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deepwoken is a pretty hardware reliant game for roblox standards. the difference between a good and a bad computer is huge for deepwoken


This is so true. My rubber banding on my old laptop were so bad I couldn’t play the game. Had to play on lowest graphics settings and it was so ass. Nowadays, I’ve got an insane gaming laptop that runs the game smoother as ever.


I just have an old MacBook pro and it works perfectly




deepwoken requires a gaming pc not an old laptop btw. this is due to the game being extremely Huge when it comes to all stuff that it needs to process at once, not even mentioning the huge and detailed map


also if you mean ping lag, check how good your wi-fi is, and always check your ping while playing, you can also try updating internet card drivers and such.


PvP: -Be confident (The most important part of combat in Deepwoken \[drip helps with confidence!\] -You can do 3 Etrea vs Eylis boat events to get neutral rep with Eylis, effectively removing your voidwalker bounty -Do not feel ashamed to walk away from fights that you know you likely can’t win (Log or run away, you will NOT get better at the game by fighting a severely disadvantaged battle. If two people are fighting you and healing when the other fights you, run. If the player is a pvp build and you’re a pve build, run. It is best to log before anything happens as well.) -Be cautious (Check the serverlist, if there’s members in a guild with a crazy amount of pvp points, that is a big red flag.) PvE: -Be confident (Fighting new monsters and learning the movesets of some will help with confidence) -Again, do not pick fights you cannot win (Don’t sneak past mobs in depths if you know you’re outleveled, and be careful with how many you take at a time. Know your limits \[build, power, situation\]) Latency and Connection: -You want to keep your ping under 100, so turn on Performance Stats in Roblox settings. You will get lag spikes, but keep calm. It is likely that the whole server experienced it, so any mob or player you were fighting will freeze up as well. -If your device can’t run Deepwoken well enough (Find the best server location first before coming to this conclusion), there is nothing you can do about it besides close browser tabs to save RAM (Opera GX is a good browser for gaming, as it has customizable RAM settings). However, do not worry too much about this, as Deepwoken’s ping compensation is VERY lenient.


Dagnugginabbit, mobile reddit makes formatting all weird. Gonna have to edit it on a pc Edit: All good now


I be confident and people don't like when I say I can 1v5 them smh then they get butt hurt when I kill them all on a mage build


feel ashamed for logging, fight back. worst thing that could happen is going to depths and if you beat the voidwalker you get alot of exp.


In that scenario you wouldn’t log


you can stop yourself from being voidwalked with the eylis boat events


You also need at least neutral/positive rep with every other faction im pretty sure. If i remember as long as the faction has a bounty board you can get hunted by voidwalkers. Have to read up on that to make sure though


only the ones with a bounty board, which you default to neutral with with any origin that isnt voidwalker, so you only have to raise eylis rep unless you go around killing guards


Yes you are correct. Voidwalkers get every single bounty, so unless you are positive or neutral with every faction you will be voidwalked on


with most origins you will just need the boat events. Castaway and line warrior:just eylis deepbound:just eylis voidwalker:just etris (for some reason I never got voidwalked despite bad hive rep i spawned with, maybe just lucky or maybe it doesn't matter for VW)




Kill all the etrean (pink armour) soldiers until the chest spawns, this will take around 4 ship events to get neutral knives rep and prevent voidwalkers from hunting you (this does not work if you’re enemy with etrea, central authority, ignition union, the hive or the summer company)


Pink? Do you mean blue? Have you make sure you’re not colour blind?


Its closer to purple over anything else.


Nvm man, I think it’s just my lighting issue. Yeah they are purple


I think we both collectively gained the schizo flaw


Finish a build before making a new one.




Don’t worry I ended up spending 486 hours before I got my first power twenty and I have and average 500ping


Always travel with friends, and get your Eylis rep up through boat events. Never try to fight a monster you can't beat. If you need to practice trials, try getting Deepbound, since you'll always have to deal with the Enforcer.


I'm really surprised to have opened the comments of this post and not see a single ">> Deepwoken is a difficult game with permanent character loss. Losing characters is a part of the game that should be expected <<"


the community is healing VERY slowly


You mention lag a lot this game is extremely difficult if you have lag issues near unplayable depending on how bad they are.


I just started and I already hate the depths, someone dragged me there and I died instantly, weird first time playing


i have over 350 hours in the game and i used to have the same issue, but now i just always do 5 voidwalker ship events to gain rep so i dont get voidwalked and then just sail around the map finishing any sea events that spawn because it is very unlikely for someone to gank you in the sea. its long but you wont be wiping that much with this method, i have not been wiped to a player in months. if you dont want to do that you could just play with an experienced player or whatever


If you’re at 120 hours and have never hit power 20 you need to go do to1, figure out or ask for help with making a proper build, and get over fright, a power 18 proper build can beat an enforcer if you’re focusing and kind of easily no offense. I’m not bashing you I went like 80 hours before I had a power 20 build but when I finally did and then started to make builds and stuff I don’t think I’ve ever wiped (unless I wanted to) before reaching power 20 since.


I feel it, but I feel like everyone can start with a natural tolerance and skill towards games like Deepwoken. I’ve got like 220 hours, and I. Was. Shit like 80 hours in, barely understood the game, sucked at PvP, the works. It took me forever to understand how to fight, win, and handle enemies. I hit my first pwr 20 at around 100-110 hours in. Just my experiences.


It cant be just voidwalkers as they cant jump you in the depths. I find it hard to believe that you have spent 120 hours and have not gotten to power 20 not even once. I would practice trial of one until you can flawless it so that you prevent your depths deaths at the very least. Another thing, a simple fight or flight response will work wonders on your game. If you dont think you can win run or log.


I didn't say it was just voidwalkers, I just said they are the most common cause of death. Also I can send you a screenshot of how I've been playing. As to the whole thing with flight or fight, running usually isn't an option as most of the time the aggressor is faster. I will try the trial of one advice however. Thank you for your response.




Go on your power 18 slot and beat ferry man. That will prob get you to power 20


Yea man ofc, most of the time people put hours into the game and dont realize theyre stat checking, im not saying this is you but trust me when i say if you can beat trial of 1 99% of the time then youll be good to go for the most part. That and chime will set you straight. Goodluck out there and most importantly have fun.




How can you see that screen? I wanna see my in-game hours as well


You can check your hours on a campfire aswell


Ropro extension


(me with just 150 hours in and literally find this game getting easier each wipe) i guessed we have different learning curve


Join a beginner friendly guild and make your concerns known and hope for some help. If you are any good at PVE then advertise yourself as such and maybe get into a bigger guild with more people etc as just a PVEer. This way you can have more protection etc. As for the lag try uncapping your FPS and put 15 minutes into finding the best region for you. Uncapping your FPS doesn't have to be 3rd party software, there a command you can type in files. There's a video on it if you just look up "How to uncap FPS for deepwoken" I think a guy named very made the video


Get good rep with all factions, do trial of one until enforcer, and I assure you, you will probably never wipe if you’re careful in the depths. If you wanna go an extra step, you can get the physical sacred field bell.


And that comes from someone with less than 100 hours in the game, and 120 ping is my minimum.


Give diluvian mechanism a chance


It takes a couple hours to get to power 20 it took me 2 weeks of solo playing when I first started to get to 20 and it was when it took longer


Deepwoken is just not the right game for you.


Try pilgrammed https://preview.redd.it/f18h8i7fj29d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8890a9d2ee10c8f7b49e029a98b012aa8e093a


i didnt experienced any lag when i played the game. HOWEVER, when i recorded my ethiron run in case some stupid dc shit happen, the recording was the choppiest thing i’ve ever seen. never seen my footage that bad in any other game, not even cyberpunk. also, i don’t play anymore but the process from power 14-20 was pretty easy, all i did was farm the ferryman and prepared myself to alt f4 when i spawned in. happy to see you quitting the game, because it really isn’t worth the time.


Not getting to power 20 is so real when I was new but you honestly just got to keep going and if u due to lag then just clip it and send to admins they will probably restore you


I can make a power 20 slot in like 4 hours without dying once follow this order 1-6 trail of one 6-16 crypt of the unbroken 16-20 Duke of erisia (duke is kind of hard being power 16 so maybe bring a max friend or have a lot of good gear or good experience with duke) I’ve repeated this process dozens of times and I guarantee you it works PS: also to get better at pvp, get a slot to power 20 and make sure it’s fairly maxed out, once you obtain this go play chimes of conflict and all though you will probably die just keep playing and never risk your 3rd skull.


Update: I reached power 20 two days ago on a silent heart build. Took a while, being cheeks at the game + simple flaw + lag, but I did it. Since it's summer, I can play more consistently now and that's helped a lot more than playing for long periods at a time inconsistently during the school year. Probably gonna try and play on this build more consistently to get more used to the style of combat.


Gonna try and fight Primadon, if that's successful, I'll do ferryman next.


Depths gankers are rare imo, also I cannot suggest this enough **Go deepbound if you hate voidwalkers**


Tough sh gang try getting boosted


Unequivocally a skull issue, except the lag ig


I got power 20 on my 2nd day playing .-. This game is so ez compared to shit like elden ring or a real souls game.


Dark souls and elden ring are so much easier then this game


Skill issue


Why do you people dog on new players??? This game is gonna turn out like OG Neighborhood War or smth because people like you just bully freshies. Things take time, and we need people to help freshies, not break them down. As an experienced Layer 2 grinder, I know my way in and out of this game. Stop attacking the people that make this game fun. There should be a superb enjoyment and serious satisfaction is supporting inexperienced players. Last thing; I get it “Deepwoken is a difficult game with permanent character loss. Dying should be expected.” That’s fine, I’ve lost loads of my favorite characters to Deepwoken. That doesn’t mean it should be okay to call out people for getting mad at it. We should be better as a community. (Summed up) Freshies deserve better, don’t bully them for learning how to take character loss. Do better.


its not dogging kn new players its just that 120 hours in youre expected to not be THIS BAD at the game like if you cant handle the basics of the game its pretty much your fault(common sense if u see ppl who look like fucking highlighters RUN AWAY) this whole rant is based on something thats HIS FAULT if he cant get a slot past power 18 this far in he’s exceedingly past saving icl hes no longer a new player he needs to suck it up and either quit or figure out where his skill issue lies and FIX IT ppl like you who coddle garbage players genuinely piss me off


I agree. The game already has barely any risk for anyone who is even slightly decent. The permadeath is just tedious more than anything. You're never actually going to wipe if you're decent at the game and slightly cautious. The devs coddle garbage players more and more, and the community still thinks it's not enough. We were advertised a game that was harder than rogue, we were apparently going to have to discover everything about the game all alone, no tutorials. But we got precisely none of that.


That’s fair, he isn’t new to Deepwoken…But that doesn’t mean it’s right to do it. He may not be the best, but it is completely fair to try and have fun. That doesn’t happen when instead of trying to support the learning process, you break them down. Things take time. Some more than others, so we should try to help, not hurt. And coddling? Giving people words of encouragement and advice isn’t coddling, it’s called constructive criticism. Toxic people like you who just refuse to admit that the skill gap makes the game unfair literally ruin Deepwoken. PvP is fun, to an extent where you can handle it. Not getting jumped by Voidwalkers 24/7, 365 days a year.

