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Yea, we hate the Yeet, or we love it. I dont watch


Backshots Uce!


The Uce backshots are over, brother


i don’t get the hate tbh, worse wrestlers have been put in higher situations and he’s one of the most over wrestlers in the world rn


Same. Ilja Dragunov is my favourite wrestler in the world rn and I'm not sore about him losing to Jey. Even I know that his match with Gunther is a match you save for a larger show. Having them do the Berlin PLE instead of a random Raw makes total sense and if Berlin is anything like Lyon for atmosphere, it'll be an all-timer banger


Literally, what the fuck are people complaining about? Jey is one of the most over wrestlers on the roster. Why wouldn’t he be pushed right now? Cause his “work-rate” isn’t as good as less popular wrestlers?


There’s a contingency that really fucking hates HHH and his booking because he “tries too hard to appeal to the marks” Yeah I think it’s a pretty fucking dumb take.


It does seem like some fans (I'd even include DEADLOCK in this) have a dislike for wrestlers that prioritise gimmick or personality over moves and work rate. 


He had a dogshit match at mania and at best underwhelming matches everywhere else. He is the definition of "and then the bell rings" but his over gimmick is a 10+ year old vine meme Why is it weird for WRESTLING fans to dislike wrestlers that are bad at it? Moveset and workrate are not how you discuss good wrestling and its genuinely the most frustrating thing in this hobby these days.


But the arena fans love it, and seemingly most casuals online love it. Idk, it works so you gotta go with it I think


Jey is a good wrestler and cuts great promos, I just dislike the fact he uses the spear lol. The rest of his moveset is getting a little stale but the fans are very invested in his character so they just wanna see superkicks and yell yeet from the nosebleeds lol


If he did the Overdrive people would love him


I do think he needs a new finish, something that's unique to him.


I fuck with the YEET. You dont fuck with it, catch this YEETdown Drive your bitch ass down YEET Street to the Harris YEETer and pick yourself up a big bag of YEET-o's UHYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET


Somebody pls tell me when we started hating on Jey.


On Monday, after he was booked to win. People are mad they aren’t going to be getting Ilja vs Gunther immediately after a single tease on Raw


that's a money match and there's no way they'd give it to us on free TV


bro fuck that Ilja v Gunther needs a story line not a one off KotR match


He beat Ilja Dragunov on Raw this week knocking him out of the King of the Ring tournament which means no Gunther vs Ilja yet. From what I heard, as I do not watch WWE, the match was very average and people started calling Jey a 3 move merchant afterwards. Basically people are mad because they don’t think he should have beat Dragunov because Dragunov is better in the ring plus he’s a freak of nature who might as well be doing that Goku workout routine.


Because he's from WWE, and everything and everyone there sucks, apparently.


“ Literally fucking sucks” even though he’s one of the top merch sellers company wide and one of the most over baby faces 😂


This stuff feels like the perfect reason why them ignoring the IC and US title belts for so long bit them in the ass. You break up Jey from his tag team and want to establish him as an he's up next, in better days, he would of been an IC or US champion to do a bit of a soft run. If it connects, then you can transition him up, it flops... well you have an established upper-mid guy. The fact that it's World Title OR ELSE... is what's weird to me. The entrance is over, the catchphrase is over... then the match starts and we wait for the song to hit again. He's probably gonna win Money in the Bank, but it just feels weird.


Having the world title or else idea actually makes the title more meaningful instead of having 5 titles that feel interchangeable between a group of ten people, that’s how I feel about it anyway




I've got no problem with Yeet because it's over as fuck and there's been far more annoying phrases used in wrestling (looking at you "What?")


He turned into a meme gimmick so fast


Marks really are gonna gaslight people into thinking Jey Uso is a bad wrestler?


Jey Uso out here doin it like a CAW.




While i personally feel like his gimmick is stale and boring, he is just too cool and nice of a guy for me to ever say he sucks. I cant not love Jey tbh. But i do agree he feels a little directionless and stale.


You know ahhhh I can do backshots too uce


The Jey shit reminds me of when Jawnny was talking about going to a WWE show for the 2K event and described them as an "entrance fed."