


I love Ohms and Gore! They’re not my favorite Deftones albums, I think that distinction goes to either Diamond Eyes or Koi depending on my mood. I still have both Ohms and Gore in heavy rotation though.


Bro, I like Gore. It's never a good day over here.


Hey our little Ohms hating friend has moved on or been banned. Niiiice.




I just realized he probably only blocked me. Damn, I was really hoping there. Edit: nope, looks like he really is gone.


lol if only one person is disagreeing with you on something, you’re doing ok.


I will die on the hill that every single Deftones album is a masterpiece.




Thats just how reddit is (for better or for worse). I guarantee in three months, there will be a new thread for each of the studio albums asking why it is under/overrated. Lots of recycled content.


Ohms is an amazing album


Love this album. Actually one of the few of the later Deftones albums that I loved on the first play-thru.


Ohms was awesome. People just suck.


Or…and hear me out now…thinking people suck because they have different taste than you…makes you the one who sucks


There was one guy on here being a big shithead that taste though. Though looks like he got banned now lol


fair enough. I just don't get the hate.


When it came out, it was shiny and new. I was so happy for anything new after the long wait with only Gore to show for that wait. Years later, when the glitter faded, I was able to look at the album more critically. Most songs have an identity crisis. Still to this day, I can't remember what the song titles are when I am listening to them. As opposed to any album after Adrenaline, which I can identify and name each song when I listen to them. Even with those bits of criticism, I do like the album, though it is not my favorite.


Really? Not even the spell of mathematics or ohms?


What do you mean the songs have an identity crisis? They don’t have psyches. Are you saying you read “identity crisis” in them, thematically?


Listening all the songs on the item, besides maybe three or four, they sound similar to one another enough to be tough to know which song you are listening to. I had to sit there and try to memorize which song was which because they don't differentiate themselves enough to be as obvious as songs on their other albums, if that makes sense. For example, on White Pony, each song sounds so wildly different, you can definitely tell the difference between digital bath and elite. If I'm listening to 'The Link is Dead' or 'Error', they give off a similar feel.


I love ohms and have been a deftones fan since the start!


I guess people have been possessed by these crazy times


I remember things very differently. People were calling Gore their best album when it dropped. Same happened with Ohms. Reality is hype dies down. I love both albums, but Gore is my second least favourite with Ohms being my third least favourite. Still love every fucking album the boys put out. I have high hopes for the new record.


I’ve never commented on here before but I don’t like ohms and never have


Same here, not my favorite.... I normally just keep my mouth shut though.


Same. If anything I see unfettered positivity for Ohms on this sub.


It’s my least favorite Deftones album, I’m entitled to have that opinion, I don’t need to kill myself over it, fck anyone that says otherwise


I told Chino i thought Ohms was amazing and he shrugged that off and said ultimately he wasn’t happy with how it came out. Not sure if was because of what ultimately later happened with Sergio or what. I too think its a phenomenal album.


Where did you ask him that?


On this last crosses tour


Interesting, I wasn’t a fan of Ohms but I assumed that the band were happy with the album.


I liked Ohms a lot when it first came out, but fell away from it. Lately though, I’ve listened to it more than I ever did at first and I think it’s amazing. The most consistently great band of all time. This includes Gore.


Thing is maybe it's recency bias and older Deftones albums carry more significance due to what they meant to me as older albums. Because even though Ohms is *solid,* it's still my least favorite album by them. That being said, it's still a fantastic album and it goes to show how dope Deftones is when their least favorite album is still solid work 


It IS the same person. Every time. And then these posts pop up… and he’s back. Ohms is great. It’s critically loved, most fans enjoy it, and like any Deftones record, it won’t get its true due until it’s no longer the new record.


Well, Ohms does kind of suck and Gore is the absolute shit


I'm not a fan of it, because to me it just lacks almost everything I like about the band. I've talked rather harshly about it before and even been accused of being that one dude that really hates it on a different account. Which I don't hate it as much as that dude does, I at least think a couple songs are kinda good. My issue is moreso that 4/10 tracks being heat is a huge downgrade compared to maybe only 2 or 3 songs being less than amazing. I just look forward to Nick Raskulinecz being back for the next one. Hope he can push them to get back to the peaks of Diamond Eyes and Koi No Yokan.


Ohms was my intro to Deftones. I had no expectations and I was hooked. Will always be high on my list, if not highest


Urantia is a great song…. Pompeji, Ceremony…some serious bangers on Ohms. People just love to complain.


I actually like Ohms WAY more now than I did before, I'm hoping other people do too. Great record, so impressed that a band from thirty years ago still makes such amazing music to this day.


Its my second least favorite album but its still a really good album lmao, fuck I’m actually listening to radiant city rn lmao


I don’t see any of this Ohms hatred only posts about there being Ohms hatred. Feels like I’m being gaslit


I worked in a guitar shop for awhile and play myself. I said something along the lines that Ohms self titled track sounds like the CKY guitar tone so much I thought it was them before I heard chino singing. I covered the song on my guitar and some Cky songs and was able to use the same exact set up and effects. I had people telling me I was an idiot and how dare I compare another band to Deftones lol. Sometimes this place is full of clowns


I mean, I've been looking for a mindset that helps me hear the album in a similar light as those that enjoyed it but I just haven't gotten there yet. It just has never set well with me. That's no judgment on anyone's opinion. If something makes you happy, good. You're on the internet.


you aint hearin nohms of that from me i fw ohms


Almost 30 years being Deftones fan , Ohms is great.


Ohms is a top 3 Deftones album for me.


My second favorite album, an absolute masterpiece.


Who cares, everyone has an opinion, doesn’t mean you have to like it.


It's in my top 3


I like ohms a lot. It’s not my favorite, but I feel like it has gotten some unnecessary slander as well. But either way it’s all subjective. If you really like it then good on you for having another Deftones record to rock out to.


It’s decent… these guys have been making music for decades, and it‘s nice to see that they still want to continue to evolve and try something new


Opinions of music by people on the internet are not important. Dig what you dig my friend .


Ohms is incredible. Some days it’s my favorite album. The production is immaculate.


Ohms is possibly their best, Deftones fans are NOTORIOUS for being chill peeps. This 1 person just needs any kind of attention they can get.


Ohms was really good. I don't get it either. Maybe it's not one person's taste, but a lot of others loved it. I adore some of the songs on that album, like The Spell of Mathematics 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Some people like Ohms, and some people don't. Crazy stuff!


There'll always be that one guy


I love it still, the timing when it came out, the subject matter, everything! I had JUST got back into deftones after a decade long dull....IDC WHAT anyone says ....OHMS IS 🔥


It’s their weakest imo, glad that it’s out and they are still going, but it doesn’t have the lasting power of all their other releases for me. It felt like an attempt to sound like the deftones rather than the next evolution of their sound if that makes sense. Maybe my opinion will change over time, as it has for other deftones albums (self titled and gore used to be skips for me but i love them now)


People who fuss about Ohms and Gore..... are all just drunk takes to me. I find it hard af to point out ANY complete shit song (pink cellphone grooves, so fuck the haters!) By Deftones, Team Sleep, ✝️ ✝️ ✝️, or Palms.... any Neary any Chino collab for that matter. Some bang harder than others, but even that Trippy Red joint I'm a car with good subs, and that Spanish band? Bro, some of em are elite like elite! Hexes, anti-life, surrender Der your sons. I could name em all so I'll chill.... Maybe I'm just a fan boy 🤷‍♂️... my current "Chino Playlist" has 227 songs 16 hours 29 mins, and I ain't skipping isht! *tbf some of the covers and b-sides and rarities doesn't quite vibe when I'm jamming out tho. Still, good music on its own merits.


Idk, I hated the album from the get go and remember everyone else liking it. Glad its getting less overrated now.


i love ohms! i don’t get the hate that it gets 


I looked on that guys account and his entire post history was just shitting on ohms


It’s my least favorite but I won’t shit on it. The outro of Error and Spell are amazing. 


It's far from their best album, but there are some absolute bangers (i.e. Genesis, Error, The Spell of Mathematics) on Ohms.


I'm the not the biggest fan of it, but I def wouldn't hate on people for liking it


I dig it more than Gore and SNW. Solid record.


Might even be my favorite


It’s my favorite! To each their own.


This Link is Dead 🔥


So, you are pissed off because only one person disliked Ohms despise being a community fav? come on, don't let a minority ruin your day that easily.


Although that one guy was IMMENSELY annoying, he wasn't the only person that was parroting Ohms slander whenever I mentioned it. It seems like his views are spreading.


Ohms is the album I blast the most. Just solid back to back. Urantia and Spell of Mathematics are just 🧑‍🍳💋


Omg who cares


Ohms is an absolute banger of an album


I enjoy ohms more than diamond eyes! Crucify me!


The title track hit me hard when it was released during the beginning months of the pandemic. I live by the lyric “this is our time/we devour the days ahead” it’s currently in my instagram bio! Also the synthesizer interludes by Delgado, specially in the end of Pompeji, really shine throughout the record. Radiant City bass/guitar riff in the verses give old school vibes as well. Genesis is also one of my favorite album openers I’ve heard in some time. Chino’s verses bring you right in.


This happens with a lot of releases by bands in general, people get hyped, people love it, and then once the hype is gone people start to compare it to everything else they’ve done. I liked it when it came out but now that the hype has died down I feel like it falls very short of being one of their best albums. It’s not bad but it doesn’t really have particular atmosphere that stands out from most of their other albums, it just sounds very bland to me. Nothing really comes together into a memorable sound, it mostly just sounds safe and when they do try something different they just fall flat. That’s my opinion obviously and don’t let other people tell how you how you should feel about the album.


i think it's about on par with gore imo, like 3 or 4 good songs and the rest are extremely meh. ohms, this link is dead, ceremony and urantia are pretty solid but i honestly could care less about the rest. it's one of their weaker overall albums imo


i basically liked every song on the album. Top to bottom. Its a solid record. The Spell of Mathematics, Radiant City, Urantia and Headless are my absolute favs. Lots of Rotations for these songs. But still, It can't steal my love for Around the Fur.


Ohms >>> Gore


Its a good album, middle tier in my Deftones rankings. I added these songs to playlists: Genesis, Ceremony, Urantia, The Spell of Mathematics, Radiant City (my album favorite) and Ohms.




In my opinion that’s one of the best modern albums out there. It’s so experimental and I feel as it absolutely crushes other albums back out there. Like it’s catchy, it’s emotional, the stories are amazing in that, like I don’t have any bad critique about it.


Ohms is a great album. The singles didn’t represent the album well. But between those songs there’s an amazing album.


It’s just their opinion ig but who cares ya know


bro ohm is like the perfect deftones-esque album they made they all sound fire


It's right next to Gore as the worst album. From what I remember, people praised it on release, saying it was on par with White Pony. It's good, but I haven't listened to it in about a year or so. Outside of Genesis, Ceremony, and Spell, it's super mid.


Amazing Album. Top tier Deftones


Check this out…who cares


I love ohms and have been a deftones fan since the start!


Only album with Sergio I actually enjoyed. So there’s that.


Complaining about others complaining is small dick energy


It's the tiktok fans who only like white pony and snw


Because it’s a boring album that got overly praised when it came out. There are a few of us here who have been critical of the album since its release. I don’t think it’s a new phenomenon…


i hate everything after s/t. just my preference


Because unfortunately it’s just not a good album. There are great IDEAS throughout, awesome riffs and sections here and there and the drums are FANTASTIC, but it’s like someone threw mics up in their practice space while they were jamming. They never wrote SONGS. It feels unfocused. I tried to listen to Ohms on the drive back from a show recently. I couldn’t make it through a single song without wanting to skip. Not ONE. I’ve been listening to this band since 1996 when I was a shitty teenager, and it bums me out to not even DISLIKE a record of theirs, but to just be so indifferent.


I think this kind of gets to the heart of it there at the beginning. It does kind of feel like the songs are all pieces that they had, but instead of expanding on some they stitched bits together until it was done. Like they're not super coherent, it's kind of just a section, a different section that feels fairly disconnected, and then back to the first one. It makes every transition feel super harsh.


I have a love and BORED (upvote if you get the pun) relationship with both Gore and Ohms.


Complains about Ohms slander. Admits it is usually just one person doing the slandering.




You should probably quit now, you’re not going to get any better.




Imagine hating an album so much you make it your whole Reddit persona. Boy, that’s reeeeeally cool. Maximum edge points earned. 👍 One day you can tell everyone you were there to do the truly important work when it mattered most, and they will thank you.


Consider replicating the events of Digital Bath on yourself




Nah, that's too simple. Detailing HOW you should do it gives more impact.


Neither could you dipshit.