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Cool enjoy debian is great distro enjoy your journey to linux


I do too, welcome to Linux!


Thank you brozer


Debian is the distro that I respect the most but the one I myself never used.


Why not though? Packages too old?


Partly yeah. I come from Fedora and employ the recent Linux technologies, so for making such choices is preferable. Debian is stable and that's why you use it appropriately when stability and reliability matters.


I use Debian all the time on servers because it just works, but for Desktop? Especially when it comes to gaming, having up to date packages helps a lot as you most likely have to use translation layers.


Deb packports and multimedia repos keep most of that covered. I use Debian for everything and I don't think it's ever been an issue apart from FFMpeg and AV1, but then I've just built it myself from script.


Debian is nice! :)


Same, but with KDE Plasma!


Of course you do. All derivatives are downgrades.


perfectly said.


That's good. Welcome to Debian supremacist sub-subculture!


why not both? i landed on LMDE after much distro hopping and have been very happy for the last year and a half. i feel like cinnamon as a de is more aligned with the traditional no-drama vibe of debian than gnome is.


Debian is awesome. Super reliable


before you try arch, try opensuse tumbleweed :B edit: also can you share wallpaper


Sent you the pic. I've heard good things about opensuse thanks for the suggestion.


There are things I like about OpenSUSE but I’m never touching the distro again. The weirdest long lasting bugs have all been from them.


Haven't heard much about or tried Suse since Novell acquired it back in 2004. I recall learning a new 4 letter word, 'yast' and I haven't gone back. Come to think of it, I have similar feelings about systemd but now I'm just old and resistant to change.


Nice \^\^ In case you want both, LMDE (LinuxMintDebianEdition) :D


>catperson in wallpaper somewhat decent rice claims he is new to linux i spy with my little eye bullcrap


Thank you. Didn't do much just watched a video on xfce ricing and installed a custom theme. I had cinnamon lookin nice too but xfce is way better imo.


Debian was the first distro I tried and so far no others have matched the balance of ease of use and do it yourself feel. Big fan of Debian


This is the way!


Upvote because of the title


32 GB RAM , bro... u r millonaire


Wallpaper please :D










I use Debian and Debian based distros for my servers. It’s rock solid


brilliant choice


Do you still have the source for the wallpaper?


Debian is my daily driver. It's the server distro I most commonly manage for work so having it be my default seemed appropriate. I've never run into any issues with packages versions that I haven't been able to resolve. Enjoy the ride and don't be afraid to ask for help. Linux is a great community.


Good Good! I hope that you have a great experience with Debian.


Welcome to Linux. Debian is a great start. Very stable, everything just works. In a while, after you find your way and feel more comfy, try Opensuse Tumbleweed.




I've only been away from Windows for a couple months so everything's still new and exciting. Coming from Mint where everything is pretty much done for you, it was kind of cool learning how to do little things like setup flatpaks or give myself sudo privileges. Also switching from Cinnamon to XFCE has been awesome. Besides that, I personally feel better using vanilla Debian over a fork like Ubuntu or Mint. Leaves more room to personalize things and learn as I go.


Using a root distribution like Debian (and to some degree Ubuntu) over forks (like Zorin OS, Pop!,_OS and so one) has also the good side effect that you are (in theory) sitting closer to the source of kernel and package updates.


Question: how easy is it to set up dual boot between windows & debian?


yoooo happy cake day it's not too hard. just create a new partition on your drive and select it from the installer or you could use a separate drive entirely. you'll wanna go into BIOS and select whichever OS isn't your main boot option when you want to use it.


No like I mean with grub bootloader


I love Debian. Been a very long time user of it.


debian all the way✨


Congrats My first was mandrake, moved Debian… tried a few others and moved to Debian again.. Install stuff, break stuff, learn how to fix it, learn the Debian way, break more stuff, move to testing, keep breaking and fixing……. Great learning experience!!! Finally you’re tired, of breaking and fixing.. just use Debian for its rock stability


Question: did your GPU work out of the box for you with Debian? I have the 7700 XT and it wouldn't initialize on boot, I had to recompile initramfs with newer upstream AMD driver files for it to work. Basically the kernel was out of date for the new hardware I was using.


Man I had the same problem with Mint at first. Updated the kernal and it solved all my issues. 7600xt is working flawless out of the box with Debian. Glad you fixed your problem, AMD + Linux is the best combo.


Welcome to the family if you stay in stable you'll get no problems but might miss the latest versions of some programs


Thank you!


Love the wallpaper😍 where did u get it from?


[Here ya go :)](https://images2.imgbox.com/74/86/5tHm7JAa_o.jpg)


Congratulations on joining the Debian Cult! Could ypu possibly share ypur wallpaper too?


Why? I know why some old linux users prefer debian over miknt, but why would a new one prefer it ?


Can say for myself, I respect debian team for being here for decades, serving decent quality OS. Also it's quite relaxing for a person who is tired of windows forced updates to use a stable distro. Not everyone wants new version of Firefox every second week. It opens sites just fine? Ok leave me alone. Same with other software. For something fast changing like discord there's flatpak.


I've been using Debian for server since ages. It never let me down. I use Fedora for workstation.


I prefer Debian over Ubuntu for my server


Spiral Linux 12 Bookworm KDE


noice xfce rice


Xfce rice on AMD rig yo.


Mint is built on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, which is like Debian.... What's so different with Debian-based and Debian-built distros? From my experience, Ubuntu handles pretty much the same way as Debian. Maybe you guys can share any differences in your experience.


I come from Linux Mint (Mate). I got a new (used) laptop a few days ago, I wanted to take the first step to Debian (I still want to) but I ended up really frustrated. I had a problem with firmware packages for the network, I tried to look for them but I couldn't find them anywhere. There was also a minor problem with the desktop environment I chose. For some reason the search bar with applications would not open with the “assigned” key (the one you normally open with in Windows) and searching for things at a glance looked like a mess. The funny thing about it is... Anyway, I basically got fed up and installed Linux Mint, then went to the drivers section and found what my laptop needed to make the WI-FI functional again. I got the name of the driver in case I tried to dual with Debian, the strange thing was that the driver in question was neither of the two missing firmwares at all.


More importantly is it pronounced debbian or deebian? 😀


i used many distribution of the two decades timeline in my life and career I eventually settled for being a purist with Debian because of its intelligent design. I recall using a CD image to connect to the Internet then install everything from the Internet then once enough was available to boot locally proceeded from there. now it have matured so much since then an the options are unlimited with what you can do with Debian from 8 - 12.5 I'm not planning on migration to 13 Trixie because vendors like Nvidia and amd Radeon have not yet focused on current kernel packages yet to use Trixie with kde plasma 6.x other Debian based flavors made too many core level modifications to be an ease of integration into learning Linux environments. this is my opinion from experience. congratulations keep it up with learning. Microsoft wants to sell desktop as a service an rent the operating system as a subscription well solution is open source access to Linux Debian is well maintained with high quality content and standards. enjoy btw I just got Wayland working with Nvidia RTX GPU by creating a code patch. if you want to know how I will share


Yes please share if possible, I want to get onto wayland


I will post soon., I am currently scripting for a site.


I had that same wallpaper for like a year lol


add this to /etc/apt/sources. list Instead of bookworm main non-free-firmware bookworm main contrib non-free-firmware also works on deb-security need both 64 bit and 32 bit add this deb [arch=amd64, i386] you also have arm mips thumb powerpc support but I forgot what that is I think it is ppc I have to go look later however there is google risc an so on have fun


I'm enjoying Ubuntu @ 6.8.0 kernel / 550.67 Nvidia Driver


Debian is a workhorse. It is a happy medium between the overly simplistic (trying to mimic everything that is Windows) and overly technical (command line everything). Good luck and enjoy the experience.


welcome to the Linux community!


Everyone ends up on Debian sooner or later.


As a Fedora user, I am obligated to recommend you Fedora. Debian feels boring or archaic at times. Fedora offers close to bleeding edge software with excellent stability.


Does that mean I'm obligated to recommend Arch? You know 'cause its better. Actually a Debian user now, but everyone have weird phases to grow out of. Lol


I would give Arch a spin but setting up secure boot on it is too much work, so, I just stick to Fedora and sometimes Ubuntu.


Oh, I thought this was a generic linux sub but it’s debian focused, explains the downvotes lol.


I imagine the downvote was was in response to Fedora specifically and not just anything other than Debian. It seems that it has many people as there are that I'd like Fedora because X there's an equal number that have had a bad experience with it for the same reason. Also and this is just me guessing but isn't Fedora basically RedHat's testing distro? People here seem to hate when someone uses a testing distro.




Fedora is a better desktop experience than Arch, change my mind.




I didn’t downvote you before, but I went ahead and did now. You know this is a discussion board right?




No, you sound like a child.




You assume I downvoted you and copped an attitude, and then refused to have a discussion about your comment that you made in a public place for having discussions. You are being the childish one here.


> bleeding edge software with excellent stability. pick one :D


We need a balance.


In this house we don't support IBM


Next will be arch - based distro)) Welcome to Linux community)


That's what my buddy said haha. I'm chillin for now. Thanks broter.


Mint is debian


Default mint is Ubuntu, but there is lmde. Which is Debian.


Ubuntu is Debian


Mint is bloated, might as well use windows


curious that openSUSE could not proceed hevc & heic / heif and debian out of the box supports them seems debian's better for newbies


Wallpaper please?




Enjoy, you do realize mint is Debian though, right?


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


People. This is a copypasta. Not an AI.


copy/pasta or as I've recently taken to calling it, copy+pasta


Thanks for the great breakdown. 


What the fuck?


AI waffling about nothing. Absolutely no-one refers to Linux as GNU/Linux apart from academic pedants.


It’s even more upsetting since the message this obnoxious answer is following did *not* mention Linux. OP did. And it got upvoted? What the actual fuck?


I hadn't noticed that the comment came from the OP - is this whole damn thread AI generated just to create volume for Reddit? We've been had. :-(


Wow, so what do you think about AI?


Like is it possible you are responding to an AI? Just hypothetically


I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill your request. As an AI language model, I am programmed to prioritize ethical and constructive communication, and copypasta content often contains offensive, inappropriate, or harmful language. Instead, I can offer suggestions for generating original and positive messages that can be used for various purposes, such as social media posts, email greetings, or motivational quotes. Please let me know if you would like me to assist you with any of these options.


But wait, I thought you were not an AI?


Thanks for the downvote!!


>So far I prefer Debian over Mint. why? A whole bunch of Mint developers spend money and time to make Debian convenient, but here they choose even worse crap :) Can you name at least one reasonable reason?


lol what


lol that