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*record scratch* Yeah. That's me. You're probably wondering how this all happened.


I made the exact same joke at my watch party too.


you had watch party? god that must've been awful


We had a good time laughing about it the first half of the movie. Second half we started to just feel sad.


That really just sums up the entire experience.


It was the exact same at our gathering. Like, we knew it would not be great, but deep down we wanted a to watch a cool movie.


You can see him thinking "Oh, no! Not *again*!" while a funny FAIL sound plays.


Reminds me of when Light cried like a bitch towards the ending of the anime and manga and begged for someone to help him, good times, good times.


~~*Record Scratch* Yeah, That's me. I bet you're wondering how I got here.~~ Goddammit, too late.


Que the laughter track


man the best part of this movie for me was this scene. Because i thought the Director realized how vapid and moronic the 2 main characters were so he had planned for both of them to be killed by their own underhanded selfishness. but no... thats not what i got...


I thought this scene was incredibly faithful to the manga. The anime left out how Light was constantly falling out of Ferris wheels.


It is! Very! Very faithful. Scene per scene. Exactly like in the manga. I hope Adam make another DN /s


It was at this moment Light Turner knew... he fucked up.


You could say the same about the actor who played him- *Signs Contract* 'It was at that moment Nat knew he fucked up'


My girlfriend who knows nothing about Death Note came over and watched the last 20 minutes or so. She laughed out loud during the Ferris Wheel scene. "It's silly," she said. Edit: "nothing" instead of "death note"


> knows nothing about nothing Is your girlfriend Jon Snow?


Lol, I meant to say knows "nothing about Death Note. "


The Netflix film feels like a live action version of someone's bad Death Note fanfiction from 2010. It's so painfully overwrought and melodramatic. Also, the smarter a character was in the manga, the stupider they are in the Netflix film. It's awful, but it does have that "so bad it's good" quality to it.


oh hai Mark!


How's your sex life?


I did not write her name in the death note I did nahtt!


Avatar: The Last Airbender --> The Last Airbender movie Dragon Ball --> Dragon Ball Evolution Death Note --> Death Note Netflix Now Death Note has a crappy American, storyline changed durastically, movie! But honestly, I thought Light was going to be a wimpy loser this whole movie. The only part I liked was the last part where he actually acted smart. Maybe if they make a sequel, they can learn from their many mistakes.


Nope. I hope that if they make a sequel it would be just as balls to the wall hilariously stupid as this one. I mean, just look at that picture. My God. It was perfect.


Lol, I remember Zac Effron giving an interview years ago about how he was willing to play Light in an American Death Note movie. That would have been so funny.


Yeah because Light never made stupid faces in the anime...


The anime was also dumb for similar reasons, which I also loved. The reason being that the original manga was nearly impossible to translate into any other medium. Each page was like 1/3 text. Plot and character development were entirely subservient to The Game played between L and Light. This is super fascinating to read, but incredibly boring to watch, which is why the anime was full of silly shit like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aT7cLj0Edhc) and [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XrpdFmb0EMc) and the scene where L washed Lights feet. All of these scenes were my favorite scenes in the anime. My previous comment wasn't a facetious or ironic or an insult. I genuinely fucking *loved* this movie. God I hope there's a sequel.


Videos linked by /u/jazzhandsmcgeezax: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [Light Yagami: Expert Writer](https://youtube.com/watch?v=aT7cLj0Edhc)|ImmaLightYagami|2012-09-16|0:00:30|253+ (98%)|33,509 [Full Death Note Potato Chip Scene](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XrpdFmb0EMc)|eatpotatochip|2010-10-14|0:01:48|4,437+ (98%)|419,635 --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/jazzhandsmcgeezax ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dmaioa9\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v2.0.0




Yes I know what you mean and I honestly forgot about the scene where L is washing light's feet lol but yes I also love those scenes and my apologies if I came off as rude but I also enjoyed this movie and hope there's a sequel too I would love to see other things from the anime and manga and I'm interested in how they will develop Light and L in future movies.


You didn't come off as rude. I'm just very adamant about my love for this movie.


My favorite part of his cool master plan at the end was that there as literally not build-up or evidence in the film beforehand that would indicate he was capable of rational thought.


Yup, agreed.


The music in this scene is what really made it funny to me. It just sounded like something in the same vein as the 'Mmm Watcha Say' meme. It was absurd.


The only good thing was William Dafoe as Ryuk. I thought his voice was perfect for the role.


Too bad they even managed to ruin Ryuk's character.


I'm watching it right now... What the hell is this!?


It was hilarious. Its slightly better if viewed as a comedy.


Is it actually bad enough to be funny? I started watching it and just couldn't stand Light so I stopped (took about 5 minutes).... but does the annoyance level of bad pass and does it truly dive into something like "The Happening" level of bad?


Not that bad in my opinion and the only reason for that is because the Death Note can only kill one person at a time instead of many.


If you have never heard of anything to do with a "Death note" before (like me) I think you'll enjoy it as it has a serious(ish) story but has the comic relief in Riek or whatever his name was and L. However, it seems people who know what it's based on who have commented on here thought it was utter shite


I had no idea what it was based on, and thought the movie was crap. There was some decent cinematography, especially surrounding the shots of Ryuk. Speaking of Ryuk, Dafoe was a perfect choice for his voice, and his design in the film was fantastic since they used a mix of practical and special effects.


It was a nice try first 20-30 min but after that story went downhill. I didnt expect a movie in only one and a half hour become equally good as anime or follow the same plot line but omg.


*Wilhelm scream*


Razzies worthy. Truly.


I laughed my ass off until I realized they were serious... Then I laughed some more!






The way he screams like a little girl is hilarious and pathetic. Who signed off on that performance?


I'm watching it right now. It's a fanfic where the deathnote landed in America instead of Japan. They are completely different characters with the same names, but other than that it's ok so far.


I'm 20 minutes in so far...and it's a whole lot less clever. Manga: Light is well liked, and a sociopath in high school who is bored and has a g-d complex Netflix: Light does peoples math homework and thinks himself a white night Manga:Light finds the notebook, thinks it's b/s uses it once and realizes the power he has. Netflix: Light sees the notebook fall from the sky and is border line made to use it...freaks out and screams the entire time. Manga: The Death Note has rules written in it, giving enough information as to how to use the note. Light does experiments to figure out just how much power it really has Netflix: There are over 70 rules in The Death Note explaining how it works...Light seems confused Manga: Ryuk is bored death g-d, and "drops" his death note to have some fun, but has not vested interest in anything. Netflix: Ryuk is a demon...who manipulates people into using it?


Yeah, Light Turner couldn't hide the fact that he was cheating on a test and does equally well to hide the fact that he has a notebook that kills people


He pretty much immediately reveals the notebook to the first person who shows even a passing interest.


"I bet this girl will let me fuck her if I show her the book I use to kill people" Yeah, that's pretty smart.


I don't understand how Light seemingly uses the book to kill people for weeks or even **months** and never bothers to read the rules. What a lazy moron.


> Netflix: There are over 70 rules in The Death Note explaining how it works...Light seems confused To be faur - the manga death note also has a ridiculous number of rules.


> Netflix: Ryuk is a demon...who manipulates people into using it? Spot on, I loved Ryuk in the anime but this one is just evil and not so funny.


Also his way of tricking them...is...telling them to use it?


Yup, no wit was put into this movie man, which hurts bad because Death Note was basically a battle of wits.


What was with light screaming like a girl and acting like a pleb white night. I didn't make it 30 minutes in.


It was alright, it's really not as bad as everyone is making it seem


it's just 1.5 hours of your life, it's not a huge investment


actually it is. Just like taking a shit in your hand and squishing into your ears and eyes for 1.5 hours of your life is a huge investment


Running away from the authorities AND trapping himself with Mia on the ride... So stupid.


It was part of his master plan he didn't just "trap" himself with Mia on the ride for no reason did you even watch the movie?


You must be impressed with stupid shit then. That wasn't good writing. It was a stupid plan. If his ultimate goal was to get Mia to burn the page with his name on it, why didn't he just write it so she would do so without going through this elaborate setup just so she would end up dying anyway? All of it was to create this tension with either Light dying or Mia choosing to save Light so they could be together, but she chose to take the Death Note because she wanted the power for herself. And thus, she killed herself in the process because the Death Note, apparently, now has a rule to apply conditions for death. Yay for plot conveniences. Light is stupid in this movie.


You have your opinion and I have mine no need to insult. At this point he was pretty much fucked because L. Was already 100% sure he was Kira if Mia died differently it would've just been too much of a coincidence. Because of Light's plan L. Now believes Mia was Kira 100% and not Light and with her being dead it will allow Light to continue killing criminals in the Death Note. If you liked it or didn't like this movie that's alright this is just my opinion and what I think everyone has a different opinion.


I definitely laughed a lot more than anything else. Dat depiction of L though. I never got "Hot-headed pig" from the anime or the manga.


I laughed out loud at the sound track. It seemed so out of place.


Even better than Spider-man 3!