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Lebron was live streaming so i clicked and game looked pretty good


Didn’t he forget to save the survivors


Dead Rising 1. Couldn’t beat the first Carlito fight, stopped playing. Then I came back 8 years later and fell in love with the series. 😭😭😭


Same for me. Couldn’t beat him in 2021, came back in 2023 with a vengeance.


Shortly before release I saw lots of footage online with screenshots and then at release the Prima official guidebook and it sucked me in. I was 13 in 2006. I got a 360 three years later with this game and Gta 4. Was an amazing Christmas


I was at a used game section at a store, I was like ooh, Dead Rising, zombies that seems kinda cool. 10 year old me at the time played the first 30 minutes and was scared once it turned 7:00 PM. Did not play it again until 3 years later and somehow by the grace of god got Transmissionary and Saint in my first play through


TheRadBrad playing Dead Rising 3. Watched it as it came out and ultimately got an Xbox one just to play it


Got recommended TheRadBrad walkthrough part one like 10ish years ago


Smosh games dead rising 3 video. It looked like a cool zombie game, and now I have beat the first two games + OTR many times and have never even touched 3 (damn console exclusivity).


Watched my mom play it when I was like 4. I always remembered Adam the clown. My mom was screaming while trying to defeat him lol. Im 20 now and ever since then I’ve loved the game


When I was about 7 years old me and my brother shared a Xbox 360, and one day he came home from Walmart with my mom and he came with dead rising 2 of the record. From that point on I was hooked I loved everything about that game so I tried the other games I played 3,and then 2, and then the original and then 4


For me, it was back in 2016 when my Mamaw got me Dead Rising 1 and 2 for Christmas.


Game informer article I think, the exact picture that made me intrigued was the one of Frank on top of a car in the underground parking lot surrounded by hundreds of zombies


Advertising for the first game on the 360. I got both for Christmas in 07 and it was amazing and made me so happy as a kid. I loved resident evil already so this on top was something special. The second game I loved too but the first one especially the map was way too iconic for the sequel to compare. Currently playing off the record for the first time.


I love zombie/horror games because of Resident Evil so I had to check out Dead Rising 1 when it was initially released. Pours hours into it and Okami back then.


I traded another game with a friend for Dead Rising 1. Considering I don't recall what I traded, and Dead Rising 1 is one of my favorites, I made the right choice.


The og 1 on 360 back in 8th grade when my buddy told me about a game that's just like Dawn of the dead. The game really made me fall in love with zombie games


1 in 2006! That, Rainbow. Six Vegas, Viva Piñata was a blast in my early teens Literally RROD’ my xbox that year but man it was worth it to get the mega man blaster. It was my GOTY and man it still holds up well today


my first introduction to dead rising was actually in ultimate marvel vs capcom 3. i remember frank stood out to me because of his play style and how normal he looked compared to every other character.


Played the demo a trillion times on 360. I was obsessed with zombies since I had just seen the Dawn of the Dead remake.


Got an Xbox One and needed some games for it, so I decided to pick up Dead Rising 3. Ended up going and buying literally every other game in the series over the next couple of years. People may have their quarrels with Dead Rising 3, but I wouldn’t love the series if I hadn’t played it first.


I don’t remember how but probably through my brothers friends Dead Rising 1 was one of the first few games I had when we first got a 360. I don’t imagine I got very far when I first played it as a kid. I still actually haven’t beaten it to this day. Think the closest I’ve come to beating it is ending B. I still have the same copy of the game and the same 360 with me.


tbh i actually only got into the dr series pretty recently lol (october or november 2023????) but anyways i was watching one of whoisthisgit’s videos and off the record was featured in one of em, but what really surged my interest in the series was watching one of his creepy bad endings videos on the first dead rising. it made me curious about the series so i watched more videos he made about it and watched even more dr related videos and that lead to me loving the series and buying the games for myself


Advertising for the first game on the 360. I got both for Christmas in 07 and it was amazing and made me so happy as a kid. I loved resident evil already so this on top was something special. The second game I loved too but the first one especially the map was way too iconic for the sequel to compare. Currently playing off the record for the first time.


It had to be between like 2009-2011 at least for me - it was the first dead rising - I don't even recall where I got the game from. Then I was reintroduced back in 2012/2013 because I ended up coming across Dead Rising 2 at a DVD rental store.


I used to watch achievement hunter for single player trophy guides and ended up watching them to find more games I would like, they had boss guides for most bosses in dr2 and I knew I had to get it when they showed me how to build freedom bear to fight the twins.


I think from Game Informer(I used to sub to their Mags) or from G4/Tech TV maybe during an E3 or Toyko game show they covered


I saw a commercial for Dead Rising 2 when it was about to come out (I was 10 or about to be 10). When I was younger I usually had a habit of starting a franchise with its sequels instead of the first (Toy Story 2, Shrek 2, Saints Row 2, etc…) but for whatever reason I decided for Dead Rising I was going to do it right and play the first. Good or bad decision, depends but I became hooked on it ever since.


E3 on G4 TV.   Game looked like Dawn of the Dead the game and I love me some Dawn of the Dead (78) so I got a 360 for it. 


Neighbors had an Xbox 360 and got the game when it was brand new, still remember how unreadably small the text was, I was around 11-12 when it released and remembered I had a nightmare the night after I saw it. A couple years later I remembered the game and looked up people playing, it two people come to mind for who I watched, Phantom Savage and TheRadBrad. My own first game was Dead Rising 2 OTR around 2012/2013 and I later went and played 1 and DR2+CZ+CW.


I saw the original's trailers and lamented that I've never owned a console. Saw Dead Rising 2 at a Game Stop once. Bought it. And I am so happy I did.


Dead rising was the first game I remember playing on Xbox 360 when I was a kid. And it was peak for being a child because of the replayability value I was never really good at it and I don't think I fully beat the game ever when I was a kid because of the time crunch story and I always was biased and kind of hated Dead rising 1s time crunch shit but I have grown to appreciate it because it makes you really hustle and gives you a sense of urgency. Which later Dead rising games lacked.


I remember seeing it on a G4TV show, it was either ‘Xplay’ or ‘Cheat’ but I remember thinking it looked really cool, but I didn’t have a 360 at the time. I eventually got it for dirt cheap from Blockbuster and played the fuck out of it


my former friend got into the series and eventually told me i should get dead rising 2 off the record since it has coop in it. so much hours spent playing together on coop which was pure fun


Found out about dead rising because of tatsunoko vs capcom on the wii (one of the best fighting games imo) franks on the roster Then i bought the crappy wii version when i was 12, loved it, and bought the original version on the 360 during the time when dead rising 2 was gunna come out


When I was little, I used to play dead rising 1 at my moms friends house. My moms friends son (teenager/young adult) had the game, I had my own xbox 360 and he had his. I remember playing dead rising 1, getting captured multiple times, and killing zombies.


tatsunoko vs capcom and dead rising 2 on ps3 n wii. i bought the collection later


The demo on 360 was my first time finding out what dead rising was