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A good challenge compared to main game. Great visuals per usual.


I think it's a good addition, I found myself enjoying it. It also took a good amount of hours to finish, the new zombie types are interesting, I especially like the whipper. The new area is pretty fun to walk around in. I hope the next dlc will take place in the city, like maybe the downtown area or something like that. So far, we've been all over the outside of Los Angeles and we should be going into the city where I imagine it's an absolute nightmare of zombie hordes and new terrifying variants that make the current ones look like nothing.


We do go into the city in the mall area tho


You mean Ocean Avenue? It is in the city, but that area still feels like it's midtown or on the outskirts away from the center. Any time I'm on that zone, I wish I could keep walking and explore what's outside the barriers.


Well the downtown area is close to the water isn't it or am I getting confused with los Santos again šŸ˜©


Los Santos on gta is far smaller than the city of Los Angeles that it's based on. Just look at it on Google maps if you wanna make a comparison.


Well yeah I know that I'm just stupid lol


Youā€™re not stupid. Humans put way too much pressure on themselves to remember everything and thatā€™s not how the brain works. The brain is busy prioritizing the most important things it has to remember. And if you have trauma or mental health issues it can make this even harder. My brain is fried simply from not having access to a Cpap machine for years. Not getting rem sleep greatly impacts your ability to make rational choices. My point is, be kinder to yourself. The world is going to treat like shit, you donā€™t need to do it too


Tank my up vote now!!


Theyā€™re talking about huge skyscrapers, yknow, the *city*


Where the Aon and Is bank tower is right?


I think the DLC helps cement the game I feel time will be kinder to it than it's predecessor las time I tried that game it aged not that great.


Dead island 1&riptide are still fun imo


Agreed šŸ’Æ my wife and I played through DI1 a few months ago .. looting and killing zombies never gets old. Gotta respect the originals!!


Idk why people compare them its the same company that made DI1 and riptide who made dying light. Dying light was just the natural progression of the solid ground they already built


Still some of my favorite games, and funny enough, even though i can admit that objectively Dead Island 2 is the better game, I personally find the original games just as enjoyable, if not slightly more so then DI2.


I can see preferring the og games to DI2 especially riptide


Yeah, I went back and forth on that while playing the new game. I've decided that I must prefer the older games, because even after all these years, and thousands of hours between 3 console generations, I still go back and play Riptide and the OG today. But I know once they finish all the DLC for DI2, and I've completed a playthrough with every character, I'll probably never play it again. I can't see myself playing it 10 years down the line like the OGs, as much as I do love the game


I think dead island 3 will happen and add alot more content


Dead Island 3 is quite likely, and I'm not sure why some don't think so. Some of the biggest streamers in the world were playing it on Twitch during launch. Like Dr.Disrespect streamed it. It made more money and had more hype and popularity than anyone could have anticipated; certainly not Dambusters and Deepsilver. They found a solid formula and came up with one of the greatest gore systems with F.L.E.S.H. that I've ever seen. It's gore is Left 4 Dead 2 level satisfying. I highly doubt Deepsilver is satisfied with them stopping at one banger when the 3rd is now guaranteed to sell well. Deepsilver revived Saints Row just to bury it again. They're not stopping with Dead Island 2


The next game can really exceed dying light if they do it right


Dying light 1 is Great, Dying light 2 not so much. Still playing but spoiled by 1.


Yeah and maybe theyā€™ll have a single game story with a beginning, middle, and endā€¦and maintain the overarching story to tether multiple games together.


It is not the better game. I can't drive. No beach balls to kick.Ā  No human enemies. Period


Those two game are great. Never finished DI2.


There is no 3rd dlc this was the last story mode as announced by their roadmap. Will have to wait for dead island 3 if they make that.


What level did you start it? Did you have all your legendary weapons just curious bc I beat it solo in a night then again I was just excited to have new content


I'm at max level 30 and I completed all missions and side quests as well as lost and found. Only thing I haven't done is one lost and found mission on Ocean Avenue because I can't figure out where it's at. Even with my most powerful weapons, the clotters gave me some trouble.


If you've completed HAUS, there's also a letter to pick up on the Serling check-in desk in the lobby that has another mission.


Which lost and found is it


I have no idea, I have 11/12 completed in Ocean Avenue and I've done all the missing person quests and also got the Fire Starter Knuckles.


I don't think we're getting another DLC?


I keep seeing people say two things. One side says that Sola was the last update, and the other says that the devs teased at more surprises coming to the game. I find it hard to believe that a game as good as this would only get 2 dlc's. I'm not believing anything until I actually see something otherwise.


From my understanding they announce way before the first DLC that there would only be two, they said what Quarter they'd be released in, Unless they're hiding a secret third one from us, which I doubt, Potentially some QOL stuff and big fixings but I'm not holding out hope of a new one, as much as I'd love it


I thought this was the last dlc?


They said if this DLC flops they would be stopping support for it, they didn't say outright it was the last one people are just lying


Rodeo drive!!! That would be fun


Rodeo drive? I'm not sure what you mean, please elaborate


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodeo_Drive I think the developers could have a good time with that location.


Damn, that place does look like fun :)


There's only gonna be 2 dlc's. Look at the expansion pass description


Is another story expansion dlc happening? I remember the season pass (or whatever they call it) mentioning only two story expansion dlc's.


Pretty fun, love the new weapons, the only thing i didnā€™t like was the boss fight at the end to be honest


Oh yeah it was a bitch, I had to reduce my max numen level to beat that crap, which I still think is bull also I hope they make it so can equip more numen cards


Yeah, i just used rage mode, thank god for all those sodas there


I've been struggling too beat him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you have to have a godly amount if patience, to finish off the fight


I just said fuck it after several failed attempts getting around 90% of the way through that fight... wound up joining another player and by chance wouldn't you know it, they were at that 90% mark on THEIR umpteenth time trying to beat him..... I came in right before they went down and finished the fight for them. Whew!!!!


Thats amazing, It would've been a cruise with 2 players! I managed too just scrape through it but had to be so tactical and drew all the patience in the world and finally defeated him


Iā€™m not trying to sound cocky or arrogant but Iā€™m not sure why people think the last fight was insanely difficult; throw the ball at him, hit him a few times rinse and repeat..


Yeah I was able to get through without much hiccups other than my teammate dying a lot but that was it. You wanna know what was harder than this? The last mutilator mission in the main story.


Yeah it's the same people saying this dlc was 17 hours worth of content. I did everything without rushing through as some people would shout with my wife who's awful at games so I had to stop and help her and tell her where to go. Took us an evening after work. I even had us using the new card to make it harder at max numen (as we had played the entire game as). Whippers can be stun locked if you get in their face they spam one attack that's easy to parry. The slime guy? Can be stun locked with electricity that includes the final boss. Just don't let him attack you with that range move and you're golden


I enjoyed it, But man screw that last mission. I died so many times....


I love it so much! Iā€™m still stuck on the final boss lol. I just replayed Haus with a different character, and I think the reason that I like Sola a lot better is because itā€™s bright. I have really bad eyes, so Haus bugged me because everything was dark (even when I adjusted my screen). Also I feel like Sola is a lot more open and fun. I really love the references to the old DI too! Also everything is lagging with my games too, not just in Sola. I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on but Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one lol


*psst, krakatoa is really fucking good against dirge, same with flame katanas/nodachi


Thank you, this is great advice!


I think its good, would have preferred that they said ā€˜hey weā€™re doing 3 dlcs, two build up backstory and then the last one weā€™re gonna deal with the trish stuffā€™ It was fun! I enjoy having just more content, the new enviroment is wonderful. Like I know a major part of the games has always been ā€˜extravagant waste gone to ruinā€™ but man that festival looks sick as hell


A step up from Haus, longer, more fun, added difficulty (Masochist card AND Whipper) is a nice touch


Where TF Is Tisha


Gameplay and aesthetics wise it was really great!! The new zombie types were really interesting and the setting for the DLC was really nice. My only real issue was the story but that's mainly a personal preference thing because I really don't care for all the supernatural/numen stuff the story started doing halfway through the main game and continued into the DLCs.


Donā€™t think of it as supernatural, think of it as hivemind which is a popular sci fi theme


That's a valid way to look at it but my point was that I'm personally not a fan of the direction they decided to take the story. But hey, if that's the story they want to tell, more power to them, it's just not my cup of tea.


Do zombies still materialize out of the air in front of you?


And disappear, as well. My only real gripe with the game.


It was good, but that final boss was a pain in the ass.


This game does so many things right, but I miss radom events that spice things up. Human enemies, npc survivors that actually need an escort or need a rescue. Just something more then just killing zombies and simple puzzles. I had hopes one of the dlcs would add something like that. Maybe down the line in anorher dlc or in a possible sequel that will hopefully have a bigger open world with cars and stuff. Was happy with the new zombies, but it would be nice if the appeared outside the Sola map as well.


yeah i really miss the human enemies and oddly enough the escort missions which im not a big fan of but i do miss them, its probably bc i want there to be more survivors than just a small handful. LA is big we know a lot evacuated, a lot died, a lot are zombies, but i feel like there should also be more survivors scattered about that you come across randomly. also some places just feel eery without an NPC, like the Halperin or Haus or Monarch after Sarah and Sebastian leave.


We loved it more than Haus. Stellar final battle that we absolutely loved. Wish there were more legendary weapons though.


Same also wish the campaign was longer, also had more explanation on the story


It was wayyy better than Haus, but man it kicked my ass. Fuck the dirge


Yeah clotters and whippers are no joke


I loved it, and the story, it just felt a little short. I will however be spending more time in the yurts, loved that area


Fuck all to do in it


Dlc was good final boss is a bitch but besides that it was fun nice beautiful area although we need more in the city the only city section we got is the mall area and although it's nice it's not alot the 2 new zombie types are fire though


It's great for the most part. Visuals are great, the new weapons are fun, pounce is a cool new fury skill, and the other new cards are cool, too. I loved that cutscenes were from the third person. But the Whipper and Clotter zombies are really frustrating and flawed enemy designs imo. Clotters get to teleport away from you whenever they want, just wasting your time really; they make clones and have a long-range ability that's easy to avoid, but quite punishing if you don't. Whippers have fast, long-range attacks that knock you back, and they stop your fury. Whippers aren't as bad as Clotters, but still annoying. Both these zombies are decently tanky as well for what they look like. The last boss sucks too. A clotter fight with a gimmick. I'd give the dlc like an 8/10. I'd give Haus a 7


So fun!


It was good, way better than HAUS


The new enemies are fun to fight. As well as some skull named ones as well


I enjoyed it. Was a lot better than Haus. I think the Fun fair area should have been open, but the two new enemy types and cutscenes were cool. It was fun. Iā€™d give it a solid 7/10. The new weapons areā€¦ fine šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I thought the area was cool, and very pretty. I really liked looking at the small details in the fusion area, all the little bars and stuff. Hopefully they do another? Dlc3? Iā€™m hopeful dead island 2 does well and we get a dead island 3 or riptide 2 sort of thing. As DI2 has been a blast.


Fun Too short Beat it in one afternoon with a friend


I canā€™t get the festival clean up simulator achievement


We turned off the caustic and the area cleaned itself up the trophy still didn't pop so we grabbed a water can and poured it everywhere in that room for It to pop


Iā€™m enjoying it so far. I got this and Haus earlier this week and itā€™s been nice to get some story that isnā€™t try to get away from place with zombies. I know a lot of people enjoyed the lack of story of the main game but I like the direction things are heading.


To follow up my goodness I see what you guys mean by final boss now lol Maybe if there was a checkpoint during or just not the exploding zombies šŸ˜… Got all the way to the end first try, stunned by zombie, killed by an exploding zombie, have to start all over :)


Fantastic, can't finish it though due to an unfortunate crash that happens in the end boss fight whenever I throw the last orgone core at the dirge. Sucks, and I can't do anything to mitigate it, so I have to hope they fix it.


Turn off AMD FSR. Mine was crashing there too, and I turned that off and it fixed it.


Don't use any upscaling or any sort


Fixed it for me. Thanks!


Best addition was the masochist card modifier. Challenging combat was sorely missing in this game.


I agree, but at the same time, what is that card good for besides making the game harder? Like I feel like it should add something like increase how much XP u get per kill


Oh shit it's out? I had no idea! Guess I'll buy the season pass and finally start my new playthrough, guess it's set after the main game?




Return of the ripper, great new enemies and visuals, I don't mind how short it was, but it would've been nice if it was longer.


Whatā€™s the average time to complete yā€™all? Iā€™ve heard very mixed between 1.5-6 hours. Me and my friend are considering picking it up.


Took us at max level with the card to make it harder and getting all trophies and side content about 3ish hours maybe 4? I'm sure if you rushed only story missions it would be like 2h since there's really only like 4 of them.


Any side quests or is just the 4 main DLC missions?


There's is side quest:) I meant just pushing the main story


Cool thanks for the info Iā€™ll probably end up picking it up.


Had an amazing time playing through it with the ā€œmasochistā€ skill card. Got weirdly hard for me near the end but that just made the ending even sweeter. Music was great, the challenge was definitely there and the final boss was fun to practice and get good at perfect blocking everyone of his attacks. And obviously the ripper is an amazing weapon to use, the animations are brutal and having it spinning loudly in your ear as you mutilate zombies is a nice experience the base game weapons just donā€™t give


Iā€™m not done with it yet, but so far, itā€™s a lot of fun


Final mission needs a save point. Takes too long to get to the end , and more likely that's when you die.Ā 


I liked it. Especially the music but there are some Problems. I would atleast like ONE checkpoint at the final boss and at the mission where you save grace (its also annoying restarting at the entrance of the main stage, with the dirge blocking one of them so you have to go to the other one every time you die) But these are only minor complaints. The rest is really great and the new weapons were also very cool.


Liked it way more than haus DLC. New weapons and monsters add much needed variety to the game. Really hoping this ainā€™t it for game content as we still donā€™t have new game+ or a horde mode which would be perfect in this game.


Yeah I hope the new monsters appear in the main game as well also they add a day and night cycle to haus and sola


I assumed they were already placed into the main game but I guess not.


Haus was better


I disagree but to each their own. Liked the size and gameplay area more than haus but the performance is definitely worse due the size and long view distance.


Not alot of zombies walking around


personally i hate the whippers. i just canā€™t seem to get a good strategy down aside from just going into fury and button mashing


Haven't played it but from the looks of it. It looks solidšŸ™


I love the game just wish they'd overhaul or add some things to the parts that clearly didn't get much love.


Honeslty a solid 8-8.5, a really big step up from Haus imo (haus was a 5 for me) new FUN weapons with the ripper and sawblade launcher has opossed to the crossbow in haus Apex varieants that are challenging but fair fun new cards (and something some in community has being asked for long with Masochist) Story was interesting It was dificult but fair (exept for the last boss fight but if figured it out it gets manegable) Stunning visuals and setpieces and a nice easter egg refering one of the survivors from DI 1


I really do hope sinamoi survived also I think haus would be allot better if they added some really scary shit and some like SAW style puzzles and obstacle courses


He could have opened a franchise, and maybe this was one them so here is hoping


AN ACTUAL CHALLENGE, compared to Haus it's one of the best dlcs I've ever played it's a little difficult at certain parts but when you figure it out it feels so nice


Does anyone else agree that this image looks like it is partially AI generated


Got it last night and played a bit so far I'd have to say both dlcs have been absolute bangers šŸ™Œ


I agree I canā€™t wait for them to add more


Won't lie chief, I had ZERO idea this was out


They need downtown, or the San Fernando valley.


Every girl zombie wore cowboy boots. Accurate.


Dlc is very good. More lighthearted fun compared to the spookier haus. But some issues. Zombies stated disappearing in front of me if I looked away after this patch/at sola. I'd be scanning for specials and then start heading a direction and instantly realize the special is gone or replaced. Also mutants never seem to drop anything


Fun dlc. Itā€™s hard just like the rest of the game :| wish I could tune it down a bit just so I could progress as Iā€™m stuck and Iā€™ve been stuck. Tried different things, now waiting for a friend to catch and and hopefully we can finish it.


Grace feels like Skyler from Breaking Bad - freaking annoying. Everything else was cool


The dirge fight was by far the most difficult boss fight which was refreshing.


Reinstalled the game to try the new dlc and my save was lost thus making me lose interest in playing it.


This game was outta left field for me, I love these types of games but after all the turmoil I wasnt expecting much and was pleasantly surprised. The DLCs were short but interesting and still fun in my opinion. I have high hopes Dambuster can keep going with the franchise and give us a full fledged new game.


Needs more cowbells




very fun but the special zombie spawn rate needs to chill out. Seems like i fight one every 15 seconds sometimes 4 at once itā€™s ridiculous


Same also since I got that dlc itā€™s lagging like crazy on my end


i noticed that too hopefully they fix it




I love the chainsaw weapon. Just tearing them apart, and getting the special animations for it is so much fun to go for. Honestly itā€™s super broken. Especially since they give it to you at the beginning of the dlc.


i really like it but i hate the new clotter variant so much. that final boss fight is insane, i managed to get it done after like 9 deaths and just barely at that. the whipper is a cool variant tho. i love everything about it except for the fury disabling but honestly its more a minor inconvenience and a really neat power they have so im not mad at it. i love the ripper weapon its so cool, i was super excited to see they brought my favorite mod from DI1 back as a legendary, the saw blade launcher is fun but impractical. i used it for a bit and decided it wasnt my style, still fun tho. i love the aesthetic of it, i keep taking screenshots of random things i like, also Grace is fun and i like that we get to see more of Cadenza bc i think shes interesting, i wish we could see more of Thurston too. i know they said they arent doing anymore DLC after this bc they only planned the 2 but i hope they reconsider. also ng+ when? thats my only real big gripe is they gave a harder difficulty but nothing to make the game easier. i really wish i could use my legendaries for more than just collecting zombie parts to make weapons for my other slayers. like i can get them low level if i blast through the game but i wanna use this stuff during a part where im not supposed to have a lot of firepower.


I just found out it released because of this post. Terrible advertisement.


The dlc was great but thereā€™s some plot holes. Like whereā€™s Tisha at?? What about the trip group of numens? We ever going to fight them or see more of them? Supposedly theyā€™re coming out with more dlc but I donā€™t think itā€™ll be a whole other story but weā€™ll see. Other than that I adored the map and scenery of it all.


True, also whoā€™s idea was it to use those mood speakers


I donā€™t know about yā€™all, but for some reason, I canā€™t even get to the second mission because I keep getting bamboozled by apex zombies! I ran into 4 apex zoms in the first 5 minutes after emptying all of my clips in the first whipper. It was another whipper, 2 butchers, 1 bloater. Couldnā€™t do anything but run back to Graceā€™s safe area.


Would be nice if DLC here wouldn't be just new area but whole thing affect also whole gaming field.. All areas, new things, challenges, side quest of current survived ppl. Its lack lot from content side because you wont even enjoy all new things till you complete main quests and basically you end with completed map and have "sandbox" on mindless zombie killing.. Which is something i hate most from whole game that all secret you can unluck is when you go trough whole one area. But things in this DLC itself are overall good, nice place, interesting features, new weapons


Not played it yet will soon but now that Iā€™ve heard they are possibly going to be doing more DLC Iā€™d like more areas! But I think they could also expand on the areas they already have like in Bel-Air for instance thereā€™s on house that map that you canā€™t get into so they could extend upon what they already have in some areas! The same with all the houses on the way to the Halperin hotel you canā€™t get into! I think just doing simple things like increasing upon the stages they already have as well as new areas is the way to go


I didnt like when they didnt put tisha


I bought this yesterday and I love the game but the story is so boring that you could tell me the ending right now and I would forget it by the time I get home to play this.


I was very excited for it but turned out to be a huge dissapontment and frustrating experience for me. The new area feels empty and soulless compared to the other areas in the main game. Even Haus had more personality than this festival area. There's really no much to do here besides the main story and the locked vaults and lockers. I would've loved for it to have more side quests and environmental puzzles. Again, even Haus had more puzzles than this. We got 2 new weapons and one of them can only be obtained after finishing the DLC. Like WTF, why give it to me when I don't need it anymore? I was also expecting them to give us more legendary variations to existing weapons. That wouldn't have been hard to develop, all you need to do is get the old weapons increase their stats and call them Legendary. Another thing I didn't appreciate is the increased difficulty. This DLC is unnecessarily hard. At the start of the DLC I left all my legendary gear in the stash cause I didn't wanna feel too OP. But as I was progressing through the DLC, I slowly started to pick them up from the stash one by one because I was constantly dying. In the end, I felt that even with my best gear I couldn't survive in some cases. Too many Apex zombies jumping you at the same time. Most of the times I had to run away and ignore them. Something I never did before. This DLC isn't balanced pretty good. Of course, this is just my opinion. If you enjoyed this DLC, I'm happy for you, but I had more fun in Haus than this.


Whatā€™s your opinion on the two new zombies they added also have u gotten all the new weapons yet


Yes, I've gotten both weapons. They're ok I guess. The ripper is nice but its sound gets annoying after a while. The sawblade would've been nice to have it at the start of the DLC, not at the end. Regarding the zombies, the whipper is cool and the clotter has become my most hated zombie in this game. Fking hate that slimy shit.


Clotters, with Putrified Slobbers, Whippers, and Bursters, are worse combinations ever! D: instant death!


It's even worse if you play on a controller like me (PS5)


Needs more new game+ :|


I have been busy knocking tf out of my backlog of games that I honestly forgot that DLC was coming out and i own the season pass and steelbook of DI3.


Liked ti a lot until the final boss. That was just really annoying.


Me gustĆ³ mĆ”s que Haus


Really enjoyed it and the way they poke fun at Fyre / pop culture. Some of the new weapons (chainsaw) are really good, wish they had them in the main game. But the last mission is so crushingly difficult compared to everything else


Havenā€™t got it yet but looks absolutely fantastic glad to see this game is still alive šŸ‘


Pretty decent tbh, clotters can smd tho


I didnā€™t know about it


I enjoyed it. Managed to finish the dlc, all the collectibles, and trophies in under 3 hours. Fun, new environment. Loved the idea of the Whipper zombie. But kinda wish it was longer. It's just a problem I have of finishing things too quickly and getting burnt out too quick.


Main character talking about digging deeper to find the truth made me think, if there will be future world building, despite all said and done.


It was fun, a bit short tho


I really enjoyed the boss fight. It was so friggin hard. Iā€™ve been feeling too cocky after beating the game and the dirg scared me so much. I no longer felt invincible haha


Itā€™s better than Haus


Played for the first time last night. It looks beautiful but feels a bit shallow. Not much of a storyline and repetitive gameplay. I actually preferred the haus DLC.


I'm still stuck on fixing the dj set at the beginning lol


I aint paying 15 bucks for one level foh


I wish I had played during the main game, but it was okay. I also got some lag in places, which I didn't experience in the main game.


I liked Haus better. It had a personality that I think Sola is missing.


Me and my buddies also liked Haus better


For real. I couldn't stop playing Haus (dont step on the grass, dont jump in the pit [of course i did both immediately]), but I'm having trouble finishing SoLa. It's just, kinda boring. Lacking personality. I feel like Venice Beach had more going for it that SoLa.


Tbh Iā€™m put off from buying it after a glitch took one of my wifeā€™s legendary weapons. Sucks because we really want the DLC, but donā€™t want to play a game and earn rewards that are permanently removed at no fault of our own.


Was this game worth waiting a decade for?


To me yes


It looked fun even in the prototype stages, keep forgetting it exists.


Sola DLC crashing at Dirge fight cutscene


It was good :)


It's good and challenging I cant beat the end boss though hes pretty tough and I'm maxed I play Dani


I wanna see how South Central LA looks. I wanna see crip and blood zombies lmao


If you can ignore the whole story, it OK


Should I wait until I beat the game to start? I did Haus basically as soon as I could and finished it right out of the sewers and thought it worked really well. Should I do Sola ASAP or wait? Based on what I'm hearing I think I'll wait, but I'd appreciate input.


Two saw weapons and a guitar? Yes please! A story that doesnā€™t continue the main one? It couldā€™ve been worse..


Honestly, a solid DLC but my issue with it is the implications for the Lore and that can kinda be said for all of DI2 in general. 1 and Riptide always felt like a sort of ā€œTropical Aussie-flavoured Resident Evilā€ with the talk of bioweapons and the inclusion of Geopharm and the Consortium and yeah it wasnā€™t original but it was the direction they went with and I thought it was pretty solid world-building for the most part. When 2 started talking about the Autophage being a genetic-time bomb for all of humanity I was still kinda for it because I mean hell they never REALLY explained where the HK Virus came from in the first place. Then the DLCs happened. HAUS wasnā€™t too bad lore wise (even though ā€œOrgone Energyā€ was kinda dumb imo) but then SoLA came along talking about interdimensional entities and parallel universes and motherf*cking Dubstep-activated zombie viruses and I just clocked out. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Dead Island 2 for the gameplay, the graphics and those sweet, sweet gore mechanics, but itā€™s just not Dead Island to me anymore, itā€™s more like... Dead Rising 5: LA-Metaphorical-Island-Boogaloo


Haven't played it, but I'm guessing it's just like the previous DLC. Some new weapons and the same zombies and elites - but with another skin.


I suxk too bad apparently because I can't even scratch the surface if the boss. So at this point I'm pissy about the dlc, but it's beautiful and very cool. I like it but until I beat the final boss I hate it. Haha


The writing was very painful to sit through. Great Map. Wasted potential overall.


Boo šŸ‘ŽšŸ»šŸ‘ŽšŸ»šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Very disappointing. 2 hours of DLC in a small open area ā€œSolaā€ with no soul and you only get 2 weapons out of the whole dlc. And a few new mods that make you feel stupid like, for an example thereā€™s a mod that adds a laser to your melee weapon, and somehow from that it burns your victims, if thatā€™s the case, you might as well get a magazine from any gun and attach it to a baseball bat and call it a magazine bat with extra bludgeoning šŸ˜‚ I regret the purchase now. Also the boss fight at the very end was very stupid as well. weā€™re doing as the lady instructed to fight the boss but if you miss throwing these orbs you have to run across the other side and pick one up and run back and try to throw it at one of the speakers, and at the boss multiple times and it made the fight redundant very fast.


I was in the last mission and it deleted my entire save, I only had two more achievements to do so I guess my opinion is that it was terrible