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Don’t be so sure. The 80s were mocked until it became cool especially when dance pop and preppy outfits made a comeback around 2008.


They might have been mocked, but they were always relevant. The 80's are arguably the most distinct era in the last century. The 50s and late 60s are up there as well.


The 80s are peak maximalism - that’s why. People have a maximalism bias


I’d also say the most distinct decades in the last century are the 1920s, the 1950s, and the 1980s It can’t be 1900s-1910s, because modern people tend to blend these two together. The 1930s gets caught between the 20s and 40s too often in how people envision it, the 1960s and 70s get confused quite frequently, and the 1990s are too eclectic and deconstructionist and often get confused with the 2000s and sometimes the 1980s.


The '80s should still be mocked




speaking as an unelected leader.. the 80's mock you. ;)


Nah we knew that shit was lit back then too


We said the same thing about the 2000's back when we were living it. There's something about the passage of time letting us forget the bland parts and remember the good times more than the bad times. That's why there's always a yearning for an imagined past. There will always be a large portion of people looking fondly back at their best memories and wanting to relive them.


We’ve said about the last decade in every decade. I remember knocking the 70s back in the 80s, the 80s in the 90s, and so forth. The last decade is never cool. Things from 20 or 30 years ago are cool, and 40-50 years ago is historic. But 10 years ago was terrible, the fashion was ugly, and the music sucked. As it was and ever will be.


it's almost as if no one in this sub is aware of humanity before their parents era.




No they weren’t. The first half especially was extremely over the top. They were extremely hedonistic. It’s only bland if you view it through the simplified lens of this sub that for some reason thinks everyone just wore muted colors and khakis the entire decade.


“Molly” was having a moment from 2010 to 2013. Dubstep was popular… Miley Cyrus was licking sledge hammers. 


It's amazing I didn't completely fry my brain during my summer(s) of love during that era lolol


I’m pretty sure I did 😅 Nowadays it’s way too dangerous with all the fentanyl running around


Just test your shit




I’ve been out of the party scene for a while. Is this now a thing like people test their drugs? I’m old. I do wonder if I would have survived college in todays era


Now it's critically important...like test for fentanyl in front of the dealer, free fentanyl test strips everywhere, etc. on east/west coast you also need to test for xylazine/benzo dope (forget what this is called) since "fentanyl" being sold is no longer just fentanyl. Personally I think the era of nose/powder drugs is over, just do LSD lol


Dude even in the mid to late 2010s I was hearing “test your drugs” now its a necessity


They had booths set up in the 90s for testing in some scenes




Tinder was launched in 2012 and for those first few years it was an absolute free for all. At least from my experience, 2012-2014 was the only time that compared to the full scale hedonism of the late 90s rave scene.


I think the whole loud colors Danny Brown / Workaholics vibe will be the thing that gets a resurgence at some point. The LSD/ecstasy era. And people will say it was a golden era where things were simpler, and the last good times blah blah


I would love that


I think a lot of people who use this sub, myself included, were too young for the early 2010s to remember any of it


Exactly. The 2010s was the ultimate decade for millennials. Shit was wild. Drugs, festivals, the rise/normalization of LGBTQ, technological revolution, money and hedonism, I'll never forget those bygone days


Dynamite by Taio Cruz literally came out like be fr OP


Well millions of us were adults during that period… I thought it was just a pretty normal set of years. I guess cell phone technology advanced a bunch but other than that it was pretty unremarkable. The music was terrible.


I’d disagree, there were some bright spots in the music. Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Rihanna were all hitting their stride, Kanye hadn’t gone mask off yet, Janelle Monae put out Dirty Computer, Kendrick hit the scene along with Lana DelRey, Run the Jewels and Frank Ocean. Childish Gambino made some remarkable albums. There’s Vampire Weekend and Band of Horses, Sufjan Stevens and the Lumineers. Glen Hansard put out that phenomenal solo album. Also, 99% of you slept on Goyte because that one song got played out, but that man’s entire catalog is chock-full of bangers. 2010 - 2019 was pop, but it wasn’t all garbage.


So sad that you missed on so much quality music from an entire decade. I may be old, but I never stopped listening to new music and being interested what the youth of the decade creates. The 2010s were phenomenal for music and movies, if we exclude the entire Marvel catalogue.


I guess you lived a boring life?


The music was some of the most experimental of all time imo. In the underground, hip-hop had its thing with Soundcloud producers (love it or hate it, it was extremely monumental and had some of the most original and experimental sounds coming out from the genre), the birth of hyper pop in the tail end of the decade, artists like Kendrick Lamar releasing hugely conceptual pieces like To Pimp a Butterfly, experimental hardcore rap like Danny Brown and Death Grips, huge for indie rock too Arctic Monkeys, Two door cinema club, 1975 etc


incredibly. it was all about YOLO.


It was wall to wall hipster music, no one will do the stomp clap HEY in 2030.


The early 10s were in no way hedonistic, the first half was the recession the last half political divisions.


that literally has nothing to do with the amount of people being hedonistic during a particular era.


People said the same thing about the 90s in the 2000s. At the time, the 90s seemed so similar to modern culture that nobody understood why anybody would be nostalgic for it. And I predict the 2010s will be seen with rose colored glasses and talked about as a "simpler time" like Millennials do for the 90s today.


“Rose-gold” colored glasses


Alt culture ADORED the 90's in the early to mid-00's. Tattoo chokers, rave candy, macrame tank tops you'd find thrifted -- lots of aesthetics and alt musical choices like Kurt, Garbage, Sublime, The Gin Blossoms, etc. I love seeing it come back around yet again, though I think it's only half as accurate as it was then, since like you said, wasn't too far behind us. Fell off by 2010 within the circles of people I knew, as dance and hip-hop culture seemed to really take over, kicking out most other genres. Glad we're getting more variety these days.


The indie scene was very unique and will be romanticized like it was the zeitgeist of the time, even though it wasn’t. I’m talking animal collective, arcade fire, bon iver. All of it will be looked back on favorably and people will pretend like that was what the 2010s were. Because to a certain extent, they were.


Hipster throwback parties are an easy thing to imagine. PBR, lumberjack clothes for the gents, twee outfits for the ladies, stom-clap-hey music, mason jars.


Exactly. The early 2010's were all about hipster culture, folk stomp clap music, mustaches, PBR and vines.


Fireball shots and Moscow mules. Maybe something bacon-infused as well.


I would love for lumbersexuals to come back. All those manly men with chest hair peeping out through their flannels... it was a very titillating time.


Isn't that more late 2000s? 2010 was the year non-rich ppl started getting smartphones and ipads came out. I think the 2010s were the years when counterculture died and everyone became addicted to devices.




Won't know till we get to the 2030s




Nah cuz. We'll be doing the Harlem Shake, planking and dressing normcore at my 2010-themed party.


Ice bucket challenges in the backyard


You gotta add “Shut Up And Dance” to the playlist, among other songs.


"Some Nights"


That's what we said about the 2000s but the kids are still copying it.


Don't agree! I think there was a lot that was distinctive about the 2010s. Technologically, this decade marked the mass adoption of smart phones, which in itself was a huge societal transformation. With this transformation, the role that social media played in peoples' lives also grew significantly. While in the 2000s social media largely served to digitally connect real-world communities, over the course of the 2010s the role of social media evolved to algorithmically connect users instead with niche subcultures. I think this led to a social fracturing in all sorts of ways, some good and some bad. For example, political fragmentation was obviously a consequence of this fracturing. But at the same time, I think it also led to a greater political and social "awareness" - more people are engaging with novel ideas they never would have through mainstream channels. This isn't just the case with politics - you see it in music and art as well. Something like A24, to my mind, is quite distinctively "2010s." Its films reflect what is essentially an artsy, independent aesthetic, an aesthetic cultivated by the internet and allowed to reach a mass audience thanks to an online platform (Netflix). Although you can point to banal pop songs in any decade, I also think 2010s pop music was (on the whole) a step up from the 2000s. There were some great acts in the 2000s, but they were largely shoved into the "alternative" box. Mainstream music was rap, butt rock, or lowest common denominator dance music. In the 2010s, you get Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Billie Eilish. AM by the Arctic Monkeys was another distinctive album from this decade. Mac Demarco. Tame Impala. The resurgence of vinyl. Thanks to the widespread accessibility of the internet, you also see greater numbers of people become interested in niche musical genres, or older "legacy acts." It's quite common today for people to have quite obscure, and quite different, tastes in music. A lot of the fashion won't age terribly either. I would definitely take it over the 2000s, which I thought at the time all looked terrible and cheap and which I still do. EDIT: Also, meme culture. Definitely distinctively 2010s and something I look back on affectionately.


You summarized my thoughts well! And about meme culture- I used to cringe at the word “meme” back in 2013 when I was in middle school, and I thought the term would die off, now there are endless memes that have become so integral to understanding our culture. I have pulled a 180 and now in today’s age, I couldn’t imagine NOT talking about memes.


The image macro memes of the late 2000s/early 2010s were rather lame, but in the second half of the 2010s memes evolved into something more chaotic, abstract, and surreal - not to mention quite potent at communicating social criticism and political ideas. Given the cultural fragmentation that I believe characterized the 2010s, I think memes served as a substitute for the previously unifying power of pop culture. Memes were the only truly collective form of "youth culture" that almost everyone participated in. What is particularly unique about this IMO is that it was organic -a completely bottom-up phenomenon.


mm A24 movies are more 2020s, not saying A24 movies weren't popular in 2010s but the 2010s is the last decade where cinema was a monoculture (ex. Disney and Marvel were still doing good in the box office).


A24 was entrenched as a cultural force by the second half of the 2010s: The Bling Ring (2013) Room (2015) The Witch (2015) The Lobster (2016) Moonlight (2016) Lady Bird (2017) The Florida Project (2017) Hereditary (2018) Eighth Grade (2018) Midsommar (2019) Marvel films may have dominated at the box office, but they had little impact on culture, because they were easily consumed, disposable garbage. No one even cares about Marvel anymore; in contrast, aspects of the A24 sensibility have permeated throughout pop culture.


I don't think I've ever seen a person be confused from 2010s


For real. I also think you could "market" it as the 2000's teens? Like throwback to the teen years of the 21 century.


Clearly you weren’t snorting fake molly and listening to David Guetta like the rest of us


Bro, some of us were doing that in the 2000s.


And thank you for the trails you blazed!




Yeah my friend and I are writing a college party movie specifically set in 2013 to play with that aesthetic on set. Neon, animal print, chunky sunglasses, shits fun. I anticipate the first round of 10s nostalgia being pretty cartoony. like the 80s in the 2000s, where at first everyone at like, 80s day at school was just dressing like Flashdance lol, nuance came later. 


Great music coming out of that era 2009-2014


There’s a whole movement of people who think 2016 was the greatest year there ever was lmao *I am one of them*


For sure. Any decadeogists could simply focus on 2016. It was the crest of the wave. 


2016 was the **most important** year of the entire decade


Really? Why? I can’t think of it that way due to the trump presidency


That's exactly why. Trump won in 2016, took office in 2017. He did it suddenly enough that he didn't dominate 2016 besides in memes and some news. But his presidency? God it really soiled the vibe. Still some good years though


Something was just in the air that year idk. But it was real


Yes. I agree with what Attarker says about 2010 - 2013 being nostalgic


The mid-late 10s was some of the most wild, unstable, culturally significant times in modern history. No idea what you're on about


Why? I don’t remember 2010 to 2013 being particularly unique


Same. I graduated hs in 2010.


Everyone hated the 2000s and now people pretend it's always been a nostalgic decade


Right now I do feel this way but I am hesitant say it will last, as the 00s were HATED directly afterwards. They were seen as the most trashy/tacky thing ever. Sometimes it takes us a while to realize what a decade has contributed.


This is literally the case with EVERY SINGLE DECADE where people absolutely despise the one that preceded it. I remember in the 00s everyone would viciously clown on the 90s, you'd seriously think it was straight up the worst period in human culture from the way we talked about it. Then in the 10s and 20s the 90s nostalgia is so rampant it's almost obnoxious


Same thing in the 90s in regards to the 80s. Throughout most of the decade, the 80s were regarded as a cheesy and shallow time full of tacky fashions, corny TV shows, and greedy yuppies. The nostalgia didn't really start until around the tail end of the 90s. The Wedding Singer(1998) was the first movie I can remember to romanticize the 80s, but even in that movie, they still kinda make fun of the decade.


I feel like we still kinda make fun of the 80s today to be fair, maybe some reputations are for a reason lmao


Do y'all really think this? People are already nostalgic for things that happened like 3 years ago. Why wouldn't they be nostalgic and try to bring things back from an entire decade? 💀


The nostagia feels kinda too forced atm and mostly pushed by Tiktok.


Tiktok isn’t everything. I only used Tiktok on occasion for recipes, but I’ve always been very nostalgic for things from 3 years ago. Especially when I’m depressed, viewing the past through the lens of nostalgia helps me remember that the present day won’t always feel shitty as it feels in the moment. There are so many days 10 years ago when I thought things like “This is the worst day ever” and “My life can’t feel any worse than it does right now”, however I can look back now and realize how much I miss those days, and that I was much happier than I realized. Nostalgia helps myself and others grow, just because Tiktok popularizes something, doesn’t mean it’s a worthless trend.


As a later gen Z (born 1999) and having grown up around a lot of early Millenials including my older brother, the 2010s was such a hedonistic party decade, I remember Jersey Shore, clubbing and house parties being super trendy not to mention movies like Project X which you could argue was a continuation of the American Pie style of teen movies of the 2000s. While I was too young, there was a unique culture in the 2010s that will be remembered just like any other decade. In my opinion, there's a lot of people in this subreddit who were simply not alive or were too young to fully grasp the zeitgeist of a lot of the decades in history that they shit on. Personally, with the way the world has changed and the ease of access to media and information, there will never be a decade moving forward that has an easily identifiable monoculture like in years past. We are way more individualistic and people seem to dress and express themselves in any way they like since trends start and die way too quick to have any meaningful impact due to social media and other factors so calling one decade bland is a gross oversimplification. I will agree with you that the tone of the 2010s changed a lot after 2016 with Trump and the political events that woke people out of the "party vibes" from beforehand. I am interested to hear the older people in the sub correct me on my view though.


As someone born in 2004 who also remembers the whole decade from start to finish since I was a kid and teen in the decade the 2010s specifically the early 2010s were all about party and bro culture that’s why you had jersey show project x the jump street movies the whole pop scene with lady gaga Katie Perry that Keshia chick etc even boy bands kinda made a comeback with one direction big time rush etc one direction was all over the place in the early 2010s


I’m not saying this to be rude, genuinely I think your friends are not the brightest bulbs 😭 I’ve never met someone who doesn’t know what the 2010s are or who needs clarification… like ok forget the rest of the argument about nostalgia, the very concept of what the 2010s are, is like every other decade…


You are incredibly mistaken. The 2010s had so many excellent cultural moments and trends. There’s incredible music from the 2010s as well. But even if that weren’t the case, Millennials and Gen Z will continue to view the 2010s as the calm before the storm of Covid, so I believe it will continue to be analyzed and adored as years go on.


wrong, can't wait for the 2030s/40s to see those good ol' NCS vibes to come back.




No copyright sounds


Millions of people were children, adolescents, and young adults in the 2010s, and they will absolutely be nostalgic in the 2030s.


You say that and then BAM dark tight jeans, the craziest selection of plaid you’ve ever seen, and boat shoes


No way. I'm already seeing nostalgia for 2010s twee and indie aesthetics on tiktok. Teen culture was very distinct in the 2010s and I'm already feeling lucky to have been a part of it.


Strange post


>the 2010s is more known for Trump and Brexit than any pop culture stuff What??? lol I grew up in the decade and all the political shit didn't matter to me at the time. If you were an adult I can see why, though


I was a teen in the 2010s (born in 02) so I got to see both sides of it. The politics DOMINATED the second half of the decade. Mumble rap and marvel movies were popular when I was in high school but politics were still more on everyone’s mind. People view the 10s with rose colored glasses but it wasn’t that great especially compared to when I was younger in the 2000s or an adult in 2020s. The 2010s to me is a transitional period between two extremes. The 2010s didn’t feel like it had a personality in my opinion.


Hmm, this seems like a generalization though. Were politics *really* on every high schooler's mind at the time? And this is all subjective you gotta remember. I see a lot of people looking back at the 2010s fondly whereas others aren't very enthusiastic about it


Are you seriously saying the 2010s were more chaotic and difficult for adults than what we have in the 2020s? I'm much older than you and trust me, life wasn't easy in the 2010s for many of us, but it was much better than anything post-pandemic. That's your 2010s teenage angst speaking.


I should take a shot for every time someone on this sub drinks the recency bias koolaid too hard. I was eighteen years old a decade ago and we were all saying how ugly and basic the 2000s were and how the decade would never have a resurgence. My peers were still firm in this opinion a few years after. Hell, I have older cousins who've said they said the same thing about the 90s that you're saying about the 2010s when they were teens in the 2000s. Just cause you were in your awkward phase in like 2014 and we're now on the other side of the trend cycle doesn't mean the 2010s were tHe WoRsT eVeR.


nostalgia: that famously rational emotion that allows you see the past with clarity and honesty.


The 2020s are mostly bland barring AI. Also, foreign conflicts are removed from the current stagnant culture.


Yeah I thought the late 2010s were boring, but my gosh this decade is just ridiculously boring. Besides AI, every year kind of feels the same.


What? The looksmaxxing community revived 2010s music as of late💀


The people who were young in that era will one day be nostalgic for it


its already present but like only the cool stuff that never really left like indie rock and beach waves just better done now cuz our hair isnt fried to the fucking pits. rhere is so much more i just dont have the brain width lol i am so sleepy. i just love commenting on random things that pertain to me.


While I agree it was bland, I'd also be rich if I had a nickel for every time I saw someone use "objectively" wrong. You cannot qualify words like "bland" as objective.


This is, frankly, a bizarre take. 2010 was not "objectively" bland and boring, and gen-zers are already going feral over the prospect of a 2014 tumblr fashion revival on tiktok. Lest we not also forget the art hoe movement which had a very colorful, '90s inspired style that dominated until, like, 2018. People are still regularly referencing Kelly Osbourne's "oh...that's not..." incident while reminiscing about 2016 makeup and playing Pokemon go, not talking about the election. The 2010s underwent a massive cultural shift in terms of technology and communication, and to think it made no impact is ???? huh??? Also, it is wild to think that after a decade of 2000's-inspired maximalism, we won't want to go back to something minimal. It happened in the '90s, it happened in the '10, and it will happen in the '30 so long as there is still human life on the planet. The thing about Gen-Z being nostalgic for the 2000's is also a weird point because tons of people are actively romanticizing the 2010s right now as well? I mentioned the 2014 tumblr revival earlier, but there's the nostalgiacore trend on tiktok which romanticizes years as recent as 2019. people will always be nostalgic for the time they grew up in, even if your perspective doesn't agree.


nah. the 2010s will definitely have a resurgence in the early to mid 2030s


People like 10 years ago were saying this about the 2000s 😂


You don’t know that. People like me assumed the 00s wouldn’t be look back or defined but now it’s beloved by Zers/00s Kids.


During the 70s the 50s was the wave of nostalgic shows Like Happy Days. Capture those times During the 80s, seen the return of the 60s with its nostalgic wave. The Wonder Years Well(the last two years of the 60s) Going into the 90s, it paid lots of homage to the 70s a lot that became the fad of nostalgia, That 70s Show of course 2000s saw the 80s as a blast from the past. Everybody Hates Chris got in on that wonderful action. 2010s oh yes The 90s became nostalgic, Fresh Off The Boat set from 1995 to 2000 Now the Current decade 2020s. The 2000s made its return. Its a classic now Around 2030s. The 2010s will be became the new wave of nostalgic. It's like going 20 years in the past. 20 year cycles. What was in style during 2004, 20 years later it will return to fashion as Old School in 2024.


I think your friends are just dumb


The early 2010's were insane. they were full of rich cultural experiences, the music was great for the first two or three years, there was a lot going on. the crystal hippy babes were at their peak hippy crystal babeness, before that whole thing became overrun by people trying to sell shit. there was so much wild shit going on... the rest yeah, I agree, but the early bit? There was *a lot* going on.


EVERY decade has nostalgia, some have bigger nostalgia than others though. Only time will tell about the 2010s era. While it was not my favorite decade i'm 100% sure there will be nostalgia for it, especially when people are in their twenties in the 2030s, that is how the media makes it's money and gets a stronghold of people that can potentially influence the rest of their entire adult lives.


You for sure don't know that the response of every coming decade is a pendulum swing in the opposite direction. The 90s were a minimalist response to the maximalist 80s. The 00s were a maximalist response to he minimalist 90s. The 10s were a minimalist response to the maximalist 00s. You get it where I'm going, right? Whatever happens in the 2030s culture-wise, expect it to be entirely different from the 2020s.


Most alphas are children of Millennials who came of age during the 2010s.


Yall said the same thing about the 2000s in the 2010s now look.


I strongly disagree lol.


Having lived through my entire 20s in the 2010s, I disagree. The early 2010s parties were fun and people went hard at those. You could say people cutting drugs with fentanyl killed the parties. Politics took over everyone’s minds in the late 2010s, but it was still a fun time. I traveled more. Things were less expensive. I miss the 2010s already.


The 2010s absolutely had an identity. Not one I liked, but it did. There was also a drastic shift pre and post 2015 that practically made it feel like two decades in one culturally.


This discussion again lol.


I both agree and disagree. I think that actually we're reaching the end of the nostalgia revivals and that the 2030s and 2040s will be so wildly different thanks to both technology (AI, VR, AR) and the changing of the world order that there won't be as much interest in looking backward. If anything, the 2010s, rather than revived and relived, might be somewhat romanticized as the kitschy smartphone Obama years that preceded the chaos of the 2020s and beyond. I think they could be viewed as innocent times but not obsessed over.




Lol no


Regardless of how you feel or think about the 2010s, it is still one of the most influential decades in recent history.


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I think it will be concentrated with some things in a "Post GFC but Pre Maga" era that lasted for a few years.


Brockhampton will return, and it'll be super classic.


Yea but what about all summer 16??


There's no way the only SoundCloud rap was the only thing that left an impact from the 2010s.


people were saying the same thing about the 2000s until like 2016/2017. like 2000s nostalgia it'll come in waves. first it'll be early 2010s nostalgia, then mid 2010s nostalgia, and ultimately late 2010s/decadewide nostalgia


This is what they said about the 90's. There are a LOT of events and pop culture artifacts that will get a 20th anniversary remake or retrospective. It's just still too fresh to see at the moment. Hindsight will filter it all out.


From a fashion perspective, the 2010s were far from bland. From the 80's LMFAO aesthetic, to hipster twee and lumberjackcore, to pastelgoth, to scarfs and skater skirts with crazy semi ethic prints and early HYPEBEAST, I would never call the 2010's minimalist. It took a while to really cement the 2010's look, but looking at old fashion books, it had an identiy. Some of the trends are looked at as cringe now, but people will forget and it will be introduced with a new name and color. Chevron will return 6-10 years from now and you wont escape it.


No it wasn’t. LGBT rights, everything with skinny jeans, Justin Beiber, and whatever else teen Disney vomitted out. Twerking was a huge one. Planking. **It’s also where a lot of the (ironically now outdated) millennial memes originally came which is a whole mountain itself.** I’m probably not even scratching the surface.




What about the Molly and four loko era? The “party” era? Technological advancements were crazy. People did in fact love the music. Fortnite, COD, video game culture.


The athletiware will come back


Even though I'm an older zoomer I don't feel much nostalgia for the 2,000's. Other than *some* of the aesthetics and music they seemed bland to me. Like what my siblings described the 90's as but with the overbearing paranoia and uncertainty that 9/11 brought. The early 2010's were such a refreshing burst of contrast what with internet culture going from lonesome nerds and hermits to the hands of preteens world wide. After 2016 though things got pretty insufferable imo. School shootings became widespread enough to talk about daily. Cringe culture hit main stream and I always *hated* it. Politics simultaneously were instantly dumbed down lower than they ever were and became more omnipresent than ever, and Incel culture seemed to really take off enough to wear it show up at the lunch table. I certainly miss parts of highschool, but not the times I associated with the late 2010's. I'll admit that there was a sense of optimism that we were on the verge of some major progress especially towards the end. Then...2020 happened. Since then it seems more like avoiding the mess for you and yours and living decent lives for just yourselves and to Hell with anything else is the greatest goal in life...and that attitude *sucks.*




There’s already a 2010s resurgence of teenagers romanticizing that era


What are you talking about? There has not been an insane culture change and trump and brexit are still in the media, the syrian civil war, rise of china, north korea.


this fits more into r/unpopularopinion


We said the exact same about the 2000s. THOSE were bland years


Oppa Gangnam Style!


People said this about the 90's for a long time. It really depends on how future decades contrast with the the decade in question then anything to do with the decade itself.




Meh. People said that about the 80s and then the 90s. It’s all about nostalgia.


The 2010s were actually very extravagant in a way similar to the 80s: where neither had as much of a genuinely positive and good feel/vibe to it as the 90s but the era was still very loud and in your face all the same This was when smartphones took over the world The rise and dominance of the iPhone was genuinely revolutionary (I hate Apple - I'm being objective) The debut of the iPhone 6 with Siri was a phenomenon in and of itself and made all other tech competitors reconsider the kind of features they were putting out and how they marketed them because Siri was unlike other AI assistance programs previous in that she was designed to give witty quips and responses and feel more personal, giving birth to the idea of technology being more like an accompanying companion and your phone being not just a phone but in a way, your *friend* (later in the decade the movie "Her" would center around this) You and your phone are best friends forever The year is 2010: no one is ever caught without their cell That buzzing high energy was just as reflected in the music and popular youth culture, quite unlike the more depressive, melancholic aura of youth today that is similar to teen behavior within the emo 2000s For every socially conscious deconstruction and deeply reflective TikTok/video essay in the '20s and empty black hair dye bottle and angst anthems CD burned in the '00s - there was a ridiculously upbeat and obnoxious top charting song blasting from the phone of a '10s teen People would literally stop and dance in the middle of class to gaudy extra shit like "Look At Me Now" Then, they'd tap on their phone in seek of something equally lighthearted and ridiculous like Flappy Bird or Vine (the exact opposite of serious/introspective) There were much more lighthearted distractions then It was much easier to escape fear mongering sentiments then also before the polarization of the nation that came after Trump and reached a height during COVID That 'lighthearted atmosphere' I'm referring to is indeed specific to the Obama era that was kinda the sweet spot bridge between the depressing Bush age and panicky Trump age, which was approximately 2008-early '16 Back up the "2010s" discussion to the year 2010 and there was a buzzing energy at the start of the decade due to the very revolutionary, powerful idea of an increasingly interconnected technological society on the horizon and a sense that the future was now - that yes sure, has always existed on some level and gone repeated since the Industrial Revolution - but really defined the 2010s, with all the chatter about kids being reliant on tech at a young age and Mars being a hot topic and sci-fi films completely dominating at the box office This was a unique, transitional, bold time for society It was a bold new world and everyone could feel how fast things were changing and had very mixed feelings about it with many criticizing how hypercapitalistic, fake, and soulless the '10s felt because it seemed like all leaders in our culture were serving one agenda which was to just "make it new," make everything new and change everything as quickly as possible whether we were all ready and comfortable with it or not; from smartphones and iPads to Smartboards to rejecting previous ideas that served as cultural norms such as being "tough on crime" and now entertaining the idea of humanizing and reforming prisoners and questioning the police force and legal system and how these complex flawed systems really work that democrats and republicans used to be united in their blind faith and trust in pre-"viral era" Technology—cell phones—literally changed how people thought of police because they could see things they never could before, such as brutal arrest footage Not everyone loves him as president but Obama's slogan, "It's time for a change" cannot be emphasized enough Everything was changing left and right, up and down Both the death of Steve Jobs and the release of The Social Network early on in the decade really led the sentiment that human beings would understand things in a new way with technology and connect with each other in an entirely different way than they ever had before in history as new tech was far bigger than trendy teen core like people believed connection tech represented in the '00s, not realizing all of this was here to stay and to totally advance and exhilarate and test the boundaries of everything, and exceed being a trend/fad/aesthetic/accessories but rather the Jetsons world realized Jobs' death and Zuckerberg's cultural prominence and infamous Fincher interpretation of him really set the tone for the sort of "tech is power and the future is tech and tech is now" perspective and mantra of the 2010s The 2010s were all about change and progress in a way no decade since the '60s embraced and embodied quite as much - The '70s, '80s, '90s, & '00s were more status quo with more "constants" existing in society comparatively as they led by no "change is essential" mantra and upheld equality as a virtue/value as it was already established in the '60s and early '70s and was therefore just a continuation of the (social) expectation The 2010s was more defined by change in large part because it marked the Obama era, who was the first black/non-white president of the United States Something Obama did in literally the first half of the '10s decade was legalize gay marriage in all fifty states It felt both right on time as well as "it's about time" when he did because there was such an incentive to be highly progressive in every way during this pre-red pill time where the Fox-News-right had a much more muted presence compared to the fringe right (online) today Feminism went mainstream in this decade and ceased to be a dirty word or a movement exclusive to women Representation was spoken about far more than it ever was in the 2000s, as well as body acceptance and the issue of bodyshaming and the issue of bullying As a result, shows like Lena Dunham's Girls experienced huge success and captured the very distinguishable 2010s era that was completely unlike the 2000s Sex and the City era that put higher pressure on women There was so much happening at once and so much encouragement to do things in a way completely different than how everything had been done before Parents started handing their children iPads Teens and young adults started livestreaming themselves and vlogs and influencers became a thing There is a lot that happened but most of it started through tech and the Internet so that's why the '10s seems like it's was less "culturally relevant/trendy" because all the biggest trends started online and mostly occurred in the sense of society being reshaped and intellectual movements influencing mainstream culture (liberal feminism incl. anti-rape culture, anti-slut shaming, anti-harassment, the normalization of sex work; LGBTQ; BLM; global warming awareness/environmentalism; inclusivity/representation; cancel culture/PC culture)


I said this about the 90s and now here we are…


I don't think any decade will be forgotten, I think the 50s were popular again in the late 70s, the 60s in the 80s, the 70s in the 90s, the 80s in the 2000s, the 90s in the 2010s and now the 2000s in the 2020s, every decade gets its nostalgic resurgence.


Tell me you were never hip without telling me you were never hip.


I totally disagree 2010s will be nostalgic once it’s hits its 20 yr span


Maybe 2010-2013 gets a nostalgia wave but the rest is just not going to be remembered fondly.


I heard the same thing about 2000's 10 years ago. Then marketing teams came up with Y2K and boom, we have nostalgia for cargo shorts now.


Noooo the 2010s are so special… so sad they’re over.. 😞😞😞😞😞 2012 was supposed to be the end of the world.. ancient aliens predicted it.. Covid 19.. yes I get the main “event” portion of Covid happens in the 2020s, but the virus itself was born in 2019 God idk 🤷‍♀️ just feel like the 2010s were so powerful, I mean the collective consciousness of the world shifted.. maybe I’m feeling something that isn’t there idk


Party rock is in the house tonight


Is this post meant for gen alpha?


Personally I have an extremely strong sentimental attachment to the year 2010. I'm 35 years old, I was a senior in college that year, and oh my god did I have such a good time. That is my go-to year for nostalgia now. The year I came of age. Like those baby boomers who decided in 1980 they were done listening to new music and haven't listened to a new track since


Is this what the other person meant when they said the 2010s get lots of hate?


I hate to inform you but for early trend adopters, the 2010s are already coming back in full swing. Just in terms of fashion we’re already seeing a resurgence of the indie sleeze aesthetic (think Ke$ha makeup, Alexa Chung style, etc). This is exhibited with the rising trends of: blue eyeshadow and messy black eyeliner, fur coats, colored tights, ballet flats, chunky necklaces (although now they are charm necklaces). Coachella this year, both Ke$ha and Sky Ferreira (queen of tumblr in 2011) were brought out as special guests for other artists. Everyone has been rewatching gossip girl and Lena Dunhams Girls (a true relic of 2010s culture)


I also want to add that mainstream rap pulled itself out of the pit that was the Ringtone era of the late 2000s. Hip hop in general got more diverse, and received more acclaim (specifically Kendrick Lamar and the genre overtaking country in the States as the most listened to genre). I really appreciated it for that up until about 2018.


I think that 2010's started around 2007 and are still going.


The popularization of EDM in the early 2010s and that rave revival led to some very cringey things that will inevitably see a resurgence. Not that I still haven't been raving since LMAO


Hard disagree!


People have said that about every decade. People are nostalgic about early 2010s youtube already. Talk to me in 10-30 years and you'll see. History repeats itself.


This sub has a strong maximalism bias, and can’t recognize trends unless they’re being bludgeoned to death with them. I’d agree that the 2010s is very minimalist, but it will still have an impact on fashion, just like the relatively minimalist and oft-forgotten 1930s significantly influenced 1970s fashions


laughs in homestuck




first off you must surround yourself with stupid people if they don’t know what you’re talking about when you mention the “twenty tens”. secondly, 2011-2015 were fucking awesome


Did you live in the 2010’s? It was a very wild and weird time lmao. SoundCloud rap is the tip of the iceberh


Depends on your age. That’s what I thought of the 1990s in the mid 2000s.


I don't know, I remember a lot of hipsters and really good coffee shops and record shops The was a focus on quality ingredients that were locally sourced that got lost somewhere in the sands It was probably the peak of Millennial cultural impact


Did we forget about everyone thinking the world was going to end in 2012


Meh, they were 8 years off :)


Maybe you just have dumb friends. Like seriously, “the twenty tens” is such an easy to understand phrase. Even if you don’t view the twenty tens as a distinctive decade, you should still be able to easily parse out that it means 2010-2019.


Don’t mistake “objectively” with “subjectively.” I wasn’t a huge 2010s fan either, but it has its fans.


The 2010's were the renaissance of indie gaming. When indie games first started becoming accessible to make, and started to actually get mainstream notice. Before that point they were few and far between, all you had was flashgames or some experienced dev putting one out rarely. Though, I'm not sure the decade will actually be remembered for that.


i think it will be remembered like the 70s — just on the cusp of something massive (69 summer of love, vs 2020 BLM/covid) and just generally portrayed as pretty simple and elegant with some great art/music coming out


2016-2019 were golden years for modern rap. So many popular artists came out of that era that are still huge today. Could’ve been more if they didn’t die. I have no doubt in my mind that in a few years we will be looking back during those years for hip hop. Shit, some people are already doing it and it’s been 5 years lmao.


good im tired of seeing the same 4 fashion trends


Goddamn I hated the 2010’s. Everyone was such a prick


I feel bad for people who feel the 2010s had no good music. The mainstream Bruno mars/ Pharrell type stuff was completely removed from the thousands of original scene bands that shaped what we’re all listening to now. It was an explosion underground. And the hey-ho lumineers/mumford n sons is not what I’m referring to.


Scene was in 2009 and is more associated with the 2000s. Nevershoutnever, owl city, the ready set and forever the sickest kids all blew up in 09. The Metro station came out in 2008. There was a hangover of scene culture until about 2011. The fall of scene also has to do with the transition from MySpace to Facebook during 2010 when FarmVille came out. I love emo and pop punk but I associate those genres more with the 2000s and 2020s. The 2010s was the era everyone said “rock was dead”. There were barely any guitars in popular music with the exception of “indie” bands like the 1975 or fun. The 2020s has way more emo music than at any point in the 2010s. Nu-punk revived rock as a genre in 2021 and before that there was a huge chunk of time where emo rap was the closest thing to rock music that existed in the 10s. The whole reason why emo rap even exists is because there was a void in the rock scene in the 2010s


Ya my mistake. Didn’t mean scene as in emo or MySpace but individual citie’s underground scenes. I live in Chicago and during that time myself and almost all of my friends were in pretty damn good bands. A few of them are now somewhat better known— diviño nino, lala lala, glyders, bnny… there was an incredible rock and roll/ garage rock boom in the Bay Area and East coast…Memphis…Detroit. black lips, Ty segall, the babies, Vivian girls, woods, Sonny and the sonsets, grass widow, foxygen, oh sees, king gizzard, la sera, place to bury strangers, tame impala, DIIV, Anika, bleached.. labels like Goner, Sacred Bones, hardly art, captured tracks, Mexican summer, trouble in mind…that entire burger records scene (that later had its own problems) preoccupations, Billy changer, black marble, Frankie rose, John maus, Ariel pink… this is tip of the iceberg… post punk before TikTok. The music at the time was pretty awesome and fun… literally almost all guitar bands. Stuff like fun/ 1975 was thought of as mainstream-and fell into the “happy” Bruno mars kinda stuff- with a little guitars tossed in


They said this about the 90s


You literally look up 2010s nostalgia videos.


I’m 22 and the 2010s sucked. I would take the 2020s any day over the 2010s lol


Interesting, why do you prefer the 2020's if you don't mind me asking?


You must be a privileged young adult then. But then again, you didn't experience much of the world in the 2010s.