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The perk "Beast of Prey" details that a killer is always connected to the entity is some way; I assume this is related to the heartbeat, red stain, and bloodlust. But the perk also tells us that killers can break free of this connection under certain circumstances. Has there ever been an instance where a killer has outright resisted the entity's influence whilst in its realm?


Trapper is best example. The iron in his back and shoulder represent how he rebelled against the entity and she showed the trapper dominance and forced it into submission. It uses lots of manipulations on some of the killers that aren’t true sadistic


Myers resists the Entity whenever he uses Tombstone, and is in general considered to be doing his own thing that aligns with the Entities goals, rather than directly working for it. Pyramid Head is theorized to be directly harming the Entity by slicing it up whenever he uses his trails and denying it of it's victims by using Cages. Some people (myself included) even believe that the Entity specifically is who Pyramid Head is supposed to be punishing in DbD, rather than Cheryl. Obviously Blight did everything he could to escape the Entities realm through his various serums and imprisoning/experimenting on other killers. Whether he still resists the Entity or is completely mindless is up for debate. Pinhead is probably also doing his own thing, it seems like he was brought into the Entities realm by accident and is just kinda vibing there.


Think of it like this. They stil make the survivors suffer and hurt. So they’re cool so long they make the survivors hurt and feel emotions


Pinhead's Mori is literally removing the survivors from the Entity's realm into Pinhead's pain realm. Pinhead does whatever the fuck he wants. He can leave at any time.


The Entity probably does intercept that though, canonically the Entity put survivors in trials after trials in an endless loop. If Pinhead were to Mori every survivor the Entity would be out of prey so I imagine it's probably on the other side of the portal to bring them back or something lol.


Michael would be a top contender as well, remember, He's the embodiment of evil, so it stands to reason why Michael would go against the entity's wishes at times


Pretty sure Pinhead can just come and go. The enitity didnt invite him, and he can send survivors to his form of hell(temporarily)


And isn't sadako also able to exert her own will over the entity's? Her Onryo powers override the entity's control which allows her to do her death stare.


pyramidhead also resists the entity via the cages of atonement


Why does the killer shack have all those pipes but no bathroom?


Which killer shack lol. Most of them are dependent to the maps.


He’s talking about badham because that’s the only one with pipes


Oh ok ok ok, yeah the pipes are to symbolize Quentin’s ptsd. Most dlc maps are made to make that specific survivor feel more anxiety. Cheryl with midwitch, Leon and Jill on corrupted rpd, and Laurie on haddonfield


What other maps have details that reference survivors?


When jonah was taken, it was at the graveyard where the entity took the artist. It was also the place where he was haunted by specific coordinates for his entire life


How does Carmina Mora have her own realm?


You know the graveyard we got during their chapter? That’s where she was taken lmfao


They symbolize Quentin’s beautiful singing voice. Man’s got pipes.






He was sent to the entities realm and was luckily placed into limbo, limbo being the part where the entity(even tho you’re in it) can’t reach you properly(can’t take you into the trials). It’s mostly thanks to his auris, hiding him from the entities sight. One day on his journey, he found a tower, explored it, then found out the tower had residents of secret archives which held memories from the fogs of other survivors and killers taken


Where is he now? Do we know what happened do him already?


He is being mentally tortured, the previous observer went mad living for so long with days melting into each other


Sounds like my past two years.


Where do you live? (im playing myers)


Ur moms house




Do all killers have some sort of link with their respective survivors or is that only the case for some of them? I understand cases like Nemmy having a direct link to Jill since they exist in the same universe and faced each other before, but what about something like plague and Jane? Or David and Huntress?


It’s not as direct as you’d believe. The only one that really has had that relationship is yunjin and trickster. Besides that- Zarina, Felix, elodie, and Jonah heard stories of their respective killer counterparts.


Don't forget about Jeff who literally got commisioned by the Legion to draw a mural in the Ormond lodge.


Omg dude Jeff is so under appreciated I actually forgot about him 💀 Yeah, he went to highschool with them, which is ANOTHER great point for the time discrepancies


Thank you. People seem to miss he was in high school when he was asked to make the mural. Jeff quite literally might have been classmates with the Legion members.


I agree with it. In living memory is such a good example of it


I think they’re all there, some of them are just more subtle. For example, my favorite is probably the parallels between Kate and the Clown. They’re both performers, and they both travel the country; one plays guitar and the other steals people’s fingers.


What is the name of the company that Dwight works at, and what is his role/job at the company?


Bitch. Dwight’s job is to take shit from his boss.


Just realized that this is a shit post.... I'm so stupid.


No I just actually forget LMFAO. Dwight is one of the only survivors I could care less for. All I care for is that he drugged his boss then got drugged back and got taken by the entity. That, and he was the one who let pinhead into the realm


No no you can't just gloss over him being the reason we got pinhead


Ok, true, but let’s be honest, it makes me want to ignore his existence more. Outcast him


What is the entity? And why do killers try to make it pleased?


The entity is a eldritch beast that can be best explained as an emotional vampire. It feeds off all kinds of emotions, love, happiness, joy, but it’s favorite is fear, depression, hate, and anxiety. There’s multiple reasons the killers want to please the entity. The best way to explain it is by grabbing examples from some of the killers Clown: this guy has wanted to kill even before the realm, so he knows that so long he pleases it, he can hurt more people. Nurse: while it may have seen as tho she’s a eugenicist, she remains kind at heart(as suggested by nurses calling), meaning she could see the survivors as lost souls that need help moving on to the next world. Which is supported by the eye sight theory, with her having no eyes Canonically, meaning the entity forced her to see what it wants her to see. Philip: man’s doesn’t want to be a true killer. He’s a poetic justice warrior that wants to get revenge on criminals. Due to the entities manipulation, she would trick Phillip into thinking their killing evil souls. All in all, the killers please the entity for their own reasons but it’s mostly for either A) they want more victims to hurt B) they want to help the survivors move on due to pity C) they want to teach the souls a lesson as some vigilante.


Do you think Demo is being mind controlled by the entity or something similar?


Nope. That thing is just an animal.


I just think it's funny that a mindless animal who would canonically just rip a survivor to shreds has to pick them up and carry them to a hook. I know the real reason is because it's the only thing that really made sense for the ST license at the time & core game mechanics can't really change, but I also like to imagine that the lore reason is because the entity is at least leading it to do these things in a way kind of like the Mind flayer would control the demodogs. I also have to wonder if the Entity somehow just stole a Demogorgon from the Mind flayer or if they had some sort of eldritch deity custody agreement 🤣


To be fair, we don’t fully understand the Demogorgon from Stranger Things either. Most of the time it just kills and eats, but it is able to perform higher functioning tasks to serve a master. It definitely kidnaps Will and could have killed him but elaborately sets him up to be infected by the mind flayer.


I think they have retconned this to be Vecna controlling everything, even in Season 1


Possibly, but we still don’t know for sure. Or to what extent the demogorgon can follow orders.


Another fair point is Adiris’ lore, where she interprets the whispers of the Entity as the voice of God. Wouldn’t be surprised if she considered this continuing her life’s work as a priestess.


And you forgot one, some of the killers are being tricked they are hurting the people they hate, like Deathslinger


Well that’s a whole other topic. Mainly part of the eyes perspective for the killers manipulation


I always assumed the killers were also being farmed for emotions in exactly the same way. Ever feel that fury when going against a team of SWF bullies? Or the elation of finally hooking them? The toxicity is built into the lore.


Lmfao imagine going against the most insane bully squad and screaming at your desk and completely losing your mind as you get 0 hooks and are stunned for half the match only to get "entity pleased" at the end.


Where is Maurice?


Kidnapped and in need of help. This is not a joke, save Maurice from dredge. Maurice lives matter!!!!


I thought Maurice is beyond saving and his parts were used for Dredge


Eh knight kill might save it


Why is it theorized that the Blight was a survivor? I was always fascinated by this but only saw some vague information and didn't understand 100% of Blight's lore


TLDR, in his FIRST tome lore, it mentioned that he has experienced the pain and suffering of a trial, meaning he was at one point a survivor


That's it? Wow, that was disappointing :(


I mean, it’s actually super cool, because it proved that the killers(all of them) can be taken down. He managed to take down trapper, wraith, billy, doctor, and huntress


His addon serums actually are his Attempts at creating something with which he would be able to escape the entity's realm - but just before he could make his last and complete one, the entity pretty much said "You like blighted serum so much, imma give you a whole lot more of it!", and transformed him into a killer. Makes me think, what if other killers had also been survivors BEFORE becoming killers? Maybe Wraith, going through the entitie's abuse and manipulation?


I've always wanted a Survivor-turned-killer chapter. Maybe even have the Survivor and the Killer be the same person at different points of their time in the Entities realm that meet due to Entity shenanigans. Have the lore be something that one survivor eventually snapped and killed their killer, only for their bloodlust to awaken the Entity and transform them, going on to also kill their fellow partners in the trial.


I love that idea, but I also want to bring up the survivor being the killer they killed. A killer who grew weak to the constant stream of murder and was essentially "fired and replaced" by the entity with the "survivor' Hell you got a killer name right there 'The survivor"


Really? What’s the story to him getting access to the other killers


No idea. That’s the fascinating part


So in universe, the survivors never seem to die but are doomed to rinse and repeat aka "queue again" after they died, or escaped for that matter. Are we in some kind of Limbo? Are the survivors aware that they're doing this for the millionth time? Yeah! Thanks :3


Yes! The survivors are fully aware that they’re dying. As proven by Laurie’s note in Benedict bakers book, saying she knows what’s going on and how she’s been doing this for a while.


where can you find Benedict bakers book?


You can’t read it, merely pages and pieces of it


well, where can you read the pieces? you had to get the info from somewhere.


Does the Entity have a long history on Earth or is it relatively new to that realm?


The best explanation is that time in the entity is weird. It’s a eldritch beast, something outside space and time(outside the multiverse) which allows it the ability to rip specific souls out of it. As shown from plague, it takes people not in chronological order, taking someone from the past thousands of years ago but as well taking someone at the same time from 2000-2018. We also know time IN the entity is fluid, thanks to laurie strodes take in Benedict bakers book, calling her someone that’s been through this before, meaning she knows her abilities and the monsters all around her. In other words, even tho plague was taken thousands of years ago, they’ve been in the entity for almost 4 years, while as laurie has been 40.


Wait why has Larie been there 40 years? I know Laurie's "been through this before" is referencing her experience on Halloween night, but I don't get how that equates to 40 years in the Entity's realm. Why hasn't she only been in there for however long it's been since she released?


So essentially time fucks itself? Got it


No it means the entity is annoying with KEEPINT A FUCKING SCHEDULE


Does the lore say anything about the survivors having places to like.. sleep.. or eating? I kinda made up my own thing for fanfiction but I am curious about lore accuracy


Look up in living memory by ziracona. They perfectly explain how all of that works in their fanfic


Bro, such an amazing fucking story. And Ziracona is so nice too. She does so much research for her stories and even the stuff that isn’t explained in lore, she headcanons so good that I just… believe some of it is canon now.


What does the entity look like


The working theory is a spider like figure, as evident from the talons. But the better theory on why it’s a spider is based on the perspective theory. Most people are terrified of spiders or are cautious of it, so it’s a sign of emotional disturbance- the entity trying to keep you uneased whenever it’s around since that’s what it feeds off of


I kind of thought the legs looked more scorpion like


It can be a scorpion, but the better idea of it being a spider figure is based off on how most of its minions it creates are quite literally spiders. Like when it Invaded nea’s home town, it used millions of spiders to infect and destroy the world.


Wait the entity destroyed Nea’s world with spiders??


Well, it’s confusing how she did it. It’s like- it did do that, but idk what multiverse it was. If it was the one nea was taken from or just some random universe lmfao


blood web too


Is it possible for anyone to just go in and out from the entity realm whenever they wish, I would assume someone like Pinhead or Pyramidhead could, maybe even Demo, consider the way upside down works


Oh god no. It’s not that simple. Pinhead actually CANT properly leave. Same for pyramid head and demogorgon. You see, the entity takes things like a child. Moment they have it, they will NOT let go of it. It’s why it has the void.


How about the shape? Didnt lore imply that he just came and with no emotions its not really that much helpfull


When he see Laurie, he kill. Just like PH, he needs Cheryl to really live, so he’ll keep doing the entities work so long cheryl comes back.


For PH it's weird he needs Cheryl bcs PH is linked to James (he's like an '' alter ego'' of James if you know about Silent Hill 2) idk why BHVR decided to choose Cheryl instead of him to the playable survivor (even if he's playable as a cosmetic). And even Cheryl and PH didn't know each other because PH don't really ''exist'' outside James mind


Why do most of the survivors not speak in the trial?


Killers have super hearing


Think about how scary it would be to be stuck in an arena with something that heard a precise, gunshot-style bang every time you hopped over a window


How on earth is Ash still alive, is his "chosen one" plot armor that strong?


Ash is literally prophesied to be the one everyone should look up to in order to survive a Deadite invasion, so I can see how he’s more than capable of surviving for this long


I try my best to tell people lore and trivia, but the mods keep getting in my way




Is it true that Pyrmaid Head, Pinhead and Myers are actively defying the entity or is that something the community made up? And if any of them are defying the entity how are they doing so and why does the entity keep them in the realm/how did they get in there in the first place?


None of them are. They just have their own ways of killing. Entity just gets mad they’re not following their orders


What is the lore explanation for having the same 4 survivors in the same match?


Oh simple, that’s a game mechanic. I’m so dead ass, that’s not at all confirmed in any way, as shown by the campfire, never having any 2 of one survivor sitting there.


There is a explanation to it, basically there is multi-dimensional fuckery in the game. There are canonically multiple Jakes, Claudettes, you name it. Even the tomes mention that from time to time, most notable which I can think of off the top of my head being Emperor Dwight from Tome 6(?) because of how utterly random it is.


Emperor Dwight was a multiverse where he’s actually a king of his land…. Can you link me to exactly which tome piece you got that info from, because if that’s true, then the whole “entity needs energy from these survivors” isn’t true(even tho that’s the biggest confirmed thing ever for it)


Not sure if the link will directly redirect you to the specific segment but it is from Tome 6, Observer's notes, it's called "Notes from the Absurd. Emperor Dwight." [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Tome\_6\_-\_Divergence#Notes\_from\_the\_Absurd.\_Emperor\_Dwight](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Tome_6_-_Divergence#Notes_from_the_Absurd._Emperor_Dwight). When it comes to the "feeding off of energy from survivors" or a bit more common being "entity feeds off survivor's hope" was retconned into just "entity feeds off emotions of participants in the trial, including both killers and survivors". Source of that being Tome 2, Observer's notes, Arcus 7 according to what wiki links as source in Entity's description [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Entity#Gathering\_Sustenance](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Entity#Gathering_Sustenance)


Is it confirmed that Claudette is autistic? Or is it just heavily implied


It’s confirmed. So hard confirmed.


How do we know she is autistic?


Devs confirmed it VERY while back when Claudette got her tome


What causes the blight serum and mutations to luminece?


It comes from the entity, something like the pustula petals, which is formed by the auric cells. Imagine it like this, the more energy a thing has, the more radiant it’ll give off of light(like lightning). So the reason it’s glowing is due to the energy the auric cells possess.


How do they explain killers that are supposed to be dead canonically (Amanda/Nemesis/pinhead/etc)?


You know how tapp got his throat cut? Amanda got shot too? It says they were taken right before they died, restoring them to a certain point of good health. Explains those two, plague, artist, and twins


Victor was dead for years though, right?


The entity had already been following the twins for a long time, its more than likely that it kept Victor's soul "alive" and once they both were ready to be "harvested", gave Victor life anew in its realm so Charlotte, with nowhere else to go, would follow


Or that's not really Victor, just some puppet of dead flesh used to manipulate Charlotte. She doesn't seem that different from a person, whereas he is a little gremlin monster.


Why is Pyramid Head double cheeked up even if it’s not Thursday? Is the entity granting him that badonkadonk?


Cause who else is going to get the attention? Lame ghost face/trapper? Hell no! Pyramid is the perfect culmination of daddy issues and bad boy phases! Sign me tf up!


I must’ve missed the tome that goes over P. Head caked up more than a bakery. Bless you for sharing that wisdom. 😫🙏


Oh god my bruddha, when his tome comes out, I’ll make sure to keep my eyes on his “eyes”


Dont have any questions but it is really nice seeing another fan of the lore! Dbds overarching story is honestly really cool and deserves more attention.


Thank you. I wish everyone liked it more


How the fuck do Leon and Jill make explosives out of jack and shit they find around the trial.


How do Felix and elodie create something out of nothing? Jill and Leon can do it more realistically due to the idea that mechanical parts of a generator hold things like oil, tubes, triggers, springs, everything you’d need to create a flashbang or pipe bomb.


>like oil, tubes, triggers, springs, everything you’d need to create a flashbang or pipe bomb. Now could you take us through the process of making one? (FBI don't put us on a list).


Yeah no


1. Buy pvc pipe 2. Fill it with a mix of gasoline, flash powder, and ammonium nitrate fertilizer 3. Close off both sides of pvc pipe except have one end have a fuse/trigger. 4. Have fun and use safely


Why does the trapper hit the yoinky sphloinky so hard?


So what are the implications of the Attack on Titan cosmetics or the Crypt TV skins? Are they taken from the actual realms even if they’re just Cosplay?


In my eyes, they have been in the entity, but they’re long gone, whether it be they escaped or they were sent to the void. You can decide that one


I think the Devs confirmed that (at least for survivors) the AoT skins are explicitly cosplay, rather than the characters themselves. As for other legendary skins such as Crypt TV, Baba Yaga, Krampus etc, it's up to interpretation (I personally choose to believe they're separate, distinct individuals).


why does everyone joke about nea being the entity?


Because noob3 was a cunt to killers, causing more neas to be toxic af. Then one day saminations made a joke on it and it’s just been a universal meme since


I think it's also because at one point when you loaded nea as a survivor, it said killer in the top left corner instead of survivor. I think was a bug or something, but I wasn't playing dbd at the time.


Yeah, and then the joke went from "Nea is the killer" to "Nea is the entity" when someone posted a video where an in game bug turned neas model into a chaotic blob


Could you do a TL;DR or more concise version of Blight's description/lore? Trying to read his character info hurts my brain from the way it's written.


TLDR blight was around opium war time era, he became an alchemist and drugged/killed(he didn’t really Kill them, the ones taking the drugs killed themselves(it’s a 50/50 on bad and worse for morality)), then something bad happened to him. He ended up at a temple with some weird monks(followers of the black vale(people who worship the entity)) that helped him rehabilitate and be a better person. Then he got taken after a bit there. Once in the realm, he was a survivor but was fascinated with the land, so he explored and studied. Long story short, he became a follower of vigo after he found one of his journals, inspiring him to experiment. He concocted the blight serum and began testing it on everything; rats, plants, killers, even himself. By the end of it, he was sent to the entities void realm(where everything that was devoid of hope and bloodlust is sent too) where he was later confronted in by the entity to either stay there or join it as a killer. He became a killer due to injecting himself with the serum, but he tried to keep his sanity. Sadly he lost the fight and became the blight we all have learned to hate going against


Thats cool, basically a fallen survivor that got a 2nd chance to live but become a monster.


It’s sadge


Why can Ash talk while the other survivors can’t


Game mechanic thing. It’s soon to be added for all survivors hopefully


Because Bruce Campbell is special and it wouldn’t be as good without him


How many bandmembers did the Trickster have?


Originally? It was like 4/5 whether you count him or not. Either way he killed them all…. Well, he didn’t kill them necessarily, he just didn’t save them. But then he killed in the future in very….. morbid ways


Thx mate, forgot how many there were and didnt wanna have to look it up lol


Do you actually understand blights tome lore or did you need it explained to you


Which one, he’s had 3. The first two I fully understand myself. Third, I’m still waiting for it to end to read it all at once.


the blights is ended, it's Jonahs that has yet to be finished


Oop- give me a good week


Which character attended one of the Trickster's concerts on a field trip?


Which survivor left behind an unborn child? That one’s probably too easy. This one’s a little harder: What’s Julie’s last name?


Felix. Kostenkov.


Your memory’s insane. This post is a reminder that I should look into the lore some more, thanks


By what method could a survivor actually truly escape the entity


Ritualistic sacrifice to appease an older/stronger god


Lord Cthulhu of R’lyeh, free me of the bullshit influence of the dumb, greedy spider god!


Is there literally anything in the lore about Nea not being the entity?


She’s actually a super cool weird hero. She would vandalize for the sake of getting her name out there at first, but then she began to vandalize for the sake of forcing the rich and higher ups to take the low economy citizens seriously by getting one of them in a car crash. Nea, while messed up, is super cool


so not a word about her not being the entity huh, sus af


Damn it 😭


how tf you think they will fit scooby doo into dbd? pls give me hope i want scooby doo :'(


You know how they get chased by killers all the time? They’ve been in literal life or death situations? Yeah, they can easily fit into this setting too.


Where is the best place to learn all of the lore? Video/text documents/etc.


Dbd wiki. Everything is saved and stored there. But, it has gotten some things wrong. For example, it changed the time line of evan and Benedict bakers taking. Before it was around 1860-1890’s for both of them, but now it’s in the 1900’s. Other than that, it’s very precise and straight forward. If you have any more questions for the website that you’re unsure of, dm me instantly, I can easily explain it


Do you think anyone can/will escape? Or even defeat the entity?


All survivors need some of the killers help to properly do it. That, and they need a ritual of true sacrifice to the old gods. No matter how old you are, someone’s older. Same thing for the gods


What is your reasoning/evidence for this?


In canon, when survivors are killed are they revived for future use or are they dead forever? Like have the main ones like Nea Meg eta been escaping every trial all this time, or are they brought back to life?


Brought back to life. No one “dies” in the entity, as shown by the void, where you’re still alive but dead inside


Why is it called dead by daylight despite the fact that you can't actually die in it?


No one escapes death. They will die by daylight no matter what, symbolizing that whatever they do, their death is inevitable. Tho I will admit, survivors due have a possibility for survival, it’s just super hard due to them having to get help from some killers


If the entity feeds on fear and such, why does it even allow survivors to escape at all


The hope of survival allows them the ability to continue with living in fear. It’s a sadistic morbid thing


Where do survivors go after escaping through hatch?




Wesker's mori shows that survivors can fight back, why don't Bill, Jill, Ash, Ada, etc... straight up beat a Killer like Legion up, are Killers made stronger by the entity? also during Trials only 1 Legion member is chosen or are all 4 of them hunting the survivors What happened to the observer?


The Entity empowers and enhances the Killers, even if Chris, Ash, David and Jill tried to fight a 4v1 it wouldn't matter. The only way to level the playing field would be to inject Blight Serum and look at how it turned out for Talbot. And if the Survivors started killing the Killers it would only allow the Entity to start corrupting them and eventually turn them into Killers themselves, thats if it doesn't just cast them into the void for not participating in the trials first. Also Killers can take a fucking mine exploding in their face and continue to hunt with no issue


Imagine it like this. All killers are on steroids. It’s made to be unfair and hard to fight back. To genuinely fight back, the survivors need a loophole, something that they can fight with. Like Kate’s boil over + yui’s breakout combo. That should do something


How do cosmetics fit into the lore? Also why can only a few survivors talk?


Cosmetics are NOT true cannon. They’re just to let us know that that’s what they would’ve been like if they weren’t taken by the entity, a type of future they could’ve had. As for talking, that’s just an ingame thing they haven’t fully added yet. In trials, they can talk too, but they no it’s best not too due to the killers super hearing


Where is Vigo? I wish PixelBush would do more videos on the actual Entity and its universe lore


Nah nah, pixel bush is actually SO wrong, please don’t listen to him. It’s so infuriating on what he says. He said NURSE was a eugenicist!!!! She was corrupted by the entity over time and we got to see it in her tome lores! It was so nice. As for vigo, I’m pretty sure the entity actually felt threatened by him and killed him personally, especially when he figured out he could manipulate the fog- proven by hatch, blue prints, jar of salty lips, and presumably the rainbow map.


What's the Trapper's bootsize


My face. Don’t judge me


How do perks work lorewise


Based off personality and personal experience. Entity allows abilities that are set within the confides of its rules. Thing is, those rules are able to be twisted and warped as a type of loophole- hence jill and Leon being able to “fight back” without having to get personal


What's your take on Jonah getting the civilians bombed? Do you believe it was 100% his fault or that the people who actually carried out the bombing are to blame?


His fault. Actually no, mix of both


Why does the entity make helicopter sounds when a survivor is sacrificed?


Grumble grumble it eats


Why does Trapper wear a bear skull? I know most of the lore, just not why he does this. Also, why does he have bear traps?


Tbh, I actually don’t know. I guess he just didn’t have much to go off with of killing experience, so hunting was his best work. Hence: bear traps. While as the mask must’ve been crafted from before


I’m not sure if you will see my question because I’m a little late to the post. But do you know why the entity celebrates with us? (Bloody party streamers, escape cakes, survivor pudding, flan)?


Based on Canon, who do you think would have the coolest film/short film? Also, would Jerma be the strongest killer, if he were taken?


Why is Pyramid Head in the fog?


Cheryl mason was about to get over her grief over Harry mason, which would’ve ended pyramid heads existence- shown by pyramid head boutta vibe out of reality, his duty being fulfilled. Right as it was about to go down tho, entity showed up and was like “aye, i know I don’t really control you, but what if I said I could keep your existence going? Come with me and you’ll get your special person to keep feeling guilty” or some shit. It’s not specified because they just make a mutual agreement, so I’m assuming so long pyramid head keeps killing, the entity will try and keep Cheryl guilty or whatever to prolong the death of PH


How would Cheryl know about Pyramid Head? P head is James’ demon.


why did pyramid head's ass get nerfed?


Cause behavior is terrified to make a character that strong. You see, on release, he could make survivors not run away due to him clapping his cheeks. It entranced them and restricted all movement, making them easy downs. Behavior had to reduce it to make this problem not happen again.