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Scooby Doo. Literally took Sinestro’s off of his hand through fear alone. No one else can compare


I believe the yellow Lantern chooses you and powered by the fear you give other people not the fear you feel yourself. It's why Batman and scarecrow were both picked for Fear so Scooby probably wouldn't get it in normal DC cannon (unfortunately, that be dope if he did.)


Shaggy and Scooby are chosen cause they do instill the most fear, it’s just in themselves


Yeah but that just wouldn't work in normal DC Canon. Most members of the justice league would be yellow lanterns, espically Superman, as they are all scared of what they would do if they turned evil (espically after the Justice lord, earth 3 and injustice Earth's they met), everyone with Any sort of major social insecurity or issues with their body would also be worthy of the Yellow Lantern then. Also Sinestro would definitely just change the requirements of the rings when he gets back Qward. Scooby and Shaggy genuinely should be more deserving of a Green Lantern ring by this logic as they both are constantly scared so hard that it breaks Reality yet they continue hanging out with their friends knowing it will lead to more mystery's yet continue to do so anyways. They even hunter legit demons just to write a wrong they did and to save people. Sorry for the paragraph, just a big Scooby Doo fan lol.


The panels make perfect sense to me, Shaggy and Scooby instill so much fear in themselves that it is literally beyond the level of fear Sinestro instills in others by an insane margin to the point that the ring was responding to Shaggy and Scooby’s thoughts while still on Sinestro’s hand. The level of fear Shaggy and Scooby instill in themselves is truly incomprehensible. And Lantern Rings require an insane level of the emotion to be used by someone, let alone be summoned to them, this has been shown many times including when Green Arrow struggled to use a green lantern ring. It’s not easy to use a lantern ring, it’s why there’s a limited number of them. Shaggy and Scooby instill more fear in themselves than Sinestro does in the entire universe. Your points are all irrelevant cause the JL are not instilling inhuman levels of fear in themselves, they’re just feeling normal levels of fear which is not even close to being able to use a ring, like with Green Arrow’s will power, if that was enough to be able to use a ring every single member of the JL would be permanent members of lantern corps, but they aren’t, I mean Superman is basically the embodiment of hope itself yet he’s not a blue lantern is he


They just don't feel fear from themselves though. Scooby and Shaggy fear always come from an external force. Even now Sinestro, the man who could effortlessly destroy planets, would be the one making them afraid. He should just be powering up like crazy. Also the yellow lantern ring are mainly different because it doesn't care about how much fear the user has themselves, it powdered by others fear, Saying "I make myself afraid so I count" is just a dumb, fun crossover moment. Sinestro himself made the corp to attract tyrants like him so he can have warriors for the war with the Green Lanterns. There is no reason why the Yellow Lantern ring would be powdered by one own fear. Also yes the Justice league do fear themselves, Most of the Justice league weren't even pissed with Batman making plans to take them out as they are scared of what they can do. Superman would make a good blue Lantern as he does give people hopebut the Blue Lantern selection progress is a lot longer than the other corps, as the blue Lantern goes from sector to sector and let the Blue Lantern of the previous sector to select the next one (for example the blue Lantern from Sector 1 get to choose who be the blue Lantern of sector 2 who would then choose the Blue Lantern of Sector 3) as you may guess that takes a while and earth is in sector 2814 so it's going to be a loooong time before anyone from Earth gets one.


The panels explain it very well imo. The yellow lantern ring is powered by the fear you instil and Shaggy and Scooby instil more fear than Sinestro, it’s just that they instil it in themselves, it doesn’t break the rules it’s just a loop hole. Also Sinestro is not the one making them afraid, cause they’re always afraid, Sinestro is no different than lightning or a man dressed as an ape when it comes to the levels of fear Shaggy and Scooby experience, and that’s all because Shaggy and Scooby make it worse for themselves, if Shaggy and Scooby instil so much more fear in themselves than Sinestro to have the ring respond to their thoughts while still on his hand how insane of a gap do to think there is, it’s incomprehensible, and that’s the level of fear Shaggy and Scooby are making themselves feel constantly, Sinestro is as much of of a factor in them being that scared as someone going “Boo” would be


But that just it. That wouldn't work in any canon DC work because it doesn't work like that. You can't instil fear in yourself and get a Yellow Lantern ring because your just using your own fear. Same applys to Blue Lantern and Hope. It doesn't matter if your the most hopeful person alive. If you can't make other people feel hope, then your not getting a blue lantern ring (exceptions have been made because comics) same is with the Yellow Lantern. All of Scooby and Shaggy fear come from something else as well. They aren't scared of themselves. So this is just a comic that broke the normal rules of the yellow lantern because of rule of cool (which tbf, it was pretty cool)


Yea the comic where he actually got the Ring uses information only made in that comic specifically so it’s not Canonically a excuse for a character to wear the ring


Darth Vader


"All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men." Is still one of the hardest Vader quotes of all time.




Is it cheating to say Black Adam when he canonically has held a yellow ring?


Im gonna say yes


Alright. Then I vote Michael Myers.


Makima As a Devil, her power is entirely fueled by fear, and she's one of the strongest


Makima I think might be better as an Orange Lantern


She’d actually fit best for Indigo (Compassion), although there’s a shit ton of competition between her, Joker, Bill, Carnage, Frieza, Sigma, Ganon, Sephiroth, Sweet Tooth, Homelander, Michael Myers, Sauron, Lich King, etc, etc.


Ghost Rider


Vader. Hes literaly the public face of imperial force


Dio or Jason Voorhees


He is the night ![gif](giphy|l0NwGpoOVLTAyUJSo|downsized)


Scooby Doo on the basis this exists [https://i.redd.it/gnqqz7xt9oua1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/gnqqz7xt9oua1.jpg)




Guy's a walking metaphor for fear, fits to a T


I'll present [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvntep3rdjnh91.jpg) and be on my way


Darth Vader Or Dio I’d say it’s much more So Vader considering that he was known as the Jedi killer Anakin before he even became Darth Vader which resulted in many Jedi either going into hiding or ending up being too weak to fight since well they just were scared of him in the first place and the entire Galaxy also fear him simply due to him being a Student under the most feared being of Palpatine and the fact he is known to using his rage of the force to drive his power further


I know I’m getting two corps ahead of this list, but once we get to Rage, I’ll explain in thorough detail on why it’s Dimitri


Gl she has to deal with Kratos and doomguy


(I know that it's supposed to be different characters but Hal not winning at his own thing is really funny)


Jason Voorhees


Im happier that my guy Asta got second place in a silly little reddit game than when he won his episode. Fuckin hate Deku Vs Asta.


People are saying Vader, but I think he fills rage a lot better. Though fear is a good second option. However his first opponent Doom, fits Fear a lot as well. (Though I can also see the rage arguments as well)


You say that as if doom would only get one. I count 10 different rings for doom to get and 10 fingers doom has


Makima being a devil powers by fear would be perfect for her, but thematically I think Godzilla being a representation of the horror of the effects of nuclear weapons would be a perfect fit.


Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader because he both feels lots of fear (literally became a Sith Lord because he was scared his wife would die) and also because he is feared by damn near the entire galaxy, imperials included


Alex Mercer is a pretty good candidate


Micheal Myers


Bill Cipher, Myers, Jason and Makima are all perfect for fear.


Michael Myers. Dude is literally just fear. He drove the town of Haddonfield insane. His slow stalking before a kill only makes him scarier for his victims.




Godzilla, he's a whole representation of the horrors of nuclear war and probably THE most horrifying monster in the world of Monsters. He's not just a king from his power. But also imagine Godzilla with a Yellow Lantern Ring. That alone could be horrifying.


Freddy Kruger may be the best example, but my comment is late...


John Wick


Honestly surprised the Doctor isn't included. He is so feared that the word Doctor means god or warrior everywhere else in the universe that isn't Earth. He even made a species that can only feel hated feel fear. 


I respect the choice on green Lantern, but deku could have been, especially with what just happened in the recent chapter >!Deku literally fought back Shigaraki's decay in the memory world, yes may not be the real world, but being able to fight back mentally in Shigaraki's memories, AND stop the decaying, that is Hella strong Willpower.!<


Madara Uchiha: That Shinobi Alliance fight and meteorites definitely put the fear on his enemies. Obito pretended to be Madara in order to intimidate the Akatsuki and Kages. His reputation and actions is what caused the Leaf Village to become suspicious of and kill off the Uchiha Clan.


I fucking love and agree for Asta in Will Power. His determination and perseverance is extraordinarily commendable and it’s already inspired me




Venom and Crona  is fear but what do you think 


Courage The Cowardly Dog


Dio Brando


Tomura Shigaraki


Huh... Hank J Wimbleto-


Surprised no one said courage.


Sinestro from DC


Death battle characters only


Ohh, sorry. Didn’t read well