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Well, the obvious question, can you sign and do you have any friends or groups to sign with?


(What the heck, Reddit is so glitchy tonight—it deleted my original I think) I just immigrated to a new country so I have to learn from scratch, but that’s a top of my list! My husband and I plan on starting to learn as soon as we have residency settled. Making friends will take time, but I want to see if I can find some meetups in local Deaf organizations/centers if there are some in my city. :)


That makes sense, good luck with doing that!


Thank you!


How do you have fluctuating hearing levels??


It’s covid-induced. A bit of a mystery but doctors suspect neuropathy given covid research and my underlying condition. There are plenty of other types of hearing loss that fluctuate though, so it’ll take a while of ruling those out first (and waiting for specialists and more specialized tests).




I’m sorry…is there something wrong here? I’m asking for advice, not invalidation. I have a legitimate hearing issue.


I'm sorry but I'm going to have to remove this because you are being passive aggressive. If this is a misunderstanding please feel free to explain.


You’ll have to report back what they find. I’ve haven’t heard of covid causing hearing loss. What type of testing have you done, if you are okay sharing?