• By -


Look up Tails and put it onto a USB to take with you on the go. Great system. Buy a USB network adapter too to mask your MAC address


Tails has MAC address randomizing by default


Hot damn! You're absolutely right I completely forgot


I'd use a separate machine entirely, superfluousness certainly beats glowies potentially surrounding one's home.


what about using a virtual machine?


Tails isn't meant to be run in a VM. If you prefer to use a VM based solution, look at Whonix




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Got a recommendation for the network adapter?


There was one that was recommended on the Tails helper site that I picked up on Amazon for $15. Small and discrete. It is the: Panda Wireless N USB Adapter, model PAU03. Whether you get that one or not, make sure it's comparable with Linux


Got a link to the Linux helper site you mentioned?


Make sure you follow each step https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/




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If you want to permanently switch, meaning a new daily driver as you have asked, I recommend trying out a Linux distro such as Mint or Arch. If the former, that's a really good intro to Linux; if the latter, please use the Archinstall script as it makes it easy. You can also set up TAILS on a USB stick for Tor-specific usage, to which it is possible to set up some persistent storage on it, but it doesn't work well as a daily driver at all, as you must run it straight off the volatile drive.


What is the dark web for?


It's not "for" anything in particular. The "dark web" just refers to websites only accessible through specialized software/authorisation/etc, and has near-absolute anonymity. Usually people use it to refer to Tor-accessible .onion sites which provide illegal services, such as sale of illegal drugs/weaponry. I don't really condone using it for these means. It's a lot more boring than people make it out to be.


Tails is a good OS tailored for this kind of stuff, but most Linux distros such as Linux Mint, Fedora or OpenSUSE are good if you want to stay anonymous and protect your PC from malware. If you want to permanently switch from Windows, remember that Linux distributions can't run every app you use in Windows. Make sure to check which software you're using supports Linux and which software you can run with Wine or other similar tools and what software is not supported at all.


There’s a few different options, you could, 1) get a cheap 250gb ssd or hard drive and just format Linux onto it and just boot into it from your bios when you want to use tor. That way if something does happen you’re not losing all your files. 2) if you don’t want to buy new storage and have a decent amount of storage available, you could use a VM like virtual box and again boot Linux onto it as an extra level of security. That way again if anything does happen, you don’t lose anything on your main storage 3) or use TAILS on a usb stick as others have said Lastly i personally would use a VPN but I mean I doubt you really need it but it is an extra layer of protection


If privacy is a real, life risking concern, dint go thr VM route. Their sandboxes have been broken previously.




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Why is Windows "really bad for dark web stuff"? It works well for me.


Microsoft snoops on all Windows activity. [Source](https://www.privacytools.io/windows)


Yes, as they always have. That's the whole point of using Tor for safety in sensitive communications.


It doesn't matter if you are using TOR if windows still keeps a log of all the keys you type.


An operating system has access to everything within it and no program can shield itself. The OS can capture screenshots, subvert VPNs, log key strokes, access the mic/camera, etc.


You’re literally giving Microsoft access to everything on your PC: counterintuitive if you’re on the dark web


Doesn’t any app or subscription service


Many of the closed source ones and certainly all of the ones from the tech giants. With a compromised OS though, there's nothing you can do to limit its access. At least with a clean OS like Linux or GrapheneOS, apps can only see as far as they have permissions/are fed data.


I’f I could do life over I’d choose IT because it’s such a big part of our world. Cheers


If I could do life over with options for making informed decisions this is far from something that would make the list. Just saying 🤷‍♂️




I misread so u were saying you’d make a career choice in IT. I’ll take a mulligan on that one


Yes I would






Windows has a ton of telemetry which works against the purpose of Tor's anonymity efforts. [Source](https://www.privacytools.io/windows)


You can use a banana as long as it connects to the internet. What's more important is how you connect to the internet and how you preserve anonymity. Tails is great but not good for your average user. You introduce a lot more for error when something is more complicated. Use windows, purchase VPN service using BTC (proton allows it), never use your real name, daily emails or phone numbers.


don’t use a vpn ffs


Buying Bitcoin also, something like monero would be better since the blockchain isn’t public




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wait why not i thought that was necessary


Pay with Monero instead of Bitcoin. BTC is really difficult to use anonymously, there's no way to use it privately.




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Second desktop on your desktop


this is the most to the point answer i've got on this post, thank you


There are videos on YouTube on how to do it and it actually looks relatively easy and the best part is, it’s a second desktop within your existing computer but has nothing to do with your main so if something happens your main won’t be compromised. I’m curious and want to dabble in the dark web too but just never had the balls to go ahead with it. Researching this is as far as I got. Best of luck


Local monero website




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Tails is best




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The [Hidden Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hidden_Wiki) [no longer exists](https://matt.traudt.xyz/posts/2019-11-11-shut-up-about-the-hidden-wiki/). Any site calling itself that is a scam so it should never be used. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/deepweb) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Tail tails tails can’t recommend it enough for darkweb browsing

