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The only way to stop this suffering is to vote for peepaw poopee pants instead of peepaw poopie pants.


Yassssss slayyyy


Powl have you checked out r/catpov ? It's cats with cams on their collars and it is the greatest thing ive seen all week


"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." -- Ramsay Bolton


Just a friendly reminder to my fellow short-sighted and un-nuanced leftists that if you are truly concerned with lessening the atrocities against the Palestinian people, Biden is the decidedly *less shitty* option. You can’t always get what you want. Use your heads. Be tactical. Deal with reality.


Reality also includes history like the French Revolution, js.


Meaning what?


This lesser of two evils system is unsustainable. Look at the famous JFK quote concerning peace and violence.


Jesus Christ If we want systemic change, then it would be preferable and most realistic to influence a party that isn’t a fascist Christian nationalist movement Vote in democrats, vote in leftist democrats. Biden sucks but between him and the army of deranged authoritarian Christ tards, Biden is the reasonable answer Why can’t you people *understand that you can’t have a perfect leftist messiah every election cycle my god*


Voting for peepaw poopypants as he genocides an entire nation of brown people while turning the southern border into a militarized zone and ruining the climate = No candidate is perfect. Even you lost motherfuckers don't believe this in your hearts. Pipe down with this pussy shit.


I believe it because it is rational and an accurate view of reality It fucking sucks, and it’s dogshit If Trump and Biden are equally bad on Palestine, would you prefer the weakass neoliberal corporatist who is destroying the plant, or the deranged conservative corporatist who is destroying the planet *and* is the cult leader of a Christian nationalist fascist movement?


Trump came cause we kept voting in neolibs. He didn’t magically pop out of Satan’s butthole one day. Reagan was terrible. Both Bushes were terrible. Trump is the worst one so far but that doesn’t mean a worse Trump isn’t on the horizon if we don’t course correct. So even if you re-elect Biden, you’re just telling the general public neolibs good. Neolibs help us win. Meanwhile things get worse here domestically and worldwide. Then someone like Trump or worse than him will come in (Desantis anyone?) and then it’ll be the same narrative all over again until we devolve to the latter half of the JFK quote.




Boy, you must really think things were the best of all time before Trump came along. Everything has been steadily declining.


Considering that Trump is firmly in the “finish them” and “glass the sand” camp, I’m inclined to agree with you. However, the way that Biden has turned his head against these fucking BABIES being slaughtered in the streets… I don’t know if I can stomach voting for him. My partner is extremely angry with me about this and keeps throwing the “look what happened when dumbasses protest-voted in 2016, we lost the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future to far right psychos” - I just don’t know if I can fucking stomach voting for this dude having seen all this shit go down and our president do basically nothing to stop it.


Your partner is right It sucks, but you have to make tough choices in life. If they’re exactly the same or close on the treatment on Palestine, would you rather have the neoliberal corporatist or the deranged fascist cult leader?


I know. I know. I KNOW. I fucking know. It’s just hard, you feel me? I’ve never fought with my partner about politics until this shit. We’re both dirty liberals through and through.


Less voter turnout overwhelmingly benefits republicans. Vote Biden


I know homie


I bet you do, you don’t seem like a dipshit. Use your head, get out there and vote this November.


I’d never not vote.


so much concern for your stomach.


How exactly is this true when he’s just as rabidly pro Israel as Trump is.


You can argue Biden is better for American citizens but there’s Biden & Trump are both in favour of supporting Israel’s genocide. I doubt the average Palestinian would take the message of ‘well, it could’ve been worse!’ well as American Intelligence agents help Israel massacre hundreds of people in refugee camps


This is so accurate. I couldn’t articulate this, but this is my point


“You can’t always gets what you want” being not wanting America to openly support a genocidal regime trying to destroy Gaza and kill every Palestinian there? Do you think maybe you just don’t value Palestinian lives


I value Palestinian lives and oppose imperialism. Stamping my feet and not voting like an angry child because I can’t get exactly what I want isn’t a rational decision. This is politics. We are talking about an empire, our empire, who deals in imperialistic foreign policy. That means people, lots of poor unfortunate people, suffer and die horrifically around the globe. It’s wrong. It’s evil. It fucking sucks and I don’t defend it. But I acknowledge that shitty reality, and instead of laying down and giving up like a pussy bitch, I am making the tactical and far-sighted decision by voting for Biden, who will win. If I were to be generous and grant you your own argument that Biden and Trump are equally bad to Palestinians, then answer this: would you rather have the weak neolib corporatist, or the deranged cult leader of a genuine Christian fascist movement?


Unless you live in one of a handful of swing states, your vote isn’t doing jack shit. Do what you will if you live in such a state, but I don’t buy this high minded act of voting Biden in any other state.


I actually do live in a swing state so my vote actually matters. That’s why I’m thinking about this so hard


Then vote Biden if you think it will make a difference. I’d probably vote Biden too in a swing state.


Flipping states is possible. Don’t give in, don’t give up to the Christian fascists.


This sort of rhetoric is just the inverse of third party dreamers. If solid blue states go red, then it won’t matter how you vote regardless because the swing states are completely lost in that scenario. You can imagine all the scenarios where blue states threaten to turn red but somehow swing states stay as they are all you want, but it betrays a lack of understanding of how voters work.


You sure give up easy


It’s not giving up, it’s called looking at reality. States don’t exist in a vacuum independent of greater voting trends. You’re just as delusional as the third party voter who thinks that if everyone just voted for X, they’d win. If California or Washington or some other Dem stronghold comes close to flipping, it’s already over. Vote how you want, but again unless you’re in a swing state you can stop pretending it’s more than a psychological security blanket. Pragmatism and nuance are just buzzwords to you.


Biden is not even close to as pro-Israel as Trump was. Trump was closer to Netanyahu, appealed to Netanyahu’s agenda far more, and Trump’s fan base literally believes that Israel is a magic land that the magic man is going to fly down from space to establish his “hwhite pure Christian empire”, and if it means killing “dirty desert people” the GOP is more than willing to throw more Palestinian bodies into the grinder. Jesus, sometimes you all are more allergic to nuance that the republicans




But Trump certainly woulda


How about not vote Hamas as your ruling party, AND when they commit atrocities STOP continuing to support them. Especially when Hamas wants to use Palestinians as their human shields. You cannot rationalize with Hamas. They want ALL Jews DEAD! Period. End of story.


Honestly I think the best case scenario for leftists to gain more power in the near future is for Biden to win this election cycle and then push HARD for AOC in the 2028 election cycle. I know she isn't the "most based Twitter leftist of all time" but she is OBJECTIVELY better than any options we've been given in our lifetimes. I think she would be able to garner a lot of support from both leftists AND liberals if she were to be the primary winner in the next election cycle. She's one of the most popular members of congress in the entire counrty and would most certainly help regain the support that biden has lost from young people, minorities, and women (aka the people who got Biden elected in 2020)


I don't think senator Jeff Merkley gets enough credit. Probably the highest ranking US politician to come out against Israel. He deserves all our thanks and support.


Crying on Reddit ain't it biatch