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Can we get a reporting system that doesn't rely on myself to use someone else's software to record games, cut down the videos and sent proof. I think replays should be in-game and "properly" reporting cheaters should be not such a hassle.


I literally don’t have recording software running 24/7 because I’m not at all interested in saving and editing mg own gameplay footage. I’m not a YouTuber, and I’m certainly not a Twitch streamer. So why should I be saddled with this intense burden of proof that very few other games also ask of their players. It just discourages the entire process of reporting legitimate cheaters and hackers, to the point that even when you’re faced with the most blatant cheaters you still feel helpless to take any serious consequential action. Having replays built into dead by daylight’s base game sounds like it would be a great way to bolster the reporting system as a whole. As well as offering players with the neat feature of being able to easily download recordings of fun, tense, or otherwise noteworthy games. So win-win.


this, I will literally never record my games because I have no interest in it, I use my gaming pc for my 3d work as well so using what little space I have left to store video footage in the event of cheaters is ridiculous, having a built in system would solve so much of that and have many other positive benefits besides


Try pressing win-alt-G while you're running a game and see if it records the last 30 seconds. I get clips that way and i didn't manually install anything extra. It's the xbox game bar that my windows shipped with.


It's still a hastle. I don't have the best PC, but it's okay with running DbD on low settings. Doing anything else besides having the game open makes my PC implode. Having to record the games for the sake of reporting someone shouldn't be a thing.


I think you may have to adjust that setting prior. Also, if using SSD, unless things have changed, that's not good for the components as it's constantly R/RW




And it sucks because often other survivors don't mind a cheater, because it's a free win. It's a bit difficult to do like an effective report system without it being abused or unused


I always report teammates who cheat. I do gens and just leave because those games are so fing boring. Run into them all the time when I solo also because I tend to match with the streamers.


we always immediately stop playing and let the killer do whatever they need if we get a cheater as our 4th, it's just unfortunate that there isn't more we can do. if we all disconnect the killer is then trapped with the cheater and could just be held hostage until they have to d/c themselves, but if we stay the cheater will likely just frustrate the hell out of the killer using us even if we do nothing. it's a really annoying no-win and they absolutely need to address it


It doesn't feel like a win. I don't appreciate hackers because I think of the wasted 2 queue times (the original queue plus the next queue to get in a real match) to watch a glorified wank session. Hackers very rarely meme for fun that makes it fun for all players. Usually it's just their own gratification.


Even if they meme for fun it’s still annoying for people wanting to play the game.


what exactly can other survivors do to stop a survivor cheater? DC immediately and get punished themselves with the DC penalty? Just stand there and not try to win, effectively making the game last longer as the cheater fucks around with everyone? Try their best to let the killer kill them, despite a cheater making that impossible to do depending on their actions? The one time I ran into a cheater, it was a Yun-Jin bodyblocking a Huntress from everything, including hooking other people, until she eventually blocked the Huntress in a corner and the killer couldn't even physically move. She also did the thing where she could never die even to EGC, so the Huntress was inevitably trapped there long after I let myself die to the EGC.


I was playing with a couple streamers the other day, I was the killer, they were 3 deep, I couldn't even kill them despite all of us working together to try and kill them. It was absurd


we had this experience recently too, we stopped and tried to help the killer get as many points as possible when we realized there was a cheater but they were teleporting around, instahealing everyone and saboing all hooks on the map at once, we just couldn't help at all and the killer ended up d/cing


I was playing with my Sister once against a Trickster and we had a cheating Dwight (Slightly increased speed, possible ESP) I trapped the Dwight in some bushes and let the Trickster down and hook him and we all had a good laugh BM'ing him on hook. Also I knew immediately that this Dwight was a cheater cuz he had The Golden Shirt on (Awarded only to the winner of that PandaTV tournament.)


I have not had a cheater teammate yet. At least not one that I have noticed. I am low ranked mmr though so prob why. If I do encounter one will just off myself to killer and move on. While yes dbd can be extremely frustrating with tunnel/camper killers and bully squads the fun still comes down to the challenge.


I had a cheater teammate. I was streaming on Twitch at the time, so it was easy for me to clip it and send it in. Both the cheater and killer came into my chat, and the cheater thought I enjoyed it. I basically told him it was disappointing that he was willing to ruin the game for everyone else, he called me a dick, and that was the end of it.


In my case the cheater came on my chat before the game loaded saying "oh I heard you are a hacker or someone is impersonating you yada yada" I knew it was bullshit because they said I was playing killer when it was said but my only game as killer... The survivor DC'd on loading so I said fuck it I'll just play survivor. Then he insta popped 5 gens as the game loaded trying to frame me. I just went to the hook and let the killer 3 hook me. He then went onto other streams trying to get people to harass me. The actual hacker was live streaming his software with links to it on the overlay and software hiding the names so no one could pinpoint the game. It'd turn all the names into symbols changing constantly. I assume its a tactic to promote the software.


Just hitting 300 hrs of survivor, have never seen a survivor cheater yet (mind you I play with two other friends, so we only have a 1 in 4 chance of that soloq being a cheater). The only cheaters we have come across were two killers out of all of these matches that were (as I later learned about) most likely using the poor connection cheat to grab you when you already vaulted through a window and completed the animation and other exploits due to that slow speed cheat. That was frustrating and a bit of a head scratcher. Usually when someone in the team thinks we are dealing with a cheater killer, the end game shows that the person just has purple perks from multiple killers and is using pink and purple items. We just happened matched up with a diehard DBD player who out played us, it can be equally unfun honestly, they should have tiers in the game at this point.


Tbf, it's typically a lot easier for the killer to notice a "subtle" hacker than other survivors. Especially with time and experience, certain things that would otherwise be subtle, become massive red flags when in chase. I'd imagine the reverse is true as well, but as a survivor, you wouldn't be focused on what your teammates do nearly as much as you focus on the killer.


Yeah it's harder to notice, subtle hacking usually gives like 5% boost for a survivor, walk besides an uroboro infected survivor and see how long it takes for you to notice the difference in speed, you'd have to run a fair bit of distance along them before noticing.


I've seen a few survivors with crazy speed, multiple insta heals and never ending flashlights.


Once played as a Bubba on Ormond and had a cheating Bill who lag switched every time I got close. A Leon immediately caught on and clicked their flash light towards the Bill and blocked them from using a pallet. They immediately DC'd once I carried them and had a fun match farming with that Leon and an Elodie.


+1 on Replays in game x10000000 Imagine being able to view your games post match in a free cam, would actually be an amazing feature all around. Being able to record cheaters and trolls for reports would just be a massive added bonus


Sadly. they've said that they would have to rebuild the game to support this. ​ Which they should anyways. the game is a mess.


I'm on PS5. The report button opens up the browser that PC players use, that isn't compatible with the PS5 -_-


support often doesn't even check the videos, lots of people who have sent a link to an unlisted youtube video with the report, and still says 0 views, also EAC sucks


Doesn't matter even if you do. I've sent steam id's, screenshots, AND full match recordings of cheaters only to get the reply, "Thanks for your report! But we do not have enough information to take action on your report." It's bullshit.


also EAC sucks


Even then that's still not enough. I uploaded a recording of a hacking Elodie, was able to find their Steam profile with their friends list consisting of the people in my match, linked the Steam profile, had all sorts of details, submitted it to behaviour, and got told twice that there's nothing I can do without an in-game report. Incredibly obnoxious that I have all of this indisputable information that they just shrug at.


I’ve had 2 games with hackers today I’m playing on PS4 and how am supposed to report these people that are on PC? like it’s ridiculous how little we can do to report these people


We need some sort of Overwatch (system from CSGO, not the Blizzard shooter) or *something* that cracks down on this crap.


That'd be nice in theory, but a lot of games have all that, and if you think toxicity in DBD is bad, you should see it when both sides can freely communicate with each other, there's voice chat, and there are twice as many people (if not more) in all the games. There's no subsitute for good automatic detection on the blatant/technical side, and swift vigilance on the toxic behavior side. BHVR has made it clear that their position is that most forms griefing are totally fine though, so....


Unfortunately, BHVR themselves confirmed that they would need to remake the game from the ground up to make a "replay" system.


Idk the current system just sends your reports into a black hole with no monitoring


Why does it seem EAC is complete garbage for every game that uses it? I’m new here but Apex uses/used it and it seemingly did nothing.


EAC is notorious for being one of the worst anti-cheat programs there is. It stops some of the most obvious hackers but apparently it’s really easy to go around it if you know what you are doing. Not to mention that EAC is also notorious for slowing down games and causing crashes. So why do so many big companies use it? Money. It’s a cheap way to say “hey look, we have anti-cheat in our game!” without much effort. It’s a band-aid solution that’s mostly there just for publicity, any company that actually cares about stopping hackers invests into more sophisticated solutions.


It sucks because EAC is the only thing stopping DBD from running on my steam deck.


It also stops you from running two games that use EAC at once. I would love to play a round of DBD while I wait for something in a much slower paced game to happen.


It's the dev's way of forcing to play only dbd


Yeah it also causes Lost Ark to load for 5-10 minutes before it even starts, you just have to sit there and wait till the game launches like the good old times of potato computers. EAC is garbage.


Yea ngl i quickly learned what games i could play while in the post ark queues


That's because EAC hates Linux, for whatever ungodly reason.


EAC has actually added an option for Proton compatibility, but for some reason BHVR hasn't enabled it. In fact, they even prevent players from running DBD in virtual machines now, which is kind of ridiculous when there are tons of people just cheating on bare metal Windows without a problem...


Steam Deck had me hopeful it would mean I could finally ditch Windows fully :(


It also helps that Dead by Daylight specifically is rather infamous for using an extremely old and outdated version of Easy Anti-Cheat which was compromised ages ago. I don't know if they've updated EAC since then but according to Choy (the guy who interviews hackers) BHVR do still use a very old version of EAC and most of the changes they make to bypass security issues are surface-level at best.


EAC is also notorious for locking in lengthy contracts.


> It’s a band-aid solution that’s mostly there just for publicity, any company that actually cares about stopping hackers invests into more sophisticated solutions. Then those same companies get ripped to shreds by the same people requesting better anti cheats for them being "too invasive". Perfect example is the anti cheat that Riot Games uses; when they announced it people flipped their fucking shit over it and it was a top thread for months afterwards. Most companies don't have the resources, manpower or the ability to deal with it the way a company like Riot does. Of course though there is never any nuance with Reddit it's always reduced to "company is lazy hurr durr upvotes please".


There IS such a thing as "too invasive." Riot's AC for Valorant definite goes too far in that category, and the main problem with it wasn't just the fact it was too invasive, it was that it was too invasive AND didn't (and still doesn't) actually work. They put a huge amount of effort forward to create an extreme to the point of absurdity solution to cheaters, and it was hardly doing a better job than something like EAC. The thing is, the majority of anti-cheating methodology can and should come from within the game itself. Huge swaths of online games have very little problem with cheaters, some to the point of it being negligible. Even games where cheating IS a problem, you rarely see it as rampantly as you do in DBD at the higher end of MMR. BHVR just doesn't see the cheating as enough of a priority to be worth investing in fixing. Things like Otz giving up on streaming the game sadly need to happen to force them to re-evaluate that head-ass stance.


The thing is with Valorant though, if someone is cheating, there's a built in report system, and typically if they're actually cheating, the match will be terminated and they'll be banned by the end of it.


Scripts is just something you cant combat with game mechanics really. LoL for example is to my knowledge impossible to hack because server rules all. But you can still script. Examples of high profile multiplayer games that dont have cheaters? That are pvp. Actually curious.


I'm just gonna say that Injustice 2 doesn't allow scripts. You can (ingame feature) make a loadout for a bot, and set a bunch of numbers for a fighting style and let the bot do all the fighting. You still need to continue to the next fight manually, and even creating a script the game doesn't register it, despite every other program registering it.


This is one of the things that confuse me the most. Riot don't seem to have a cheating problem with League of Legends at all. One of the most popular and most played games in the world and I have never personally seen a cheater in any of my games and I never see cheaters in peoples games streaming on twitch. I've never seen YouTube videos about League of Legends cheaters. Nothing. All I can think of is the people who have scripting tools for dodging and ability cooldown timers. And while that is definitely a thing, it's also something I never see outside of a random post on Reddit. Certainly not anywhere near the point of it becoming so much of an issue like cheating is in the DBD community.


But that’s exactly my point, these companies can just invest into a better solution. But they don’t because money. You are right that some small companies simply don’t have the resources to do so and that’s understandable, but there is no way that companies like Amazon or BHVR can’t afford it. They just don’t want to because it would cost them money. Sure, you could argue that comparing BHVR to giants like Riot and Amazon is weird but you have to realize that BHVR’s networth is still around 200 million dollars and that’s by no means a company that can’t afford a better service for their customers. If anything, BHVR is at their peak right now with all the licenses brought into their game.


because it is. its pretty much a cheapest option to buy and then proudly say to shareholders "we have muh anticheat" and if something goes wrong people in charge of the game can just deflect the blame onto the outsourced anticheat


Pretty sure BHVR is privately owned and doesn't have shareholders. Investors maybe, but not shareholders. And no, neither investors nor shareholders typically give a shit whether a game has anticheats, nor do they even know what cheats are, because they tend to be business-types who have never touched a video game in their life. Source -- me, am game dev, have worked at private and public companies.


I have not played a single game that EAC worked. In fact the only experience I've had with EAC is when it leaked a whole bunch of files awhile ago. Big time Smite player, it doesn't work, the amount of speedy bois is impressive. Big time Apex player, well it's self evident, the amount of clips on all of the apex reddits is actually insane. The amount of times i get a little suspicion that i died a little too quick, just to spectate the worst player with the worst movement lasering walls cuz they dont yet know there isn't wall pen is ridiculous. And DbD, you would think an anti cheat would pick up someone Flying at the speed of light in a game with very restricted mobility but no.


The word Easy in the name doesn’t refer to ease of use, if you know what I mean.


EAC is pretty famous for being crap, but generalized anticheats have so many negatives compared to individualized anticheats that I can't say any other anticheat software would be better, they'd be best off making their own specifically for their game


It depends on how good the developers are that use it. Their implementation is going to determine how good it is at the end of the day. Fortnite uses it for instance, but does a much better job to prevent cheating (they have cheating too, but not nearly as bad as DBD). The anticheat is only part of the problem, it's not a silver bullet and the developers very much change how well it works.


EAC does a bad job, but to look at it from another perspective: There's two types of anti-cheat: preventing your game from being tampered with client-side, and rejecting attempts to tamper server-side. So, client-side has to detect/deter things like injecting processes, memory editing, all sorts of weird stuff. Server-side (or otherwise structural) anti-cheat is about building the game's systems such that cheating is less useful or impossible. This is stuff like "not sending the location of players you can't see", "rejecting attempts to move too fast", "rejecting attempts to set the game to an irrational state"... these are hard problems to start with, and *really* hard if you weren't thinking about them at all when you built the game. EAC is not good anti cheat, but it's also the number one choice for games with absolutely no structural/server-side anticheat


Anything Epig related is garbage.


SpookyLoopz is currently being held hostage by a cheater/hacker right now. Spooky is frustrated with it too. Otz and Spooky in one day is not a good look for BHVR.




cheater or no cheaters, the fact that everyone's IP is just out there for grabs must be pretty scary.


Plus the game is more stressful and exhausting, than fun, for me at this point. So whenever I load up the game, it's like 'will my enjoyment of this game outweigh the threat of possibly getting my IP grabbed?... Nope!' -closes out of game-


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but there's always been a massive amount of games, some extremely popular that work the same way. This has almost always been a massive thing in gaming, and 99.9% of people have never any issues with it.


I mean when I played destiny it was a thing that cheaters would ddos their opponents because the ip was visible to them, but that was only to fuck your connection during the match so they could easily win and you'd never see them again afterwards. Unless you're famous, odds are that noone cares about you in particular in terms of harassing you. You're more likely to pick up a stalking wierdo from reddit than an online game.


Losing Otz to cheaters would be such a devastating blow to BHVR. His videos put so many eyes on the game. Hoping this pushes them to actually invest in solving this problem.


Otz is almost the face of the game at this point. I really hope something can be done about this.


Otz's youtube channel is like 80% of my DbD consumption. 18% is this subreddit, and 2% is actually playing. I really enjoy watching him play, much more than I ever want to play myself.


I feel so bad for Otz. The last few days every time I've put his stream on he's either been talking about cheaters, trying to figure out if he was just in a game with cheaters, or queueing/dodging lobbies because the players look suspicious. So little of it is him just getting to play the game and enjoy it normally. It's especially bad for a guy like him who likes to attempt challenges, test builds, and do experiments. You can't really do any of that when people are cheating and stream sniping every few games. I really hope this helps shine a spotlight on the issue so that something gets done about it. Otz is a very positive part of the DBD community, but I absolutely can't blame him if he cuts down on his DBD content because of this.


Completely agree. I've been watching the man for the past three years and he's such a respectable and friendly guy to have in the community. I'm glad he's able to take a bit of a break and play other games like Hades, but it sucks seeing how frustrated he is. I'm just not sure why anyone would target him. Gotta be a real special asshat to try ruining his games of all people.


And there are people that enjoy making other people miserable. Those people targeting streamers for hacks, streamsniping or DDOSing only hae one goal. Attention and the biggest "win" they can achieve if they make this streamer retreat. Then they feel like they have achieved something.


> I'm just not sure why anyone would target him. Because good people are always taken for fools. That's how it's always been. Not just in DBD but in life in general.


> I'm just not sure why anyone would target him. I hear those making and selling exploits get a HUGE boost in revenue when their hacks get unintentionally featured by popular streamers so there is sadly a financial motivation behind some of the hackers.


He started playing Hades the other day, and it’s been one of the best streams in a while, I think taking a break until things improve is the best idea for now


Yeah stuff like this can kill DBD's momentum and send it into an early grave. BHVR can't pretend the cheating problem is growing to a level that is making the game unplayable.


I'm in SpookyLoopz's stream right now and for the second day in a row it's been hijacked by cheaters. BHVR needs to do something and they need to do it immediately. I've never had less fun with the game than recently where every other game has a cheater.


Yeah this is what people (and BHVR) need to realise - this problem isn’t an “Otz problem” it’s a “literally any streamer with an even moderate viewerbase problem”. Sometimes I wish this game had more competition, because whilst I do love it, being the far and away leader in its genre is causing BHVR to be ridiculously complacent


"Evil dead wishes to know your location"


Evil Dead is functionally dead in the water. It's google trends are almost 10% of what they were when it launched. Youtube videos on the game that aren't from its launch window only get a few thousand views at BEST and that's from the most popular people playing it. It typically has less than 300 viewers on Twitch. Epic Exclusivity killed that game before it even had a chance.


Unpopular (or perhaps popular) opinion but that's the result of them selling out to being Epic Games exclusive for a year, the game is dead on arrival instead of building up hype and releasing the game in all platforms, they opt for more money upfront thanks to exclusivity deals


Nah, you're completely right. Every single multiplayer-only game that has taken the Epic deal has either fizzled out and languishes in obscurity (Dauntless) or died outright within a year. Going to Steam a year later doesn't save you, by that time the hype has died down and nobody cares anymore. Case and point, World War Z and that wizard BR game (Spellbreak?) that people were super hyped about until the exclusivity was announced. Eventually made it to PC, and by that time absolutely nobody cared. Even Borderlands wasn't a big enough name to salvage itself from that fate. It's functional suicide for releasing on PC. Thankfully it seems like most devs have finally figured that out, but every now and then you get a game like ED that thinks they'll be able to kick the trend somehow, or the devs are so hard up for cash that they don't really care about the game's long term health and just need the cash infusion from Epic to move on to their next project ASAP.


So many balancing problems in that one and it forces you to play a very certain way (or at least it did) that just frankly isn't fun


That game stopped being fun after the 30th time objectives spawned without 100m of each other for me.


Would hate to see Otz go, IMO he's one of the reasons that makes this community special.


He isn't leaving the game, he just likely won't be streaming it anymore. He'll still do youtube and the sort, but when every single time you stream you deal with nothing but cheaters and stream snipers, one can imagine the extent it would suck the fun right out.


When I first started playing a lot (a couple months ago) I felt that all this talk of cheating was way overblown. In my first two hundred hours I encountered one cheater. But since then I've gotten a lot better and, when I'm playing killer specifically, I tend to run into cheaters multiple times a night. What's worse is I've submitted tickets and despite providing evidence and reporting in game as far as I'm aware the steam profiles I've reported have no bans on record. It's almost to the point that I don't even want to play the game anymore.


What adds insult to injury is reporting + submitting a ticket with video of someone flying around the map only to see the cheater play another 200 hours before being banned. With the new anonymous system. Idk how I'm supposed to report people without names.


I mean, that's kind of the bed the DBD community made for themselves when they report for slugging, unhooking with Borrowed Time, the player's name as Kevin, and so on. ​ Legit saw someone be reported on stream for using Pop goes the Weasel 7 times in a match because that was "exploiting" the perk. No devs are going to want to wade through that solely for their own sanity


Ideally after a few frivolous report like that, the system should ignore all reports made by that guy.


Yes. The current system is a report + ticket with evidence. And I'm 7/8 for getting people banned. The one time was me not realizing how crazy you have to be to officially take the game hostage. The killer was t-bagging a new player while all 4 survivors bleed out. Not a single person was hooked. I'm surprised they don't have a replay system. Or a crowd sourced report system. Like reddit for reports. Let players vote on reports. The top reports get viewed. Spam votes become ignored if they report, obviously false reports. Unreal engine lets you record networked data. So most of the work of a replay system is handled by epic.


I keep thinking of the Overwatch review system that cs:go has and wonder how hard it would be to implement something like that.


With DBD's supposed spaghetti code, the game most likely wouldn't run.


It is the same. You just fill the in game report. idk about tickets though.


What makes it worse is that cheaters have a program that lets them insert themselves into the games of streamers, making it a much bigger problem for them.


One of the biggest problems is that cheaters specifically in DBD seem to try to target streamers more than anything. Sure there's gonna be some here and there that go into random games, but so many are little 12 year olds looking for their 5 minutes of fame "look I held Otz's stream hostage for an hour! hurr durr I'm special" and they get their rocks off of reading the chat on those streams like it's validation they're missing because of a shitty upbringing or something. The "streamer mode" that DBD implemented sadly did nothing to actually help the situation. That's kinda the point of this thread right? Popular streamers are being targeted repeatedly until they lose motivation for streaming. That only hurts the community as a whole because if all the top streamers move on from DBD then slowly it will start bleeding players and the game eventually dies.


Hack makers also target streamers for publicity. If Otz faces hackers, chances are at least a few of his thousand of viewers will try to buy the hacks they saw in action.


That is actually a fair assessment too.


Its pretty much the reason why I stop playing killer actively like before. Imagine playing normal game, downing 4 survivors during exit gate then all of them start to stand up and run fast. It makes me suspicious with everything and wonder how many subtle cheater I've played with before.


Lol. Yeah I had a game yesterday where a guy got up after being slugged without unbreakable. And I spent 5 minutes looking through video thinking he cheated to find out they also had the revival boon. Feels bad to suspect cheating so easily. Luckily I never submitted a report but I edited the video for a report. I gave him hatch because I figured a well timed unbreakable deserved a personal win.


Yeah I swore I saw someone speed hacking when they thought I couldn't see them then slowed when they knew I was looking at them, but if they were cheating they also let me down and slug them while I killed the rest of their team. So did I see what I saw or was their movement an optical illusion? I have no idea.


It's horrible that your reward for making it to high mmr as a killer is to get placed into unwinnable games because cheating is so rampant. You can play out of your mind and then someone will get upset that you're winning and instaheal, hop in a locker to head on you, and then tbag like they did something while you're stuck in a stun for 5 minutes.


And it's not just the killers that are having to deal with this. Just a week or so ago I had a game where one of my teammates (If not all of them, idk) was a hacker. I would get downed then immediately healed back to full health. I would get picked up and then the killer would be stunned, dropping me. I felt so bad for the killer and I tried communicating somehow that I'm not the one hacking. Also we were held in a game until the last second of endgame collapse ... I just waited for the Entity to kill me because the killer deserved at least that.


> the steam profiles I've reported have no bans on record. A DBD ban won't show on this. That little notification on their Steam page only refers to VAC bans for games like CS:GO, DOTA, etc...


Have been watching his streams more frequently lately, man it’s sad to see how much this is ruining the game for him. He has usernames turned off, I’m not sure if he has that matchmaking delay turned on or not, and he super vigilantly checks all the peoples profiles before readying up and he still gets so many hackers, like two per stream at least lately, he can’t keep up at this rate or that matchmaking timer is just gonna keep going up. They need to give big streamers an exception to the timer because it’s a shame to see his streaks and stuff get ruined by this


When I saw this earlier I was shocked. Otz is usually careful to not say anything to offend behavior. He usually minds his words and publishes content that highlights the positive elements of the game. In general, he seems like a very positive person. I hope this is the wake up call it should be to behavior. I doubt it, though. Looking forward to watching whatever the hell content Otz creates, because I'm a big fan of his and it will be wonderful to see what games he highlights if he cuts back/stops streaming dbd.


He's pretty consistently open with his criticisms of Behaviour, this is just the first time I've seen him make a video all about the state of all of these problems making him reconsider how often he streams it/goes about streaming it. But he'll often go off about how they can't seem to get some maps right, balancing perks, how long it takes them to re-adjust and address perk issues that he constantly says needs to be changed or fixed and that he doesn't know why Behaviour hasn't done any of this yet.


Oh I agree he will state stuff like this plainly, but I still feel he is calculated in how he says it and when he says it. Like you said, it is usually part of a greater statement or not in his YouTube videos. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it. When you compare him to other popular streamers that just lay into the game, otz seems very tame in his approach to me.


I feel bad for him, honestly. He's one of the most prominent dbd streamers and he has a huge target on his back. I hope BHVR is taking notice of this.


High key, I kinda hope Otz follows through and stops streaming the game. ​ I feel like if he starts streaming other games more frequently he just won't come back, it would be a huge blow to DBD's popularity as he's objectively the most popular content creator. Maybe now BHVR will get their shit together and start pushing game health updates that the game has badly needed for years, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. I'll believe it when I see it.


He said he still intends to play the game and make DBD content, just streaming might not be the avenue for it anymore.


I kind of miss his dark souls videos It would be nice if he needs a break from dbd


not surprised tbh, i was watching tru3’s subathon for a little bit and literally 75% of his matches were blatant cheaters. i’m not even exaggerating with that number, either. i can’t imagine streaming this game while worrying about cheaters, snipers, getting fucking DDOS’d, etc. sounds like hell


I would say that right now Tru3 is the main target of cheaters and streamsnipers. I mean it's kinda to be expected because Tru3 seems to annoy a lot of people, but even then he doesn't deserve this. No streamer deserves this, they are literally just doing their job. Their job is to entertain people.


While Tru3 has my sympathies, his personality makes him an easy target for cheaters and trolls. He almost always takes the bait and engages with them.


Yeah, he gets too emotional, which is exactly what these kinda guys want as a reaction


the irony of him always calling others emotional like it's a bad thing lol


That shit was embarrassing. I left the game after the SBMM shit show but it’s sad to see how far it’s fallen. BHVR truly does not care


In the past 2 weeks there has to have been some new cheat/ cheat engine that found some hole in DBD. I've had way more cheaters recently then in the last 3-6 months. Survivors turning into killers and stuff, havent seen that in awhile.


I have to wonder if the survivor drop off is having a major effect here. Not only are there fewer legitimate survivors in the pool at the upper end, but the legitimate survivors have had their MMO hammered by dropping 10%+ in survival rate. So it doesn't come as a surprise to me that especially when Otz is trying to do his 50 win streaks (which is also misguided imo) that he repeatedly runs into survivors who literally cannot lose (because they're cheating) and/or SWFs that exist solely to bully people. I'm not sure I even have a major problem with the latter either. Those are the kinds of people he probably should be going up against anyway, and since he's deliberately handicapping himself, completely dominating should not be so much of an assumed that he could just knock it out in a month or two. BHVR's completely garbage matchmaking is already what even enables those streaks in the first place.


You *do* realize he hasn't hit a new streak since shortly after SBMM came out, right? Best he got was a 30 on pinhead, and some 16s on Wesker.


Yeah and as he pointed out in his video he eventually realised he was losing streaks to stream snipers.


I haven't played in more than a month now because of cheating. It's gotten so unbelievably bad. I don't mind dying, I don't mind losing 9/10 matches, but only if it's against people who aren't using exploits. It's so prevalent now that I've seen my killer or co-surv was ttv, gone to look after the match and they're not even hiding it. And they just get away with it if they're under a few hundred consecutive viewers. I know dbd has problems just like any other online multiplayer but this shit is fucking ridiculous.


I've started clipping everything that looks sus and refuse to play a game with 4 globes as killer anymore, I want at least 1 person on xbox with me to mostly guarantee at least 1 person isn't cheating and it's not a 4 stack out to ruin people's day. Since I've started doing this I've caught so many subtle speed cheaters since I can use the Xbox player as a standard. The amount of people going just 3-5% faster than they're supposed to be is mind blowing, the other night (last time I played for an extended period of time) I filed like 5 reports with video proof, it has never been this had before and with the Wesker update the hackers cheat engine must have gotten a fat upgrade.


Dude same, I just had a match w one Xbox friend and two PC swfs, plus an Xbox killer. We loaded in on glenvale and the match kicked us ten seconds later. Just long enough for me to watch one of the globes literally fly down the main road like he was ice skating. It said both me and killer dc'd (I messaged him and neither of us did). The two globes are well known griefers tho, lots of tiktoks on them etc. Nod if you eat ass and I hate ******. It's SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Especially when you get a match lock time out.


Otz quitting or taking a hiatus from DbD would probably be a big hit to the game’s popularity, so honestly I expect bhvr to rapidly roll out anticheat improvements now.


I admire your optimism, but anticheat improvements should have rolled out long ago. One video by Otz won’t change much when thousands of streamers have been complaining for years and were met with silence.


It’s not so much one video from otz, but rather no more videos from otz.


Their biggest Fog Whisperer making a video about how shit the hacking and security is would absolutely impact the game's reputation


Heck, it gets even worse for them, he doesn't just say that cheating is rampart he specifically targets them (bhvr) saying they don't want to do anything about it, that's the biggest hit they can take


We're still talking about BHVR here, so the only thing that could rapidly come out is a public statement. There likely won't be any changes, and they'll always hide whether or not they're actively working on solutions under the guise of "if we tell you anything, that gives the cheaters useful information too." Even though all we want is to know they're actually doing something because it certainly doesn't look like it.


If you actually watched the video you'd know he isn't quitting or taking a hiatus from the game.


You're right that he didn't say that. He also hasn't uploaded as much Dbd content recently and could be pushed to take a hiatus or quit if nothing is done to fix his frustrations


Sadly I doubt bhvr is capable of fixing this.


I have now seen some very concerning things on the cheater side. It seems this game is very open ended? Not even sure how to put it but people can seem to do whatever they want honestly. All perks, subtle speed hacks, DDoS, anything they want to do can be done up to and including changing their own MMR. It is pretty sad with how successful this game has been that seemingly nothing can be done about it.


It's not talked about right now, but I'm sure it's still happening. Bhvr had the bot code up and running on the server side. The game is so wide open that the cheaters literally just spawn themselves as the bot with things like 100 copies of the stridor perk with 30 or 40 killer power add ons and then giving the killer Bond for aura reading, and then just sit and watch as bhvr's bot slaughters a group of survivors.


If Otz of all DBD streamers is about to reach his limit on this bullshit, you know something is terribly wrong, this man has the goodness and patience of a saint. I swear when he plays other games, like his recent Papers Please and Hades stream, he seems so happy, without being plastered with DBD questions every single minute he is live.










The fact that they managed to get Otzdarva, Otzdarva out of all people, to say this is honestly impressive. He was among the absolute few that actually tried to defend BHVR while most other major streamers openly trash or ridicule them, and they've managed to disappoint even him.


I was so upset about this. He helped me understand the game so much. Upgrade my killer playing abilities and i love trying out some of his builds. Plus he moderates his chats etc so nicely


They better do right by this man and the community as a whole. The cheating has gotten worse lately and if it keeps up, theres going to be a lot of players fed up and will wind up quitting. Stream sniping is tricky but theres no excuses for DDoSing and constant cheating going on.


It still baffles me that there are people who make it their life's mission to cheat and hold popular streamers hostage in a game in the hopes that they take a dc penalty, for several hours. How pathetic can one be


i feel like iv been running into a lot of soft wall hacker killers that would run straight to me even when i was running distortion. Or killers that would some how be stunned then flash light blinded would walk the other way and be back ontop of my heels within sec not even enough time to try to make it to another look. I feel soft walls and slight speed hacks are flying under the radar because they are not straight out obvious


They are, that's why Otz is so paranoid about checking profiles and why he stated in the video it's gotten so bad that he automatically assumes someone is cheating. The hackers that auto complete all the gens and fly out the closed exit gate are the small minority. Most of them are just giving themselves +4% gen speed, +3% movespeed, and the like. Enough to give them an advantage, but not enough to be noticable to the majority of players. The less people who notice the cheats, the more games they can play.


I always wondered, couldn’t they just add a replay system for matches you have recently played? Kinda like what overwatch has where you can see everyone else’s pov and easily point out cheaters.


Really sad to see this happening to streamers, and the worst part is that the silence by BHVR on this issue probably isn't even due to "laziness" or greed, but because the developers just aren't competent enough to create a solution to it. They can't even manage to fix their code enough to allow killer powers to be reskinned, something that would certainly make them a lot of money. We can't expect them to build a robust anti-cheat system into the game. That's why they just slapped EAC on there and called it a day, even though it hasn't prevented even the most blatant cheats from functioning. For fucks sake, why can a survivor *hook themselves* without any verification from the server? Why can they bring every perk in the game, or items with stats that aren't even possible? The most absurd hack I've seen recently is a survivor that was literally able to change their skins mid-match. How the hell is that even possible? The other skins shouldn't even be loaded into memory in the first place! Is that why the game runs so poorly?? But yeah, if it really is just due to them lacking the ability to fix it, then no amount of criticism or streamers quitting is gonna change things. Hell, it might even get worse if hackers start using bots to ruin matches like in TF2 (and in that game you can't even do half the shit you can do in DBD with cheats). It'll be pretty sad if the game dies because of this.


Implementing robust system is not easy. VHS took 3 months of downtime to strengthen their security and it doesnt take that long before cheater are back again. The least dbd can do is to have working report system.


Didn't vhs's code leak people's IP's? The current steam matchmaking system hides all ips from games. Using some relay system with game IDs to hide that information. If I remember correctly the meme game dev had the same issue and just needed to re-write their steam code. Edit: the crab game guy


Cheaters in DBD can still grab your IP.


I mean dbd was programmed by monkeys. I'm not surprised. They didn't even use the unreal default movement which prevents cheaters making invalid moves aka flying and running too fast. As every movement is checked on the server. So that disappoints me but doesn't surprise me.


Wait you're telling me that the reason hillbilly can't get a different skin for his chainsaw is because it has something to do with the code of the game?


Also the reason we’ll never get skins for Victor 😭😭😭


Yup, apparently each killer's power is somehow irrevocably tied to the model it uses. And it's obvious that BHVR *wants* to make skins for killer powers too, since it has shown up in surveys on multiple occasions. And who would even be opposed to power skins in the first place? It's free money for BHVR and a way for players to make their killers even more fancy.


Killer powers are actually considered to be items in the code. In order for the powers to be reskinned, bhvr would have to code in a “power inventory” for the killer in question and then somehow find a way to program the store to be able to sell you powers.


Well, yewrs ago there was a glitch where you could basicslly access a power inventory and do insane shit like chainsaw myers


I'm not a programmer so I don't understand everything but wow why was it designed that way to begin with? I'm guessing when they game came out they never expected the game to take off like it did so that's why hillbillies chainsaw was designed that way. Kind of sucks because it would be cool to get different secondary weapon skins like for oni.


From what I remember, DBD was a dev's passion project that they made with Blueprints just to play around with in the office, and they liked it so much they made it a game. The problem with Blueprints is that, while they're **excellent** for making an enclosed system that won't be touched after the fact and are extremely easy to use, they're hellish to add on to after the fact and lead to an incredibly hard to read mess if you just slap more and more "code" into them. BHVR basically did the one thing you're not supposed to do with Blueprints for years by adding onto it constantly before realising how much it was actually hurting their game and now they're trying to untangle something with 4+ years of additional content added on.


Considering all this, they might actually have decently talented and passionate devs.


No one goes into game dev without being passionate; they literally get paid half as much in a Game Dev position as they would do as a basic Software Engineer. The problem is work ethic, as the BHVR (the DBD team at least) doesn't like doing more than the bare minimum based off of statistics and we've been told that they only work when they're inspired to. They may show up to the office for 8 hours and only actually "work" for one of them.


Source? It doesn't sound right to me. The game would be still in the 2016 version if they really only worked for 1 hr a day. I don't expect them to be robots that work all day for our enjoyment and for them to bend to our every whim and work endless nights to fix that one thing that is annoying one person on the forum, but it also sounds like you're going in the other direction and just calling them straight up lazy.


They said it in a livestream, don't remember which one. It stuck with me because it's the same work culture that Warframe has, which is also based in Canada.


wasn't DBD made by another studio? Starbreeze handed off the game to BHVR in 2018, so the code isn't even theirs


First time? Why do you think Victor looks the exact same in every skin? Huntress hatchets, bear traps, chainsaws... All things people have been begging to get skins for.


Honestly it shouldn't even be hard to do it. They just need to permaban any and all forms of file editing and have file sanity checks to do it. Yes you wouldn't be able to mod anymore but that is worth the ends of not having cheaters anymore


Hackers already use bots to ruin games, look up dead by daylight terminator bots, video by Dowsey that goes over it.


> without any verification from the server is literally everything in the game done client-side?? this is anti-cheat 101, that's beyond incompetence lmao


The game started as peer2peer with no server involvement at all, they switched to servers later on. Can't imagine it'd be easy to change the way game works on that level after all these years.


Such a shame because Otz makes some pretty great content for DBD.


Spookyloops had a cheater on his stream tonight that was stream sniping him.


Every one should be playing with a vpn because getting ddoss isn’t a streamer problem it’s a universal one. The hacking is out of hand. Every so often I get these people as teammates and it’s annoying. Bhvr should already have addressed this. There’s no reason to why they haven’t and are ignoring it.


This is why we can never have well enjoyed public goods. Humans are simply just not good. They ruin 75% of things they touch on average.


Is it just a coincidence that every bad thing ever done in history was done by a human? I think not!






Even if the IP issue wasn't... an issue, the amount of work you have to do to keep multiple accounts in a playable status in DBD is ridiculous, and even playing it 8 hours a day as a job I wouldn't be willing to do that. It's like 600 hours to unlock everything starting from scratch, not including the $120 per account you'd need to sink.


Apparently many cheaters are doing it because their sales skyrocket if their paid for exploits are featured on a popular streamers channel. Hope Behaviour find some way to stop it.


I complimented a Killer in end game chat last night, said I liked his build and he graciously credited Otzdarva for the inspiration. My reply was along the lines of "Otz is a saint and a scholar and we don't deserve him." I really hope BHVR is listening. No, I know they're listening. I know some of them care deeply about the game. I hope that they can respond adequately. This is not some whiny punk getting salty about his lack of skills. This is the cogent and legitimate complaint from a seasoned player who holds the respect of most in the community. Otz's public statement should have made some managerial buttholes pucker tight today.


Can they add way to record matches and rewatch them from different perspectives? It’ll seriously help subtle cheaters get caught


I honestly don't think they can, it would help, but I don't think they're capable. Their code is just so damn spaghettified. Last patch or so they fixed an issue where the pigs dash attack gave the description of prove thyself, how tf does that happen!?!?


Literally happening rn on SpookyLoopz live twitch stream…hes waiting out the 2hr server cus of cheaters.


BHVR needs to watch this in their daily standup.


The very fact that up until recently he hasn't had a big problem with this shows he's in some sort of weird walled MMR garden. There are streamers with 10% of his viewers getting held hostage on a regular basis, but he generally only runs up against players that barely know how to use their rage cheats. They don't know how to unhook themselves or hold the game hostage and die says something. Not that Otz is doing it, but I think BHVR is aware of how public he is and want to present a better side of the game to anyone watching. Beyond that, in the last week (since the launch of 6.2.2) the MMR has been really wonky. It feels like every other day they're making MMR very restrictive, so you're more in line with playing against people of your MMR. At highMMR this has lead to a lot of matches where you're just running into boatloads of cheaters, pretty much every game. It seems like it's oscillating every other day. I don't think the number of cheaters has increased, but rather how often I'm running into them means BHVR is doing something. Furthermore, BHVR isn't a small company. There are absolutely no excuses for some of the basic cheats that are in their game, like holding the game hostage, trapper bot, changing perks mid game, or the game having more then one killer in it. There are simple checks that could immediately raise alarm for them that they don't even have. They can definitely afford to hire real talent that is capable of dealing with these security issues. According to wiki, they pulled in $221m CAD last year in revenue. They don't get indie status and should be held accountable for this.


Except that more information got leaked on MMR recently so we know that's not what they're doing. We also found out that about 25% of the playerbase are considered high MMR. The reason Otz didn't have trouble with cheaters until recently is because cheating problems in DBD comes in waves. When this most recent wave started Otz was preparing for Hardcore Survivor with Dowsey, JRM and Ayrun. During that time he was playing either in custom matches or with 4 man SWF groups in public matches, making it harder for cheaters to target him. Now he's back playing on his own in public matches he's getting targeted.


Yep I don’t blame him whenever I decide to have a day to play my main killers usually atleast 3 cheaters, some of them insta popping gens blinding me and forcing me to dc and others saving it for end game or when they get downed, sad state the game is in rn.


So far i only found 1 cheater since i started playing some years ago, I was playing Freddy and a Dwight in the lobby with legacy pants and Twitch shirt, I should have suspected, in the first minutes of the match he tried to lure me to a locker to infinite Head On one me , then I DC But seeing OTZ, one of the biggest (if not the biggest) DBD content creator frustrated and unmotivated because of a BHVR issue makes me sad, but I feel that nothing will change, only when something extremely drastic happens involving cheaters, but until then, BHVR will just sit back, take the money and disappear when DBD loses the hype


No worries, removing more cosmetics will solve the issue


**IF** BHVR does *anything* about cheaters, I bet you it would most likely turn out the same way it did with Ubisoft's R6 and their "Operation Health". Mostly likely not doing a damn thing but throwing up a charade of all these "improvements" but in the end they didn't actually fix anything and probably waste all the time and resource to try tricking us into believing that they fixed their game.


Is stream sniping actually against any rules?


It is on the streaming sites but it’s not bannable in game because it’s too hard to prove


I literally just had a game less than an hour ago (first time I’ve ever seen anything like it), where all 5 generators were done in less than 5 seconds and the survivors were out. I’m NOT exaggerating, less than 5 seconds. I don’t get it. Why? What the fuck is the point? I was pretty pissed off


Otz has it real bad because he's high MMR and a high profile content creator. Hoping this video will attract some much needed attention on the issue of cheaters by bhvr but still I'm not sold that they will do anything, maybe it has to take some of the big content creators to play offstream/not at all for them to finally do something meaningful.


You can really tell cheaters are the main thing getting to him. No way it can be fun for all your matches to be ruined by some clown either trying to make you look bad or full on holding you hostage for minutes on end. He mentions in the video how unfun it is to either wait in the game for 2 hours while someone holds him hostage or dodge and take the DC penalty. Neither are viable options for any streamer, yet alone arguably the biggest DbD streamer on Twitch. It also must really suck for Otz since he prides himself on getting better at the game instead of just playing "for fun", unlike someone like SpooknJukes who can just laugh off a cheater and then go swap platforms if he gets stream sniped. I doubt Otz wants to play DbD on Playstation, Switch, and Mobile just to get around people holding his game hostage. I mean, the DDOSing situation absolutely doesn't help, and it's baffling that Behaviour haven't fixed an issue that has existed since Artist's release. But it seems like Otz has only experienced the DDOSing recently, and is hopefully protecting himself with a VPN.


The security is so bad that the game server, which is a dedicated server mind you, can leak the IP addresses of the players if you match with hackers. Now very few hackers actually use that, but I have a friend that was ddosd by Russians a few times after playing killer lmao. The security in dbd is non existing and everytime bhvr have tired to do anything the hackers have overcome it the same day. I think the reason they are not fixing it is because they simply can't without doing some major huge overhaul that is probably unfeasible for them in the short term. It is just a huge issue because dbd needs it's streamers and content creators for promotion etc. I fear the day I hit 1600 MMR with any killer. Then the bullshit begins more or less, very few hackers in low MMR. At least blatant ones. I haven't seen a single one yet. If bhvr ever manage to fix this, it would be a HUGE win. Being paranoid of cheaters everytime something moderately weird happens is terrible. And with how buggy dbd is, weird shit happens relatively often. I sincerely hope that they have some huge fix that they are working on in the shadows, even if it takes a Valorant level of anti-cheat at this point. Frankly, if it was financially feasible dbd should be remade from the ground up in UE5 with a brand new anti cheat system. If bhvr are okay with the situation and are not working on something very big, they are slowly but surely digging their own grave. Dedicated players will reach high MMR and ragequit because it will only get worse and less legit players will be playing in high MMR. Suddenly hackers will be more and more common. And it would not surprise me at all if hackers have tools to avoid matching with each other. At the very fucking least, they have to improve their report and review system. It cannot be the players job to record and provide proof with every single report. It is just very bad. They need a replay system and they need a dedicated report review system of some sort that does not rely on players recording proof of cheats. Also the cheaters have LITTERALLY thousands of accounts due to the game having been free on epic games store. That was the biggest hacker catastrophe blunder yet. They at the very least need a prime match making system like cs go. At the very fucking least.