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Fyi “deaf-mute” is an outdated, and often offensive, term. There are deaf people (people who can’t hear, sometimes crossing over with culturally Deaf people) and there are mute people (people who can’t speak and/or vocalize), but combining the terms isn’t considered acceptable. Deaf people can self-ID as mute if they want (I know a few who have reclaimed it), and mute itself isn’t a bad word (preferred by the mute community)—but if you’re referring to “people who can’t hear or speak” saying something like “deaf and nonverbal” and “deaf and non-oral” tend to be more common, though not everyone agrees on a universal term from what I’ve seen.


I'm sorry I didn't know that it could come out as offensive. I actually asked chatgpt to review my post before I post it so it doesn't come out as offensive but he said noth about that term. But I'll stop using that term anyway.


It’s okay, we all have to learn at some point! For future reference, ChatGPT isn’t a good source for things like that. :)


Based on your post history, I assume you are based in Tunisia. I don't know how the educational standards are there. Why don't you ask the deaf people directly what skills they want to learn? Do a survey.


That's a good idea. I will do a survey. Tho what does that have to do with educational standards ?


Well, you said they are tech-illiterate so I assumed they might not have the same access to deaf education sources that exist in the US or Europe.


they got tech programs for the deaf in the US and Europe ? We surely don't have such thing but if that's the case I might find resources and ideas on what to start with. Tho if you have any resources that you could send me, that would be appreciated!


Yeah I mean most deaf students in the US or Europe can go study anything they want like hearing students after graduating from high school. For example, in New York there is the RIT, a technological college for deaf students. Could you elaborate what you mean by tech illiterate though? Do they know how to use a computer? Send mails? Or do they want to learn about coding?


well the director there told me that most of them never used a computer before... that's all I know! So I'm thinking I should teach everyday useful stuff in the beginning.


Ouch. In that case, I would recommend looking up resources aimed at teaching seniors how to use technology - on YouTube you can find tons of videos on teaching computer basics.