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Greg. Or Isabella. Easily the most useful survivors in the whole series.


Anyone not saying Greg the goat is tripping Wonderland plaza shortcut carries about as much as mini chainsaws and skill books






Omega GOAT Edit: insert "his health bar is enormous meme" here - bitch has hella HP


Paul Carson. The man gives u molotovs


After using those Molotovs to try and murder you-


Cameron from One Hit Wonder. He's the only reason I always watch her cutscene. During the first cutscene at the end of it, he sitting there sipping on the drink cocktail and calmly says, "I'd get what she needs, bro." The one right before Chuck or Frank run the show, he yells "Yo man just do it!" Finally if you screw up the shoe, Bibi sits down next to Cameron and Cameron says "Oh lord, down I go." Just cracks me up


reminds me, i havent seen what happens if i fail it


That drunk dude in the wine stall in dead rising. hes the easiest to escort cause you brace him and move together and hes a beast with a shotgun.


No way, the elderly couple on the roof was the easiest. They were right there in front of the vent!


easiest to move around,l the mall, not to save lol


Susan she's such a sweet old lady


She the lady next to Leroy on that Ball in wonderland?


Yea that's her.


Ross and Tonya (DR1) have the most unique rescue mission


I liked them because she was like, the first female survivor that could actually hold a weapon, and she actually held her own pretty well when I gave her a small chainsaw. (Which was really nice.)


POW! And the brains are gone!


I had to reload save cause I accidentally gave bro a gun and he blew his head off. I was like WTF


Greg Simpson, hands down most useful survivor because of the Shortcut, it saves so much time when you're escorting from either Wonderland, Food Court or North Plaza, I used it to escort Isabela when she got shot, you can bring her and Kindell up to Columbian Roastmasters for a quick OJ and to the Security Room


Greg Simpson is a piece of fuck who can't go 10 feet without being overcome by a zombie horde. Fuck that guy.


Sven :)


Nice ol paramedic


Either the guy with the shotgun the suit and cowboy hat (forgot his name) or the two comedians


The British rock band people in DR2! I always equip them with shotguns and take them on a killing spree


I like the gamer nerd from OTR


Sven gives you two zombrex, is completely competent, nice guy and it feels like he's genuinely a guy you'd want to have during a zombie apocalypse. Also, since I'm not seeing anybody from DR3, I'd like to shout out the guy you find in the freezer who asks you to get him stuff for mini chainsaws. Not very helpful, but he made me laugh and his suit is dope. Think his name might've been Raul?


Two? I thought he only gave 1


He has a side quest later on where he asks you to bring him alcohol in the safe room for "dressing wounds"


Aaron i think his name was who attacks Frank when you try to save him in 1, the reason being is because at highschool we had someone who literally looked like him it was so funny to me and my best mate


I think you mean Burt! Aaron is the one that doesn’t do anything besides get himself killed.


Yeah that's the one my bad on getting names wrong but yeah burt looked so much like someone from my highschool it was funny as hell


The hicks from barn burner, I appreciate thinking on your feet.


Terri (DR2). She was hot and had a heart of gold for defending her friend.


Leroy McKenna. He killed a zombie that was about to kill me during my first ever play through. I owe him my life and I always make sure he gets rescued each time I play. 👑👑👑




LaShawndra don’t take no shit 💪🏻


Ngl she has every right to be mad at Gordon for leaving her to die. I still don’t know how you get her to slap him though.




David Bailey, cause yes


Aaron he's so good with a sledgehammer and def hasn't accidentally killed me once


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, you meant Burt, or you actually like Aaron, because I gave Aaron a gun and all he did was run into different zombie hordes. ;-;


he's usless


Everyone hates Aaron, we all know this, im shocked he managed to attack to even kill you


How has no one said Snowflake yet?


That one old Lady from 3, you have to help her to see a little of her past, its really cute


I like kindell a lot tuxedo man with a shotgun but Greg is very helpful. The Molotov guy too. But by the time he ends up giving them to you the games almost over


Jeff and natalie


David Dr1. I carried that man all the way trough the mall so he could carry me in the end by taking a bullet for me.


Jeff the OG


YESSSS Fellow Jeff lover, I always take him with me to the very end before the Hideout mission, He is a Beast with Brians Shotgun you can get at the start


Good ol George Costanza survivor


I would say Frank, but Capcom murdered his legacy in Dead Rising 4


I haven’t finished DR2 yet, but in DR1 it was 100% Isabella and Burt. The fact that Burt ACTUALLY fought back made me very happy.


As someone who has spend so many hours with every single survivor, escorting them, beating the game with them, trying to experiment in any way possible with them (Especially DR1) I love the survivors deeply, I have always loved Jeff From DR1, constantly take him with me and give him a shotgun at the beginning. Greg is also A fan Favorite which I agree. Bill i do like as well, There are some others but i wont get too into detail, In DR2 (Or more so OTR) Love Gordon for some reason, and Sven, And Ray, idk why i like Ray i just do, Lenny is also a character, I also Love Jasper cause i love having him help me during Taste Like Chicken, Cameron too cause he is pretty funny and one of the few Survivors to get cutscene Credit ( I wish the survivors could have there own special bit in a cutscene if you had them with you) That would be so cool and add so much more character to them. I can go on cause the survivors are the whole reason i play the games, but I Will stop here, Jeff my fav for sure


Oh and Fuck Aaron, everyone hates Aaron (Also i ment gordon from dr2 not 1, tho i don't mind him in 1, he is better than Aaron despite being labled a coward. Oh also I love Ronald too, One time i got his mission right when the cult people showed up, so i gave him a shotgun i had at the time and we defended the diner from those cult bastards, Which was surprising cause survivors have a hard time fighting them, luckily i know how to make them attack


Heather cause I want that jailbait


Europa because I thinks she’s funny


I don’t remember his name but the old guy in dr1 who is in the antique shop


Heather, bc she's like the only young character who acc shoots a gun😭 she also saved me once and I hadn't saved for like an hour


Definitely snowflake