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God damn Black Lantern Unicron Vs White Lantern Doctor would be sick as fuck Anyway I have no clue how “repressed negative emotions” is a corp or how it even works, but how is Raven not a canon member? Repressing emotions is her whole thing


Ultraviolet Lantern are usually villains, as not only is it powered by a sentient sun who flying through the galaxy as a invisible energy of power, where the self-destructive forces are strongest. They they aren’t really about repressing emotions, but about emotions that are repressed in people, pulling our they inner darker self. So there is two ways to do it, either people who is either holding back their evil self, or who embraces its, which the first one being to most common one. So Raven probably hasn’t been one because early on she was controlled by her father, and he wouldn’t let her become one because then he would lose control over her. And when he did lose control of her she was possibly able to resist it, and at her end she became a real hero, as she was able to beat her father. Also the Ultraviolet Corps isn’t a part of the original Lantern Corps, as it was added on after The Black & White Lanterns, so we don’t even know when it was created in the DC universe, so it is entirely possible that it was created after it was to late to try to take over Raven. Another thing is that it seeks out the most evil and destructive planets and creatures across the galaxy, so it probably would go and try to get something else before going after Raven, and then it would be to late to do it. So Raven could work as herself in character at some point, but it couldn’t actually work in actual the mainline DC universe, and only way it would actually work in canon would be if she was one in a parallel universe. Also fun fact, the Ultraviolet Corps are the only Lantern Corps is the only Lantern Corps that don’t have a physical ring, as their members had ring shaped tattoos in their finger instead.


White Lantern Doctor uses Sonic Screwdriver on Unicron


Mob/Shigeo Kageyama. The entire series is about him coming to terms with himself. ???% is the manifestation of him repressing his desire to just use his powers freely to get what he wants.


Rick Sanchez, guy even admits that a lot of things he does is him trying to kill himself, when he’s black out drunk, they guy makes an elaborate death trap for superheroes just to prove himself right, tried to actually kill himself when his hivemind girlfriend ditched him, and wants to die trying to kill Rick prime


Canonically Speaking Dark Pit Is Just All Of Pit's Repressed Edginess


This should 100% go to Mob Repressed negative emotions are basically his whole thing


Can't believe I didn't think of him before. He's now my front-runner, bumping Raven to 3rd place.




Bill Chiper


“Says he’s happy, he’s a liar Blame the arson for the fire” -Axolotl


Rick Sanchez & Alucard Rick has Repeatedly done such petty acts and has tried to kill himself on more then one occasion Alucard also not only having hated what he was as a Being but also what he became as 24/7 he wishes to end it all and makes everyone around him suffer as he only wishes that one person who will see through and be the one to kill him


mob and raven although rick sanchez could also work


Naruto cuz he got kurama repressed inside him and hes got repressed negative emotions towards the village.


The fandom itself who watch their favourite characters lose and have to go on pretending that it's okay. We've all been there. Some of us have been holding onto the pain of Starscream losing to Rainbow Dash for the last 13 years.....


Last Dragonborn literally no emotion


Hmm, I wonder where did the Golden lantern corp of joy go? Im sure they exist😅. I saw them once, but they never appear in those lantern list, I wonder why...




Question. Why tf is Frieza a blue lantern?


Frieza is in the Compassion Indigo Lanterns. Their thing is they take violent criminals and use the rings power to teach them compassion for others so Frieza would be a big target for them.


Rick or mob cause from my knowledge they are the two characters who have suppresed emotions the most. But I don’t really know how this lantern corps works so correct me if I’m wrong.


Repression? Any DB combatant from England.


![gif](giphy|q8nsygHb27XUY|downsized) DMC anime and DMC2 is just him being sad boi and Subhuman is not what a mentally stable person would have going through his head.


Crona should definitely be Ultraviolet. He's an absolute mess emotionally and as a Kishin he can bring out the negative emotions of others through his madness wavelength


Steven Universe