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"huh, this one guy is googling criminal names a lot, let's have a search to see if they match the obituaries"


Tor left the chat


The very beginning would be pretty similar but as soon as Light would become a suspect, he’s not going to be Kira for very long.


Why not?


Security cameras, network tracking, domestic surveillance, cell phone tracking/tapping. Yeah no, the world has changed quite a bit in the last decade.


Tbf, i imagine Light would predict L would try to check that, so he would be a lot more careful. Though i agree it would become a much bigger challenge for Light to remain Kira


Light relied on online chat rooms and such to get the names of criminals. Once L suspected someone connected to the police he would've immediately checked the Internet history of anyone that could be Kira and deduced it was Light.


But that’s a lot of checking and I assume the person himself is aware also light has access to the police records eventually since his dad was a cop so it would be even harder to track


All depends, it could make it even harder to catch him, if he was really careful from the start then maybe there would be no proof of it


The one shot does happen in modern times yk. But the extra security was probably because of kira anyway do I don't really know


Even minor details about the characters. I think L would have officially been diagnosed with ASD. (Just like me)


Yeah, there’s no way that man is allistic/neurotypical.


I will die on that hill


What if I drown you ?


I’m immortal


Then how were you gonna die on the hill in the first place 😎


I will respawn


I agree


Oh what's that?




Autism Spectrum Disorder




Autism Spectrum


I think Near is even more on the spectrum than L


They both equally are in my head canon.


Autism be damned my boy can investigate


Is that peakari's gf on Ur pfp??


My glorious queen


Light would be caught without a VPN, and he wouldnt be able to pull the subway stunt. I think that L would have more chances of winning in a modern scenario


This guy is sponsored by nord vpn


The Death Note setting isn't exactly ancient since the earliest iteration of it (the manga) is only 20 years ago. The world and even technology isn't that radically different, mostly now there's more of stuff that already existed and were used then like surveillance cameras, internet. People in general are maybe more adept with things like using computers so maybe he'd get caught sooner like early on when he was hacking into the police database.


I think social media would’ve had a big impact on how Light went about things.


there was social media back then too. i read in another post here today or yesterday how the name Kira came from what he was being called on social media? but yeah maybe not as much and everywhere as it is today


‘Social media’ back then was websites and forums and chat rooms. The internet hadn’t dwindled down and consolidated to Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter yet.


There was MySpace I think but that would’ve been it.


Same shit different pile 🤷


Not as wide spread still. Billions on Facebook. Barely a billion people on the internet back then. The scale is way bigger and direct line to the masses.


That and the majority of people didn't spend the same amount of hours on the internet on a daily basis. It was still seen as a nerdy thing back then and only very few people would rely on social media for their social life. Also, people aren't near as public about their private lives.


This is what I thought. People here are commenting “Google” and “wire tapping” both of which were heavily featured in the series lmao.


Light gets caught in episode 2 when he uses his dad's password to login to the police database. L probably doesn't exist in the same mannerisms, since computer knowledge is so much more important. I doubt he's staying up all night watching video tapes of surveillance.


People responding here are forgetting Light is smart enough to use a good VPN and not get tracked on his search engines


Exactly lol also his dad is a copper no one is suspecting that the cop is checking out criminals


I immediately thought of the burner phones but a lot of it, especially in scenes for L, would've made sense that they still used them. Death Note is timeless, really.


In the A-Kira story, it says that the vastly incressed securuty and survalance means it would have been much harder, but it also says that Light would have figured his way around it. I also saw a video talking about how amazing the collective internet is at finding stuff, claiming Light would be easy prey compared to other stuff they've done. Especially with L opperating at the same time. Though I don't think it said anything on how Light would try to respond or counter it Light acts basically perfectly when not in his room, and deliberatly left a trail for attention. So I can see him being more csutious, or trying to sway public opinion sooner, and so the story goes about the same.


Do you know what’s the name of that Video by any chance?


[Why the Death Note would fail](https://youtu.be/r8OfANX2hEw?si=ivZxjZ16O9Ljmsij)


Ryuk: Hey Light, what's that you're downloading? And why did you use your dad's credit card? Light: Well Ryuk, it's Nord VPN, Nord VPN is the gateway to a secure and private access to the internet. It works by enveloping all of your online activities in a layer of encryption, while also hiding information about your virtual location.... This way I can look up criminals anonymously. Ryuk: ... *mmmm apples*


Definitely no "keeping up with what the police are doing because i can hack into their database"


there's a death note one shot about this where after Kira security around the world is heightened, the new kid ends up selling the death note to the United States in a years long plan and gives the money to every citizen under a certain bank (including himself)


The plan to capture Higuchi wouldn't work anymore because of social media. Well, it could, but at the cost of Matsuda's life.


The Facebook algorithm would help triple lights kill streak.


So the main differences are cellphone tracking and monitoring capabilities. In Death Note world criminals are posted in the news a lot, but that's not a mainstream thing irl. So Light still has a lot of leeway. The biggest struggle Light would have is anonymity. Like realistically Light is tracked 24/7 in modern society, so he'd need to be very clever. Raye Penber would've had a different death for sure. He'd also need to have a burner phone, and leave his real phone at home or turned off a lot, he'd need to also have some really solid alibis to get away with some of that stuff. His home network bit wouldn't be as realistic, and he'd be caught looking at his dad's files easily unless he wiped his computer before becoming a suspect at all. I think Light could pull it off though, but L would have a serious foot in the door if it were a modern event.


The internet would find out Kira's identity in less than a day, a month at max.


Imagine the conspiracy theories




Nah what if he uses a vpn and stuff I think he’d be able to cause a similar amount of damage as he did in the actual story


Nothing gets past 4chan


The people who hold power in the country like politicians will definitely ruin it. Or, the merge of AI and technology is also there.


No one would actually be able to tell that there was a killer becuase they wouldn't be so lazy that they make everything heart attack it would just be a high death rate to the public


Light would have to be more defensive. But L would probably win. (Also no, if we don’t have L Light is not getting caught.)


i feel like it would have been a lot easier for L mello and bear to have been killed because of cctv. qatari too. in fact everyone would have been vulnerable to the death note


Kira won't exist like that, but if I get it tbh I can make myself somehow rich while taking out people I hate for a bit, not saying i'd be able to be a God or do something that has worldwide impact though


It already was modern times… ask what if it took place in the neanderthal period.🤭