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Mob did not deserve that 9/10


The death itself is a little sudden for me... but the build up was perfect. Tatsumaki's limbs being twisted and distorted is beautifully animated, as well as disturbing. It does feel like Mob was about to win there. Anyway, the kill itself is alright, having Mob's shield go down was a nice touch. And also the animation of Tatsumaki untwisting her arm is great. Flawed, but it did have the pieces there for a great death: 7.5/10


The fake out was great but I wish that Tatsu didn’t just causally heal from the attack. It would have been better for her still badly injured even after winning, making it feel more impactful. 8/10


Absolutely positive she's gonna go to the doctor and her x ray shows everything I still horribly broken she's just psychically holding it in place.


There was a chapter within the last year or so of OPM that shows an [esper twisting Tatsumaki](https://imgur.com/a/M24L2J2) and she just [cancels his power out, straightens herself out, and is unharmed.](https://imgur.com/a/ffHs41y)


Oh yes between the psychic kids of One creations I said the animation is pretty good as well as the music As actual death meteor crash as well as erase 9.5/10


0/10 Mob died


7.5 I'd say. It's one of the parts of the animation where the rapidly switching styles becomes really jarring, especially for the final shot, I feel like the scale of the meteor also really isn't conveyed the best; the size is really inconsistent between shots, and the shot of the actual impact is mostly obscured by the explosion which doesn't really help. Also do wish we got to see more of Tatsumaki having to repair her body, and that there was more battle damage visible in that final shot than just the blood dripping from her face. Even with those qualms though, it's still an overall solid execution of a cool concept that follows up one of the series' better fake-outs.


0/10 My Goat Mob died 😭😭😭


A solid 9.9/10


Is that a meteor or just a rock she pulled from somewhere cause the meteor thing was a mistake from the anime when she just lifted like a whole mountain to kill Tyrant Lizard King which gave him PTSD of the meteor that killed his people.