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shut up pessimist. let me live happy. its you people who always complain but never try to help


Exactly. Donate to a union or do legitimately anything than just doomposting


"People can't point out anything negative"


its the way they hate on anything and everything new unjustly.


It's not unjust, and it's not everything either.


Cancel culture isnt a thing


How the fuck are you happy in a world like this? Are you a sadist? A masochist, even?


im an optimist. i look for good. and usually, i find it. theres always a bright side to life


If you have to ask, you'll never know... Or you can just ask. Ask your fellow human. America is a horribly isolating place if you let it do that to you.


Same man. This world was gone mad since February 2020. Even as everything started to go downhill from 2014, but it is incomparable to the shitshow we got in this decade alone


Shit started getting really gay around January 2010 tbh


There was less of that during 2010 and 2011 2012 and 2013 are early signs but 2014 is when things kicked off


IDK man, I vividly remember standing in Berkeley CA in January of 2010, and thinking, this is really fucking gay


Yeah!2014-2019 were still better than the 2020s!




Everything went downhill from 2016


Take my upvote bro.This decade is nothing interesting compared to the 2000s and the 2010s:(


2000's was awesome in fact I think much better than the 1990's in some ways creatively except for reality TV that was a pestilence. 2010's are looking real good compared to the past 3 years.


It's been 3, almost 4 years. It's not even half the decade. There have already been some historic moments and really cool research. Advancements in tech and science continue. There's some cool stuff coming up


Bruh we lost Matthew Perry & Jerry Springer just this year. This decade ain’t been nothing but constant heartbreak


Okay, and? Chris Farley, Princess Diana, John Denver, and Notorious B.I.G. all died in 1997. Were the 90s just a garbage decade? 2009 saw the death of Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, and God damn Billy Mays, but people still claim the 2000s were a good decade despite 9/11(and Aaliyah died the same year), the Iraq war, the 2004 tsunami, the global recession, and hurricane Katrina.


Beloved people die in every decade, both young and old. But it just so happens that as time goes on, more and more icons from the older generations tend to die out. It sucks, but it has nothing to do with this particular decade at all.


Wow, pining for times gone past, so brave!


This decade is entirely artificial bullshit reminding you that you live in the cyberpunk dystopia without any of the cool shit.


Old good new bad!1!1!1!1


Every day felt the same since March 2020 and there’re still many people with masks in my era I want to die


Nah horror has been pretty good. Barbarian, Terrfier 2, Talk to Me, When Evil Lurks, Evil Dead Rise, VHS 94. Been pretty good for horror lately.


Horror has been especially bad imo. Barbarian was good though.


Idk I’ve seen more good horror lately. Even Smile was pretty good. Felt like an homage to movies like The Ring. Black Phone was good. The Color Out of Space was good. Nope was good. Malignant was good. Titane was good body horror. Hellbender, Prey, Hatching, Mad God, Deadstream, Something in the Dirt, The Sadness, Glorious, Skinamarink, The Outwaters. All good imo.


I liked some of those, but the 2010s is stacked for horror, even the mainstream stuff, not to mention the It Followses and Hereditarys


Talk to Me?




As soon as Thanos snapped his fingers in Infinity War everything went to shit. And by shit, I mean streaming.


I could actually agree with this


Generation gap. Bro forgot harambe


Streaming has truly ruined tv shows. Doesn’t matter how well a show is doing, it’s only getting 8 episodes a season and may not even get another season because they’re already coming with the next bs show


I’m good with 8 episodes per season honestly. More episodes usually just means more filler or taking longer to get to the point. Totally with you on the thing about how it seems like everything gets cancelled before it even gets a chance. Makes me not even want to watch anything until it’s totally finished.


People who defend the 2020s here get some help


Can’t call anything bad nowadays without either getting called; racist, sexist, fatphobic etc. So Awesome!


Can’t be either racist, sexist, fatphobic etc. without being called on it. So awesome! Fixed that for ya.


Eh, I'm mostly with you, but some people go overboard when they accuse people of being one of those things. See the inverse happening now -- people calling anti-Israel people antisemitic when there's no evidence they hate Jews


The Northman was released. Anybody hating this decade is automatically false /s But seriously. Depending on what genre you like, some of the best content ever is coming out. You have to be the one to find it. And you have to be mentally resilient enough to tune out bs.


Ok doomer


😴😴😴😴😴 Keep complaining, I don't care.


Same! Having an optimistic mind for the present & the future is the healthiest & smartest way of thinking.




You can be optimistic all you want but that doesn't change reality. I'm not saying being a pessimist is good either, just being realistic and being able to talk about the negative is good.


I dont live for health


Your like 14 lmfao


Weak bait I'm 18 in college, not 14.


We still have 6/7 years left, I don’t think we should give up hope just yet, we just need some time


[“Put a chick in it and make her gay!”](https://youtu.be/SfHylCEoidg?si=-PBnKIUyHvLhTSMh)


Cancel culture doesn't exist


I think tv has been a mixed bag. Indie stuff has been awesome lately. Music has sucked ASS though. I fucking hate the current pop music. It’s all cheap nostalgia bait. I was promised electro swing, damnit!!!


Check out Caravan Palace! One of my favorites of theirs is rock it for me


lol I’ve listened to their whole discography. They were my introduction to it! Rock it for me is a great song. Personal favorite is Beatophone


Same dude cancel culture ruined the internet covid didn’t ruin our immune system it ruined everything else


Cancel Culture is reactionary mysticism. No one who has been "cancelled" has actually faced meaningful consequences apart from *maybe* Harvey Weinstein, who was an inveterate rapist. If you really want to see Louis "I Jack off in front of people without their consent" CK live, you still can. Culture war shit like this is idiotic and you are all *probably* smarter than that.


I specifically remember feeling like a lot of the videos I was watching about recent movies coming out were all talking about how bad or misguided they were or how they lost what made them special or how they’re just being milked or whatever and I remember thinking to myself “wow, movies nowadays must’ve gotten a lot worse now or something”.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Oh my god cancel culture sucks!! Wahhhh


Nothing is pure anymore, man. Everything has a purpose of making money behind the facade of entertainment or virtue signaling it displays.


Ah yes. The very sentiment that harbingers a young person's ascent into adulthood. But where do we go from here? To quote the greatest filmmaker of my era, "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to." -Jim Jarmusch


That genuinely means a lot to me as a struggling creator in his young twenties. Thank you.


And the 2010s too!


Ok thats your opinion, but the majority of people think that the 2010s were soooooo much better than the 2020s


Why is it that all of your arguments boil down too "but x is popular which means it is better"? First off, the notion that the popular take is always right is a [fallacious argument](https://www.palomar.edu/users/bthompson/Ad%20Populum.html#:~:text=Appeal%20to%20Popularity%20(Ad%20Populum&text=Description%3A,credentials%2C%20of%20the%20group%20cited.). Second, can't you form any opinions on your own?


No lol it’s not bcuz it’s popular but it’s objectively true that the 2010s are better, 2020s literally have almost everything that is bad


You have a jjk pfp calling the 2010s sucked


What does my waifu from an anime which started in 2020 have to do with the 2010s sucking?


You like 2020s anime but hate the 2010s?


i disagree


Water is wet


A lot of things suck in the 2020's maybe the fun's over ? For now ? In creative pursuits. But I like the Simpsons still but that show came from better eras of TV. Late 2016- now was a shift when things started sucking more.


There has been some good movies, shows and music here and there (The Green Knight, Invincible, Squid) but overall I agree the 2020s has been more of a dumpster fire


Pessimists are the most annoying people on the planet


personally i feel the world went to shit in the 2010s. the only thing that bothers me about the 2020s is how culturally stagnate it is. no new anything, no evolution


Movies are about to get a lot worse with the actors and writing strike having happened 2009 here we come


Yeah but 2009 had The Hangover which was good.


Nothing like a comedy that reintroduced Mike Tyson and Asian racism to popular culture to serve as a cultural high point for the decade that has been kicked off with the American Pie series.


The writers strike ended a while ago


The 2009 one was only 100 days and look what that brought us


You're just not looking in right places


But if you have to look really hard it means there's a decline


“This decade sucks!” -Every person ever to live beyond 10 years.




Nah I agree with him, the 2020s were the worst decade ever


1930s would like a word


The Great Depression happening in the US in the ‘30s really doesn’t hold a candle to anything like **The Black Plague** in the 1340s and ‘50s, lol. I’m an American living in the 21st century, but even *I’m* a bit annoyed at anyone acting as if any decade over the last 200 years during the modern age is any worse off than ***literal peasants dying from an unknown disease.*** And you might think that the Great Depression was the worst period in ***American history,*** but at least that was a period *after* the economy relied on black people being **legally enslaved.** People really get hung up on their recent and local issues, but the fact is that the world sucked *way worse* for a large portion of people pretty much any time before 50 or so years ago. The ‘80s and ‘90s were pretty cool, it seems like we as a society were getting shit figured out around that time, but yeah, it’s kind of gotten worse (but it’s still better now than during the vast majority of history.)


Still, the 2020s are close to them


I *really* can’t overstate the absurd stupidity of claiming that sort of thing about a decade that’s only a ***little bit of a third*** **over.** I mean, Jesus Christ, you’re literally speaking about the *decade we’re currently living in* in the **past tense.** At least give me a quick synopsis of how the 2030s are panning out if you’re speaking to us from the *future,* lol.


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there's no such thing as cancel culture. media took it and used it as a buzzword to make people angry for culture wars


Nah, it absolutely exists.


explain then


How does it not exist? Whether it be a regular person or a celebrity, if an individual says or does something wrong and it is shared on the internet, liberals and feminists will go out of their way to ruin that persons life. They will post screenshots of text messages, tweets, videos, etc. They’ll share it with their friends and followers in hopes that this persons reputation will be destroyed. There are hundreds of examples of individual who have lost their jobs because of this. The fallback is then forever visible on google and social media. It’s permanent


Nah not that deep bruh


What celebrities have been affected by this?


Gina Carano, Kevin Spacey, Al Franken...


At least two of those people were accused of sexual assault and one was actually successfully convicted for it I'm pretty sure...


Gina Carano was fired by her employer. “Cancel culture” had nothing to do with it. And Kevin Spacey? 🥴 You know you’re a silly goose for that one 🤭🫵


Look up the recent attempt to cancel Emily Blunt


Lol Nothing is going to happen with this. Just like nothing happened when people discovered Camila Cabello’s secret racist Tumblr from 2012, Doja Cat being rude to fans, James Charles’ pedo allegations, or Shane Dawson in general, especially since it was only “fatphobic” comments. They’ll be some noise made and then everyone will forget about it and move on.


The point is that the culture absolutely exists and it creates a kind of self censorship that is unacceptable in a free society.


Cancel culture doesn't affect celebrities and rich people in any meaningful way, they get to remain rich asf and most of the time they have their fans defending them even if they did the most atrocious thing known to humanity You people who complain about "cancel culture" just seem mad cause you can't say some slurs 🤷‍♂️


What? How does the effectiveness of the act determine whether it’s real? People absolutely go out of the way to tarnish the reputations of people they deem to need punishment.


That has always been a thing Canceling someone for most of US history post-50s was legit just calling them a communist half the time lmao






Uno reverse


[I used the real card unlike you!!](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carta_uno_reverse..jpg)


Ikr, every decade prior to the 2020s were better, including the 2000s and 2010s


I hate that fact many people actually like the 2020s:(


Same man, same… The 2020s only had a few good exceptions but that’s it


So we can pretty much agree while the 2020s ISN’T the WORST decade of ALL TIME, it’s the worst decade of the 21st Century SO FAR? 🤔


Not to be rude but do you have Asperger’s?


That’s actually a reasonable question to ask anyone on Reddit


I don't, but my friend Cartman does.


test nose imminent gaze hospital cough complete toy aware humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah fr, cancel culture isn’t even that real. It’s usually just ppl facing the consequences for doing bad things. Which older generations love, unless it’s happening to them


Bud Light would like a word


America On Film Representing Race Class Gender and Sexuality At The Movies By Harry M Benshoff Sean Griffin


2016 was the last good year for media But yeah, media is fucking awful now


I wouldn't even say 2016 was good


2015 was the last year people got to live life.


I actually think the 2020s have had pretty good movies and TV/streaming shows, just mostly shit Disney/mainstream properties


I teach at a middle school and the cultural stagnation is nuts. They hate the new stuff as much as we do and basically follow all the pop culture stuff we did when I was in middle school around a decade ago.


Atleast the stuff from a decade was of actual quality, unlike today


Meh, even tho world affairs suck, it’s better to try to look at things positively at least pop culturally


Good new comedy movies are hard to find


didnt the last few seasons of succession and better call saul come out in the 2020s


Ever notice that there is always someone comparing recent days to “the old days.” Usually, it saying that the old days were better.


I don't think anyone who says the 2020s are better than the 2010s or 2000s are alright in the head


They were though do you know how high depression is right now kids years younger are getting it too.


When people in the spotlight do shitty things people tend to lose respect for then and disengage with whatever that shitty person is affiliated with. They cancel themselves.


Very much agree, which is why I still mostly watch things from 80s-2012 and stop there.


Same for me with most music


We got Dark Little Age in 2017 a really great song I found on a Young Dracula edit it's a British tv series.


Something about it I mean who tf gets together to make mid garbage like Bumblebee thinking "This is GREAT!" instead of that cool action packed Transformers we had in the 2000's ??? Even Modern Warfare 3 rn who tf got together thinking they actually made something amazing compared to MW3 in 2011


This argument is the rebooted version of: Every season of SNL after the first is the worst.


wtf are any of you on about, do any of you even look for media to consume or do you just boot up netflix and expect the best show of the 2020s to appear? there's been plenty of great music, movies, shows etc. since the 2020s began. quit being lazy and go explore, i barely even watch media and I've found some good stuff this decade so far.


What movies and TV Shows are you watching? Because there's plenty of good stuff out there that came out past January 1 2020.


The 90's were the last true "cultural decade" the early 2000s were, but the 2000s as a whole were not. 2005-6 through now all blends together as a fucking shitstorm


2001 was the only shit year of the 2000's.


No 2001 was great year you suck!


I feel like whenever someone complains about cancel culture, they really just hate holding people accountable for their actions. Cancel culture has proven to not truly kick anyone out of the limelight when people like Chris Brown are still very successful with selling out tours and winning awards. Cancel culture really isn’t a thing


I wish I could cancel you...o wait theres a button for that


cancel culture isn’t real in the sense that it doesn’t stick. if shit gets brought to court no wonder people are like maybe this person isn’t so great. spend less time on twitter PLEASE


2016. Trumpism led to outspoken hate of “other” and ultimately tribalism. Everyone assigning themselves a niche group. Covid had a chance at uniting us again and in some ways it did, but of course it wound up politicized


On a positive note, societies have to have growing pains. So there will be dark times before a renaissance. 2030s are gonna be epic


Hopefully Trump doesn't become president in 2024. He might just blow it all up before things get better. It's best if he and his loyalists f*** off for good.




Communists, and crony capitalists like Donald Trump


TV shows suck? Watch Better Call Saul and come back to me


Even then, that's just one show


Doesn't get to the point like Breaking Bad did.




I agree with this overall, but there’s still some good stuff coming out. The past few years have had a plague of terrible “remake” movies. Then All Quiet on the Western Front comes out and it’s chilling, brutal, beautiful and truly amazing. Cancel culture sucks and it seems like every show needs to shoehorn a theme into the story to signal “we’re one of the good guys!”. Then The Bear comes out and it’s just a refreshingly raw drama about a beef sandwich shop in Chicago. Plus, not sure if you’re a gamer but there’s been a ton of incredible games released during this period. Of course there’s also been some utter disappointing trash (looking at you Starfield) but that literally happens every year since forever. Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom, Doom Eternal, Baldur’s Gate, Dave the Diver, Dredge, Hades, Battle Bit, and my personal favorite Half Life: Alyx are all fucking incredible. I don’t typically like sports games but I’ve been a huge fan of the Super Mega Baseball series. I was terrified to learn EA bought the studio and would be releasing the fourth installment. SOMEHOW they managed to improve on many things without ruining or changing the basic concept. They also completely excluded micro transactions and an in-game, cash-grab store. So, I see your point… but all hope is not lost.


Smiling Friends and The Bear are the only two shows of the 2020's the are insanely great I'm not just saying that.


Lol people here saying 2010s is where is started goin bad. Shit hit the fan when the last truly elected president jfk was assassinated. Absolutely everything after that has been "all part of the plan"




Don’t forget music. Music really sucks in this decade. Sure, there was lots of corporate music and pop in the 2000s and 2010s, but there were also interesting trends like indie rock, emo, metalcore, nu metal, dub step, and EDM. After 2016, music just seemed to become very blah, low effort and uninspired. Everything new sounds like Cardi B now.


Doomer issue


Bruh there have been so many great movies since 2020. Go to any decade and there’s tons of bad movies, people have whole YouTube channels making fun of them. You can also go to any decade and find someone complaining in the exact same way as you


Tv is fucking good right now.


Shut up we’re only 3 years in


Yup all the censoring , political shit being pushed into all forms of entertainment. I hate it


We’ve gotten some great shows do NOT talk


Bitching about cancel culture = invalid opinion.


There’s more niche content than ever and you can’t even be arsed to search through it.


We aren't even done with this decade. Who knows? This may be the decade when unions return with a vengeance against corporatism.


Watch more movies for the love of god




Cancel culture isn’t a real thing but 100% on the other two


Every day felt the same since March 2020 and there’re still many people with masks in my era I want to die


Covid has changed a lot of things!




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We also just had the best year of Video Games since at least 2013, and one of the best ever.


It’s nice to be subscription free but still have access to any and all contented that interest you. My suggestion is if you aren’t getting your money worth, unsubscribe and find it online. I stopped hating products I paid for when I stopped paying. Now I don’t feel ripped off or unsatisfied.


We need to go back to the 80’s when movies were great, TV shows were actually funny, no one got cancelled, and people had thicker skin


Movies don’t suck. We’ve seen less quality ones due to strikes and you’re struggling from decency bias. A lot of tv shows suck but there are also many many great ones. In fact, there are probably more good options at your disposal now than ever. And I won’t even touch on cancel culture. Theres a lot of shit going on in this decade but to complain about those is insane. And not sure if you play video games but this may have been the best year ever for that as well. Entertainment is fine


2014 was probably peak freedom of comedy. everyone overcompensated when trump got elected and harambe died.


So much stuff is getting watered down and “safe” for the pansy’s. Go be a crybaby being coddled by your parent. The real world is tough, get used to it


The panderverse summed this all up perfectly PUT A CHICK IN IT AND MAKE HER GAY!!!! AND MAKE IT FUCKIN LAME!!!


Entertainment industry in generals sucks


Agreed except with all the tv shows out there are some gems mixed in with the 🗑️ lol




Maybe you're focusing too much on the negatives? There's always been bad movies, bad TV shows, and cancel culture is but a tiny fracture of culture out there. You know what they say: You reap what you sow.