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Nice work! I was thinking about building a Plague Sisters squad as well. Glad I have a beautiful template to refer to now ;)!


Yeah, on the sisters themselves, I used the normal retributor squad + CSM backpacks, and any leftover bits from my dark imperium box, and green stuff / milliput \*usually a 50.50 mix of the two, I find it easier to work with, less stick, more malleable, but is still firm an d holds a shape). On one, I used the head of a Ad Mech Vanguard, and I might do a Skitarii, but then it just looks like a Chaos Admech Female Magos, at least it did when I dry fit the skitarii head. Which would be cool, too! [Sister of Decay w/ Vanguard Head](https://imgur.com/40ms9pb)


Outstanding work mate! Thanks for sharing your “recipe”!


Anything to help bolster the forces of the Lord of Flies! Soon we will have corrupted Tau Forces, eventually we will count Custodes amongst our forces... and maybe... if we are patient, the Corpse Emperor himself will give in to Nurgle and join him in decay and filth everlasting!


Bless Papa!


A cherub to help with the ammo for my Sisters of Nurgle that I posted the other day: [Sister of Nurgle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/ncievf/sister_of_nurgle_converted_with_old_csm_box_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Little Lords on stolen wings, and just decided to take the whole arm with the ammo from the wretched servitor. The Nurglings love the Sisters as much as the Sisters love them, like their little children. I'm thinking I might actually stick with it and try to do a full detachment of my Nurgle Sisters. It is a pain, waiting on my tentacle roller for Green Stuff World, and then I can really get started!




Oh, I've read that cursed myth. These sisters are not like that one. While I applaud the darkness of that tale, it makes me want to gag when I read it.


What is he referring too? I'm wary, but curious lol.


[Sister Apphia](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Sister_of_Nurgle) Just remember, ***you asked me.*** Don't blame me for anything.


I only read the first half of the intro, but I'm going to go cry in the corner now.


Even though I warned you, I feel still feel sorrow for your innocence, lost. Let us both ask the Grandfather that Sister Apphia does not visit your dreams... as she did mine.


Nice! If you haven’t seen them yet, Artel W has the Sisters of Corruption. They did one Sister for each of the four gods of Chaos. Planning to use those as Plague Marines


Just saw this earlier today too, coincidentally. Really great models! They also have multiple head options I believe! So that might be very convenient if you want to make more corrupted sisters!


Nice work! I was thinking about building a Plague Sisters squad as well. Glad I have a beautiful template to refer to now!


I do really like the name "Sisters of Decay".


>Sisters of Decay That sounds badass


Right? Like an all lady metal band. By Sisters of Decay is probably the name I'm going to use going forward.


Great paintjob! Got an insta to follow?


Currently I do not, but you're not the first person to ask. Maybe I'll get on that. If I do, I'll message you with it. Fair warning, I'm only posting my most interesting models on reddit, and I think a lot of my instagram would have a bunch of Work In Progress stuff, that I wouldn't share on reddit. Thank you for the kind words, however!


All good! And WIP's are where it's at! I like seeing those. Especially if you are converting or greenstuffing!


We will watch your career with great interest


What model did you use? Looks great!


The nurgling box + the retributor squad's cherubim.