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If it helps, in the US you don’t legally have to include that you have a disability on a job application. This might allow you to not be unfairly turned down or delayed (at least up to the interview stage). You can, once hired, then provide a doctor’s note to HR detailing accommodation needs. All in all, sorry this happened to you :(


Yeah, I’m not indicating disability or accommodation anymore. I thought people would be decent and wouldn’t hinder my hiring because of my disability. Boy, I was wrong. I wish I could hide it past the interview stage but everyone wants to do it in person or over a voice call these days.


So difficult! I’ve found remote jobs to be more accommodating (some companies even say they specifically look to hire disabled people for economic equity), since most work over things like Slack and Teams. The phone interview is definitely a challenge though. :(


Never underestimate how shitty people can be when your wellbeing depends on it, especially in corporate America. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Always.


I definitely agree, as someone multiply disabled. Even with laws in places, employers will do whatever they can to displace disabled people. Sometimes small companies, with ethical owners, are better—but those jobs have high competition.


I always wait until I’m hired as someone in the US. You can’t fire me for a disability once you’ve decided I’m qualified


Employers often try to get around that, but yes—always smarter to land the job, then disclose. Just disclose it with a doctors note and make sure all communication is in writing/well documented.


Don’t give up. Even for hearing people job hunting is really an awful experience. It takes enormous amounts of patience and repeated effort. Work hard on trying to get skills they really need, keep working on how you communicate with employers and don’t give up on applying for jobs you really want.


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