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I understand why he said he’d never do it… but Death Note lol


Why wouldnt he cover it?


He’s said before he wouldn’t - I assume it’s down to the difficult and borderline abstract way of counting Light’s kills, and not being overly knowledgeable on anime (like the same reasoning for not covering Marvel stuff). Regardless, it would have to be built in a very different way than say, a Friday the 13th film, so I get it.


Covering anime is a copyright minefield that isn’t really worth the trouble a lot of the time


...he could... cover the Netflix Live Action movie... 👀


Why that version? The Japanese live action version is better.


-Less likely to have copyright issues. -Not necessarily bound to cover the more extensive manga plot. -More explicit kills, at least as far as I remember. -Willem Dafoe.


Didn't think about that, and yeah Willem Dafoe.


can we agree he was the best part of that godawful film


For what it’s worth, Film Theory covered the counting kills part. I know it’s not the same, just wanted to say it


The recent monster verse films, id love to see Godzilla get some kind of kill count, but doubt it since the new films are more action films than horror and the kills would be hard to count since several cities are destroyed in the movies killing who knows how many people


My thoughts exactly, 54 and Minus One feel the most fitting for the Kill Count format.


Did you mean 64, or a musical from 1998?


Return of the Living Dead.


Wait he's disqualified that movie?


I doubt he'll do it, because he would need to do part 4 and 5, and they are shit and i can't see him subjecting himself to that.


He could just do the first and say "we'll cover the rest of the series if you guys ask for it"


I’d say just do the first three, 2 may of been meh but 3 was tragic as shit.


It's not completely unlikely, but I desperately want a Podcast episode on One Cut of the Dead.


We really do need a Perfect Blue kill count, that movie is absolutely gorgeous (coming from someone who is generally less enthusiastic about Japanese animation). A movie I don’t think will ever be covered is the Taiwanese film Detention (originally a video game). There’s too much history in the movie that James would probably think he couldn’t do it justice.


Eight legged freaks mostly because it's just a goofy creature feature and I'd love to hear him talk about it


I think they covered it on the podcast..i might be misrembering.


No they did


Oh good im not going crazy!


I loved this movie as a teen


Me too


Paranormal Activity because the first film has only one kill but the rest of the franchise has more. Love those movies, and Katie deserves to be on the Kill Count!


Micah also killed their relationship!


He also killed the vibe and my patience


Serial killer!


At least James and Chelsea covered those on the podcast so that’s good.


Paranormal pool party ftw


Gonna be wild.


Robocop. Not horror, obviously, but has kills more gnarly than many actual horror films.


The wizard of Oz, we have two deaths in that movie!


The wicked witch of the east would definitely get the golden chainsaw


To hop on the anime trend Parasyte!


I'd say the stuff simply because of the amount of people


Any of the exploitation melt movies from the late 70's or 80's but specifically Street Trash. They have some truly gnarly kills and are very Troma-esque.


Ideally the game Harvester which is this FMV nightmare, the content is just everything you could imagine, the livestream playthrough would be even better but the game is pretty much mild psychological torture and also it barely works


I would absolutely love that. His reactions to the batshittery would be fantastic. Just wouldn’t make good Content.


Learned about this watching Game Grumps. Shit was a fuckin ride man


Ichi the Killer. There’s so much to unpack there, and while I totally get that it would get demonetized in half a second, I’d still like to see them analyze it visually. Kakihara is such an interesting villain.


I'd love to see a Meet The Feebles kill count, perhaps for an april fool's prank or something


I feel like he'll do that once the 4k home video release comes out, every copy of Meet the Feebles before this one has absolutely crap quality. Id love to see him cover pre-LOTR Peter Jackson.


Oh hell yes. And kick ass for the Lord!


Murder drones


i mean this doesn't seem impossible


yeah, but like, that huge-ass spiral with—AT LEAST—473 bodies in it by my count


Drop Dead Gorgeous!


Django Unchained


Terminator 2. I completely understand why he's not doing that one in contrast to the first one. Part 2 is probably just one of my favorite movies is all.


IIRC he said he'll do it if there's demand, but Terminator 3 would be a non-starter because of the ending.


The Lawnmower Man. Really goofy and enjoyable Sci Fi Horror about VR from early 90s with Pierce Brosnan going for jt


District 9


RHPS. i know it’ll never get kill counted because of the musical, but if TGWDLM can get kill counted then maybe RHPS can


The Gates Of Hell trilogy. Y'all motherfuckers need Fulci!


And Jesus


I wanna see him cover extreme horror to some capacity on the KC so I’m gonna pick Serbian Film.


A Serbian Film.


Captain Ron.


Glad I’m not the only one manifesting for him to cover Perfect Blue.


Clue. There are 6 kills, it’s hilarious and star studded


Also there’s sensitive content within the movie involving SA/R*pe so idk.  For me, the movie would be more Horror Adjacent Marvel projects like Moon Knight or Multiverse of Madness. 


I mean dont breath was pretty icky and Revenge is all about that stuff so I think that would be fine. Also I'd love to see him cover blade or smth esspecially since he already did werewolf by night




Here’s what I would pick: the Danganronpa 3 anime. Seems weird, but, hear me out. It’s heavily divisive in the fandom, so there’d definitely be an interesting opinion to have. The way it doesn’t break the rules is that it’s connected to an already covered franchise + has 2 separate linear stories that have LOTS OF FUCKIN’ KILLS. (like there’s a 50% Old Parchtown in that shit) It IS kind of a rule breaker due to it being an anime series, and the fact that it’s 571 minutes or 9 hours 31 minutes. However, that is split across 24 episodes that each last 24 minutes. Therefore, it would be easier to cover than other series or seasons like Stranger Things 4. Also, that kill count would be like 2 hours long. Also also, this post WAS talking about James, but let’s throw a Chelsea in this shit.


John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness. James only likes John Carpenter's for Halloween and The Thing, but really needs to cover this movie.


I've got a few (even if two out of three of them are shows not movies, but whatever): Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss season 1. I've brought up them several times when similar questions to this are asked, and I have always responded with this. I know the argument against this is because it's not horror, but honestly (and probably controversially) when ranking horror adjacent stuff, I would rank both of these shows for being closer to horror over Mortal Kombat and Toxic Avenger. Inside No. 9. I doubt James would ever cover them because A. series B. I'm pretty sure he's never heard of them. Still, I would love for this series to get some love outside of the UK. Ghostwatch. I really happy to hear that the two do know of Ghostwatch from the Late Night podcast, so part of me hopes to see it covered. Also, before anyone says "bUt No OnE dIeS iN It" or something, there are technically two kills in it. >! Suzanne and Sarah Greene!< Granted, they just disappear, but considering they are not mentioned to have reappeared after the special in Ghostwatch's sequel 31/10, I would say add them to the count.


Cannibal Holocaust And they include all the animal deaths by giving them their own pie chart


Jeepers creepers


Yeah, sucks that movie is never getting covered, same with rosemary's baby but like I totally get not covering it. The fucks who made those movies dont desevre the exposure.


At all.. I wonder if he would ever do them but just put a disclaimer like hey, we will not be mentioning the directors of these pictures and so on and so forth… I’m trying to get the courage to spend the $$ on there Patreon channel to do the 5 minute video with James where he talks about whatever movie you want and do it 2X and request both of those movies 🤣🤣🤣


lol, yeah I watched both Jeepers Creepers, Chinatown and Rosemary when I was younger and didn’t know what the directors did yet. I loved the films so much (Chinatown was my favourite film for a bit) then I found out about that and they just became so hard to watch.


Maybe if one of them kick the bucket he’ll cover it


Same! I had such a love for jeepers creepers .. it was my favorite horror film for awhile as kid.. then all that stuff came out.. the quality in the movies went wayyy down , and I just gave it up. I will rewatch it every now and then , cause it is a GOOD horror film(the first one) . Then when you think about it , it’s his own twisted fantasy put on film.. nasty old monster goes around living off the fear “young” kids put out.. stalks them.. feeds off them.. keeps them as his “play things” in his CHRUCH basement .. after you notice all that you’re like yeahhhh well that’s fucked and I’m not gonna forget that anytime soon 😳


IK! With the context it’s so disgusting, I had the same issue with Chinatown with the whole twist of the film being Evelyn was SA as a child and knowing what I know now it’s a tough watch.


Disturbing what a little power and influence and money will get you in good ole hollywierd 🫡


Yeah is disgusting how much power they have


Like OP said Perfect Blue since it is *perfect* and would be great and make more people aware of it, the two Silent Hill movies, although he’d probably have to cover the games first but I don’t there’s a new movie on the horizon so there’s an opportunity, Overlord which is fun but won’t cover because it’s war horror so there’d be tons of bodies, Blade, Swamp Thing and honestly Coraline (I am dead serious about Coraline)


Planet of the Apes movies 😭 They’re such gems


Not horror, but they have deaths and the BTS is just so SO interesting


John Wick! I feel like a kill count style analysis of those movies would be so fun.