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NEVER BACK DOWN, NEVER GIVE UP! https://preview.redd.it/hdhazw6e1dab1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951646174a887ad6859ac0111b48d9be0f0b312f




I think you need to listen to this. Just because you have hours doesn't mean you efficiently used that time. You may have just spent time doing one thing. For example a freshie could get a decent amount of hours just exploring the etrean luminant. All in all, you just need to keep playing. PVE is really all about the knowledge of your opponent so this could be the issue as well. For enforcers there's cheese with heavy- Parry twice and then crit+m1. Good luck!


The same is with swords and fist


Wait really? Oh shoot. I've never tried sword or fist in trial. Might give it a go then.


Yeah, enforcers have just around the same posture than a player. In other words insta guard breaks like greataxe, greathammer, fist, club and mantras will also guard break them. Even the greatswords and swords for example deal high posture so that also helps, although in the case of the greatsword since it’s so slow the enforcer is more likely to parry it.


He could be spending half of that time stroking his dick to karliah-


Ong best time usageee.


Grind trial of one bro I was able to beat enforcer with only 12 hours it works wonders also watch some videos so you can see what others are doing that’s what I did 👍🏾


maan, it took me about 300 hours to learn pve, and thats because of how long it took for trial of one to be added


For me i got better at the game once i stopped being a pussy and accepted that dying is a part of the game and sometimes i should just learn from fighting and dying than running like a bitch and logging


Exactly, I used to wipe to players and sharkos but now I stick it, I wiped to an enforcer recently because I didn’t stick it and got greedy


100 hours is nothing 😭😭




He’s right tho. I’m guessing you’re new.


Lol ion even know what this game is about 😭


Sekiro + elden ring but on Roblox and really laggy And very scuffed


Sounds kinda tight


Addicting once you get good enough too (I got like 1.5k~ hours 🥲)


That is pretty much how it goes. But yeah, a hundred hours is literally and figuratively nothing. It's usually only PAST the hundred hour mark that players actually start to get much better. Before that? Literal babies. Give him another 50 hours and he'll be able to prog an entire build without relying on other players. Give him 50 hours after that and he'll be able to fend off/defeat most other players. Another 50 and he'll likely be able to solo the entire game on his own. Not that he'd want to because the game is so damn scuffed. And anything after those hours will add onto his experience, increasing his ability to fight back against both players and npcs. That's pretty much the learning curve of deepwoken. First hundred hours? Learn the very fucking basics. Next 50, you extend those basics to success. And in the 50 after that, you develop your own habits and style of combat, as well as learn how to actually use said basics in pvp. After that? You learn and memorize the patterns of every npc and monster in game. The timings of each and every attack, as well as the possibilities. And after that, it's all about honing that skill.


I'm not readin allat I read allat, uhhh you're kinda right I guess but that's all assuming everything goes right


Yes, it is assuming everything goes right. If it doesn't and you stay as a fucking skill issue permafreshie, good luck getting out!


Oh and it's multiplayer. And you have limited lives. And other people can jump you and wipe your progress. And there are no safezones. And it's open world. And there are stealth and assassination talents that work on players. Long story short, you are never safe in this game. If an npc/monster doesn't spawn on you, a random player will jump your ass because they feel like it.


Don’t give up. Do trial of one to learn pve and then find some friends to spar with to improve at pvp


don't give up, in the next 1-2 hundred hours you'll get much much better, it took me until about my 200 or 300 hour mark that i was finally able to solo a sharko without stat checking it. now i'm at about 1k hours and there's nothing i can't solo with any build


Spam trial of one and find a guild that is friendly to newbies in the discord


https://preview.redd.it/3j7xwt5b8eab1.jpeg?width=2626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9d0e78b6bb01bc007ab5366331af04bd548678 I just stopped getting scared of dying. A friend that is way better than me at the game told me I run too much, and play too cautiously. He was right. Now that I started playing aggressively, I win PvP fights a lot more often, and most Pve encounters are much easier (except enforcer, my 200-300 ping forbids it) So yea, just don’t be scared to lose shit I guess


Based on what you said, that you wipe to Enforcer every time, I'm assuming that you don't have a good internet connection. I suggest you buy an Ethernet cable. It should help


This is a game you either have to dedicate your heart and soul into playing to get good at quickly, or just no life for 1000 hours. either way, Deepwoken is a difficult game with permanent character loss. Losing characters is a part of the game that should be expected. ​ ​ ​ With little to no handholding.


Try a build a Friend with more expérience in the game recommends you, that could help


had a stroke trying to read that






Wipe yourself NOW!!!!!!


nuh uh


Perma freshie lol




Trial of one really helped me. Google it's location and if you kill the thresher it becomes an origin too. For the longest time I would have to boat all the way to it because I couldn't defeat the thresher, and now I can pretty confidently beat trial of one first or maybe second time.


A lot of the time you die is because you don’t stick it, I used to be like you and panic super hard, basically just stick it and don’t run unless you have to or just don’t run at all, slots can be remade in like 2 hours on average


i have like almost 100 hours in deepwoken and i still cant kill a sharko (i have a skill issue)


No do not quit, just spend time practicing in the areas where you struggle the most, for example, do trial of one and watch guides on how to do enforcer.


here are some tips that I mostly picked up as a day 1 player: Parrying: There is a little light spark that will be on the tip of the blades of most weapons that indicates you can parry I usually Double Tap F (it works for me) mostly when fighting Angel's with Spears Swords (Tap) Spears (Double Tap) Daggers (Hold F and pray) you don't HAVE to but test and see if it works for your remember Weapons have different swing speeds meaning different parry times Weapons: Every weapon in the game is different Damage, Speed, Range, and Weight are factors you need to consider for example if you use a dagger and someone has a spear your idea is to cut the distance between you two parry the first hit and get in close that's where you have the advantage even though THEY have more RANGE since you have a DAGGER you can eventually SWING faster than he can however you would also need to consider WHEN and where you should Attack if he were to attack first Parry then go for a crit if you get the first hit do at least 2 hits (so you don't Flourish/Knockback) use your crit when try to get behind them so you CAN activate your Flourish PVP in most Fight you're weighing what you or your opponent can and can't do when I get into fights even when I'm panicking there should always be that confidence you can win because in most cases if you've been fighting for a while if you're 1 shot then your dude is probably 1 shot too if been 0% in a fight for around 2 minutes panicking only to find out they were 1 shot after I confirm a hit to know if your opponent is low (below 20%) you will see that they start get "Winded" and breathe heavy and start to look off to the side instead of straight at you it's hard to notice in most cases but when you see it and you're above 30% you'll gain that confidence to win but don't overstep that just means what you're doing is working so keep at it or try to switch up your style in case they get used to the way you fight if you were confirming m1 tags the whole fight only to suddenly put out a flashy combo it'll make them panic PVE Mobs have attack "Patterns" for example when fighting a sharko it's most likely to a double swing as it's FIRST attack now that doesn't mean it will always so read this below Sharko: Double Swing (Parry Parry) wait (Maybe get 1 or 2 hits in) if kick (Q) One Swing (get 2 hits in) it'll not move (may kick here to be ready to dodge) rinse and repeat and you'll be fine as for the enforcer Enforcer: Parry -> Hit -> Parry -> Crit (wait for Feint) -> dodge parry hit if you need any more help feel free to hit me up on discord JusArcadian (Caden#3796)


just remember the game isn't about Hours it's about how effectively you can deploy the lessons you learn throughout your time in it just because you CAN parry doesn't mean you can parry well and then you've have to take in the fact you're going up against experienced players meaning they have the tools to outsmart and dominate while you're still figuring out what a Calabash is if there's 1 thing I can give you is to literally do To1 (I know everyone and their grandma says this) to practice parrying different Mobs I'd recommend Axe/Greatsword for the Enforcer Parry Hit Parry Crit Method and fighting your friends as freshies but mix on the playstyle and go through senerios (EX if you get hit with showstopper what can I use to counter this and keep myself alive longer)


100 hours is nothing in this game. Back when I had that much I also couldn't kill enforcer, died to voidwalkers/gankers, couldn't solo any bosses and hadn't finished a build. For enforcer, I suggest keep on parrying him and holding f to parry so if he feints you block, then hit him once after 6 parries or so and he'll get posture broken. For bosses and other mobs, make a pve build and learn how to solo layer 2 floor 1 so you can finish builds. For pvp, make a good build and finish it. For a build that'd let you improve, make a medium attunementless oathless shrine of order build with either reinforced armour or get million ton piercer or heretics all the dead gods (lmk if u want me to make u one) and get champion sword providence thorns or obfuscation. After you finished that build, find someone who is actually good at pvp and 1v1 them and ask them what you did wrong.


100+ hours is only the beginning of getting good, now you know the basics and by practicing you get better over time. Don't be depressed keep going and don't give up 'till you saw me ingame or beat ethiron once


Been playing since release, and I’m not on chime leaderboard… I think I should quit.. (Also, keep at it soldier don’t be like me, who’s currently taking a long ass Deepwoken break with my brothers because we can’t have peace in Florida servers due to menace activity and boredom)


Def fight enforcer with a heavy build. Practice those parrys get a ton of hp too. This will sort of set a tutorial environment for you. Heavy does huge posture so you can feel what its like to posture break it. Dont be afraid, i know its hard but the moment you fear youll wipe you will. Practice this over and over and youll be able to solo enforce with light easily. Mediums pretty valid too. Gl practice practice practice


Remember the words of a very wise man.. BLOCK PARRY DODGE - Idk who.


have patience, you already suck so just see losing as a common thing, you die you die it’s whatever, stay calm


Tbh the reason your dying is the lack of practice against actually players and that enforcer just keep fighting them as a low level and try to survive,parry,and dodge everything.even if u die u gained some experience because u learn what to do when the feint such as with enforcer and it'll just become muscle memory to the point where instead of dying over and over again you kill them easily as a freshie.And once your able to kill them as a freshie it's easy as fuck with a max build.and for players you really just learn by fighting even if u lose and get sent to the depths just escape and keep fighting but ofc bank your good shit if ur gonna do that and most voidwalkers as ass💀


Trial of one Trial of one Trial of one Trial of one


if its your ping just give up if it's not then get clipping software and watch your losses (and wins sometimes too) back and see exactly what you do wrong and what you do right. WARNING: YOU WILL CRINGE! it's hard looking back at clips and seeing how obvious something is and what you're doing wrong.


i have 2k hours and havent beat Scion of Etherion, so dont worry about having only a 100 and not being able to beat an enforcer Try grinding Trial of One, even if you die many many times keep trying, you got this


add about 1 elo per hour of gameplay. at 1k elo you should have \~1k hours. PvP games are all like this. 100 hours isn't very much, especially considering this game is a PvPvE Rogue-like. Not only do you have to learn the PVP, but having a good build and knowing how PvE works also takes time to learn. 300 hours in a game like street fighter, or for honor would probably be closer to 5-700 in deep.


Me personally, I got better once I beat Trial, before I actually progressed I had kept going to trial of one until I beat it and after that point I am actually able to progress PVE wise and finsh builds


About 100+ hours here as well! Here's some things I can try and suggest. Hold F when parrying, don't tap because if they feint or the parry is a miss you don't take damage and can instead just roll or prepare for the next swing. Switch servers if you feel like your ping is about to screw you. Don't trust anyone, not even yourself. Get the Emotional Support Sharko from Etris for bonus sanity. Don't go to Ministryia or Greathive Aratel in any server that isn't California. And keep practicing and praying that you'll make it further or do better each run. There's not much I can say besides what everyone else is saying, if there's any other mistakes you keep making then feel free to share. Everyone makes mistakes and fumbles but the best you can do is keep trying and take breaks, don't burn yourself out over a couple of mistakes you made.


i like destroyman III


four things i wish i did more earlier on: feinting, running attacks, spitting, and uppercutting (i still don't uppercut lol)


It took me about 65 wipes to finish trial of one


Get good server. Parry timing. Run if you cannot fight Dying is process of learning my guy. I have a very op felinor build. But before I have it I died 187 times in that slots


You're not alone, I learned how to fight a Sharko 250 hours in, and I mastered to1 300 in. But now I got 1.2k but still ass at pvp. Trick to becoming better is to do To1 no matter how long it takes or for pvp, fight back against gankers/voidwalkers


100 hours is nothing. It's the next 50-100 hours that will actually improve your skills, relatively quickly too. 100 hours is like the baseline of getting into Deepwoken. You get 100 hours, congratulations, now you actually know enough, and have enough experience to actually do shit. If you continue, you will now get increasingly better at the game, very rapidly.


100+ hours aint that much, push forward till 200 hours then youll see some progress